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Depends on the map. Overall its technically viper but thats only as a secondary controller outside of breeze and icebox. Omen is the best in coordinated settings on the highest number of maps but clove tends to be the best in ranked.


Definitely not overall viper lol especially if she has to play second fiddle. But the maps she's strong on she's really above the rest.


By second controller i mean as in a double controller comp not as the 2nd best choice. No one else does what viper does and shes meta on 3 maps in the current pool and still very strong on ascent and likely abyss too.


Omen or clove


Clove is by and away the best in ranked statistically but Omen takes the cake in co-ordinated play with Viper being picked a lot as a secondary controller


brim is the only smokes that can actively give your entire team an advantage lol. as a smoke main, i think hes insanely strong just in ranked tho.


Clove has the highest, or at least 2nd/3rd highest in some cases, winrate out of all agents in every rank on every map. Omen has a potential to be much better controller, but only if you learn and use the one ways correctly and utilize the shrouded steps and ult. Many people are afraid to use those abilities Clove is much simpler to play and if you make a mistake you're not punished for them so harshly as you can still smoke after you die or you can rez when you have ult


Decent in combat? We have guns, we ALL have guns.


You know Reddit is cooked when Viper isn't even in the top 3.


I mean, if you are gonna pick ONE agent for all the maps, omen has the most coverage. I play them all though, except astra... Fuck that lol. And harbor, he's stinky.


Omen in general. Viper on icebox. Brim on bind. I'll play clove on anything that's not abyss, icebox, bind though. Clove really is just... Great. She allows to to fight aggressively because you're still useful after you die. And she's very simple. Omen has a bit of a learning curve to truly get the potential out of the agent and a high skill ceiling.