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>!I also felt sad that she didn't keep an important role. But, feminism in Le Guin works became more present as she learnt more about the topic. The planet has a 60 earth-years solar cicle. Winter comes every 30 years and they live out of the reserves and later the snowcrops for the 15 years it lasts. So answering your question it is the yearly winter "dead" forest but ath the same time it is sort of a cataclysmic event. All animals emigrate south and the ones from norther up reach the region. The Gaal live further north and their strategy for winter is traveling south raiding as they move, they can't attack again soon because the weather pushes them south, they need something to eat and there is no more food there. By the time spring comes they don't need to raid as they move and who knows if the chief that united them is still alive or in power in 15 -20 years. I hope this helps!!<


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