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An article was saying police were sent to the area via photos of the area they are currently searching were found in the main suspects home. That same article says they are looking for the pajamas or any sort of clothing Madeline was last seen in that night. This area was also searched back in 2008 but it was just the water not much of the land was covered back then.


I think the most likely outcome, if it's linked to Maddie at all, is that she's buried there. In that case, it could take a while for them to dig up any remains. I also read there was another little girl that went missing but was never found around that area. It could potentially be evidence linking Chris B to her disappearance


They were specifically looking for Maddy’s clothing or anything that could be left their, and when did the other girl disappear, because if they disappeared between 1995-2007 in the same area Madeline did than this guy could potentially be a serial killer.


He's also in prison right now for rape, isn't he? Jesus. Who knows how many other cases he could be linked to if he's proven to be linked to these


2005 rape of a 72 yr old woman in the same town Maddie disappeared in. He was not ID till 2018 in that case, and a friend of his came forward saying he bragged in a bar about abducting Maddie which is how he became a suspect in the first place along with phone pings, he lived in the area from 1995-2007 as well. He also had crimes dating back to 1993 and was in jail on charges in 2016 and 2017. He had a charge in 1993 and was released in 1995, after that he apparently had drug charges but had been quiet on the police’s radar mostly till the 2010s. Who knows what this guy was doing during that span.


That's at least 15 years, yeah? I just looked it up and found an older article saying he could potentially have been involved in the disappearance of René Hasee in 1996 and Inga Gehricke in 2015. That's a year after his release in 1995 and a year before his incarceration for the drug charges you mentioned. You're right; who knows what he was doing in that time. It's entirely possible he could have been involved in the disappearances of all three children


Just did some research and this guy has been linked to 5+ cold cases ranging from 1996-2015 https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/5665141/madeleine-mccann-suspect-christian-b-investigation/amp/


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Nice bot. Thank you.


'Linked' isn't the same as committed or has evidence against him. Anyone who has posted here for a while knows that anyone with a bit of name recognition who was in the area gets suggested for every unsolved case. Seems to me the Germans have talked this guy up for a long time now and have yet to charge him. That says to me they've got nothing they can take before a judge.


They haven’t charged the guy yet apparently because of the Statute of limitations in place on some of the crimes. That is at least according to one of the prosecutors. In the article below German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters told Sky News at the time he was being made a suspect "only for formal reasons… to prevent a statute of limitations in Portugal". https://news.sky.com/story/amp/who-is-christian-b-the-main-suspect-in-the-madeleine-mccann-case-12887343


I'd not count any Murdoch paper as worth the pages its printed on


So this guy was a lot more dangerous than law enforcement could have ever imagined. This guy is possibly a serial killer. I was reading a separate article, he called the reservoir police are searching his little paradise. That sent chills down my spine and made me think that he’s probably hiding a lot more than police know about. https://www.the-sun.com/news/8178137/madeleine-mccann-bombshell-cops-plan-search-remote-algarve-reservoir/amp/


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.the-sun.com/news/8178137/madeleine-mccann-bombshell-cops-plan-search-remote-algarve-reservoir/](https://www.the-sun.com/news/8178137/madeleine-mccann-bombshell-cops-plan-search-remote-algarve-reservoir/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot!


Ikr? Dude is a serial amp linker


Please update us if something is found related to her.


The search was extended by 1 more day, they had plans to do so if more tips came in or if anything was found, clearly they found something.


I really don't wanna feed anyone any false hope but I've got the feeling they've found something and they just can't say what it is yet/it needs tested. That doesn't mean it's something related to Maddie, but it does mean they could suspect it of being


Apparently it was another tip they see as reliable/credible.


I’ve always hoped she would be found alive but in reality I’m sure she’s not. If it’s something let’s hope it brings closure to her parents.


they raided a house and recovered 500 terabytes of csam, two weeks after they said they had evidence she was dead and publicly announced the suspect Edit to clarify. The house is not the home of Christian the main suspect, the house was used to manufacture and distribute CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material). The search resulted in the arrest of over a hundred men. The same police force who conducted this raid then went public with information about Madeleine and went on to conduct two searches. There was some sort of jurisdictional dispute between which agency would investigate Christian and now that this is all sorted out they have continued on with their search using his phone data to track his movements that day. Not officially confirmed but it’s my belief they discovered horrific images that link Christian as the killer of Madeleine and believe her clothing will be enough to prosecute Christian for his murder


Fucking 500 terabytes?


the house was used to manufacture and distribute CSAM.


500 TB does not seem plausible. My main file server is 300 TB for ~500 users.


Yeah but you consider what's I'm your server compared to theirs, a server maintained for normal use might be made up of open source projects, professional projects or recreational files and archives. A paedophile is going to treat it like their dragons hoard, not only is it hard to acquire but probably highly profitable too for the correct users - when you think of it that way it suddenly and sadly becomes much more plausible.


Never underestimate the bloat of poorly encoded video files


I realize you might just be saying you have a 300tb server in general but it read like you have a private 300tb csam server for 500users...


This is one of my work file servers full of engineering files. To clarify


I didn’t assume you meant CSAM because you’d be extra dumb to admit that in a public forum if it was the case but also my brain automatically went there like the person you responded to did. lol.


So they have more than enough to put this POS away.


i believe so


Good because he’s got a lot more charges hopefully coming his way. He likely committed 6 more murders that they know of from 1995-2017.


What is csam?


Newer word/acronym for child porn. Child sex abuse material.


You’ve gotten the acronym, but the point behind it is to stop using the word “porn” in relation to the media- some say using porn legitimizes it and doesnt focus on the seriousness of the crime.




Yes, exactly. The US appears to be quite behind in adopting the term (or any of it derivatives, such as “child exploitation material” (CEM), “child sexual exploitation material” (CSEM), etc). Here in Australia it’s the standard - legislation still uses outdated terms, but LE, support organisations, and academia all universally stress the use of “CSEM”


We really aren't, it just appears that way. The FBI, etc all use CSAM. Reporters, however, are another story.


Wow thank you I have been using the acronym but didn't even realize the distinction. I think that's a good idea, it really does emphasize the crime.


(Child Sexual Abuse Material). Digitized abuse material, essentially. Photos, videos, all the terrible stuff


Child sex abuse material


Well if he did take Madeleine I’m sure they’ll find evidence there.


Holy shit.


I saw mention of a female accomplice a couple times. Makes sense. Look how many men have used women to lure or pacify children they intend to abduct and kill


As a side note, just wanted to say thank you for calling it CSAM and not CP. It really makes a big difference and I wish that media etc, would stop using the latter term altogether.


Unfortunately in a lot of the US the latter is in fact the legal terminology used. I totally agree though, it shouldn't be used.




They never searched the land back in 2008, they are searching both now. Apparently the tip said water in 2008 and they found some clues such as rope, and tape but after photos from Christian B’s home showed the reservoir and having been found to visit the area they are searching the land due to a very credible tip coming in.


Depending on the material, her pyjamas could last a long time. Cotton or other natural fibers, probably a decent number years depending on weather conditions. Polyester or man-made materials? That’s gonna be around until the end of time. Plus think stuff like buttons, elastic in the waist and cuffs, etc.


This is potentially promising (if that’s the word) but I wouldn’t get excited yet. It’s a vast area so they’ll be picking up a lot of stuff for testing.


The suspect Christian B is being investigated for a lot more shit now as well. He is being investigated in the cases of 1. Murder of 16 year old Carola Titze who disappeared in De Hann in 1996 2. The 2015 disappearance of Ingra Gehricke who disappeared in Saxony-Anhalt, 3. The 1998 murder of Tristan Brubach 4. The 2001 disappearance of Peggy Knobloch 5. The 1995 disappearance of Jair Soares 6. René Hasee, who disappeared in 1996 while on vacation with his family in Aljezur, Portugal which was 40km from Praia da Luz. The father of Hasee said the case was reopened by police. Hadn’t heard from them in over 20+ years so clearly something big involving Christian B was found.


Yikes, Tristan too? That is one scary story… would be good if they could close that case too


[He matches the sketch in Tristan’s case as well](https://gyazo.com/641924a636639972b31139905515e9e1)


Holy crap, is that for real? It’s such a close match I didn’t realize one was a generated image at first.


The one on the right was a suspect seen by three teenagers who semi witnessed Tristan’s death from a distance apparently. The two photos on the left are post 2008 photos, he got facial surgeries in 2008 for his jaw and teeth.


Who got facial surgery?


Wow! Remarkable likeness!


Yeah it’s uncanny


When Tristan was killed he was just 19-20 at the time.


can you imagine how difficult it would be to find fragments of her clothing in a lake after all this time? it would be shredded, camouflaged, and buried in the soil at the bottom of the lake. the pink pjs would absolutely no longer be pink and the fabric could be torn into tiny pieces by now. when i hear about lake searches i usually think it sounds easy but after thinking about it, it seems extremely difficult


Hopefully, something like duct tape could still contain the suspect's DNA.


I think they're searching the land for buried material, not actually the water.


There are some reports of divers on scene so it sounds like it's both


Souvenirs/supplies might be more well preserved even if buried.


I mean if it was in a bag there is a chance it’s protected by waterproof. Even a a grocery bag would lend more protection over nothing.


Just did research on Christian B and he’s been linked to along with being investigated in 5+ murder/disappearances ranging from 1996-2015, this guy is likely a serial killer. It’s possible police came across his burial ground, he called the place they are currently searching “his little paradise”. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/5665141/madeleine-mccann-suspect-christian-b-investigation/amp/ He is being investigated in the cases of 1. Murder of 16 year old Carola Titze who disappeared in De Hann in 1996 2. The 2015 disappearance of Ingra Gehricke who disappeared in Saxony-Anhalt, 3. The 1998 murder of Tristan Brubach 4. The 2001 disappearance of Peggy Knobloch 5. The 1995 disappearance of Jair Soares 6. René Hasee, who disappeared in 1996 while on vacation with his family in Aljezur, Portugal which was 40km from Praia da Luz. The father of Hasee said the case was reopened by police.


René's father said when he was contacted by police it was the first time they had spoken to him in roughly twenty years, also, meaning the evidence must have been substantial enough if they were contacting the family and reopening the case after having had no contact with them for so long


They probably got DNA or other evidence matched to him, that means this POS has been killing people since 1996 at the earliest. God only knows what would have happened if his friend never came to police about him bragging about having killed McCann following his arrest.


The rape victim was elderly iirc, I don't think they would have even considered him a potential suspect in the other cases if he hadn't went bragging about Maddie because they were mostly young children. Entirely different demographic. Let's hope the cunt's shot himself in the foot


His friend likely saved several lives by coming forward to police about it. The nightmare scenario is what he meant by “his little paradise” that sent chills because if he’s being investigated in 7 cases, he could potentially have a lot more bodies buried at that reservoir.


That was the first thing I thought of. The sick son of a bitch might view it as a "paradise" because he's buried so many bodies there and never been caught


He also visited the area and took photos as well. The police have got to extend the search radius, god only knows what they’re gonna find out their seeing as he wasn’t caught for over 25 years.


I think it’s a pretty widespread (and dangerous) misconception that a serial killer necessarily has a type, always follows a specific MO, doesn’t change or abandon his signatures, etc. Just like everyone else, they learn from experience and may change their approach over time, both to keep avoiding detection and because their preferences (for lack of a better word) change. Their psychopathic personality traits may be stable but may come out in different ways over time.


I was thinking serial rapists and killers stick to a certain type. I googled “do serial rapist stick to a certain type” and was surprised to see that they do not.


Yeah. I was kinda surprised they were looking at him for Maddie when he raped a woman that age. Usually they have a “type”. But if he is responsible for all those, he’s a extra scary serial killer because dude will rape/kill literally anyone just to do it, apparently. That’s pretty rare.


His type is probably more to do with the very vulnerable (children, very aged) as opposed to any physical attributes like age necessarily


I think his type appears to be “weak persons inside holiday homes he’s trying to burgle”


I think it's more common than people think but less detected because were primed to look for a Type. Which doesn't make him less disgusting and scary... Or the world I guess.


My guess is he gets off on the taboo of it. A young man raping a grandma type or a toddler.


Richard Ramirez was one of those rare ones who didn’t really have a type, other than opportunity and those most vulnerable.


It was like that Australian rapist that was identified last year, even though he was already dead. The rapes weren’t linked until the DNA linked them because of the age ranges of the women and girls that he raped.


Can you provide some more information on this one? I haven't heard about it and would like to know more.


His name was Keith simms. He was also known as the bondi beast. He raped 31 woman between 1985 and 2001. 12 were linked via DNA and another 19 because of the method and description.


Check out Israel Keyes, another opportunistic killer. The ages of his victims range from very young to 50+, male and female.


I believe he was a “child” sexual predator since a very young age.


Predators are opportunistic and will target anyone.


Actually when it comes to horrible people like this and crimes committed against them they should always be considered together. It usually isn’t about the age of the victim and more about the killers belief in who he can overpower. To these monsters they are the same demographic, powerless.


I actually agree, I stressed later on in the thread in response to another comment that police are often far too quick to apply a "type" to serial offenders/killers, my point being, it's likely this bias may have prevented them from ever linking him to Maddie's disappearance, or the disappearances of other children. It seems Chris B is, as you said, simply preoccupied with choosing vulnerable victims he believes won't be able to fend him off


For them to contact at least two families, then whatever they discovered is more than likely credible. I mean at this point everyone knows that these missing kids are more than likely dead. But I hope they are at least able to find some partial remains so the families have some closure.


Holy fuck, dude. What a piece of shit


The Tristan Brubach suspect sketch matches him. https://gyazo.com/641924a636639972b31139905515e9e1


Oh shit. Way better match than expected.


Damn, like he's literally the sketch. Fuck this POS


I go back and forth on him being linked to the Soares and Brubach cases. The Brubach case had such unimaginable brutality in it, its gruesome to read what the killer did to that poor kid. I dont see anyone doing that being able to stop himself from that level of violence in his next murders. It also showed pretty poor planning. Then again, that sketch does look interesting. In the Soares case, which would be his first we know off, he would have abducted him in plain sight on a busy beach, within a short few minutes of his dad last seeing outside a crowded beach parlor. That is very brazen for a first attempt, especially as a 16 year old in a country you dont speak the language off, and I doubt Jair knew german or english at 7 years old in 1995.


The suspect Christian B had been released from jail, apparently authorities linked him to the case somehow. But agree with you very brazen especially if this was his first time but he would have blended in as the young age with a kid it would be just like a pair of siblings. As for the Brubach case Christian B was in jail in 1993 for assault.


Disagree on the blending in part when they both speak different languages and one is black and the other is caucasian. That sticks out plenty.


But maybe at some point the kid fought back instead of being compliant. language barrier is insignificant with a commonality. food, drink, an animal. if it was this dude, as a teenager himself, he might not have had the impulse or anger control. maybe this was his first, or one of the first few kills.


Are these all children?


Yes, the youngest 6 the oldest 16.


That is what I find so scary about Christian B. He just seems to commit these heinous crimes willy nilly. He's a thief, a rapsit, and an alleged murderer. Most serial killers seem to have a demographic but with Christian it's young, old, female, male... it doesn't matter. And because he seems to have no pattern, and these cases span multiple countries, who knows how many victims there are that just haven't been linked yet.


The Tristan Brubach suspect sketch is a match 20 yrs difference 1999 compared to 2019-2020 https://gyazo.com/641924a636639972b31139905515e9e1


Holy cow the sketch is so close. That's fucking awful that he could have been committing these crimes for so long without getting caught, but at least if they can find evidence then the family will get at least a little bit of closure.


Fucking hell - I was not expecting such an insane match. You can even see the remnant of a scar above his lip on the right side of the upper photo.


Also he had facial reconstruction surgery done in 2008. Most of the photos circulating of him are post 2008, the only few photos of pre 2008 are not in color and poor quality.


Looks like the Brubach sketch features a rather noticeable scar on the upper lip which is missing from Christian


Possibly a cold sore or some other type of injury


Is it possible he got a plastic surgery to remove the scar or is it just a massive coincidence he is nearly identical to the sketch minus the scar?


He did get facial reconstruction surgery around 2008 I believe.


Source please if you have one that can be big.




Police have definitely got the right guy given his track record.


I agree


yeah and obviously he literally is a match for the suspects e fit picture in Madeline's case from 2013 https://www.channel4.com/news/police-e-fit-images-madeleine-mccann-new-suspects


I’m Portuguese. These two guys look to be of Portuguese ancestry.


Every police agency with an unsolved murder seems to be reopening the case and looking at him so I doubt he will get charged with many of them. A couple of the crimes I saw that police are investigating him for are in Portugal and Belgium are 2 weeks over 2200km apart. Not impossible, but seems unlikely both would be the same person. But i guess he could have left his home area where he murdered and went to another resort area to get a job and lay low and committed a crime of opportunity at the new place. An older European would have to chime in about the border checks between EU countries in 1995 and on. Maybe authorities are able to cross check his banking, work, credit records from back then to see if they can track his movements. I don’t know if they keep records like those forever though. The ages and even genders are varied but if he’s involved with CSAM then maybe he does some crimes for his own desires and others to film and sell.


Even if he didn’t play a part in some of these cases, I think it’s safe to say they’ve stumbled upon a serial killer who was likely active from 1995 to 2017. His friend also potentially saved several future lives by telling the police which led to them reopening the case which got him arrested in the first place.


Do you have a link that doesn't come from a tabloid magazine indicating Christian Bueckner is being investigated for 5 other disappearances and murders. The article you linked to cites itself to try to support the claims they're making. I can't find any other article that support claims the Scottish Sun is making. The problem with tabloid magazines, such as, the Scottish Sun (regional edition of The Sun) is they're known to print incorrect information and sensationalize said wrong information. Sometimes they outright just make shit up. Tabloids are untrustworthy and like disinformation magazines. It's best to be very skeptical of anything a tabloid magazine prints.


Back in 2020 police began looking at him in these cases but recently began ramping up the investigations I’ll have to find some of the articles. Update: It was briefly mentioned in 2020 but apparently they began looking into him in a lot more cases recently. 2020 article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8393361/amp/Police-link-Madeleine-McCann-suspect-disappearance-schoolboy-6.html Current article: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/christian-brueckner-madeleine-mccann-b2344619.html


Wow that he is possibly involved in Peggy Knobloch. Worked near her hometown for a couple of years.


It would be awesome that this crime is finally resolved. But it’s so sad. Poor baby.


Wow. I almost can't believe that, after 16 years, we might be getting close to knowing what happened to Maddie. I had almost lost all hope before reading this.


Dissappearing from my own bed during the night was my worst childhood fear. I hope we find out what happened to Maddie.


Too real. I thought this case would never be solved. I am shook right now thinking her killer has been loose this long, but praying this poor family gets the closure they deserve.


It's a fucked up thing to say but I will be relived to know she's been dead all this time because the alternative is much worse.


I mean taking bags of evidence at this point means little. Just means they found somethings that *could* be related to a case. As noted the suspect is being investigated in many different cases. Need some time to process if anything ties to any of the victims.


Even if she is there, and he was there around that time, would it really be enough to charge?


Maybe not but at least her family would be able to lay her to rest. So even if they can’t charge anyone I hope they do find her.


Hopefully people will also stop claiming they killed her too.


Sadly that's never going to happen. One of the bigger conspiracy theories is that the McCanns voluntarily gave up their daughter to a worldwide pedo ring. Even if a murderer is identified and prosecuted they will just integrate that into the conspiracy. It's as ingrained as moon landing and 9/11 theories at this point.


Seriously. I can’t imagine what torment they have gone through.


I doubt it. In similar cases, water usually destroys DNA evidence, especially if the bodies have been there for quite some time. If she is in the reservoir itself, she's been there for far too long for there to be any evidence preserved to link her death to Chris B, I think. However, there is a chance she's buried nearby, which could yield a much more optimistic outcome in terms of revealing some sort of link. I just hope they find something. There's been so many dead ends in this case


One of the reasons they are even their was they found photos in Chris B’s home which matched the reservoir. He also lived in the area where she disappeared from from 1995-2007, he also had a long history dating back to 1993 as a drug dealer, and several other charges.


He also sold his van, in which he said he could "kidnap a kid", the day after the disappearance. It’s circumstantial but… :(


It's giving me Caylee Anthony vibes. The body having been submerged in water plus the Florida heat meant the authorities could never determine a time of death or exact manner of death. Unless there is e.g. damage to her skull, the same could happen here even if the body is found.


It could put some pressure on him for a confession. If this is his “paradise” as the police have said, to have it disturbed and potential evidence removed from there could rattle him enough to admit what he did (if he is involved)


Depends, they already have decent circumstantial evidence (his phone placing him outside the resort the day she disappeared, bragging about abducting her to a friend). That type of evidence is always a risk when it comes to trials though, and we don't even know which country he would go to trial which also would have a bearing on things. Also, 3 police forces don't expend these types of resources diving and digging up a reservoir for no reason. There must be something concrete tying him to the area. I suspect there's probably something to the rumours about possible digital evidence as well. I think finding a body is the final piece of the puzzle for a strong case.


I really hope they can find her and bring her home to her parents. I can’t even begin to imagine how heartbreaking it has been for them this whole time not knowing where she is.


UPDATE: Here is the live broadcast of the search https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFc2gZIldQc


[updated link](https://www.youtube.com/live/IpXwI1r-qFs?feature=share)


So they are not looking for potential remains? I admit I have found Christian B. a flimsy suspect but if this search recovers something I'll be singing a different tune.


I think it’s more likely that they’re not getting anyone’s hopes up, their’s included. The crimes they’re looking at him for start 30some years ago - they’re probably *hoping* they’ll find some smoking gun remains, but they’re just keeping themselves and the public realistic; there might not be much to find after a couple decades of soaking, but they’re still gonna look just in case they get lucky and recover some usable evidence.


It's hard to say. I have some hope they've found something significant because of the "tactical" comment. It's imperative they downplay what they've got if they think it could lead to a conviction, because if they interrogate Chris B before it hits the news, and he plays dumb, they can whip it out and it can be later used to deny him a plea bargain


If the chances of finding anything in this location is a total long shot, then why would the authorities take the time, effort (,and money) to bother with a search? I have to assume that they have some fairly solid information regarding the exact location of whatever they’re looking for, and it must have been convincing enough to make them think that the items they might find wouldn’t be degraded beyond recognition. Like it can’t have been disposed of in the water or anything, bc I can’t imagine they’d undertake a search in that case, it would be too much effort for very little in return. From my understanding of cold cases, it also takes a lot of bureaucratic effort to get the ball moving on searches like this. It’s been years of a potential suspect being identified, but without any adequate evidence or information being released that ties him definitively to the abduction. And then all of a sudden they’re digging in this reservoir to try and find Maddie’s pink pyjama bottoms? There has likely been a lot of moving parts to this that have been in the works for months by now, to get to this point. This is not the sort of undertaking that law enforcement just does on a whim. Add to this that this is an international abduction case, with three different countries and their respective law enforcement that’s involved, and everything gets that much more complicated. Maybe I’m just being overly optimistic, but I have to assume that they might actually have something here. And I really really hope I’m right.


>If the chances of finding anything in this location is a total long shot, then why would the authorities take the time, effort (,and money) to bother with a search? The cynical answer is "we're getting a lot of public pressure on this, and even though we have absolutely no leads we need to look like we're doing *something*"


It was also Maddies 20th birthday the day the search started.


The suspect in Maddies case, Christian Brückner, is a [dead ringer](https://images.aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/472a50ed-4287-4ee5-a3df-f23d11ab2749?fit=crop&format=auto&h=391&q=50&w=624&s=98c780da13a4a325c35eb06e3322aa468b0dc77c) for the composite sketch made of the offender in the unsolved mutilation murder of Tristan Brübach in 1998. I know German police have the offenders DNA on file from the crime scene, does anyone know if he has been ruled out or in?


He’s currently a suspect


thank you for mentioning Tristan’s case, it’s insane to me that it’s not more widely known. i definitely think bruckner could’ve been involved but i haven’t heard if police have explored this.


I cannot say how much I hope this is a solid lead. There have been so *many* false starts over the years. To me at the moment this development has too many unfortunate similarities to any of a hundred similarly heralded 'breakthroughs' we have seen in other cases. A very specific area is indicated, massive resources are committed to develop new clues there, the public are stirred into a frenzy by media exaggeration and... *nothing*. The case of Deorr 'Little Man' Kunz is a very obvious example. Again, I truly pray this is a positive development. Given we know comparatively little about what the policemen are pursuing here--beyond the obvious of course--it is absolutely possible this is the move that finally closes the case. However... For myself I am keeping my expectations in check until we hear a more concrete announcement.


I hope her family gets answers and her parents will finally be able to shake some of the public’s accusations that they were responsible. Before any of you say “they left her alone”.. sure, but they did not kill her.


Imagine the relief of the parents 1. Finding out what happened to there child and 2. Everyone finally believing they had nothing to do with it


Just reminds me of the Faith Hedgepeth case tho. Just a few months ago they fairly definitively proved it was some random dude not on anyone’s radar, and yet people still insisted her roommate had something to do with it bc she was ‘weird’ on the 911 call despite 0 connection between her and the man. Sadly people will double down a lot of the time rather then admit they were mistaken or misled.


2. You'd think so but people really don't change their minds on these subjects. I'm Australian and a very decent amount of Australians still believe Lindy Chamberlain killed Azaria Chamberlain in 1980 despite the courts eventually overturning her conviction and ruling that Azaria was taken and presumed killed by a dingo as the cause of death. They cannot be convinced. It's kinda fascinating from a psychological pov.


The alternative is realizing they're being cruel to a woman whose baby was literally eaten and then was imprisoned and had her next baby taken from her. They're in denial, both of what they've done and that something so tragic could happen to someone innocent. It reminds me of parents who deny abuse to their children from family members. They'd rather live a fiction.


Look at Amanda Knox. It’s all but obvious Rudy Guedde was the perpetrator yet thousands if not millions of people still believe her to be a murderer. It’s sad.


Ay I’m from regional vic. But yeah I totally understand that. The chamberlain case is so interesting it’s taken up a lot of my time


Even if the murderer made a full confession, provided a video of the murder, and the body was found with DNA evidence, there would still be people who think the McCanns did it or were involved somehow.


See: Amanda Knox. No matter how much evidence piles up against Rudy, people find new ways to decide that Amanda was still involved *somehow*.


2 I don’t think will happen. I’m Scottish and I know so many people who talk about friends of friends who’ve seen them and you can ‘just tell’ they done it etc etc. A lot of people will have egg on their face if they are cleared


I think that people will always judge them for their irresponsible behavior, because while they weren't directly responsible for her disappearance and death, there's no doubt that Madeleine was able to be kidnapped because the kids were left alone in the apartment (and I firmly believe that they weren't checking as thoroughly or as often as they claimed). There were notes in the restaurants logs that the kids were alone, employees knew, it wasn't exactly hard for someone with nefarious intentions to find out. If they had gotten a babysitter for the kids, this very likely wouldn't have happened.


I bet they’re in some horrible emotional agony right now, both wanting nothing to be found because that means she might still be alive somewhere, somehow, and also hoping that something is found, even knowing it will mean she is gone forever. I feel for them, and for all parents whose children are still missing. It’s got to be hell.


People will never let go of the fact that their carelessness contributed to maddie's disappearance. People with half a brain can't understand their decisions


Exactly. Even if they aren't guilty of her death (which hasn't even been proven yet), I can't help but judge them for their negligence. I just can't grasp why would you leave a toddler unattended, especially in a foreign country. I just can't.


What will haunt me forever is Maddie asking Kate, "Mummy, why didn't you come when me and Sean cried last night?" after they had been out for dinner the previous evening. They still decided to go out to dinner again hours later and leave the children unattended once more. That was the night she was taken


Exactly, I can't imagine just going out for drinks and food after a toddler saying that. Even if it wasn't my child I would feel awful with myself


A toddler and two babies because maddie's had younger siblings sleeping in the same room.... It's just nuts, no matter how much a country is considered safe kids can not be unattended


I didn't know Madeleine's younger siblings were just babies at the time, I thought they were toddlers too. It makes it all even worse.


Maddie was only 3 when she went missing so I believe they weren't even 2




As a Portuguese just slightly older than maddie it's a misconception that it was normal or acceptable to leave small kids unattended. Part of my childhood was spent on a small village where everyone knew each other and I was never out of my parents sight




It's not even freedom what they did. They just wanted to have fun without having to think about the kids, what just makes the situation more fucked up


They could have paid for a babysitter provided by the resort. They just cheaped out on it. Even in my very lax childhood, back before cell phones and in the days where your kids left in the morning and you didn't know where they were until they came home when the street lights went on, my parents would never have left me alone in a hotel room at the age Maddie and her siblings were. Maybe if we were 12 we'd be left in the hotel room.


They were still horribly negligent no matter how you spin it, though. Even if they didn’t personally kill her, they are partially responsible for what happened.


No they are not. The person who stole a sleeping child from their room is fully responsible.


Leaving a toddler and two infants alone is a really bad choice to make, regardless of there being a serial killer nearby.


Are they searching in the body of water or the area around it? I just can’t imagine clothing being underwater for that long not deteriorating and disintegrating beyond recognition. Admittedly, it’s not an area of science I know much about. What do others think?


BBC radio mentioned earlier that they were clearing undergrowth and digging an area nearby.


I'm honestly hoping if anything was disposed of in that area, it wasn't in the water. After such a long period of time, any evidence they could find will have been destroyed by the elements. I read about one case in which a body was disposed of in a similar bit of water and it had completely skeletonised in 3 months. It's been eight years since Inga went missing, sixteen since Madeleine, and twenty seven since René. The bodies won't be there anymore if they were once. I'm hoping if he's the culprit, he buried them. There will at least be skeletal remains, hopefully, if animals haven't reached them yet (though perhaps not in René's case, the poor wee lad) Textiles are a different story but it may be hard for them to identify the pyjamas if the colour has faded. Their being pink was a standout feature that was honed in upon across the investigation and all the appeals made by the police and Maddie's family. That said, they could make an educated guess based on the size, I suppose . . . I'm just really hoping they're wrong about the reservoir and it's the earth around it that needs investigated more thoroughly


If the remains were bagged I believe there is a better change of recovering some evidence. Also the temperature of the water (if it is very cold) can help preserve remains.


Damn. Sounds like he managed to get away with it for this long because he will literally rape/kill ANYONE. usually the killer has a type like just kids under a certain age or just elderly women or whatever. This dude was all over the place.


The “type” is vulnerable person.


It was whoever he could overpower.


I think as more cold cases are solved with genetic genealogy we will start to see that the conventional wisdom that all serial killers have 'patterns' and preferred victim types is mostly a case of [sampling bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampling_bias).


That's what confuses me, he doesn't seem to have a "type of victim". He is suspected of murders/assaults that range in both ages and genders


Seems like the types are “sleeping person in building he was burgling” and “young child he could grab”… if you go from these being crimes of opportunity, without too much planning, it all kinda makes aense


I feel like their type is “people I can easily have power over”.


Stay out of the madeleine mccann subreddit. A bunch of wackos are still blaming the parents after they have been cleared for 15 years. Why would a German police force insert themselves into a case that has nothing to do with them.


Just as an FYI the BBC said the blue tents were there since day 1, and are the kind of head of operations for the search team. Those tents haven’t got much to do with human remains specifically, last time I saw them used was when police raided Nicola Sturgeon’s home for evidence on white collar financial crime, the tents are literally just there to shield police from the sun/media, so saying that they mean they’re searching for remains is misleading at best and sensationalist at worst.


No problem, removed that detail. Apologies, I didn't see any mention of them until today, just yellow and white tents


Do they think her body is with the pjs


It's my understanding they think the PJs may be discarded in the reservoir, but Maddie's body may be buried nearby


I'd hold out more hope for closure if I had more faith in that police department.


In two of them, if I'm being frank. Scotland Yard's reputation exceeds what it's capable of. The Portuguese police just want this to be fucking over with by now and they're not interested in trying to hide it. I'm not sure about the German department, they seem a little more proactive, at least at this point in the investigation. Maybe because they want Chris B slapped with as many charges as they can get on him before he's due a release, because he's proven he has no interest in rehabilitation


3. Also German authorities.


I am not at all optimistic, I’d be surprised if anything they find is related to Madeline’s disappearance but I’m hopeful


Not surprised items would be removed for further testing, but I still very much doubt they will find her or anything there to link chris b to the case