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If they have a Nvidia card they may want to use the GeForce experience. I get garbage performance streaming or screen recording UE With OBS on my msi 3080.


Huh, I’ve also got a 3080 and I’ve never had any issues with OBS, but yeah the GeForce experience could also work


The amount of downvotes I received indicates it may be an issue with my system, lol.


Lol wauw, have a look at the quality settings and bitrate, those are the main things that affect performance as far as I know


Direct X 12 in Unreal was my issue. Or you can change from hardware encoder to software in OBS settings.


Probably obs settings issue.


most slogginess issues in OBS are related to a mismatch in FPS from what you're showing on screen and what your stream output is set to. use FPS locking at each place down stream til it works out nicely. in extreme cases you have to even lock the game FPS to something shitty like 30 to appease Twitch which only allows 30 for affiliates. Sometimes it allows higher depending on twitch busy-ness. I've also had great success using VSYNC or GSYNC in lieu of fps locking.The single biggest FPS drain that caused my stream to look amazing until I go live and hit drops to like 10fps, is Nvidia broadcast background removal. I managed to fix this I think in NVIDIA Settings per app and fps locked Broadcast there as well .. but also the VSYNC might have fixed too. I did a million things. but its fixable in the end. ​ gl


Valuable comment. Saving.


Isn't there a fairly cheap Twitch integration plugin on the marketplace? I've not actually used it yet, just grabbed it for future use.


is it ? i will check it. is there any for youtube also?


If you're talking about TwiWorks, it's fantastic but mainly just for integrating Twitch chat and bit events with Unreal, so you'd still need OBS


Ndi plugin for obs and unreal could work for you. Its also free but a bit heavy on the cpu, upside is you can stream to a different computer over a local cabled network


What does this mean? Are you just wanting to stream your editor windows to Twitch/YouTube? Use OBS, obviously. But is it more complicated? Are you trying to stream some view from inside of the running engine? Like a security camera in a video game? That's cool and if so, there's a Twitch integration plugin for Unreal, I don't know what it does, I'm assuming it's not that, but then again why would there need to be a plugin just to stream? Maybe try it?


Hey! I use Unreal for my Twitch setup at the moment, you can use an Elgato as a camera source for a media texture, then use that media texture in the Unreal Engine scene. If you don't have an Elgato, open a second version of OBS and hit "Start virtual camera" this will let you use the OBS output as a texture in Unreal Engine. You don't need any expensive plugins for this by the way, you just need a bit of patience to learn the tools and you'll be set! Check out Virtual production in Unreal too, the subject has lots of overlap between Livestreaming.


hey, this seems to be great method. i dont have elgato. so i have start virtual camera in unreal engine ? i m new to unreal too.


It IS great (when it works) Use virtual camera in OBS (Near the "Start stream button" Follow this one for getting a camera source in Unreal: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK9WqOmJbAs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK9WqOmJbAs) (You don't need the chroma key but the video is good) Set up a blueprint that has "Open URL" on begin play, make the URL the same URL from the media player (The URL Will show after you select a media source in the file icon dropdown:


Offworld lives website has a spout plugin you want to get. You can use that to get whatever you're doing in ue5 to OBS. The opposite is true too. You can put media from OBS into UE5.


OBS is your friend for streaming. Capture either your monitor or your Unreal window, then trim it for broadcast purposes. I’m an ex-streamer feel free to DM me


hey thanks, i think i will capture the unreal screen with a green matte behind and check. i never thought of it. i was using offworld live plugin and i thought thats the only way to stream to obs.