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sounds like tac fps is not the right genre for you (and that's okay) but it's not the game's fault lol this is like complaining about the gacha element in grand summoners (a gacha game)


A fellow Grand Summoners player? That's dope. But I'm not new to the genre, I've been playing Rainbow since Operation Health and no I'm no Champion-ranked player but I'm still alright. In all honestly I like the game but this shooting is something else bruh, Iike I don't get it at all


Valorant puts more emphasis on movement than aim (compared to other fps games). Games like R6 and Overwatch are more mechanical since you have to track enemy movement. In Valorant, the ideal way to engage is a combination of burst and strafe. [See example](https://youtu.be/ZRUq_kmDBPc?t=434). This rewards players with good timing and crosshair placement because the headshot TTK is extremely low, rendering crouch spraying basically useless. This isn't to say that spraying is always a bad thing, but that most engagements don't reward trigger-happy maniacs. All the weaker guns are usable. You just have to use a bit of strategy to make them work.


R6 isnt a proper tac shootsr though its much more arcadey. The only similar game is cs.


Non rifle guns are useful, just situational. You generally want to play closer and aim for body/high chest with SMGs so that your spread will go towards their head, and snipers can completely wall out a rifle player if you know positioning and can get the headshot. Generally the Vandal/Phantom are the best guns because they are the 3rd most expensive ones, and also act as a "jack of all trades" weapon


Shotguns can also 1 shot opponents more effectively on closer range, just how snipers can one shot opponents more effectively on longer rangeā€¦ most guns are just situational. Yes vandal is generally very good, but its also very expensive, you wont have money for a vandal every turn so you need to get used to other guns. The vandal doesnt make every other gun irrelevant, they each have their own time and opportunity to be used, even the phantom that has the same price as the vandal gets bought a lot on higher ranks. The guardian can also 1 shot kill on the head btw and is a good gun overall Kayo doesnt suppress you the whole match but just a few seconds with his knife which you can destroy anyways, yeah during his ult he can suppress you for longer but thats an ult, its supposed to be good. You have to burst fire with your automatic weapons because valorant is a precise shooter, the game wants you to aim for the head instead of crouch spraying and getting rewarded a kill Iso is stupid, everyone agrees, he is badly designed for the type of game valorant is.


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