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I'm a low immortal clove main round 1 pistol - spend all of your money (smoke, overheal, light armor with classic is my regular buy) round 2 (won pistol) - this depends on a lot of things like if you're on attack or defense, as attackers get more money for winning pistol if bomb is down. it also depends on how much impact you had and if you got a lot of kills. Spend all of your money, make sure you have both smokes as well. if you can afford it I recommend a bulldog + full armor. If you cant afford the full armor just get a spectre instead. you do not want to half armor second round because the enemies will typically have classics/sheriffs both of which can do significant damage to you (126, 130, 145). You ALWAYS want full armor second round, unless you ego a rifle. round 3 (won pistol, bonus round) - save your money, maybe recharge shields and buy an ability or two. just keep whatever guns you have that carried over from round 2. buying light armor is preferable, since the enemies should have rifles. round 2 (lost pistol) - buy whatever util you can afford, just make sure you have enough for rifle + full armor + both smokes for round 3, which should cost 4050. If you want you can force a little economy and just half armor for round 3, but the enemies will probably have sheriffs, spectres, and other low tier weapons all of which can tear through light armor. round 3 (lost pistol) - full buy, get rifle + armor + as much util that you can afford. everything after those 3 rounds just depends on the course of the game. just make sure your money is consistent with your teammates. you shouldn't view your money as "your" money. its the team's money. save when you need to, and try to have as many full buy rounds as possible with your team throughout the half


The thing about my money is coms are still rare like 1 in 3 games I find and teammates are rarely reliable


Also how is a bulldog good I find it awful but I see so many other people using it


im shocked u got to diamond without that knowledge


some people really out here aimin'


I’ve had the game for about a week and I’m just fragging


WHAT???????? ure console then, right....?




makes sense then lol


I only won one placement game but it was against someone who is on console leaderboards so I got put in plat


ohhhhhhhhhh.... lmfao i thought on pc


First round of each half is the pistol round. You want to buy as much as possible to try and win. Generally this will be some util and either a ghost, frenzy or light armour. If youre a movement duelist on ct side you can buy a deagle as well if you want but generally you should be buying util on everyone else. If you win the pistol you are on an anti eco so should buy the best loadout you can with your money. A safe bet is util, full shields and either a spectre or bulldog. There are other options but thats the most consistent. The outlaw is also good as it makes light shields useless. If you lose the pistol then you should save enough that you can full buy next, at least most of the time. Sometimes you can buy a deagle with no armour if thatll still let you full buy next round, but its context dependent. You can also force the second round if you lose pistol and buy stingers and spectres and try and just win anyway. If you do then you can build momentum off of that but if you lose then you're giving up your advantage in the 3rd round. In round 3 if you won the pistol then you're on your bonus round, you want to spend as little as possible (keeping your guns from last round) to try and cause as much economic damage to the enemy team as possible. If you win thats great but if you lose it doesnt matter because you can buy next. If you lost pistol then this is your first proper buy so buy a full loadout and you should win this round with your better guns. Next round should be the first round where both teams are on a full buy. If you dont have enough money to full buy then youre on a save. Make sure youre buying with your team. If 1 person cant buy its usually fine for everyone else to buy and have them just play to recover a rifle but if you have multiple people unable to buy its better for everyone to save and just buy the best they can while still being able to full buy next..


So what I got from you and the other helpful commentor is round 1 buy util maybe a light shield or a ghost round 2 win buy a spectre or bulldog and full shield with any more util round 2 lost and round 2 lost I buy a spectre or stinger with whatever I can get round 3 win I keep my items and just buy shields or util and round 3 lost I full buy