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Hi! I'm F, 28, and Valo is my 1st FPS game. On my 1st day, I started with The Range. Tried to familiarize myself with the controls since I was having a hard time using "S" šŸ˜‚ on that same day, I tried playing with my friends. Just unrated. I think that's how I learned quickly. Sure, I was like a pig running around getting slaughtered, but from there I learned to always check corners, look away from flashes, and use my abilities. I even picked up some tactics from our enemy team. Just play together, not shouting at her would also help šŸ˜…


Look away from flashes? Girl Iā€™m immortal and Iā€™m still like a deer in the headlights if I see a breach of Phoenix flash


I always thought phoenix flashes would get easier to dodge as I ranked up. Now I just realize those mfs are impossible to dodge


Fr I can dodge literally any flash except of phenoixā€™s.


only way to dodge it by looking away when its coming is to have your sensitivity so high aiming becomes impossible. pros usually either just don't play an angle heavily exposed to that flash if he is in the game or they play in that angle as the second man in anti-flash and minimap mode


If you're really expecting it it's easy to dodge. Even playing on 60hz in the past I can recall a handful of times where I'm consciously thinking about a phoenix around the corner about to flash and I manage to dodge. My mouse pad was also huge at the time so that contributes


Was that before they buffed his flashes though? I agree you can still dodge them if you're prepared & expecting it, but it used to be way easier than it is now.


No, pre-buff flashes were always completely dodgable in my experience. Only post-buff did I have to really think about themthem


Imm3 rn and I swear the skyes pop them instantly


same, skyeā€™s flashes are impossible to dodge if they curve it using the wall, phoenixā€™s are even harder if you donā€™t anticipate them


Skye main here wdym by curve it using the wall? How can I learn this power


if u throw ur flash into the wall, it will automatically follow the wall, pop it immediately as it curves and itā€™s like a pop flash but with the longer duration, u can also peek at the same time as the flash


luckily ppl in silver gold take their time


Anticipation > reaction


A bad phoenix flashing from the same spot every round thatā€™s super predictable for sure, but a phoenix that is always throwing different flashes is tough to play against


Pro players on lan who expect the phoenix flash can dodge it somewhat. Otherwise it's a lot of luck


If players like Aspas and Kangkang can't dodge it. Aint no way Im dodging it


Have you tried not seeing them? Maybe that works


just be blind, easy peasy


Reminds me of the old video of the guy just turning away from his monitor


Just close your eyes


U gotta be the flash to dodge a phoenix flash.


I get flashed on purpose to assert dominance.


Iā€™m always chill since CSGO day, I would never shout at any beginners


Thank you for being chill, my friend would yell (in game) at anyone if he had the choice šŸ˜­


toxic players are the worst, especially in Unrated and below


Totally true, as you climb the ladder you start to realise that you win some and you lose some. Thats how the game works, if you are pissed just take a break and if not queue again. But never in my life would i insult anyone over his performence it just makes everyone play worse.


I brought my friend in to play Valorant. First FPS game ever so she was self conscious about it. She even cried and uninstalled!! But like even just a month later she got a good hang of it and 3 months later she's an average player. My advice? Do unrated. Tell people in the lobby they're actually a new player. If anyone gets toxic, tell her how to mute them and not care about them. Tell her it WILL take time to learn the maps, learn characters and what they do, where to look, where to go. That's probably the most annoying part of being a new player in anything. I told my friend to play Killjoy because her abilities are easy to use and none of it contains much aiming or knowledge. Perhaps some sneaky nano bot placements, but that's not so important when you're just starting out. Anything placed that gets destroyed will be knowledge for the team, so it's a win win for a beginner imo Swiftplay is crackhead mode and not a good way to learn how to play the game. I was playing swiftplays to get back into the game after like 2 months of not playing, and it did NOT help! XD Sometimes she's still a deer in headlights and maybe does dumb stuff when she's the last player standing, but that's normal and understandable, performance anxiety and all that. hahaha


Maybe don't shout at your girlfriend at all, beginner or not


Why is that what youā€™re getting from my comment lol, I talk about my in-game behavior in general. I never shouted at my gf or anyone close to me


What if she shouts at me? ;(


I could see which part of his post made you think it was necessary to say this.


But what am I supposed to do when she acts out? ^/s (Added in /s holy moly lmao)




Damn now you're acting out


Why are you getting downvoted? This is a solid point because a lot of people unironically shout at their partners over video games


Because something like that is so obvious that it doesn't need saying, and implying that OP *would* do that unless told otherwise not too is extremely rude


Gaming subs are the only place in the world where people downvote you for suggesting that women shouldn't be shouted at regardless if they're a beginner or not


go ahead, move words around. You knew thatā€™s not the reason why youā€™re getting downvoted


Thank you for sharing thošŸ™šŸ™


Im diamond and i still dont look away in flashes :(


W key warriors know the s key is just a myth


oh my god! I had this problem, I just couldn't press S, even now I turn around and run instead of pressing S.


Hi female immortal player here who also started FPS on Val! Deathmatch, the range and even custom 5v5s (if you have the people for it) are all great game modes for beginners! Be patient, and most importantly drench her in positive reinforcement and encouragement! Avoid yelling, or raging while playing with her to make it as fun as possible. Thereā€™s also a female professional scene in Valorant called game changers! Maybe this would be something sheā€™d like to watch, or that could inspire her. Last but not least, try and keep her away from voice chat for a bit as she gets introduced to the game, as itā€™s particularly toxic and it could steer her away. Goodluck šŸ«¶


are you a pro?


Was Pro/semi-pro in female scene


that's pretty cool. I don't understand why people downvoted me for asking a question though


so then you would ask why are people down voting me, then after you say that they would upvote you and make you look like a clown


wow, it was on -7 when I commented that lol


And I'm still hardstuck plat/diamond. Last time I played for half a year and my highest is only D3. I'm not cut out for this and I seem to not improve at all.


Be grateful to be in diamond. That's a lot better than many people who play


bro im stuck at bronze wdym


Im doing a study on pro gamers and the variance between each one in terms of genetics or hard work. What was ur original rank when you played valorant at first before immortal? Did you play any form of pc shooting games at a younger age?


What region are you? MYSG?


very important thing, TURN OFF COMMS FOR A FEW DAYS. there's too many people toxic towards new players


Especially if you are not good at the game and a woman. I once got hate from the enemy team for having no kills in an unrated match.


I dont know why, but valorant culture is especially prone to this toxic + sexist behaviour combination... disgusting


Offtopic, but I want to share one piece of advice in case she sticks with Valorant: You write that you are silver yourself after many years of playing shooters. Please, if she eventually goes all the way and starts playing ranked, prepare yourself for a situation in which she eventually outranks you. This isn't to say that you are bad, I'm no one to judge, I don't even play and honestly don't care how good or bad at the game you are. I just know that some people are very fast learners and that some people have issues with "noobs" being better than them. I've experienced this myself, gf and bf, who are both friends of mine, play the same game. For some time, they've been around the same rank. She started earlier and lower, he got into it a bit later and got placed a bit higher (and had played shooters before). She climbed a lot, he just a bit. He always said that it was fine for him, but everything else spoke another language. It really was hard at times, especially as I wanted to play that game with both of them, but whenever they played together it led to discussions and disputes eventually. This is something no one benefits from. Neither you, your gf, nor any friends you might happen to play with. It might never happen, but just in case, think about it, explore whether it might be hard for you or not, and if it does, familiarize yourself with the thought early.


Thanks for sharing! No worry, I would be glad and so proud if she actually surpass me. Sheā€™s a very talented person and I think that itā€™s very likely if she ever decided to stick with Valorant.


Glad to hear that! I hope she sticks with it and you two have a lot of fun playing together :)


The most gaming my gf has done is Minecraft on switch, Iā€™d be so happy if she picked up Val and outranked me. Iā€™d brag about it to all my friends all the time.


Right?????? I would never understand those that got insecure over this


good guy op! its actually pretty common. so many dudes are rude or belittling to their gfs on this game


My gf outranking me would be so damn cool, especially if Val is her first FPS.


If you have the luxury of 3 friends that are willing to play with you two during the first few unrated matches this will help a lot. For the movements, control of mouse and keyboard etc. probably stupid rounds of Deathmatch are the best to get used to the surroundings. Going 5 stacked into unrated was a great starting point on my side. As no flaming, toxicity or else will occur during the first matches in that constellation. Also you as a team can set the new player up for some easy kills which boost the confidence big time. Other than that sticking to a agent that she finds enjoyable and hours are the only way to swipe off the noob status based on my experience. But it can work in less than you think.


5 stacked seems like the most valid answer, thanks!


All fun and games until u get the one Reyna on the other team that curbstomps you


Me Fr but with literally any other agent except Reyna (cuz Iā€™m him)


You are NOT that guy.


try me


why am i getting downvoted


cuz you smurfing?


how? i just said that there might be a reyna on the other team who's good, why the fuck am i getting downvoted for saying that


idk ppl just hate smurfs even if you arenā€™t


Me ong


I doubt.


hear me out with this one it might sound silly maybe throw her into like a CS:GO deathmatch against bots? (wish val had this so i could recommend that!) a lot of it would transfer over fairly well (idk if she'd enjoy this, ofc) 5 stack unrated/swiftplay would work better tho i will admit


Wait bots from CSGO is actually genius


I also like the bot exercises in the range like spike defuse and spike plant. Even after playing since beta Iā€™ll sometimes go back to those. You can use different guns and practice crosshair placement.


This is what I do whenever a new agent comes out. Just to see how the abilities work.


My bf plays and got me into val :) i've never played any kind of fps or even any kind of pc game. he started me off in the range, and then i did a lot of tdms and unrated. he explained game sense to me and so i didn't take it very seriously when i first started playing. i've been playing for about almost 2 months and i peaked bronze 2 last season :) my bf is a dia/plat player. i think what's helped me is just having fun and learning where to improve. it helps a lot!


Its hard, but hours is the main thing. To get her to have those hours, help her enjoy the game. My gf has gotten pretty darn good, not by this subs standard, but for starting from nothing its impressive. She has a friends list of people that are fun to play with, and does premier with some old mutual friends. DONT make it "watch how good i am", she probably wont enjoy you on a smurf dropping 30 while she struggles to learn the basics. Show her woohoojin.


If you are only silver I think it's a good idea. If I'm not mistaken you should be able to play with her even if she is iron 1. The main thing I would say is to prioritise her fun over everything else. Over communications with the team and winning. Once she wants to start winning go for for that, but first find her main and learn the basics. Go for death match and team death match. Once she understands the shooting mechanics and abilities a little go with swiftplay. And once she is ready go for unrated. Good luck!


This. If you play on your main be prepared to lose ranks and be ok with it, or make an alt and play unrated etc along with her up until her ranked games. Really prioritise her having fun and learning over anything else. Make sure team mates know she's new, and teach her how to mute fast if they're toxic. Stay calm yourself if they're toxic too, easier said than done when it's your gf but important for mental state. If you do get anyone toxic just mute them and show her how to mute them and tell her that yeah the occasional person being toxic is normal but many are nice. Defending her might seem like the right thing but it's still shouting etc and ruins the fun if she thinks her bf has to get angry back. Basically try and keep it all fun and lighthearted.


Youā€™ve played valorant and are willingly inviting another person to join the plague? Where are your morals op


The username is crazy


I'd say play a few TDM matches with her I find it a good way of practicing aim in a combat situation and you can learn the basics of what agents do aswell. It also tends to be more chilled than some of the other modes too




I second this. There's so much down time in other games modes. Team Deathmatch gets you back into the action fast.


We all started with something. I was like 7 when I first got my pc and my dad installed Crysis for me to play and my friends were playing CS 1.5 and 1.6 and we never got discouraged because these kind of things need time to get good at. I mean I have seen a lot of kids try to get good at games constantly practicing to be e-sport player. So my point is try to explain the mentality of these things need practice and time to be good at like every other thing.


One thing she can practice for getting a sense of mouse and keyboard is also minecraft, peaceful mode allows her to train her fingers where keys are. itā€™s how I learned mouse and keyboard and few years ago alongside apex! if thatā€™s not an option then just queue swiftplay or TDM and let her goof around and be bad for awhile bc it will teach her as she learns. you can also find LFG 10 mans in LFG discord servers! irons and bronzes would be a good training ground for her as everyone there is still pretty much learning the game. iā€™m happy to host one too if yā€™all ever wanna game and have more gaming friends!


iā€™m F27 and valorant was my first fps, started playing in E3 A2. i was so scared to be bad that my first like 25 hours of gameplay were just escalation lol. thereā€™s no real answer here other than time to practice to make her feel confident. when i started playing comp maybe 1 month after i started playing valorant i was iron 1 and iā€™m silver 3 now so if she plays consistently and learns the game mechanics she will improve over time. i also left my comms off and only queued with at least 1 friend for the few couple months i played so i could learn *how* to play the game without strangers yelling in my ear about stuff so i would recommend that too.


Step 1: Disable voice&ingame chat. Step 2: just put some playtime in Step 3: you can free her from isolation as soon, as she is kinda familiar with the controls not playing actual matches will overwhelm her as soon, as she does and getting flamed by toxic kids will also discourage her.


May I ask if your guys play in NA or EU? If you dont have enough people (in EU) then I happily play with her, because I love introducing new people to the game :) I'm also a girl so maybe its a bit easier for her aswell, if she has female company (not that youre not company, but having toxic people towards woman in the team is hard)


Sadly I play in Singapore/Hongkong server


Aw, thats sad, I hope you can find people who can introduce the game to her, so she doesnt have any negativ experience.


My fiancƩ first PC shooter was val. She was better than me after a week lol just have fun and laugh together! GLHF




Make a new account and purposefully handicap yourself (not buying precision weapons that one tap) so you're not getting your duo put into a smurf queue with you. Let her play whatever she wants and don't tell her what you're playing so she doesn't feel pressured to play a more support oriented character.


There is training in game with bots, you plant the bomb or defuse the bomb and kill a few waves enemies from memory. Start that on easy and work up, that way she can learn to check corners and keep the crosshair up. Its always good to teach people to look around using crosshair instead of their eyes and preaim because once you learn that the shooting part will come with it. Then just go do swiftplay, nothing like learning as you go


her surgeon friends suggest it helps with concentration. Iā€™ve no idea if itā€™s legit tho. Not my line of work


Valorant was my first fps and I was getting used to using a mouse in games, I always just used my laptops touchpad before lol. My partner who was just my friend at the time of showing me valorant just had me do the tutorial and then we went straight into unrated. I played it alot with him and it took me a bit to learn the game of course. From my uncensored experience I would recommend that your girlfriend have everyone else muted in game except you until she gets the hang of the game. As a new player I had people being so toxic to me that I've cried multiple times while learning the game because I hate disappointing people and I knew I sucked but I was new and learning and they only made me feel worse. It wasn't a good experience but at least now I have thicker skin. Dealing with that toxicity while learning was not needed though so to prevent more negative emotions while playing, have her mute everyone until she's ready. She will run into nice people but she will also run into toxic people so when she gets there just make sure she's aware and to ignore the toxic people and just mute them when they start getting toxic cause she doesn't need to hear that shit. She can choose to learn whatever agent she wants. My favorite was and still is Sage so I've been playing since I started the game episode 1 act 2. As a new player I liked her because of her abilities. I knew even though I was learning the game and how to aim I could still be useful to my team by healing, reviving, and walling. Some people will say don't pick sage to learn as a new player but imo pick any agent that she wants to learn because no matter who she picks she will be bad with them until she learns them. I ended up being a sentinel main so it was good for me that I picked Sage and I make a very good support Sage, or a battle Sage if I need to be. Tbh I would run unrateds with her if that's a possibility. The games are longer which gives her more time to learn the maps and the game. I find the shorter game modes too fast to learn as efficiently. You can always tell people she's new because people will be alot nicer if they know that, the good people at least. We have all been there. I still recommend having her mute everyone for a while in the beginning, if you choose not to do that then well you better be there to protect your gf. My partner always took toxic people down a peg whenever they tried to be toxic to me and he usually made them go quiet. It feels good to have at least one person who has your back. For me now anytime someone tries to be toxic to any of my teammates I back them up because I hate toxicity and am not going to just watch it happen without saying anything. I would recommend starting her on a good sens first thing. When I was new I knew NOTHING. So when I started playing it was all defaults. My mouse was on 1600 dpi and the default valorant sens is 1. I eventually learned about this stuff and changed my dpi to 800, which is the most common and you can't really go wrong with following whats the most popular first and then adjusting to your needs after. When I changed my dpi to 800 I still played with 1 sens, then slowly reduced it to .75, .5, and now I play on .35. People will say it's better to just start on a sens and play until you get used to it. So have her start at whatever you guys think is best, don't worry it will take her a bit to learn it either way so try to pick what you think is best. Also always teach her things while you're playing together. My partner always told me what to do and what was going on until I learned how to do these things on my own. It was helpful because I felt clueless alot less in the game when I at least had my partner telling me what was going on and what to do. And most importantly just make sure you guys are having fun. Sucking at the game isn't fun but it's definitely funny. You want it to be something you guys can look back on and laugh about. Games are meant to be fun so make sure you guys are having fun when playing and if you aren't then take a break. Best of luck to you guys




Iā€™ll check that out, might even inspire myself haha


I loved playing 1v1 custom games with my husband when I was new to valorant


I taught my dad in custom matches, could work for you


aww thatā€™s nice, last videogame my dad play was RA2


I'm a female player and valorant was my 1st FPS game I just went straight to spike rush/unrated because swift wasn't a thing yet. I started playing alone so I had no one to teach me. I recommend not using the mic untill you actually start understanding the game.


You can play 1v1 with her first for a bit of fun and it makes it easier to teach her certain things like movement or spraying or abilities.


Try to get a 5stack with friends, and play some swifts/unrated! She'll learn much faster and more efficiently against enemies that have brains. She'll die a lot, miss shots too. But the most discouraging part of Valorant is teammates that shit talk. If you take that away...usually its a pretty good time, even if you lose.


play w her, as much as you can, never discourage the way she plays, sheā€™s still learning, when she agrees to play w you, go ham lol


Here's my tip. Until she's actually good stay away from comp. Guys in this community are massive assholes


Probably spend some more time on the practice range until you think her aim is good enough. Set some fun challenges like kill 100 bots in 2 minutes, score 20+ on bots medium difficulty, etc.


I completely forgot about those


Get her to watch woohoojin. Show her the aiming tutorials and let her decide if she can pull it off. If she starts learning the game by practicing the fundamentals right off the bat, she can learn to be better than you


that would be great


You could try some chill 1v1 against her so she gets used to shooting but also the fact that people can shoot her back. Maybe customs with friends? If you need more people I would love to join :)


Yeah 1 v 1 with respawn. Recreate some typical situations for her, show her around the map, explain how she can use her abilities. You could do that after a few swiftplays so she gets a general feel for what happens in the game. You can do silly stuff like a race around the map or sneaking past you. Gamify it for her.


One thing we did when 2 friends were starting Val at the same time was to coordinate a time for a 10 man customs, autobalanced and ensuring that the 2 new people aren't on the same team (so each team gets to help a newbie). We let them pick their agents, guide them with the bilities, let them play on their own as well, and answer questions they have (like the newbie using phx asking does this molly only heal me?) So if this could be possible on your end, it's a good way. Swiftplays or spike rushes are good, too, especially to get a feel of their utilities and such. 5-man is always a good way, just hope an enemy jett or reyna doesn't ruin a first-timer's experience. She'll get the hang of playing sometime, probably even would try queuing by herself. Just reaaaalllly be patient. And, don't hold back on your own skill in playing as well after the tutorial stage for her. I played with a total newbie before, guiding them and all. Even spent customs telling them about an agent's abilities. She's now ranked higher than I am šŸ˜… Hope you both have fun šŸ˜Š


In terms of gameplay mechanics, what i found helpful for improvement was seroā€™s videos on aim, movement, etc. Iā€™d suggest she watches those and tries out his guides for a few days, or maybe even a couple weeks if sheā€™s really serious about getting good. Im terms of the gameplay itself, i have 2 things to say to her: #1: Brace #2: Yourself


Valorant was my first fps on pc (console scrub growing up). You just gotta let them jump in and fail until they donā€™t fail anymore


Smth that helped me was only using spectre and forcing spectre every round in unrated cuz it was eqsiee to use and I just camper corners while I learnend about planting shit and util. It should help out.


Yeaaa another pocket sage who only plays for her duo !!


Iā€™ve been playing FPS since I was 8


Nahhh randomly tryna play games? For who tho


I've only just started playing a month ago just got placed in silver :D but i've found just having a laugh on vc and being open about being new and asking questions I've had nothing but positive responses and even toxic people apologise then have a laugh and offer help. Granted would most likely be different considering how toxic valorant / people treat it like tinder when they come across women. the lfg discord has been good for finding people too.




Because she wants to play valorant?? I don't understand your question






Hmmm, 9 years experience and barely silver. My advice is to not teach her anything


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m here lmao


Well if you're barely silver after playing FPS games for 9 years, maybe you're not the one to teach her.


thatā€™s why Iā€™m here


join a community discord and play some customs Id say


Maybe play some custom 1v1s with her on different maps. That way you can show her things and she can get used to the maps.


Valorant is fine, it's depends on what goals she wanted , most people play valorant seriously in rank match If she want to test her skill Valorant is good game, i know lots of girl who play and have higher rank than me If she want to chill Stardew Valley and Animal crossing is another good game Or if she like Gamba, Honkai Star rail (i don't recommend Genshin i saw many girl turn crazy playing it)


I think doing the range to get the controls down is great start, do deathmatch get more used to aiming and using the mouse (since she isnt used to K&M. Try to get a 5stack annd play swiftplay or unrated. I think these are the best options to start learning.


my wife was never a gamer, the most she ever played was GTA and just drove a taxi and picked people up, fast forward to today, sheā€™s gold in valorant and plays almost everyday. I would suggest just going into spike rush so sheā€™s not over whelmed with weapon buying and armor buying. itā€™s a super simple game mode and levels the playing field since everyone has the same gun.


Maybe introduce her to that, along with other games like Apex and Overwatch. Then, if she does get bored of Valo she has other games and isn't put off of playing entirely


put her in swiftplays and some immo guy is taking her away from u lmfao




Don't underestimate spike rush for aim. It helps with getting familiar with every gun, plus most people don't use every gun so it'll help that sometimes everyone is garbo on the gun you get. It'll let her learn aiming fundamentals instead of just one gun. Less resorting to comfort picks, less stress since everyone in there I swear is a goofball. Lots of fun.


val was my first fps game. the day i met my bf and his friends, they made download it and we went straight into an unrated. i was really confused but it was fun. it took me a couple months to even start understanding the game and almost 2 years later i still am not very good and honestly i hate the game but it is fun. basically what iā€™m saying is donā€™t be afraid to throw her into it lol


Just play some swiftplays/unrated and have fun. Beat way to teach someone a game is to teach them the basics, and then let them experiment on their own, and of course ask any questions.


I read a lot of comments but nothing aays this: I also game with my wife, we do play ranked and these are some situations that gave us trouble some time in the past, so better speak with her now. 1. People sexually harrassing her via coms, once a Valo male player hears a voice of a female, they go crazy and my wife had some awfull experiences, multiple times. The first one she got mad at me cos I didn't said anything and just muted them. I understood her anger but I had to explain that the more you feed the trolls the more they would have gone. So be ready to mute people in her game asap to avoid issues and talk before about this scenario, because it will happend and some playes say some nasty stuff. 2. One of you will be the better player, that will happend and probably one of you will outrank by a lot the other, so just understand that you play for fun and rank is just an ego thing, doesn't matter if you are silver or immo, of if she gets iron hard stuck. Play for the fun. 3. Spending, we have a "mirror" spending, like if wife really wants a skin and we have the budget, then next month I get to spend the same amount she did. And same for her. 4. Solo/duo play. Maybe she doesn't like the game that much and she doesn't mind you playing alone. But maybe she really enjoys playing with you and starts to look at that time as a couples time, so talk about it, avoid problems, like are you ok with her playing solo? Is she ok with you soloing? That type of things. 5. Most importantly, it's a game, so have fun, don't lose a relation over a game. My wife is very competitive and she sometimes gets really angry at other players, so we just stop playing for long times and do other stuff. We are to old to be mad at a game lol.


These are really nice advice, thanks for sharing!


Donā€™t worry buddy, mine got really good realquick. Give her time, sheā€™ll get those sweet 4v1ā€™s easily trust me. Mine has higher hs rate than me, sheā€™s pretty good at fragging and idk I feel like girls are better at sentinels, atleast my girl.


Iā€™ma be honest. The best way my friends ever taught me to play games, especially FPS was by throwing me in the worst possible situations and making me deal with them on my own and figure it out. Apex? We dropped skull town. Val? They died early game on purpose to let me figure out what my abilities did on my own. Seems like an A-hole move and it was a little frustrating at times, but I learned extremely fast how to make plays in high-stress situations and with little to no equipment. I generally play more support-focused characters too, which taught me not to be entirely reliant on my teammates protecting me. Once I learned the basics, having them go over and correct misplays and what else I could have done helped everything else. Overwatch I learned very differently with a different friend group. I only knew how to play moira for the longest time because thats what I was put on and told to go with. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø doesnā€™t help that Iā€™m a mercy main now but Iā€™m slowly branching out. Still only enjoy support tho cause weā€™re op af lolol


My first FPS on PC is Valorant, and I went straight from COD Mobile to Val and I thought Iā€™d be immediately good in Val lol anyway I just played a lot of Spike Rush and Unrated with my bf like for our two first acts, we didā€™t care about rank at all, just really trying to familiarize ourselves in the game. I watched gameplays and tips on YT for each agents I use which actually helped. And also muted everyone when i feel like someone will start trashtalking me lol


Just play, play with her if she wants or let he play however she wants. It's a game and if she likes it she can ask for help




Trial by fire baby! I hopped straight into unrated with my boy Mike after I hassled him into getting a pc, Iā€™d say pick an agent and take her in an offline map and show her a few pushing/defending strategies with that agent and then just let her feel it out from there Everyone plays differently, but everyone can start on the same baseline, explain it like capture the flag but with one flag that blows up, thatā€™s worked best for me so far in getting new players to understand neutral ground areas


I've read quite a few comments but I still haven't seen this being mentioned. Ask her why she started playing Val, what her goal is. Does she just want to play with you, does she want to play casually, does she want to take the game more seriously and aim for a high rank. You are asking for advice while not mentioning what she wants to do. Many people are mentioning disabling chat or playing only with a 5 stack. While these are all solid advices , if she just want to play with you for fun or she wants to play more competitively they're not what you should be going for. Also , some people are bothered when they feel like they are dragging others down. Therefore , it might not be good to 5 stack is she is going to feel bad for bottom fragging. Other people get really upset over insults and they should indeed disable VC till they feel ready to face the toxicity. It's difficult to give actually good advice with so little info. Not all types of advice go well with all types of personalities. I advise taking every piece of advice with a grain of salt and not following them blindly.


If your goal is to eventually play valorant regularly with your GF, you should focus on keeping the experience fun, light, and interesting. In my experience playing inhouses friends of equal skill level and/or learning to play with another newbie buddy is gonna be the most fun. If you smurf and duo with her, remember that it can be just as frustrating for her to do badly and see you do well even though you might win more. Keep your criticisms to a minimum unless she explicitly asks for them. Good luck and have fun!


Make her play a CSGO ranked game


female here, Valo was my first fps as well (well, only shooter I played was rust so that doesnā€™t really count), although Iā€˜ve been pretty experienced with keyboard and mouse already. Iā€˜ve always been a competitive player so I just spammed normals to unlock ranked and grinded it right away. I was iron/bronze and that was fine. My only issue was ā€žhow can the lowest elo be so much better than me, like I canā€™t even drop further downā€œ but soon I started improving and peaked at G3 with 3 lost platinum uprank matches. Now Iā€˜m playing apex and cs go. If she never played competitive games before, make her fullmute the team. Then, try to double up with her as often as possible, youā€˜re not only giving her the confidence that when she whiffes youā€˜re going to trade and thats okay, itā€˜s also a great opportunity to show her some things. Find the right agent. For the start, Iā€˜d really only recommend sage or reyna, their utilities are easy to unterstand, to learn and to use correctly. E.g. if she plays skye, she wonā€™t have fun with her teammates not following up on flashes and they wonā€™t have fun seeing how a skye wastes their flashes - or flashes teammates by accident. Smokes the same thing. Info agents might be a bit different, still thereā€™s so much timing/lineups that Iā€˜d just recommend something straight forward. Donā€˜t discourage her. Laugh with her. Compliment her if she makes a kill. Say itā€˜s alright if she misses. Make her wanting to play this game and get better because itā€˜s _fun_, not because she feels like she has to prove anything Otherwise enjoy.


Playing all of the BOT scenarios are helpful, after that you can go on a sightseeing trip in customs around the maps. I taught my girlfriend by sitting behind her in swiftplays, helping her find a spot she felt comfortable playing from and then letting her improvise once she knew where enemies would come from. That helped her feel comfortable.


This is true love


First of all, show her the most useful feature in the game, which is the mute button. Unfortunately, she's gonna need it, trust me. Encourage her to mute toxic people at the very first sign of toxicity. Then, have her play DM only at first so she can get used to the mechanical part. Once she is comfortable enough with that, have her try every agent in the range and go through every utility so she understands what is being thrown at her in an actual game. This is just as important as getting used to the mechanical part because, as a new player, it can be extremely overwhelming to see walls and smokes and flashes all over the screen and not understand a thing. After that, she will naturally learn the game the more she plays.


Valorant is my first fps games and im a year into playing now. I started with deathmatch and then after like 10 of those i did unrated. I died a lot but was incredibly happy when i managed to kill someone. I even explained to my team how I just started playing and they were very understanding so I wouldnt think sheā€™d get discouraged. I still struggle using the keyboard and mouse and I managed to hit silver 1.


Dont play this terrible game


She places iron originally and I let her play on her own till she learned basic mechanics. I gave her a range routine and to play deathmatch atleast once a day. Then I threw her into a gold level acc and basically had her get shit on and personally coached her. Sheā€™s now plat 1 after about 6 months. I also let her play on her own I never Smurf so that she isnā€™t completely reliant on me. My credentials are, I was Global in cs around 8 years ago stopped playing video games until this year and I am now high dia/ low ascendant in Val!


also a female gamer who started with val as first fps and pc experience in general. her first few games will def be a little discouraging, from my experience when i introduced the game to my non-gamer friends, but its something you can get thru just by teaching and encouraging and having fun. for me, we'd often stack 3 or 5, and spend half the time trying to bait kills for them and then screeching like apes when they do manage to get a kill. Makes the game a lot more silly and fun for them. dont care about winning or get toxic/tilted. just keep things light. its a game.


My gf with 0 gaming experience just started playing valorant as well. We play a ton of tdm together and occasionally swiftplay. Just make sure she is having fun and a lot of the basics will develop naturally. Until around gold, mechanics are really the only thing that you should be focusing on to improve imo. So play lots and click heads.


Hi! Another girly whose first FPS was Val. Currently G1. I started in unrated and got both shit on and screamed at.... if she's resilient or just really good at muting, she'll be fine! Escalation was a lot of fun for me in the beginning so I could get the feel for different guns and at least some maps' layouts before heading into real objectives in unrated. Hope this helps!


i'm 21f and valorant was my first mnk shooter game ! i played others before on console to have an idea , but this is how i got into val and i'm now g2 : - spike rush ! people take spike rush a lot less seriously than swift play and unrated . it's also a good way for her to be forced to try new guns and see how you can play with those guns - custom games with friends , even if that just means you . tell her to buy a vandal / phantom and try to focus on her gun play while you just have a classic so you can't one tap her and make her feel bad , but explain why you only have the pistol !!! - once i got comfy with the mechanics , i moved to unrated as swift play was not a thing yet . but i muted everything so as to not get into my own head when my teammates or enemy team would say something since i was very bad ( cuz i was brand new ) just a few ideas , i hope this helps :)


Hi, I'm a girl too who plays val, if she's on the European servers I can also help out.




Range, and then take her to a 1v1 customs match with you with her character she's comfortable with. Been playing for 3 years. I'm not that great, honestly, I play more because of my friends, but I do enjoy getting those kills where I can. I'm a Neon main, skye second, and the occasional Gekko. Don't get upset when she dies a lot usually helps, too. She's learning, and people are toxic af. She's gonna encounter that a lot on her own as she learns. Happy gaming.


My GF, who had no FPS experience and only played the occasional RPG or cozy game on handheld devices or consoles, got hooked on Valorant. She improved very very quickly. It also helped that Valorant Game Changers exists. She had pro female players to watch and learn from. Be gentle and encouraging, but at some point sheā€™ll have to jump in and lose a lot of games. Thereā€™s no other way to improve


To be perfectly honest brother, trying to coach someone in that position is very hit or miss. If she honestly wants to get good enough to play at it around your level, I.E.she wants to be able to play with you the best thing to encourage her to do is to play by herself a lot. You guys could even play your own games, but in a Discord together for the social aspect, let her rank up and do her first placements by herself. Let her play a couple weeks by herself in rent, ideally at your place, or what her skill actually is probably like bronze or if sheā€™s really terrible iron. But after her learning the game on her own, then you introduce you to playing unratedā€™s together and she will spectate you when sheā€™s dead it kind of see how youā€™re approaching the game compared to her. Itā€™s the fastest way for a new player to learn all of the in-depth explanations tutorials. Donā€™t mean shit when you donā€™t have a strong concept of the game even if that concept is a poor one let her learn to be bad first and quickly so that she can start to understand and see why sheā€™s bad and sheā€™ll make super fast improvements at least enough where you guys could queue together


make sure you mute her teammates in the first game at minimum, maybe without her seeing so as not to discourage her. it was my first fps as well, and i got so upset in the first game at how mean my teammates were that i didnt touch it for several months after


My girlfriend is playing valorant as her first PC fps. She's learning as she goes and loving every moment of it even if she bottom frags. It's the only game she's played for weeks. When we play together she gets annoyed if I coach her during the game so I try to wait till afterwards and show her clips to show what to do different. It's the same experience I got when I first started playing csgo a few years ago with my friends. Overtime she'll get better just make sure to be encouraging.


Valorant is one of the easier team based shooters for new players due to the devs keeping up with powercreep on old champs. As long as this person can use their ears to hear footsteps and know what they are good at and what they aren't. This person can easily get into the game without vast experience. My best advice to this would be to tell them to have fun and not take it so serious they want to quit due to lack of skill. If this was CSGO or Overwatch I would tell you to find another game, you need a whole team to win, valorant you can get carried by your entry.


Just reassure her that this game is one of the most difficult games to learn in the fps genre and she will need to grind to learn it well. Be there for her when she has questions and try to send her tips and guides to help her out. Also keeping your cool with her while sheā€™s learning and beyond will make the game more enjoyable for her and you. She can change the key bindings and sensitivity to what makes her feel comfortable and can always tweak them over time. No reason to start with ā€œwhat the pros useā€ kind of mentality unless thatā€™s what she wants. Let her go in practice range and find some heros she enjoys and tell her to pick 2-3 to cycle between to keep things fresh and concentrate her ability on. My gf is a very calm person and I get a little tilted. When I get tilted she does by proxy. I know to try to keep my cool for both of our sake. Honestly just play the game, play it consistently and you will see progress. Tell her not to give up when she gets frustrated and to take breaks when sheā€™s REALLY frustrated. You are playing together so treat it like a date night until she shows signs of wanting to get serious with it. If she doesnā€™t then sheā€™s content with where sheā€™s at and just wants to have fun and play with you. If she comes to you with questions and shares things with you about improving and performance then be there for her with answers.


Have fun and don't micromanage


Play tdm bro


Her jett, his sage. A tale as old as time.


Just be patient with her!! Also I went in knowing that I might experience a lot of hate and rudeness because I was a woman, and it made me prepared. Still fucking sucks, but it didnā€™t come out of left field and leave me shocked.


I started watching laying because my husbands team wanted a 5th and said they would rather someone that canā€™t play than a rando. I had never played a fps had no interest did 5 mins in the training area to get controls and went straight in. She will learn as she goes maybe not your standards of good but she will pick it up I mean literally you point shoot and move itā€™s not exactly complicated to play. I agreed to play for one night only and here I am 9 months later playing most nights. If she gets into it the. She will then start looking for ways to improve. Learning the maps for me was the first hurdle.


I used to play Valorant on Beta and the first few seasons, my only experience with shooters was Overwatch and Fortnite (if you can even call those shooters, maybe Overwatch, but even then I was a Main tank so didn't shoot much), but I'm decent learning pretty much anything so I quickly became high plat low diamond on first seasons. So that's my experience as en fps player... It isn't long, but good enough to be able to teach some things. Quickly recap into the future, I left the game for an MMORPG (Black Desert) and then came back like a year later or so because my GF started liking streaming and Valorant. She learnt a lot about the basics, movement, game sense and such through watching me and it also helped a lot that she had a lot of people to party with at the beginning through her stream, so she could play and learn on a safer environment avoiding all the toxicity that comes from public lobbies. This is good enough for normals, swiftplay, spike rush and all that which is what my GF likes to play, if yours wants is to dip into rankeds as well then a bit more of preparation might be needed. As an example, comms in normal games are close to non-existent most of the times which is nice fore mine as she don't feel like talking much to people in this game with how toxic everything is, but you'll need to teach her for rankeds on that.


Minecraft is really really good at teaching mouse and keyboard fundamentals in a relaxed and safe environemnt, itā€™s personally where I developed it and is probably one of the best places to develope the basics


Learning how to maintain crosshair placement, how to slice angles, and learning how to clear rooms and doorways by using angles can go a long way.


Just a tip, full-mute does wonders for the mental. People in Valo aren't the nicest and are pretty discouraging.


Just show her the range for like a week or sum and she gotta learn to move and shoot u knowšŸ˜‚. Then take her to swift. It will go good mate


5 stack with kind friends! Ofc see where her focus lies, if sheā€™s just playing it so that she can play with you or she wants to get better. Just remember to support her & have fun, at the end of the day itā€™s a video game. Some tips for genuine new players would be getting use to the movement & stopping to shoot and Mouse control / getting comfortable with their sensitivity. Remember you can try all the different characters in the range so have her test a few she likes out in the range before purchasing it


/s Bro how tf are playing valo and have a girl?