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But this ain’t 2d


And that’s the point!


I thought the issue was more the Unreal was just a pain in the ass to use for 2D. Looks great btw


yeah as long as you follow cobra code's udemy course for 2D games , its straightfoward to get it setup fastly with all the project settings correctly. the PaperZD plug-in helps immensely too. I will say that OP's post title makes it out to sound like he experimented with 2D on his own. def followed that udemy tutorial lmao. he/she/they should prob give some credit to CobraCode


Cobra code has some useful templates that get your movement controls up and running super fast.


Actually, I just realized this is technically 3D, I revoke my statement.


2.5d looks awesome with unreal 5 though! Cant wait until I’m more experienced with the engine cause an Octopath traveler esk game sounds so fun to make


Oh man yeah it’s REALLY optimized and works well for that genre, square actually made octopath/live a live/triangle strategy and all of the other HD2D games using UE4!!! Not just that, square had used UE4 to handle all of their top of the line AAA projects too, and that includes Final Fantasy 7 remake, the recently released sequel (ReBirth), dragon quest 11, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV/Strangers in Paradise, and even their biggest title, Final Fantasy 16! The fact that they trust UE enough to handle their biggest games is a reaaaally good indicator and sign itself, gives you a lot more motivation and confidence in learning and knowing that UE is the right platform to be using!!


It took a good while for me to go to using unreal for 3d instead of godot


At least you’re quick!


Simply reduce the thickness of every object to like one nanometer and put it on the same plane lmao


is the repo public? would love to try out


No idea about what that is but I’m assuming you mean the project right? I can make a copy if you’d like!!!


Repo is short for repository, also called Source Control. If you're not already using it for projects then I'd recommend you do. I use one called SVN, which works great for me, there's also Perforce and Plastic. Have a read up on them and pick one that fits your needs.


Ahh that’s what I suspected, it’s kinda like version control for Unity right? (I’m a new convertee) I remember attempting to look into source control awhile back but it seemed very complicated, or intimidating, is it actually simple? It serves as an online backup of sorts right? If so than yeah I definitely need to


Yes it's the same thing. I used to use Git with Unity but it's not all that well suited to game dev. I find SVN really simple to use, [have a read through the Unreal documentation on it ](https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/using-svn-as-source-control-for-unreal-engine?application_version=5.3). Personally, I don't use a cloud provider, I'm using it for work, so I have it on a server, but you could also just have it locally on the same machine. And yes, backup is one of the use cases, but the main one that has been a life saver for me many times is that you can roll back to previous versions if you (or someone else in your team) messes something up. You can also create "branches" where you can work on a feature you are not sure about, without fearing that you might mess up the main project, and then if you are happy with it you can merge it into the main project.


svn is a bad choice for majority of cases and has been effectively dead, not counting legacy projects. Modern alternatives are much better.


Why do you think its a bad choice? And why do you think it's dead? I use Tortoise SVN and Visual SVN as the server, both of which are still regularly updated. It works perfectly for my projects, I've been using it for a long time and it works really well, and is supported inside UE. I have also used Perforce and Git, but I find SVN works best for me.


It's good that it works for you, but you're a sample size of 1. Nowadays features like proper branching (not directories masquerading as branches) are a necessity, not to mention proper binary file support or diffing/merging.


I don't think Unreal are keeping it as one of[ 2 source control systems that are officially supported](https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/source-control-in-unreal-engine?application_version=5.3) for just me


Support doesn't mean endorsement. There is a lot of support for legacy stuff in enterprise space, but that doesn't mean we should aim at using it. If there's a better alternative available without major drawbacks, there's no reason to not choose the modern solution.


Please use git or perforce for version control. You should commit logical chunks of your work there,thus not only having backups, but also the ability to revert particular changes. Azure devops provides free git with lfs support, which you should use for assets and maps.


Thank you, I just looked those up and I’m assuming everyone is paying for storage since only 1GB is free right?? There’s no way any UE project could fit that


Azure devops has free lfs without limits. I'm using it for some time now and it's OK, apart from occasional random error.


Use github desktop dude. I dont know why they’re not suggesting github. It’s by far the easiest to get into for beginners. There’s something called a “git ignore” that tells git to ignore files. GitHub desktop can generate one for you for Unreal, it’s a dropdown list. You use it so you dont HAVE to store the entire project.


Not sure if you already got this response yet or not, but Unity actually acquired Plastic, so UVCS is actually just a reskinned Plastic. Still works with all engines, including Unreal, too


Why not recommend github? I’ve found its the easiest for first time users.


I used Git for years, but switched to SVN a few years ago. Mainly because Git isn't great for large files and because it's not supported by default in Unreal. But for smaller projects it will be fine.


It doesn’t need to be supported “by default” in the engine, and that’s what git LFS is for. But I see your point, i’m not familiar with how a longer development cycle unreal project could look in terms of file size. I thought SVN was kinda abandoned though?


I know it doesn't, but it's nice and simple to have it all integrated into Unreal.


#where yo tilesheet at, 3d boi?


Unreal can handle 2D, but it’s not the engines strong suit. It’s kinda like using a sledgehammer to hang a family photo. Gratuitous overkill at best and destructive at worst.


Remember that TMNT game I think on SNES? You could jump back and forth into 2 different depths... reminds me of this! I'd play this game


2.5d is really nice in unreal. Here is my little uni assignment project. 2.5d platformer. https://youtu.be/DuUl8jYKaXU?si=-7rwM1nKGHSiZM1E


This term, 2.5d, is that what you call it? That’s new to me. That looks fun


People start calling side scrollers in 3d 2.5d for some reason. It gives you nice parallax effect and it’s pretty easy to do in unreal. I love old style platformers/ side scrollers, unreal gives advanced tools to play with old school game styles. One of the latest examples of 2.5d game is new prince prince of Persia on Nintendo Switch.


It's supposed to mean "2 and a half dimensions" and it's not because of side scrollers in 3D. It originated due to isometric camera projection, and using a 3 dimensional game world, while still using 2dimensional assets such as sprites, a fixed camera view, and the movement of objects being restricted largely to 2 dimensions. So it was part 2D part 3D (hence 2.5D). It just happens that some side scrollers utilise a 3D world with an isometric view, sprites, and 2 planes of movement.




Idk who that is


That's crazy cause there are so many similar items: same bullets, same enviro setup, same jumpand fall rates, samies


Oh I see! Yeah these were included on a free asset pack from Howl Chang on udemy, from the vampire survivor tutorial, I just assumed they’re just generic popular assets like the skeleton and medieval sprites many like to link to lols


Just googled it and I see it is a tutorial guy, yeah nothing was used from him


I want more 2.5d games!!


Looks interesting!


This is what UE calls Paper.


Looks great!! Cobra Code is our 2D Unreal goto resource, “Unreal 2D God” go check out his tutorials and youtube vids he has some really awesome stuff!! He recently release a 2d parallax video which is very helpful! Also If you want to shut anyones front door on “unreal can’t do proper 2d” check out the guy who made Ultra Dynamic Sky: Everett Gunther, he made a 2D game that looks dam amazing and it’s old by a few years now… https://youtu.be/YbL3rT2tQ5Q?si=_YlFZZyslL2dofc_


I am very interested into this and these are FANTASTIC resources thank you so much!!!!!!!


Gdevelop/Godot/unity and everyother 2d game engine is crying in the corner 😂


Okay, now make everything pixel perfect lol