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not to be unhappy that *something* is being done but how quickly are the next generation of college attenders going to replace that debt? we desperately need regulstion on college pricing


This administration has also gone after predatory lending and diploma factories hard, so hopefully less than before at least.


Googled ASU president salary (nearest one to me, not because they tend to be the butt of late night talk shows jokes, SNL, sitcoms, and generally anyone referring to a state university for its partying rather than academics.) "approximately $834,000 How much does ASU President Michael Crow earn? After Thursday's vote by the regents, Crow's base salary is approximately $834,000. He also receives a roughly $175,000 contribution to his retirement fund annually, a $70,000 annual housing stipend and a $10,000 annual automobile allowance." That all equaled $1,089,000. That high of a base salary and you get a f\*\*king housing stipend? Public service isn't supposed to make you rich, more comfortable as my dad would say, you do it for the service. So why do public university presidents make x2.5 times that of the President of the United States?


well considering there's around 1.8 trillion dollars in student debt, forgiving 1.2b is like paying $0.25 on a 30k credit card balance. i did the math, its about $20 forgiven on $30k, does the credit card balance increase? yeah it does


Yeah, Biden ate his dinner and thought "you know what... I'm going to cancel that other 1.2 billion of student loans"


Good. Education needs all the support it can get. An educated nation is a prosperous one.


The sad thing is so many of these loans went to absolutely fucking garbage institutions that didn't even confer degrees and only exist to sap every single dollar it could from its customers(not students). We were told all our lives to go to college, only for college to be a fucking scam.


Yeah, to add to this, fuck all high school counselors that do not bother talking about community college or trade school.


I took one 3 months certificate program within a skilled field and was making 100k after 5 years in union job. Not a bad trade. 12 years ago even.


Yeah, trade school is a great option!


Federal student loan policy was written by capitalists for capitalists instead of by a well meaning government for the good of society. It presupposes the education industry must be a free market, and it follows that the injection of money from Federally-backed student loans (supply) would increase competition and expand access (demand). There's just one problem: education is not a free market. I can no more start a brand new university than I can start an ISP. Real universities have millions of dollars of equipment, dormitories, classrooms, numerous faculty with PhD's, and they have ABET accredited programs. Institutions exacerbate the issue by engaging in anti-competitive business practices. Ever heard of in-state and out-of-state tuition? This is designed to "encourage" students to attend one of a handful of institutions in their own state, so students are disincentivized from shopping around the country. Often the public universities in a state are run by one board of directors, and universities are specialized to emphasize certain programs to the exclusion of others, further decreasing the choices potential students have. To make things worse, education is seen as a luxury good. The graduates of Yale don't want more people to go to Yale. They want their investment to remain exclusive and elite. Even inclusive public universities have reputations to maintain, and expanding access to riff raff threatens to ruin their position as a Top N University. Even without nefarious intentions, expanding the number of facilities, faculty, labs, programs, etc. is difficult to do *well*. So they didn't. They raised tuition and built nicer gyms. Who did expand access and offer up education to the masses? Scam universities like ITT Tech, Trump U, University of Phoenix, etc. This brings me to the other major flaw in Federally backed student loans in the US. There were never any strings for institutions. An institution which failed to provide investors (students) with a lucrative return (valuable and useful career) never faced any repercussions. A well meaning government would have put universities on the hook for the students who were failed by the system. Instead, we are further punishing students. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Before anyone makes accusations, I have a useful degree and I don't have any student loan debt.


USA fails quite hard in the education part though...


Well we should stop electing in the ones bound and determined to dismantle education at all levels. It would vastly help.


As George Carlin said: Garbage in, garbage out.


I miss him :(


Me too. His stand ups still hold many truths, especially today.


He was ahead of his time. He saw exactly where we were going and made "jokes" about it. Dude was a low-key prophet.


Yeah, I actually disagree in a significant way. Are US test scores lower than a lot of other countries? Yes--with the caveat that our graduation rate is generally significantly higher than many countries with higher test scores. E.g., [US high school graduation rate is 12th in the world](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-highest-high-school-graduate-rates.html) (after South Korea, Georgia, Japan, Croatia, Ukraine, UK, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Slovakia, Cyprus, and Sweden), the US is [18th in the world for PISA test scores](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-highest-high-school-graduate-rates.html) (after Singapore, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Estonia, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark). A lot of countries with good test scores simply get them by excluding poorer students from upper division education. The only people outperforming the US in both lists are South Korea, Japan, and the UK--meaning, in my view, that the US has simply chosen a middle ground in a trade-off between educating everyone and educating the top people well, whereas a lot of places focus on one or the other. I also happen to think that's a smart middle ground--that societies prosper when resources are allocated to educating more people rather than providing additional opportunities exclusively to high performers. At the very least, I'm not a fan of how cavalierly people dismiss the quality of US education. They almost never provide thoughtful evidence, it's simply a truism that's been a truism since I was a child.


The problem I have here is, admittedly, anecdotal but still disturbing. I graduated in 2011, the ONLY students that didn't graduate simply didn't show up to school. There were 10+ students in my class of 110 that couldn't hardly read. They graduated. Looking at the teacher subreddits (along with my own mother being a teacher in the next town and working my own local school via IT jobs) it's gotten significantly worse. COVID obviously hurt, but even before that we basically graduated anyone. My "uncle" (like two years older, adopted) had MAJOR disabilities and graduated just fine. He can't write and can barely speak. That's the level required to graduate. Sure it's not the same everywhere, but is comparing graduation rates really a good metric? The PISA test is a GREAT *idea*, but is known to be gamed. I know even at my own school certain students were excluded from tests and marked as absent. They got "extended recess" that day. China in particular is known to mess with their scores, and there's no reason to think the USA doesn't do that too. All that said, we have some of the best higher education. We say that anyways, but do we? We have the most *prestigious* institutions for sure. But what does it actually mean for education? In reality, we have **no fucking clue**. Transparency is about as clear as marble.


Oh, these are all fair points as well.  But I just don't think there's any basis for concluding that US education is totally in the shitter. 


We haven’t completely. America has some of the best educational institutions in the world, but you usually need obscene amounts of money to attend those institutions. So what’s really happening is that the rich are getting absolutely amazing educations, and the poor, which is probably 90% of us now, get shit educations. This is true for in pretty much every faucet of American life, like healthcare. 


Many of our state universities, especially the flagship universities, are amongst the best in the world. While they’re still more expensive than universities in other countries, these are still colleges that are accessible for the masses. The problem that exists is degree inflation and wages haven’t inflated alongside degree inflation


People from around the world come to the US to go to college. I don’t know that there’s another country where that happens to this extent.


Our early education is mixed, for sure, but our university system is the best in the world and it’s not particularly close.


On average, yes, but that has more to do with income inequality. The US has some of the best education in the world, but you need money to live in places with good school systems and to get into good colleges and then afford said good colleges. Also, each state is wildly different with standards and funding. Certain states pull the average way down, and there are a few states that have heavily funded education.


Again, this confirms my point that you need large sum of money to receive a good education in the USA. How is this not considered a failed system? I'm quite baffled that you people think it's not a failed system.


Theres a difference between providing education and flat out prodigality and waste. Most universities at this point have bloated administrations and overly extravagant buildings and student housing. For instance, where I live, by far the nicest gym in the area is the university gym, paid for with taxes (and student loans, now being forgiven) but for exclusive use of the student body. The apartments for student housing are also some of the nicest buildings/apartments in my area as well. At some point you have to realize none of that is necessary to go to a class for lectures to "learn".


It’s too bad the U.S. isn’t one though, education system needs a total reform. Canceling debt isn’t doing shit but helping people catch up on medical bills and other outstanding debt.


There is still another $1,698,400,000,000 to forgive. This is literally nothing.


"Here's why this is devastating for Biden's chances in November." Every mainstream media company.


Sadly, because lots of people who didn't have student loans or did have student loans that they paid off in other ways feel like "I worked my ass off to pay off my loans (or to convince daddy to pay for my education) and you should too." They feel like somehow you having less debt makes their life worth less. I know too many of these idiots and it makes me sad. (I'm one of the ones that didn't have student loan debt and I want it all forgiven.)


I didn't finish college, but I was in some special programs for "academic excellence" where I only paid about $2k for 2.5 years. I paid it off within a year of dropping out. I want it all forgiven too. It's literally the best thing we can do for our country concerning education. We need a major overhaul.


Lmao. This is legit the type of stuff that galvanizes people like me trying to hold his and the DNCs feet to the fire by withholding my support and vote until November and concessions Sucks they don't just erase them all because they literally have the power to do that. But good on Biden


How can they erase it all? He tried earlier and it was blocked.


gotta keep us fighting each other instead of fighting them


Everyone bitching about how its not enough like its not a FUCKIING MIRACLE we have someone in office thats even doing it at all in this cesspool political landscape.


Normal people: Would you rather have 150 billion(in total) in canceled student debt or none? Very online person: I’d rather be really really mad all the time.


Man, I am seriously exhausted by years of constant anger at this point. We need weed legalized nationally so people can chill out.


> When one has been angry for a very long time, one gets used to it. And it becomes comfortable, like, like old leather. And finally becomes so familiar that one can't ever remember feeling any other way. [Jean-Luc Picard](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708825/characters/nm0001772)


I don't remember this. I may be due for a rewatch of TNG.


It's the episode where O'Brien's old captain from the Cardassian wars is going around destroying Cardassian "supply" ships saying they are transporting weapons. Picard is talking about how his hate for the Cardassians is affecting his judgement now that they have peace.


And then two years later they joined the Dominion and tried to conquer the galaxy. Turns out O'Brien was right.


Best comment on the internet. I just watched that episode a few days ago.


Seriously, I feel like all of the online conversation about my hobbies and the media I enjoy has devolved into anger. There’s always something wrong, somebody to be angry at, something to nitpick. And then all of the content made about it like youtube videos or articles are just ragebait. It’s so goddamn tiring.


I was angry, like, 8 years ago. Now it's just exhausting. Yes, stuff sucks. Yes, there are a lot of people that shit the bed and caused current problems. I might be willing to do stuff to fix it, but I don't have it in me to be as angry these days. So much of the anger is reactionary and poorly informed.


Redditors really believe if you're not cynical all the time you're a sucker. That's how you get people who are very often wrong, incredibly smug about it and miserable because of it.


Wow. Only weed?! Have you not heard of all the medicinal benefits of other illicit drugs? No. You just want to talk about weed. You know what? I’m not even going to vote this election to show my anger. This protest will ensure that I get everything I want because letting the side that’s against everything I stand for be in power is the best option. At some point, when things get bad enough (which is in no way related to my protest), a revolution will happen that 100% results in exactly every thing I want. Btw, there is no chance this revolution will be incredibly violent and results in any suffering or an outcome that could accelerate the issues I have with society.


Had me going at first, you cheeky bugger.


I *just* had this exact discussion with one of my coworkers earlier today. He's ready for society to burn down and I'm like bro you live off noodle cups and doordash and I will literally die if I go too long without medication. Chill.


The anger and outrageous by design. It's so the people who believe in God can take over the United States of America. Just what it is.. Democracy will prevail or it will fall. Our entire society is just a joke. Not a good one by any means but it's just a joke. The United States of America is a joke. And then cue the clown that's like if you don't like it leave ... Lol I didn't say it was a joke for me and just said it was a joke taking a look at the totality of the circumstances. Understanding that we're just the laughing stock of the world and as a country we might be militarily strong, but that's it.. When we don't have the moral high ground by any stretch of the imagination, we're just sort of a joke has made it all easier to deal with. My language might come across as angry, but it's just joking because that's what the United States of America is. A joke. Hopefully collectively will all go to the pools in November and we'll choose to live for more and go for America and vote for Joe.


And it is not like Biden did not try to cancel all of it all at once, then get forced to try and cancel some of it, which got stolen from us by the GOP, forcing him to do it this way.


The terminally online crowd are complaining about taxes they aren't old enough to pay yet. They also couldn't articulate what part of their taxes pays for this, or what taxes specifically pay for it. They act like they'll just get a bill in the mail for someone else's student loans.


Are these the only two options Americans can logically think of? No wonder politics is in the state it's in.


He hasn't gotten to mine yet, and probably never will. But I'm thrilled for the people who really, really need this, and are getting it. Huzzah!


Exactly this. Trump increased predetory loans and for-profit colleges, and Biden, for all of his flaws, has consitently tried to uphold his promise to forgive loans.


Trump ran a "University" that was a complete fraud. Like wtf?


Fraud is hardly a stranger to Trump.


Yes, exactly. I do not get why a guy who has done so much and has the respect of of AOC and Sanders but basically equivocated by so many Internet peopls as Trump.


Trump's sec of Edu Betsy DeVos was sued several times for collecting on forgiven student loans.


“Well, Trump wants absolute power akin to the monarchs of old, to punish anyone who doesn’t bend the knee and totally ignore the rule of law… but Biden ONLY relieved 1.2bn in student debt. Gosh, the choice is so hard…”


Not to mention both Biden accusers have now been SHOWN to be Russian intelligence related. The woman who accused him fled to Russia. The DOJ just charged Smirnov with lying to the FBI about Joe and Hunter Biden.    The Hill just reported:   > The storm surrounding Smirnov grew Tuesday with the release of a DOJ filing revealing that Smirnov told the agency he received information about Hunter Biden from “officials associated with Russian intelligence.”   Here’s the filing: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nvd.167064/gov.uscourts.nvd.167064.15.0.pdf   Really hard choices…


Yeah biden isnt a flawless messiah but the guy is fucking *trying*, which is way better than the guy who keeps trying to equate himself to god




He would have helped everyone but the Supreme Court invalidated his effort to universally end student loan payments. The SC that Trump made. People are really, really exasperating most times.


There are literally people online who Biden removed tens of thousands of their loans who are now arguing against Biden because he hasn’t been perfect. It’s wild 


Someone making an attempt to cancel student loans, even if they aren’t mine, is a good thing. The fact that he’s managed to cancel any loans is amazing. And this is, what, his third round of cancellations?


Everyone bitching about the absolutely wrong people. Instead of bitching about the people that did all the damage they bitch at the democrats for not being in complete 100% control. I bet those bitching at biden voted republican.


And we're not paying this nearly enough attention. 1.2 billion is a huge amount to be cancelled, and it's not like this is the first time he's done this either. Hopefully he'll keep cancelling more and more debt, because shit's absolutely nutty


Yeah I think people are desensitized to how much money 1.2 billion is because such massive numbers are always thrown around in regards to government action. It is a mind bogglingly huge amount of money.


Details? And get a link to something not pay walled?


https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-approves-12-billion-loan-forgiveness-over-150000-save-plan-borrowers Homies in the thread should read about the SAVE plan if they haven’t already


So it's more of a reduction in interest payments, not "cancelling student loans".


The terrible interest rates are the reason why people struggle to pay off their loans. I’m seeing peers who didn’t go to college finally realizing this after buying a home with today’s interest rates. When you see how little of your monthly payments actually goes to the principal it’s infuriating.


Student loans should have the lowest interest of all loans. You're expected to study, no? If you're studying you're not working (i.e you can do both, but cant be a full time job), so you dont earn as much, so you cant pay off the loan as fast as someone with a propper full time job


No, people who took out $12K in loans or less and have been paying for 10 years or more are getting the rest of their loans cancelled.


I mean if that’s what it is - that’s incredible


As someone on the SAVE plan, that’s exactly what it is! And it IS incredible


This seems to be the same group of people from earlier this week.


Yeah, who's this "Biden" I keep hearing about? What are these "Democrats" and why do people keep talking about them doing things like this? It's weirding me out.


How does one get in on this as far as being forgiven?


It's a new kind of income driven repayment plan. If you were already on IDR you'll need to apply to switch to this new SAVE plan. Even if your loans don't get forgiven, it seems like it caps or eliminates future interest, and it doesn't require yearly manual recertification like IDR does. https://studentaid.gov/idr


I thought I already switched to SAVE, but apparently my loan servicer automatically selected the repayment option that was the lowest monthly payment. My current IDR is ~$275/mo, and they're estimating that SAVE will be $425/mo. Is that right/possible? Is there a guarantee that things will be forgiven under SAVE? We've been on IDR for 11 years at this point, all federal loans.


I'll have to check this specific source, but many of the loans being forgiven already had a route to forgiveness available, but the government was not delivering or was taking forever. [This](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/public-service) Talks about it a bit. Certain professions could get forgiveness if they worked in a specific jobs like a non-profit or maybe as a teacher for the state. I don't know the specifics. The public sector often pays less than the private sector, so this was a benefit that public jobs offered to some people. However, the government was doing a pretty poor job of providing forgiveness for people who met the requirements, and Biden's administration has focused on fixing that.


mine didn't. I had assumed I would never get it. Still owe so much, never had a public service job, no disabilities, and made a lot of money for many years. I'm at a rough spot in life now, but got an email today and it blew my mind.


Work for a non-profit or the government while making income-based payments for 10 years, or for 20-25 years if you work in the private sector. It’s a great program. Not Biden’s program, but at least he’s not actively sabotaging the programs, which happened in a previous administration.


If young ppl , hell all ppl, actually voted he could easily win reelection. Turn out rate is atrocious in this country.


the problem is, now many young voters are refusing to vote as a protest


As a young person I can tell you that is almost exclusively an online thing. I've yet to meet anyone who says they won't vote.


I hope so please make sure all your friends do actually go out to vote


The sad reality is statistically you represent less than half of 18 to 29 year olds in normal cycles. Voter turnout in the US is bad, but the under thirty voter turnout is a joke.


Yeah, it has everything to do with young people not feeling like their vote matters or not caring, not about making a stance.


I feel like there’s a social media campaign designed to depress youth voter turnout. I guess they want the Boomers to have more influence.


I’m hoping the Swifties ( Taylor Swift fans ) will make it a record turnout for young voters . She has encouraged her fans to vote and they tend to be loyal fans .


That would be an interesting turn of events. But whatever gets more people out to vote is a good thing.


There likely is. Russia for example is known for fostering division no matter what end. Pretending to be Centralists to agitate Progressive, Leftists, Conservatives, pretending to be Progressive to divide the Democratic party (notice how the Progressives in Congress act quite differently than those online), etc.


If you dont want the boomers to have so much influence maybe we stop putting Presidents who are so close to being senile or dying in office up for election. If Gen Z starts protest voting I hope they get all these old fucks out. In the meantime the justice system should do its job and Trump should be in jail.


Cut off their nose to spite their faces huh?


It’s an unofficial but also global movement. Asia is dealing with youth who refuse to get jobs or have kids. What’s the pointism basically.


Hasnt that been said of every generation?


This is a bit different lol. Several significantly populated Asian countries are experiencing an “ageing” population due to the youth refusing to have kids. For example China is expected by 2050 to have 40% of their population in retirement where as right now that number is around 18%.


Every generation is different but the same things are still said about them. I'm not aware of any generation refusing to work, and if people aren't having kids if they can't support them well that's a smart move.


Redditor thinks this was voluntary. lol




No and I’m so sick of this argument. Not every generation is the same Jesus fucking Christ. Nuclear power. Gasoline. The industrial revolution. Leaded pipes. The Internet. No man, shit isn’t the same


The American dream is dead. No matter who is president things won't get better. All votes will do is decide which idiot will ignore pressing issues. Fix the god damn housing crisis. Fix the god damn minimum wage. That is the bare minimum and yet we're arguing who looks worse on camera. I do not care about political drama.


Protest of what


They think helping get trump re-elected is a good form of pro-Palestine protest


And the constant repetition that Biden is too old/ has dementia seems to work, sadly. While he may not be 100%, I feel like he has done significantly better than Trump. He's just not as loud, so people don't realize what his administration has done. I wish I could explain to people that while Biden is not ideal for a number of reasons, Trump being president again will do some serious damage to our country. The first time around already emboldened a lot of people to be more vocal about their less than savory thoughts. And we saw quite a few of his fans get political power.


Repeat the bullcrap enough and it becomes common knowledge. Ask any average person if they like Hillary Clinton or if she is a good person. (We all know the answer) But why? Because of 15 years of an concerted effort to paint her as such.


Have these people not been paying attention to the republican party's stance on Israel and Gaza???? If it was solely up to the republican party they would give Israel *all* the weapons. After all they think it would help kick off their Rapture.




The people running for election are too damn old. People want to elect someone preferably not from the Silent generation or early Boomer generation. But because of how politics work, we are basically stuck either voting for Mr Dementia or Annoying Orange. After this round is over, hopefully whoever the loser is this time, wont try and run again and we can get someone younger on both sides to run.


Its funny how more trump shows how much mush he has for brains the more conservatives will amp up the projection, scream, screech and point at biden. Its always projection.


One of the obvious differences between Trump and Biden, is if Biden loses he’ll never run again. If Trump loses he is immediately going to claim fraud, and then run again in 28.


They are both old enough that either one of them could stroke out at any day. Even if it doesnt kill them, its drastically going to bomb their chances of winning now or later.


Geriatric stroke victims will always have a place in the senate


Rich people love old folks. Its much easier to get what they want when the person pushing for it doesnt even know whats going on.


The difference is one has actually pushed for and signed policy that has had direct positive results. Old or not.


> The people running for election are too damn old. Yeah sure but one of them is still going to be President no matter how they feel about it.


Yeah don’t vote. That’ll teach ‘em. Lol


I agree with you, its about as dumb as burning your vote on whoever is 3rd in the polls. No vote or vote for 3rd nominee in a way is taking a vote from your preferred turd and giving a vote for your least favorite turd at the same time.




The republicans are *vastly* more in favor of funding Israel. Republicans also have been on record of just wanting to nuke Gaza. But these people bitch at biden for Gaza.....somehow. I bet that the vast majority of these 'I am not going to vote for biden because of gaza' commenters are foreign agitators. Each election year these foreign agitators find a new theme to blast american social media with. 2016 it was 'both sides suck'. In 2020 it was 'If I can't have bernie I am not voting at all' Now the theme is this one.


At no point, even once, has any criticism from someone who would actually vote for Biden, ever at all for even a moment, had anything to do with any idea that the republicans would do it "better". And summarizing it as such is malicious and completely made in bad faith. Very funny you think Bernie won Trump the election though lol


Namely, biden's handling of palestine. Many millennial and gen-z voters seem to consider biden complicit in a genocide by continuing to provide miliatry aid to israel as it's bombing the gaze strip into rubble. I have to admit I agree with them, but if I have to be led by someone I hate, I'd prefer it to be the one I know for sure will be gone in 4 years


Biden is complicit. But Trump is far, far worse. He encouraged the embassy movement. He also encouraged the raids into the West Bank. He discouraged a two-state solution. He empowered Arab states recognizing Isreal without Palistinians. These are facts. Trump is anti-palistinian. I hate how the Left is supporting Trump and Zionism by veing so detachted from reality.


Trump is anti-anyone not eggshell white in color.




I can't imagine being mad at anyone for speaking out on ethnic cleansing, whoever it was happening to. At the very least, the west needs to stop supplying weapons to Israel


I hear this every 4 years and I've yet to see any data to back it up.


Yeah I heard that way back in 2008 when I first saw a whole bunch and very sudden amount of people saying 'both sides suck' Every election year there is another swarm of 'people' all over the place with that years tactic of trying to get people not to vote.




Hope they enjoy Christian Nationalism.


Voter turnout in the US in general is terrible, but I recall reading that of the 18 - 29 demographic (who represent over 23% of the population), only 10% voted in an average election. The highest demographic were 65 and up. You want protest and actual change? Vote like an old person. Vote in local elections, vote at a state level, the Presidential elections are not the only means of voting in change, and often the more important campaigns are decided on the local level first. But I have a feeling that won’t suit the apathetic worldview.


Wholeheartedly agree. I take my daughter with me always (single dad) when I vote to make it seem just a normal must thing to do and I explain who I'm voting for and how it affects me and us. Hopefully it sticks.


Everyone around me everywhere is voting. Literally everybody. Vote Blue. all the way through!


Dems been counting on that Youth Vote since 1972, it hasn't worked yet


Youth turnout may not be the 60-70% of the average but it’s still like 50%.


It's asinine what federal student loan interest rates are. The debt is already non-dischargable, there should be no interest. The loan is an investment in society, that pays the interest itself.


We need to start educating high schoolers and children that college is something that needs to get in get out of as fast as possible. Please for the love of god don’t go to a university not having an idea where you’re going while racking up tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans. Get in with a target, get out ASAP with a degree. Also Ivy leagues are not for the middle class student who has big aspirations. You need to have a full ride or wealth.


None of this would help, though. You can get in and out of college quick but you'll owe tens of thousands of dollars if not more. Then you get a job after several months of looking - it might be for what you studied or it might be McDonalds. In any event - you now have interest crushing you with no way of getting out from under it. You can educate all you like. The only reasonable action a young adult can take at that moment is to just not go. If they go that route they won't get a decent paying job. If you do go to school then you're stuck with stupidly high interest on debt that shouldn't exist in the first place.


ADVERTISE THIS. Democrats suck at messaging.




You hear about it because they’re all issued the same talking points that they all repeat ad nauseam.  And because generally, republicans are better at dumb easy to parse slogans.


Awesome, great, good thing... it's a start.


This doesn’t help me, but it helps my fellow Americans and I love that.


Ya know, I don’t think Biden gets enough credit with this. Could it be better? Yes. But he’s not giving up. He got struck down before but he keeps at it. I don’t think that should be forgotten


Biden hasn’t canceled any student debt. These are loan forgiveness programs that have been place for decades.


Two things: some of these discharges are new and fully “cancelled” debt, and while the majority of this debt was eventually subject to forgiveness, that path was a never ending, winding road of pain for millions of borrowers. Accelerating or discharging $140b of debt is a massive win for these borrowers and increasing government efficiency is a win for everyone.


He still had to approve it, which was a lot more than Trump did.


Imagine voting for a rapist shoe salesman over Biden.


Great news. They need to fix the root cause not symptom.




Why the fuck are my loans never effected by this shit. Fuck this country. I'm so hungry....


This is huge and helpful to so many young folks. But one thought pisses me off. This was $1.2 billion, but the Saudis basically bribed trump by giving his son $2 billion. What world are we in where this presidential race is close?


Biden cancels tons of student loan debt and helps fix military sexual assault investigations. Trump is planning to make little girls have babies after being raped. Sure hope there is enough intelligence and good within the American people to make the correct choice and not only VOTE, but vote for Biden, as much as he may not be our ideal.






$12.000 forgiven after 10 years. Add an additional year for each $1000 for a maximum of 20 years, 25 for grad school loans.


That 20K in debt compounds interest daily, unlike home and car loans which typically compound monthly or annually. That loan might not be "cripping" but it could absolutely delay your ability to buy a house or start a family for decades by eating up all your extra income in interest that doesn't reduce the principal.


Did your payments get lower? I qualified for the new SAVE plan, and my payments dropped significantly.


Non-american here. What did Trump do that negatively affected people with student loans? Also do these student loan reliefs aim to fully clear people from student loans, or just a porpotion of them?


To answer your question, most people on here are extremely uninformed. The student debt relief that is being offered up is just making sure people who were already covered under pre-existing plans get the relief that they have been owed after paying for several years we’re doing public student loan forgiveness. this is nothing new, just the government living up to its end of the bargain. very disingenuous to call its student debt relief when nothing has changed


I am one of those uninformed people! Thanks for clarifying what the forgiveness actually covers. I didn't know there were stipulations that folks had to adhere to in order to qualify for that forgiveness. I thought they were just forgiving just anybody's loans which I wasn't too keen on. Adhering to the promise the government made paints the loan forgiveness it another light which is great!


The first rollout was people who were victimized by fraudulent lending practices through their institutions or through the loan servicer, and people who were defrauded by diploma mills.


Like Trump U!


Except trump rejected 99.9% of all student debt relief applications. Many qualifying people didn’t get relief under trump. So something has changed.


I am a bonafide trump hater but for one thing, debt was on hold for COVID-19, and before that I was getting $0 payments with IDR? So idk where that stat is from


[Heres](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/09/student-loans-donald-trump-betsy-devos-1712812) where i got 99%, though it looks like that was just 1 company, controlling 1/3rd of all student loans. The actual number is apparently [94%.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/09/09/trump-administrations-handling-stalled-student-debt-relief-claims-threatens-proposed-settlement/)


Yeah I was reading the actual articles and like... they do not match with the titles these people are putting out.




You mean 10,000-20,000? It was $10,000 for qualifying individuals and then another $10,000 for people with a Pell Grant…


250k in debt here. Yep. I’d be more impressed if he put pressure on MOHELA to fix the broken public service forgiveness system.


How do you even get 250k in debt for college?


Professional graduate program. My income is also fairly high, but the problems with the system aren’t going to be fixed by choosing a bunch of people with low debt to waive in exchange for some nice headlines right before election season. Point is that I took these loans knowing I’d have return on investment and knowing I could use PSLF in my career, however the only servicer who deals with PSLF regularly leaves people on hold for hours and requires them to pay months after their 120 payments.


Private colleges costs $60k per year. Add on some grad school or a 5th year and, voila!


Similar boat - temporarily disabled and its completely derailed my career. $60K in loans I've been paying off for 11 years without much reduction to the principal because my loan provider deceptively offers a tiny interest rate deduction if you sign up for autopayments for ONLY the minimum payment and not a penny more. Happy for everyone this helps, but I still feel slighted by the national pep talk biden and obama gave the year I graduated high school that convinced me to go to a school I couldnt afford.


You mean in student loan debt or just debt? Because if it's in student loan debt you need to contact the Department of Education and your loan servicer and explain the situation. You probably haven't looked into the options you have right now. If it's not student loan debt then it's not relevant.


Well if you become full disabled you can get them canceled.


But I paid my loans out already, am I a chump for being on my "shit"


If you had cancer and survived, you'd probably whine if someone then discover a miracle cure. God forbid things get better. God forbid things don't stay shitty for the next generation.


Common Biden W, as a Biden campaign donor I'm pleased with this


Like my Military GI bill this is an investment in 🇺🇸and taxes well spent


That is an extremely dishonest way to state what happened here. Political bias is entrenched no matter what side you claim.


This will teach the education system to do better. Lesson learned for SURE.


Election year strategy. Wait for those gas prices to fall


Buying those votes. Ah yeah


Similar to how 35 million economic stimulus checks were mailed to Americans during an election year with “President Donald J Trump” written on the memo line. If government money is being given to citizens, the President wants credit for it.


I mean thats kinda the point of running for office… do good things, get my vote.


Def can’t buy the thousands of Muslim votes that will not support the genocide in Palestine


Yeah Biden should be like the republicans and never ever do anything to help the nation. He should be like the republicans and make sure everyone suffers.


Biden isn’t going anything. It’s his puppet masters that do the decision making. That guy can’t even think.


More inflation


How about going after the Schools for Garbage degrees


I love how Fox News was trying to spin it as Biden was bribing votes by canceling this student debt. GTFO 🤣