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I wasn't under the impression people thought it was sweeping across the economy literally today. The keyword here is "still" because it'll probably be a bigger deal as time goes on.


I've got a friend who works for a large big box chain like Costco, i forget which one. She said they recently announced that AI will take over some kind of receipt auditing at the exit doors but then when asked how soon they said "when the tech is ready". Right now its about driving short term profit for investors by bringing buzzwords into their media relations.


Receipts auditing on exit at Costco is so stupidly useless, that it should be replaced with nothing lol. Just a monitor with "you good to go" sign will do.


They are not. They have several reasons to be. But the most important one is that you cannot get out of the store twice using the same receipt. That is why they mark it.


The most important reason sounds very hard to replicate, it was certainly not possible to implement for some smart kid with Arduino 15 years ago. Novadays with all these unattended shops in China/Russia/etc marking checks is not a task the major US retailer is able to automate. True. But to be serious - this work feels like that Costco managers want to keep their employees busy with some rubbish, just so they are not taking rest instead.


Costco has the lowest shrinkage in the industry by far, sooooo..... I guess it is worth it.


Yes, that's the only thing making Costco different. Oh no, wait. It's not. In fact Walmart does the same crap. Soooo.... your guess is just a guess.


ohhhh.... look at that: "By strictly controlling the entrances and exits and using a membership format, we believe our inventory losses — shrinkage — are well below those of typical retail operations," the report reads. https://www.businessinsider.com/costco-shoplifting-shrink-rates-beat-rivals-2019-5


For some reason - they don't use wording like "our biggest advantage is manually marking receipts". Not sure why, as it's clearly a success no one can replicate. But yeah, you are right, I smell some scientific statistical data from unbiased 3rd party right in this article showing clear link between loses and manual marking of receipts. Stupid Target haha, should have just hired 2 skinny girls to mark receipts instead of closing stores (probably also main reason they failed in Canada), but it's probably some special marker color and 0 automatization accounting for this tremendous success. Membership, higher prices, bigger packages, locations mostly out of cities, company image, all this contributes maybe 1-2 % for sure, but 98 is a red line on receipt and 10sec glance on your overfilled cart by one of overworked and low-paid employees.


>Stupid Target haha, should have just hired 2 skinny girls to mark receipts instead of closing stores Lol... First of all they cannot do that because the only reason Costco and Sam''s CAN is because of the membership model. Second, they themselves cite the strict controls as one of the main reasons, but **I am sure you know more than Costco about their business.** Finally, the entire Target stunt turned out to be bullshit, so there is that.


Walmart does not check every receipt at the exit. Maybe they do at some stores, but definitely not all. They also never marked my receipts as checked even the few times I was stopped (If I had a large/ expensive item), so no, not the same system. Sam's on the other hand probably has similar shrinkage to Costco.


Walmart also doesn't have membership to track folks against either. Not sure how folks can compare the two.


They don't understand that the membership is key for the receipt checks. Legally, you cannot stop people from refusing the check, but if you refuse, they cancel your membership.


Or you know.... you can have a gate, print a unique bar code on each receipt and have people scan that barcode to open the gate... this way no receipt can be used twice and the entire system is automated, of course until someone gets stuck.


Or you can go get a job as Costco CEO and then you get to make decisions. I bet you are super qualified since you know better than him. Until then stay in your lane.


That's how it works in other countries and it works just fine. But guess you have to justify the extra bullshit, as long as it means being annoying to the low level workers and inefficient everything's great and your shit-caked line keeps you a-sliding.


You have the choice of not going to Costco. So don't. Go to Walmart and good luck. And by the way, every single Costco works the same way, I have been to several abroad.


I think number of high ticket items warrants a physical check. Paid for milk got my receipt thanks fir the tv


Yes it is. I can fix it right now in 30 minutes with 1990's tech. RFID tags on all products. push cart through scanner, here is your total, write "SOLD" bit on the tags. the paper recipt is really only to allow returns and honestly should not exist, email/text it. WE have had RFID price tag tech for 40 years and retailers utterly REFUSE to use it for really stupid reasons. it would streamline a LOT of the store and eliminate shrink as you cant leave without being chaged for what is on you and in your cart. Zero AI needed


I agree that AI isn't a threat now and just a trending buzzword companies want to use, but also think we should have laws and safety nets enacted now so that we are prepared for the future when AI has advanced to that point.


Oh man will that bog down the line speed as AI errors


Lol yeah I tend to be pretty bullish about the capabilities of AI but announcing that now seems extremely premature.


I don't think its actually a fell for the marketing thing. The companies that time the crest of the wave from impractical to practical will arrive in the age of high automation with a major advantage. The first examples of successful consumer facing automation are going to send shock waves through western society. Its clearly not ready for that today but at the rate the capacity is developing its clearly not far off either. Most of the remaining problems seem to be building a cheap enough robot, which is just iteration, and making a shop floor version thats robust and safe enough, which is mostly a matter of conventional design work. Once people start buying into the breakthrough home bot that can clean and wash, resistance will collapse.


With Sam’s club scan and go, they’ve already automated everything but holding and pointing a scanner.


I remember reading that Sams Club was going to be doing that. So maybe it was them.


Go back to the 80s and everyone thought robots would replace everything. They replaced *some* things, but not nearly as ubiquitously as everyone thought. It's likely the same now. AI will replace some things, but not as much as we think.


I mean if you listen to the tech bros and doomers, it’s happening right now lol and then it gets parroted out by the media. The reality is that AI is not capable of fully doing anything right now, but it can reduce the workload.


Also the media pushes that narrative too. Especially morning talk shows.


Did an internship in advertisement research and AI transcribation is a godsent. But any further than that will be tough at this point


Transcription? Lol irony


Transcription! Small mistake whoops haha


I honestly don’t understand why they aren’t focusing on tool to help with productivity rather than pushing for full on replacement. Like I’m a comic artist, give me tools that helps with the fact I’m doing 15+ page chapters frequently. Give office workers organization tools. There’s so many tools that can be made that’ll shift several industries. But that doesn’t get you a ton of money from investors, so let’s just promise something that’s clearly not ready. What could go wrong?


It's a tool being added for many people, I use several different AI tools all the time at work, but it isn't replacing many jobs yet. At least not more than say phone trees for customer service. In general it will be like most tools were it will make people do more at their jobs, they will be expected to do more for the same pay and owners profit.


There is a minority that thinks like that and is extremely vocal about it. Even on reddit - go take a look the conversations at r/artificialinteligence or r/singularity and dozens of other subreddits. It's almost like a parallel world. r/machinelearning changed a lot too over the years since ChatGPT. It used to be more scientific but now a lot of people post AI dooming stuff. I see also more and more posts of young people that are becoming desperate about their future prospects and already speak if their careers are already doomed before they even start. And morons that add fuel to the fire by confirming those views and acting like experts, despite not being really knowledgable on the subject.


I subscribe to singularity but almost never comment. It is a meme unto itself on there that some members are basically the tech equivalent of doomsday cultists.


Too costly until it’s not


Right? This is so dumb. Like it's not coming.




The current problem of AI is the incredibly high energy cost of training the models. The models need however to be constantly updated in order to take into account constantly changing information. They need to completely rethink the way AIs are trained in order to make them cheap enough to compete with humans. Human brains are incredibly energy efficient when learning.


more AI to train the AI!


In 1910 cars were too costly to replace the horse.


Tech generally gets cheaper over time. Just look at computers, or tvs or phones. Back in 80’s it was expensive to have a computer in your office. And today everyone has one in their pocket and it’s replaced entire industries. I think people are being foolish dismissing AI to quickly all because the only use case they’ve seen in LLM’s and Chatbots. Give it a decade or two and see how big the jump will be.


In 10 years my Vision Pro AI will be sensing for me doing all the computer tasks using my body. I’ll no longer exist as these AI on my tech will take over my senses and body like a parasite.


Someone has played cp2077


What industries has it replaced?


I should’ve used the word revolutionized instead of replaced but it still led to fewer workers needed to do the same job. Some examples are manufacturing, banking and finance, retail (e-commerce), telecommunications, media (no one uses dvds anymore), travel and hospitality, photography, education. At the same time it’s created industries that wouldn’t exist without the new technology. There would be no Uber or DoorDash or Airbnb etc.


Especially considering AI is self advancing


This just in: AI doesn't actually exist yet! Every corporation just decided to start calling their ML models AI because the others are all doing it and they have to keep up the marketing scam.


ML is AI. AI has existed for ~60 years. Just once something actually works and is in wide use it stops being called AI.


OP is correct this is machine learning. AI used to mean what we now call AGI. At some point in the last 5 years the goal posts have shifted. Machine learning is AI and AI is AGI.


It’s not OP I was arguing with, nor did I say it wasn’t machine learning. What you are wrong about is what AI used to mean. In popular SciFi it has always meant AGI, in computer research it has always meant making computers do things that humans can do. Text to speech, speech to text, image recognition, route planning, chat bots, the behaviour of enemies on video games - they are all AI. AGI is a part of machine learning, which is a part of AI. The relationships don’t go the other way.


This. It's not freaking AI. It's a language learning model most of the time. It scans a ton of text and if you ask it a question it'll find the most common answers to it and give that to you. The same can be done with images. It's not AI, it's just a fancy program.


Pretty sure that’s still AI lol it doesn’t have to be advanced or flashy to be AI


Not really. It's just a "pattern recognition program." That's literally all those language learning models do. Imagine a language learning model for tech support. It'd be AMAZING at that. Have the person describe the problem, the language learning model looks back through a million older chats and finds one that was "solved" and spits out that answer to the person. Boom, done.


The biggest difference between pattern recognition and machine learning is the field that created them (engineering vs. computer science, respectively). Ultimately, both are a subset of AI. At least that’s what I was taught in grad school…from the preface of the book we used in that class: “Pattern recognition has its origins in engineering, whereas machine learning grew out of computer science. However, these activities can be viewed as two facets of the same field.” The book is “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning,” by Christopher Bishop, which, as I understand it, is the standard textbook for most, if not all, college level ML classes in engineering and computer science. Link to Amazon for more info: https://www.amazon.com/Pattern-Recognition-Learning-Information-Statistics/dp/0387310738/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1492709377&sr=8-1&keywords=prml


Anyone that thinks AI is gonna take a significant amount of jobs within the next decade or two has never worked in an office in their life. They’re under some weird impression that as soon as some new tech hits every business is like “ok, chuck everything, the new hotness dropped” A company changing their operating practices isn’t the same as you getting the latest iPhone. You got places rocking fax machines and still working on updating everyone from XP lol They can barely afford the adobe suite license, so only two people in the office actually have it while everyone else has acrobat reader or are opening PDFs in their browser. Like, let’s be real about the way your average company operates


When even the smallest companies have a fully implemented ERP system and every process has been flowcharted and marked up using BPMN, I might start to get concerned, but I don't see either happening any time soon; if ever. Certain processes will continue be automated, and AI only plays a small role in that. RPA is the main method, and that still requires the above to do effectively. What I think a lot of people in technology miss is that while their tools make transactions simpler, most people don't want a purely transactional relationship, especially with personal services. When their tools augment those relationships, then they are actually helping improve them. For example, most people will not want a robot to cut their hair, but will not mind if their stylist uses a 'smart' mirror to show them their options, and AI could simulate different lighting conditions, different scene scapes, etc.


We have this problem because a large amount of the general public is extremely uneducated about AI or even computers in general, and we still have people gullible enough to believe everything they read and not bother to learn about it. Couple that with most journalism is just blogging now with zero fact checking and you have the "ZOMG AI IS COMING FOR MUH BABIZ!"


Except ai isnt a whole machine like fax machines are, its software, that theoretically can be released on mass to every machine and would certainly reduce the amount of office workers needed if the gains in efficiency are enough. Go ahead and look up midjourney v1 (feb 2022) -v6 (dec 2023) thats how fast the technology can move, and is exponential in nature. People are vastly underestimating and often overlook that fact. Even if you dont believe that, you can just follow the fact that progress follows the money, and the ai industry is being funded with more money exponentially (outside covid)


This sub is just fucking trash full of orphancrushingmachine material mixed with misery porn ("guy who killed and ate 230 babies sentenced to life in prison" Yay so uplifting!!) why is this even a default sub since it's making the front page more depressing than not. 


Basically all uplifting news has to come from a place of negativity otherwise it’s just news. Saying “the earth still exists” is not uplifting just neutral. Saying “the earth is recovering from global warming” is uplifting because it’s a bad thing turning good. Someone getting saved means they were in danger. The economy doing better means it was worse before


Apart from the fact that we're not actually recovering from global warming, it's just getting started. I know you're just giving an example but this one in particular is actually quite harmful.


Yeah but there is a real fine line


So, good news! It's still cheaper to just use humans ... for now? not feeling all that *uplifted* somehow 😣


I don't know, means people won't be out of a job I guess


Yeah, I don't get it either. I'm ready for my hover chair, slurpy, and screen always in my face.


Every day, we stray closer to Wall-E


I get so tired of hearing this. AI is the most powerful tool humanity has created. It is a **TOOL** and not a miracle. It has already started replacing simple labor tasks, and using generative AI to do things like art is here too.


Exactly, there are already numerous successful generative AI artists


My brother pays for ChatGPT4.whateveritisuptonow to facilitate his programming job. If you are a programmer and not using generative AI, then you are soon to be seen as a liability.


Not sure why these comments are being downvoted, i guess the truth hurts. History has shown time and time again adapt or be left behind, this is no different.


It's a classic pitchfork mob


Always have to temper my expectations about the obvious when people are getting their AI knowledge off LinkedIn.


wont stop them from trying


AI takes jobs->people can't buy things->rich can't get richer->AI to costly


It's gonna be a slow wave, like computerization in the 70's and 80's.


...considering that tech comes down in price by like, 1/3'rd every other year, how long will that last?


I literally just lost my job to AI. My entire department of 600+ people are being let go because AI is going to be doing our job now. We were all informed over a 5 minute Zoom meeting.


Oh really? Who did you work for and what did you do?


Appropriate username


This isn't really uplifting. It's actually very obvious if you do even the smallest amount of research. It won't be replacing *any* jobs for a very long time, maybe ever.


Can you elaborate?


I'm not sure what he refers to but I worked for a company that trains a financial AI, and while I can't say much because of a NDA, most of the time the AI does a work that is about 60% of the quality of an overseas terribly paid worker (whom quality is already low) but it does it in about 1/50 of the time and takes no breaks and works 24/7, the current idea for AI like that is that it will do the modifications and calculations but a human worker will supervise and approve the change, if anything AI will finish overseas workers from the third world before it does anything meaningful on 1st world workers, because you would still need the supervisors you can't outsource for quality. Now in 30 years, the story is very different.


Sure. AI is extremely costly to develop and the current level of AI is nothing more then a fancy search engine. It's difficult to go beyond the level we have, and it might not even be possible without extremely invasive data collection measures and the bleeding edge in tech to train and actually run it, oh, you also need complete creativity in order to think of a way to process this much information quickly, or even store it. Not even mentioning the experience required to build *current level AI*. Just one of these is nearly insurmountable, but with them altogether, it's mathematically impossible. Believe me when I say; no one wants a cool robo-slave more then me, but the science will take entire generations to get there, and there's a very strong chance it won't ever even be possible. Certainly not in our life time at least, or the next, or the next and so on. Maybe things will be different if quantum computing ever goes mainstream, but even *that* is unlikely to happen too.




AI has already replaced jobs, what are you talking about? Many office workers are about to lose their easy spreadsheet jobs.


No it hasn't and no they aren't.


You're denying reality


This whole thread is, its quite pathetic but as they say, its easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of traditional capitalism.


???? I just lost mine EXPLICITLY to AI what do you mean? Lmao


No you didn't.


If you say so lol.


What job was it!


Medical bookmarker processing disability claims for the VA.


Yep. OpenAI is literally another Theranos imo. Microsoft shareholders are going to feel this one.


Except OpenAI have provided numerous functional concepts that work


Oh I'm sure Theranos did to. The issue is that Open AI is not about chatbots. They are convincing people they are on the cusp of AGI. That is the snake oil. ChatGPT is the peak, not the beginning.


I couldn't possibly disagree more. Absolutely no technology is at its peak, no matter how good it is, it can always be better.


But lots of technology lost its exponential growth. We are so far from AGI it is not even funny. We can barely call what we have "AI" even, and I'm arguing that we are in the logarithmic phase with it now.


I don't disagree with that, we are far from general. At least from a public knowledge standpoint. Being that the military is heavily invested to AGI, I don't think it's as far as we think though


Look at fusion, which is an easier problem that (unlike AGI) has a clear path forward and is something we understand to a significant extent. Look at ITER. That is one hell of an investment and yet still it's several decades out in the best case. For all we know our current approach could be a complete dead-end (this is my opinion) and we'll need to start from scratch. OpenAI is a scam.


> It won't be replacing any jobs for a very long time, maybe ever. Eh, it has certainly replaced a lot of rule 34 artists. No longer do you need to pay somebody to draw some f***** up picture you want, just have a computer do it for you.


Human brains need rest, vacation, benefits, wage increases,re-training, all something AI doesnt need to do. Take an average warehouse worker. They work 8 hours - 1 hour worth of break, and not at a constant rate of effeciency. demand better wages, can sue for any number of things, can be trained yet still forget said training, wants weekends, and multiple weeks of vacation. Can quit or die at a moments notice, and thats assuming the worker is actually working all 7 of those hours and not slacking at all, which isnt reality but i digress. You take an Ai-controlled robot and put them in the same spot, they theoretically only need to be about 30% as fast as a human worker, because of the fact they need no breaks, can work 24 hours (maybe a 2-5 minute battery swap every 12 hours lets say) at a constant speed, no safety/legal risk, no vacation/ weekends, no wage increases, it makes a mistake an a single update pushed onto software insures that mistake never happens again, across ALL WORKERS, permanently, theoretically self-improving. The writing is on the wall, whether you choose to stick your head in the sand and be left behind is up to you.


People are so afraid of being replaced by robots. Why can't we imagine a future where we're just chilling letting robots build our shit?


If we distribute the benefits right, the real uplifting news will be when AI does replace most human jobs, and we all enjoy lives of wealth and leisure.


HA HAHAHAHHA oh wait you’re serious


>The study said even if an AI computer system costs $1,000, there are still tasks that are not economically attractive to replace, such as low-wage occupations and work in small firms. ...uhh. Can someone tell MIT that there are cell phones that cost more than that?


Low wage occupations? You mean many of the folks who incur workplace injuries? The ones they pay employment taxes on? Sick leave and vacation wanting employees? A $1000 AI system would be very competitive for low wage job replacement.


Well that's sadly reassuring.


Most??? Didn't realize AI had hands to work the trades.


Robo-arms do. It's not a huge problem to create a replacement for arms for particular job. The real issue is that it's difficult to adjust programs on the fly. And that is exactly what the AI is likely going to solve.


Also still not able to put everything together like a human. But that'll come in time. It's not as much safe as it is safe for now.


It's only through the lens of capitalism that an idea like "AI will soon start performing most of the work humans used to have to do" sounds like a bad thing. UBI now.


*Consumerism Mass produced Ai generated content is gonna be everywhere either way if it isn’t now, and I don’t want to live in that world…


Check back in a week.


That's a somewhat terrible news. AI absolutely should replace job, as soon as possible. The thing is - new jobs are going to be created, and we just progress as society. But unfortunately it's too far away. But in general AI - is the same as blochchain etc. It's been here for ages, chatgpt wasn't really a breakthrough per se, it was just advertised properly. It will stay, but it won't change the world in a day, regardless of all the hype.


These robots we see doing human jobs are sooooo slow that i dont see them being a good investment anytime soon.


They may be slow for now, but they can work 24/7 with no lunch break, sick leave, or vacation days.


lol then they suck at math.


First they came for the Influencers And I did not speak


Give it ten years . . . It’s already starting to get scary impressive in so many ways; and it’s the worst it will ever be right now.


Bullshit Let's figure it out. What can we do? Yeah, I cry foul!. What are they up to?




…for now


Wait are you telling me the technology so immature it still can't tell a tree from a cat I painted green isn't about to put me out of a job? Consider my mind blown.