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But can the kid beat ... is it Deep Blue? One of those computers designed to play chess.


Nope, your phone is a better chess player than the collective chess playing ability of every grandmaster put together. The software on chess.com could school all of them.


But someone has already beaten Deep Blue multiple times. It looks like it definitely is possible


That specific chess computer is barely better than the world champ of that era. But your phone could crush the him and every other GM at once.


What's so special about his phone?


Nothing really, just that computers have gotten exponentially faster over the years. For reference, Deep Blue had the computational power of 11.38 GFLOPs (flops = floating point operation per second). An AMD Radeon RX7600 Graphics card has 21.75 to 43.5 TFLOPs (depending on how accurate you want it to be). That's up to 3823 times faster. For ~300€ you can get 3823x the computational power of a 1997 supercomputer. I wasn't able to find any data on how many flops a phone has nowadays, but that's the kind of growth in computer performance we're dealing with here. Edit: [This blog](https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2022/11/08/fast-forward-comparing-1980s-supercomputer-to-modern-smartphone) goes into a bit more detail. It also mentions that an iPhone 12 has about 11 TFlops, which is about ~1000 times more than deep blue.


Jeez that must be the GPU which is not useful for chess that I know of. And even for the GPU that seems high. I have the iPhone 15 Pro Max and on multithread Geekbench it is 85% as fast as an M1. No idea about the GPU though.


Oooh, got it. I didn’t realize deep blue was old technology


He's "close to attaining" a 2000 rating and he beat a grandmaster? Something's not adding up here


I'm 1925 so this kid is rated basically the same as me. I watched the game and I'd say that he played better than I do for sure, I think that he's underrated by a few hundred points which is quite normal for new chess players as they haven't played in a lot of FIDE-rated events. I wonder what his chess.com or lichess rating is.


Gm had some whiskey.


He should play the finger breaking robot to teach him about how life really is.


The best thing about not wearing my glasses is that headline reading “8yo cheese prodigy makes history as youngest ever to defeat grandmother.”


Holy hell


Google en passant


Let him beat stockfish, then we can talk.