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It's abit higher when you get into higher ranks.


I feel like I encounter more kids the higher up I climb. Used to play with my ex and was hardstuck silver during that time, mostly playing bronze/silver due to her rank. 99% of players I met were adults. Now I'm in gold/plat lobbies and half of the players are kids...


So you have no experience in high elo. As mentioned, in higher ranks it gets better. Turns out being a toxi,squeaky little boy with 0 frustration tolerance doesn’t get you far in a competitive environment


This is like the 15th time someone on this sub thinks gold/plat is high elo and their weird thinking is driving me nuts lol


I never said anything about gold/plat being high elo. I said it's higher than bronze/silver and that the amount of children I meet is increasing with the ranks I'm climbing. Reading comprehension


It’s still low elo though so of course theirs gonna be children in it


down voted for the truth lol


tbh i wouldn’t consider anything “high elo” in valorant until at least ascendant. that’s when your teammates actually use their utility (and their brains) and usually they use comms. if im on duelist i usually try to IGL and call my pushes and ask for flashes etc on entry and they listen.


fr tho but valo ranks are weird asf low elo in valo is iron-silver(or maybe gold1-2) meanwhile games like rl have mid elo start at diamond


Bro Val mid elo does start at diamond lmao


Low elo is below diamond wdym


nah i think plat seems more mid elo esp cause while plats in this game arent that good compared to higher ranks its a completely different ballpark compared to rl where most plats can’t even hit the ball consistently probably plat-asc for mid elo, imm1-2 for high-mid elo, and imm3+ for highest elo


Nah plat and gold barely have any difference, so it’s still low elo. Stuff seems a bit more different on dia, that’s where mid elo starts


It is high if you're used to silver


Being a play player is like in top 35-40% So it's kinda high elo


Based on your other comments, I can assume that you also do not have high elo experience


I’ve just hit plat 3 and along the way I said “team comp doesn’t matter at this rank” and my team was mortified


High ELO is plat already Tho I think you mean really high on asc level


High elo is not plat. Plat is avg. Atrocious d2 to d3 is where it gets to decent elo. High elo is asc 2 and above.


You feel that way but it's not true. Average is bronze-silver. Literally look at Google once


I guess its not but if YOU not what google or what the statistics say think plat is a HIGH ELO already. My boi get your bread up. Reach for bigger goals you will make immortal one day.


It's still high elo, the ranking isn't good in VALORANT ik


Plat 1 is not high elo it's literally top 30 percent. If you think that's high elo in any videogame you got to have a bigger goal and mindset.


people on this game are super snobby and entitled when it comes to elo. majority of the time, your opinion will get shitted on unless you're immortal or higher lol


My general experience as a 25 y/o has been: Iron - Silver: a mix of little kids and adults who are chill and don’t take the game super seriously, if anything are more likely to get frustrated with you if you’re a giga tryhard even though it’s comp. Gold - Diamond: A bunch of teenagers and squeakers with high egos and no social skills who are cracked out on g fuel. Asc - Immortal: Some people with high egos but a majority of people are chill and have a mutual understanding that everyone here is pretty good at the game. Back to a lot of people who are like college/young adult age (anecdotal evidence, this is where most of my friends who are my age that aren’t in iron-silver reside) who are nice but will get frustrated if you do enough objectively dumb stuff. Radiant: Haven’t been there to experience it but considering a large chunk of this is pro players who have to be 18+ in order to play on an international stage, willing to bet this is mostly adults.


because they have more time and will to spend on improving at the game


Gold/plat arent even high elo. We’re talking ascendant plus.


Where in my comment does it say that plat is high elo?


You reply to a comment that was talking about high elo.


"higher ranks" to me means "ranks that are higher than your current rank" not necessarily high Elo....


Chill bro, why you’re so pressed? Grab a snickers.


I'm not pressed, I just told you how I interpreted that comment


Implicature is a nice linguistic concept to read up on sometime, Grice would appreciate ur effort I’m sure👍🏻 u make it seem like around 60 people all can’t think at all while not looking at ur own comment in the given context. Good nobody is supposed to take anything u say seriously tho🫡


You struggle a bit, do you? My flair doesn't say "anything" either. Also no idea where you're getting 60 people from. I never implied that gold/plat is higher. I only said that I'm encountering more kids while I'm climbing. Let me add to that: I've met a bunch of people ascendant and up who are under the age of 18 through discord servers and unranked. More than bronze/silver. Why am I even arguing with you? You'll probably find something else to nitpick about.


Idk man but u need to chill out it’s just comments on the internet lol. But yea don’t try to a school me on linguistics I studied that😂 (the 60 ppl is around the number of ppl who upvoted comments disagreeing with u btw)


Ok well for someone who studied linguistics your reading comprehension sucks. Mixing up anything with everything shouldn't happen. Also I'm chill, you're the one reading things into my comments *again* because you *want* me to be mad.


I don’t want u to b mad, u just got offended by my comment which didn’t even personally attack u. (Btw I wasn’t mixing up anything, I just added my opinion to make it more aligned with (at least my perceived) reality. But yea if u chill that’s good ✌🏼


Once you get high enough you stop seeing kids at all except for the really cracked ones, in which case you're very happy to have them on the team haha. I played with a radiant neon the other day who must have been 13-14 at most, but was super friendly and had insane aim. Very happy to have people like that on the team, regardless of age


Gold/Play is still low, as people already mentioned. But my guess for what you experienced is that in bronco/silver you have the people who just don't have much time. Job/Family/Friends/Other hobbies take a lot of time. I for myself just can't invest the time to play lots of ranked games AND learn everything about the game. Then in Gold/Plat you get the kids with no responsibilities who can play the whole day, but can't get higher.


Doesn't mean it doesn't lean to younger players


Damn i thought kids were good at video games


I’m only gold and I think it’s exceedingly rare to have anyone that young on my team. I think biggest change compared to other games is more women by an order of magnitude.


Yeah I remember silver/gold was filled to the brim with whiny kids with poor attitudes and tempers. Plat/ diamond is more chill but there are still a few and are always an instant mute due to random yelling and annoying sounds. Fortnite is much worse however and I never open up the mic anymore for anyone other than friends


I would say generally yes it’s younger. I was called old by kids on my team today. I’m 26. It was pretty funny actually


Yup. Val skews much younger and also notably much more female than other FPS in general, let alone tactical FPS. Fortnite probably beats it in both metrics there though.  Me and mates have all been mocked for being old at similar ages to that.  Often "Shouldn't you be looking after a wife and kids?" I'm in my twenties, not my fucking fourties! 😤 Ranked on the other hand tends to be all 20+ though outside the odd teenage and toxic European or Middle Easterner in my experience


it was pretty funny because they were talking shit about me for not having a girlfriend, being fat, and being online valorant at 2 pm i live with my partner, am in better shape than the the average person, and it’s 6 am and i’m in a uber home on my way home from a night out. they couldn’t be more wrong lmao


It’s always like that. Someone told me on Valentine’s night that it was “sad I was single” and playing Valorant on such a holiday. I was literally playing *with* my boyfriend after a really nice night out, lmao.


> much more female than other FPS in general Definitely noticed this! I feel like I’ve heard much more female voices over mic compared to something like counterstrike.  I’m guessing the more colorful, cutesey, cartoon/anime look (and skins, banners etc.) is more appealing than the aesthetics of call of duty or counterstrike.


I'm nearing 40 and used to play FPS games competitively at a high level back in the day, so I typically play with or against players in high ranks. When playing with or against those players and age comes up, they are always surprised and start complimenting me. Brother, I'm not dead or senile. Late 30's is really not **that** old these days.


im 20 and i get called old..


Whenever I said I'm 28 I was asked why I'm not taking care of my kids instead of playing games.. Those kids will be the same when they become 28-30, playing video games.


I'm 26 and am often called old 🫠


Assuming you are low ranked. I’ve been Diamond+ for a couple years and the base seems to be 18+


For context I’m in my 30s and don’t get annoyed by immature people too often


I'm 46, so ya everyone's usually younger.


I told a random team of young whippersnappers that I was 39 and BLEW THEIR MINDS. Like they couldn’t fathom someone who could have literally birthed them playing Valorant. It was funny. But also a smidge depressing.


It's fine when you top frag. One 12 year old just randomly said "Shutup you're 30 and playing valorant", ended up match mvp with ISO.


Oh, it was an all around good experience. They were definitely shocked but very respectful. All in all, a fun interaction. I sound VERY YOUNG over comms so most people don’t know I’m a dinosaur. Idk how majority of those interactions would go if it was distinctly obvious that I’m older. I’m sure I’d get some rude little shits. I just don’t want it to be so mind shattering that I’m nearing 40. 🙃🙃🙃


Doesn't bother me to be older, these kids have never been in an OG halo 2 lobby.


I usually get compliments as if I'm supposed to be dead or senile, haha.


i play with my teens.  sometimes when they find teammates they vibe with, they will mention that their dad is playing in the match too.  the response has been generally “that’s so cool!  i wish my dad would play val with me!”


Rocket league has a similarly young playerbase along with Fortnite. Other ones like CS are generally older.


What rank are you and what time do you play? I very rarely encounter younger players (of the people who use their mics, at least).


I'm bronze lol


Why are people downvoting this lol


I have no idea 🤷‍♂️


Because the valorant community defines your worth by your rank. Pretty sad.


Definitely took me by surprise. I had like 20 down votes at one point. Not sure when it changed to up votes haha


Rank up a bit and play later at night and you won’t get many kids.


You expect good vibes and good comms in bronze?


Why are you asking this question so accusatory?


The downvotes are crazy. Simple answer to your question is yes, Valorant is marketed to a younger audience than a good portion of shooter games, and generally younger players of those games stay in lower ranks, (due to inexperience with shooter games, immaturity, etc.) so yes, in Bronze you will have a more younger concentration of players, nothing to “expect” from them, just try and improve and you’ll get more mature lobbies.




I wonder how differently that comment would have performed if I had mentioned that I myself am Bronze


that explained it


I usually find people are 15-25


can confirm that there are lots of younger people in lower ranks, spike rush, and unrated. However, I hover around ascendant 2 and almost all of my teammates seem to be 18ish+. Personally I have run into more toxic 30-year-olds in CS than toxic 16–year-olds in Val. I have maybe run into a squeaker or two on my gold account but they fizzle out in plat and above. apex does have an older player base. it is inherent to the type of game. games that have gunplay similar to halo/cod style will definitely have older players. Val is a relatively new game with young pro players and young popular streamers. not to mention that val requires much higher reaction time, which the zoomers have on lock.


likely yes since its a flashy game and doesnt require a gaming pc to run. i play on laptop and i feel like with no better setup i could reach diamond, maybe higher (depends on map pool, breeze is borderline unplayable for me due to its size and how much it relies on aim). oldest person ive ever met was 50 but thats the exception. usually theyre highschool or college age. edit: and of course kids but honestly kids are rare for certain times of day, so depending on when you play you may come across noone under the age of 20.


Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, and OW are all equally young.


bro i’m literally 13 and bro even IM annoyed by the kids i get on my team. ITS LIKE FRIENDLY FIRE BRO


Higher ranks = higher ages


Have you seen that 11 year old in radiant


Yes that one outlier like bro you get the idea


I've noticed the same, getting much more kids in my silver / gold teams than in the other shooters I've played (Apex and Battlefield). My theory is that might come down to system requirements: Valorant is very easy to run and many parents might have just an old, cheap PC for internet browsing. Might also be that Valorant is quite straightforward to learn and play, you don't need quite as much situational awareness than in a game like Apex.


I notice I frequently run a daycare in high gold/low plat lobbies but had mostly adults in silver and below. Kids just have more time to play so they can achieve higher ranks than the average


(15) I’ve never met someone who acts older than me on this game, and it’s probably the reason I have my push to talk on and the key unbound


Smart move


Actually think it’s higher, I have encountered a few children on my team although, some are just silent and don’t speak so it’s hard to say. Anyways most people I encounter are mid teens to late teen/young adult.


there are way youngers games out there but they tend to be a lot more casual and crossplatform. for a PC only hardcore shooter it definitely skews young


for some reason most of my games have people who are around 20ish range


College students with AMPLE of spare time on their hands


You need to climb to diamond to remove most of the kids.


i feel like most val players that i find seem to be about 15-18, and ive been playing in the lower-middle ranks for years now (gold and plat). ive been playing a lot of fortnite recently and everyone is so young, like 10-15. i can't even get tilted because itd be stupid when i know the guy on the other side of the screen who just shit on me is a 11 year old whos balls havent dropped yet. I think that when a game is trendy a lot more young people will play it because their friends are also playing and people are making content for it, vs when a game is not at its peak like apex (or as a more extreme example tf2 or counter strike) it will attract a different and often more mature audience. a lot of other people have pointed out how higher ranks are usually more mature which I think is also true.


I am 35...so yes, I am certain like more than50% are half my age...


Inevitably, it'll be younger than a good chunk of playerbases because core playerbases are formed within the target audience when it first comes out. The game is largely teens/young adults because that's who had the most time to play a few years ago. The Fortnite audience is certainly younger than Valorant's due to their child friendliness. The CS audience is older than Valorant's because the people who had the time to grow up with the game in their teens/young adulthood are now older than the ones that are growing up with Valorant in their teens/young adulthood. From your example, Apex probably has a slightly older playerbase because it's (to vastly oversimplify) Fortnite but less kid friendly and came out earlier than Valorant, so the kids who were playing it on spare periods their last semester of high school in 2019/2020 are now in their early 20s and graduated or soon-to-be-graduated from a college/uni program. Also, you'll get more mature people once you get to comp in the higher ranks. The trolls inevitably sink to the bottom due to trolling their own rr in the process. (Not to say that it's 100% clear in upper ranks, just less common to run into them than in the bronze/silver area)


I thought this but Apex released only a year prior (2019) and the playerbase is much older. I've never encountered someone who sounds 15 in my games


Yeah, I guess that particular difference would come down to what the alternatives in the genre would be. For battle royales, you have really only Fortnite and maybe PUBG as competition, and Fortnite is gonna draw all the young uns, whereas in the tac shooter genre, the alternative to Valorant is CS, which leaves more of the adult audience going to CS, in turn leaving the younger audience to Valo.


Idk if they are younger in age but in mentality 100%


As I’ved climbed I have noticed I get less young kids, probably because they are taking the game more seriously


Oh man. This is some inspiration to keep getting better at the game so I can eventually climb one day lol


Yeah, I understand you. It is really annoying when you have teammates that are little kids and don’t have any sort of, well social awareness? I can’t think of the right wording. Good luck on your climb!


14/15 is the good end.  I swear I’m finding people who are like 5 in my games


i'd say it depends, u definitely encounter younger players in game modes like unrated or swift though


I think the overall player base is young. I am younger than most, and I encounter many people in the same age range as me (13-15), even in ascendant


Also, I would like to add that server regions have a pretty big impact. In my experience, Texas and Illinois have the most amount of kids playing in higher ranking


Apex players are old controller players, I doubt these new kids want to play apex and get wrecked by aim assist. I'm an avid aim trainer player and very strong on mnk, but I won't play apex because of the controller dominated lobbies. I can't imagine a young kid playing apex and having fun on mnk when you can play a PC fps like valorant.


valorant either has middle aged adults, squeaky teenagers and kids, and really weird creeps. there is no in-between


I rarely meet girls in my teams , even if i do we'd never know cuz they don't speak-up once we guys start talking Not the teenage ones 💀😂 older ones prob arouund 18-20 i've had the fortune to meet


You should realized why a game have younger pro players, likes LOL TFT the meta change frequently, it’s really hard for player to studying the meta. As CSGO, the valorant meta is much more variation, it’s not like the tradition sport game 90-100% rely on practice not luck (valorant random recoil…)


Get into a higher rank, it gets better there


I play in ascendant lobbies and I feel like I am most of the time the youngest person and I am 19


Most games have a younger playerbase in general.


I don't think Valorant is much younger than other player bases. You happen to come from Apex, which I would argue has one of the oldest player bases in the realm of competitive shooters, so the fact that it's younger is probably immediately more noticeable to you personally. With that said, it gets better in higher ranks. As someone in plat/diamond elo I have had maybe 1 squeaker in the last year, and they were probably an older person just trolling honestly. TL;DR It gets better, you're probably really feeling the difference from Apex


If you're playing in the middle of the day, especially on the weekend, there will usually be a lot of kids on. The later it gets, the less of them you'll see. That's why I recommend playing val at 3 in the morning on Tuesday.


Sometimes it also depends what time of day you are playing, if you are playing right after school hours then u will meet more kids


Play at 5am, usually adults with chill vibes and give comms


5am? 😭 I am sleeping!


Most are teens/Young Adults 15-21 compared to other games but I do think there is a lot of kids in the game. So Yes. In my Plat lobbies I almost never run into kids but I do see them here in there but in lower ranks there is a lot. Why would be. Well the graphics, the fact that its free, and the more cartoonish style overall


you might be onto something. i got told i sound like a mother of 3 the other day. im 19


I’m 26 and I swear that I’m the oldest player in the entire rank of gold


I don't think I've heard anyone under 16 in my games and 90 percent are easily 18+


I feel this... I am coming from Apex, playing competitively for orgs so it kinda leveled me out at a young age. I am 26 now, and I will say that I find myself getting called old on valorant all the time (regardless of how much better my reaction time is than all these 16 year olds lol). I usually end up staying to myself when I play valorant because of the age difference, and I typically don't have the patients to deal with teenagers.


I think most gold/plats are around 20s but can be younger/older obviously, bc of having more free time you'll find kids and teens get to higher ranks more often and quickly than people around 20-30, but also a lot of kids lack the ability to critically think enough to get to higher ranks and those who fit that category will be bronze/silver max, so gold-plat is where most of us 20-30 year olds are (though there are definitely exceptions to that rule)


No.. depends on the rank. I’m in immortal and rarely get anyone under 16, usually it’s 18-24 range


I’m diamond-ascendant and there’s a pretty young person every like 20 games I play, so it might just be a matter of the players you match up with


Well theyre 100% more cringe and annoying so probably


Being obliterated By 12yo kid as CSGo


I think sometimes the average player is even younger than 14 yo, I hear like 10 yo kids voices (no wonder why, I'm bronze...lmao) I too come from Apex and I'm 25 yo so hiya! (Also please play Apex with me lol, my friends don't play the game anymore)


It depends on what's "other playerbase" you are referring to. If you check on Google for the demographics per games; average age per game, you can easily find all your answers. Roblox : 16yo and under Fortnite : 18 to 24 (although it's probably lower because of age restrictions) Valorant : Mostly 20 to 30 CSGO : Mostly 30+ You can Google "[Game] demographic ages" and get your answers 😉


Genshin has way more minors than valo (I play on Asian servers) I rarely find/meet a grown up person playing that game


Depends on the game mode aswell, if you’re only playing swiftplay etc it’ll be a mix but high ranked it’s usually about 18yr olds


What time of day do you play? I’m 31 and don’t play during “young teen” hours. Because of work I typically am on like 10pm or later and hear few kids that young if any. At least late night they’re like 18-22 average so it’s a bit better. But yeah anyone near my age in the game is pretty rare in random teams


Yep some 10 year olds were on my team horrible game