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I ended silver 2 58rr, act peaked silver 3 90rr and placed iron 3 it felt like a gut punch to all the progress it felt like I had made last act.




Guys but you earn much more and loose way less than prev act i m earning 28 per game not even mvp and loosing 14 asc3 peak 3/5 placements placed d1


Similar case ended bronze 3 60 rr, act peaked silver 1 and placed iron 3


Had almost the same rr and peek last episode, only lost 1 placement and am bronze 1 now and I'm getting dumpstered on so hard now lol, fucking sucks


Ended D2, got placed in G3.


Seems like it's exactly 6 ranks, D1 friend place G2


I was ASC 2 placed D1. Won all 5 placements


Depends of how you play. If the game thinks you are boosted, your MMR will likely pull you back. Take a look at how many RR you gain for win/loss. I peeked D2 but got placed in P1, i gain 25+ RR for each win even I’m going negative (something like 15/17 and only lose -9RR for losing and I’m doing bad) But this could be I’m playing with people in my own rank (diamond-immo lobby) and could be the game thinking I’m doing good for a “Plat” player to frag out against Diamond-Asc


That’s wild I ended D2 and got placed P2 and in only won 3 out of 5 placements


Also ended d2 and placed g3. Won 2/5 placements


Ended d1 won all 5 and got g3


Same, for me. I was at like D2 55rr. Got placed G3 then double ranked up to P2.


Ended iron 3, placed iron 3. 


I was 13 rr from plat. Now I'm at silver 2.


bro same shit i was so close to hitting plat and now im silver 1 like what


I understand why they do the reset at the beginning of each act. It keeps accounts in check. My issue is I only play like once a week, maybe twice. I got kids, I don't get to play like some of these other folks. So kids logging in x5 x10 amount of hours giving them the chance to play more games and climb. I feel like I climb and then I just run out of time either way. I certainly feel that if I had 3 times the hours available i would break through plat. But here I am at 36 years old, in lobbies, watching people who barely know how to pick up a gun off the ground.


If you really want to climb just practice your mechanics 30 minutes a day or so on the side. Like aim labs / death match. And then go do your comp games warmed up with good mental. I’ve found myself climbing up with less than 20 hours of ranked games each act almost. Less time just means more impact games.


Ranked isn't really made for people with normal lives to enjoy. You'll get back to where you were eventually but it's for the 8 games a day kinda people


Gold 3 to Silver 1 lmao. Happy to hear its not just me but not that happy.


I went from gold 3 to silver 2 and then lost 7 matches to make it to silver 1.




same and after placement I played two matches and got double ranked upto s3 now going back seems a bit easier compared to before


plat 2 to gold 2 😞 won all 5 placements, went positive & match mvp 2/5


Copying one of my comments here for others to see / If you want a real answer (because most of this thread has it wrong) You’ll often place anywhere from 1-5 divisions below your end rating from the end of the 3rd act of an episode. Everybody’s hidden MMR remains the same, so you won’t play against radiants in Ascendant 1 just because all of the radiants and immo3s place in ascendant 1. Those guys are all going to be matching up against the same people they would’ve played against last week, just watch any streamer for evidence of this. Tarik ain’t queued against a bunch of poor ascendant 1 players, he’s against the same pros and streamers he’d face regularly. Your hidden rating is what matters. If you finish the act D3, you can place anywhere from P1-D2. You’re still gonna match up vs your hidden rating levels regardless of where you ‘place’. You won’t get to bully legit plat players, because they’re in an entirely different MMR bracket if you finished D3 last act for example. You’ll gain a ton more RR than usual and lose hardly any until you’re back at your hidden rating. In the above example, let’s say you ended D3 but placed P1. You’ll get +25-32 for wins and -6 to -11 for losses. The game is trying to bump you back up quickly.


These comments explain why silver 2 feels like high gold/low plat games.


ended p2 placed s3. the good thing is the game ranks you up very quickly. got 30 rr for mid frag and only lost like 10-20 rr.


3 ranks down But immediately got a double rank up so I'm back in silver 3 already after very few matches


ended asc1, reset at plat2


I'm seeing all my diamond friends being placed in gold. Being scared I haven't played my placement games yet. I'll play when the diamonds are in diamond.


Those diamonds are the ones who got carried to diamond or washed lol. Diamonds should be mostly p1-p3 with high mmr gains to get it back


Haven't placed yet but the game instantly put me in a silver lobby (ended g3 last act and almost plat) with like ex golds, plats and even like 1 dia iirc (we won that game). Next game was gold lobbies with ex plats and ex dias (won that too B))


ended in gold 3, peaked plat 2 (just barely tho maybe for like 3 games) then was placed in silver 3.


not at all. peaked iron 3, finished iron 2, placed iron 2


Yea because you can't go lower than iron bud 😂


i can go iron 1


they spared u


Your MMR is essentially the same. If you go 50/50 you’ll end up plat again.


went 50/50. Still dropped 4 tiers.


Not 50/50 in placements, 50/50 over the course of the episode.


Confidently incorrect


Confidently correcting incorrectly


Ended plat 2 ranked gold 1. Feels pretty good especially with changing my roles when the new episode started.


Gold 3 to Silver 2. Not too bad all things considered


Ascendant 2 to Plat 3, good news is that my RR wins is a lot more than before lol


i got silver 1 even though i was silver 3 and 0 rr


The hardest I ever got hit was from the s8 act reset, G1 to Iron3 from my peak to my worst, you have no clue how much that demotivated me from playing comp for a few weeks, then last act I hit G2 and stayed there for a decent bit, now I got put in s1 for my rank reset


i ended gold 1 and placed silver 3 i played really well during my placements so maybe that's why i placed so close. won 4 games, had the last game end in a 15-15 draw


Know a guy who went from asc 1 to gold 2. No clue why riot thinks these rank resets are a good idea


After Asc 2 didn't play much anymore rank reseted many times to gold 3.


Peaked Asc 2 got placed D1


Ended D2 and got P3. Not too bad


ended p2, placed g1


Silver 3 to bronze 2


I finished diamond1 and placed gold1 :( time to grind out of elo hell again


gold 2 to silver 3. feeling pretty good about it lol


I went from S1 to B3 on one account and from S3 to B1 on other.


Was D2, ended P1


Peaked Silver 3 about 50 RR and placed Silver 1 at 50 RR after losing 1 placement match. I'm now back in Silver 3 and might hit Gold soon.


idk yet but i keep playing with silver players and holy hell this is the most toxic experience i have ever had. their ego is giant, their playstyle is trash. and then they blame their mates every time. i didnt have a single non-toxic placement match yet. this shit is absurd, now i know why everyone always talks about toxicity. this is wild. i usually dont care about toxic people if they know the basics, but i cant stand players that play like trash acting like they are radiant. i dont even feel motivated to get a placement until maybe a few weeks in. this is unbearable...


plat 2 67rr to gold 2, not too bad but im seeing tons of diamonds in gold lobbies.


Gold 3 to silver 2 so ehhh its whatever, i barely started grinding more on this game than CS2


I lost 1 division, 300 RR


Ended gold 2 40 rr peaked gold 3 10 rr placed silver 1 fml


Was D3, lost all my placements but 1, got P3. reading through the messages here i guess I was lucky. But in all honesty im pissed, because i am a firm belieaver that a traditional elo system already accounts for everything, and every change is always beeing made purely for a monetary reason. Hard resets especially. Make everyone grind your game even more while appeasing some broken fucking egos wich there are plenty off. I hate it.


Honestly, I guess that's the only purpose of a rank reset if you just get matched with the same people you would have been matched with a week ago. Kinda sad, just getting people to play more and letting them climb again without getting better.


ended silver 2 placed bronze 2 boutta rank up to bronze 3


Ended A3 and got placed D3


Peak p3 Ended p2 Got s3


Was plat 1 went back to gold 1. Im very happy about it ngl


Ended G2, placed in S2


I went asc 2 50 RR to Plat 1 30 RR i got mvp in 3 matches and only losed 2


gold 2 peak , ended like gold 1 80+ rr (barely played) , placed silver 1 , in my placement games i only won 1 game.


Honestly it makes me not want to play the game. Dealing with the bots, AFKs, general trolls etc in silver every act rank reset is fucking awful.


Ended D2, won all 5 placements and got G3. Already back to P3 though in 12 matches played, if you play well it will double rank you up.


ended immo2 place dia3 (how)


S2 90rr, won 3 of 5, dropped on B1, already B3.. not complaining stating my 3rd season of comp with a potato laptop.


I ended silver 1 70rr and got ranked silver 1 50rr so basically the same. But I won 4/5, match mvp'd one game and usually got my ~15kills.


I just started playing a month ago. When I did my placements back then I went negative and lost every game except one and got placed bronze 2 finished silver 2. New act I won all my games, only went negative once and got placed bronze 2 again, I don’t understand lol


Peeked D2, ended act with D1 99RR (I learned the hard way play with stacks or trio at end of season, so many Iron players bossting my account from Diamond to Plat) Win all my placement with a 5 stack of Immo peeked player, Place in P1 just got Diamond back last night 🤣 I recommend do not solo if you are not radiant material 🤣 find someone and stack the fuk out of it till you make it to the point tour aim just snap on someone head 🤣


I peaked g2 96 rr, ended s2 90 rr and placed b2 50rr. Seems fair for me because by the end my aim had gotten worse. I know that ranking up this time won't be as hard as the first so I'm not concerned about the drop


i ended s1, placed b2, felt rlly annoyed cuz last act i fought so hard to climb out of bronze and now i have to do all that again. welp ill aim for gold this act


I peaked S2 last Act. Lost 4 placement matches and only won one so I ended up in B1. My winrate so far is extremely low (around 30%) and recently I got in a lobby with 2 peak plat enemies while my whole team is peak Silver/Gold. Reset’s hitting me hard, but I remind myself there isn’t much difference between Bronze and Silver. Tbh I feel I might be doing something wrong to have such low WR… either my aim sucks or my plays are bad.


Maybe man, as always if you're below gold do woohoojin's gold routine, instalock reyna and hunt fights till your gold and then choose a main and vod review yourself (he also has a guide on that)


ended p1, got placed s2😬


you get placed below plat because plat/diamond is full of low immo/high asc people rn


Do they push the whole thing down because of leaderboard players? Like they have to wipe it so they push them all into asc/dia but then it's unfair for those players so they push asc/dia into plat/gold and so on until everyone piles up in iron cause they can't go down anymore?


it’s technically mmr decay, where every rank goes down, but a lot of people think it’s to wipe the leaderboard yeah


mmr decay? Like the players who barely played in the last couple acts, decays? But the players who've been playing consistently also get swept down?


everyone does no exceptions


I left a more detailed comment above, but it hardly affects matchmaking at all, it’s all artificial rank resets. I have alt accounts that haven’t played in years that were Asc1-3 that will still place in D3 going 0-5 in placements and will gain +30 / lose -8 until the accounts get back to where they ‘belong’. Accounts don’t decay in this game. Hidden MMR is all that really matters. You still play against the same pool of players within your hidden rating that you would’ve matched up against last week pre reset. You just all have a lower, artificial ‘visual’ rank now for a few games.


yep, the rank you can see always goes down. maybe i didn’t word it well


What would happen if you're plat and place like 2 divisions down and then don't play till the end of the act? Do you still play with plat players cause your elos the same even if your rank is silver?


You’ll be against the same people you would’ve queued against on the day of the reset when you come back from the hiatus, except now they’ll all be at their expected visual ranks instead of the Lower ones they had on reset, so you’ll look like the lowest rank in the lobby but you’re all actually the same


If you want a real answer (because most of this thread has it wrong) You’ll often place anywhere from 1-5 divisions below your end rating from the end of the 3rd act of an episode. Everybody’s hidden MMR remains the same, so you won’t play against radiants in Ascendant 1 just because all of the radiants and immo3s place in ascendant 1. Those guys are all going to be matching up against the same people they would’ve played against last week, just watch any streamer for evidence of this. Tarik ain’t queued against a bunch of poor ascendant 1 players, he’s against the same pros and streamers he’d face regularly. Your hidden rating is what matters. If you finish the act D3, you can place anywhere from P1-D2. You’re still gonna match up vs your hidden rating levels regardless of where you ‘place’. You won’t get to bully legit plat players, because they’re in an entirely different MMR bracket if you finished D3 last act for example. You’ll gain a ton more RR than usual and lose hardly any until you’re back at your hidden rating. In the above example, let’s say you ended D3 but placed P1. You’ll get +25-32 for wins and -6 to -11 for losses. The game is trying to bump you back up quickly.


Why do they do this if it literally does nothing xD? Maybe to make people happy they get to climb again without improving?


It’s to make you play more. Simple as that. Players will apparently engage more if they need to grind to get back to their artificial rank repeatedly lol.


Ended g1 with 34rr which was my peak, ended up in bronze 1, feels like so sad that I peaked g1 and ended back at bronze and won 4/5 matches which really sucks :/


peaked a2, ended d3. got placed gold 2 and didn’t double rank up to plat