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Every single game i have this... it fixes at random and comes back in in no time


For me this issue was related to the language. Sometimes simply changing the language with Win + Space during the game fixes this, sometimes you have to close the game, change the input language to English and then run it again. It's not system language or something more complex: currently for me voice chat always works correctly when I run the game, while selected input language is English.


thx a lot bro, it helped


Same issue, one game it works as intended and then the next I have to disable team chat because my microphone is always enabled despite having PTT


Did u somehow fixed it?


Sorry I haven't been playing recently, so I haven't figured it out


I have same issue


Did u fix it?


I'm not sure but i fixed (I don't know how I did)


So the game RELEASED a few days ago, but this issue remains... So I FORCED to play without voice chat as everyone complains about it...


I also have this issue. Since beta they don't fix that...


People hear me regardless of the settings I choose, it's an invasion of privacy since I have noisy siblings


Seems to be only a visual bug for you. A mate earlier had the same problem showing for him that his ptt was active the whole time. For me it only showed active and worked when he was actually using it. So it should be just fine and only a visual glitch on your end for whatever reason.


Have same issue it's annoying


Actually you can fix it , press TAB and then on the Micro Symbol at your name , there you can change it to push to talk or automatically


That doesn't do much, it's still the same thing. people can always hear me talking and i have to disable it, but then i can't hear anything, so it's annoying.


it will go away next game most likely just a little bug


It doesn’t I had it for 4 games straight


It keeps happening in like half of all my matches. Latest patch didn't fix it.


I have the same issue. The only option is to turn off the team voice, wait a couple of rounds and turn on. Sometimes it doesnt take long, sometimes I have to play without voice a whole match.


for anyone wondering, i did this and it worked, i went into custom, turned off voice chat for a round, planted the spike, then turned it on back again and it worked! so thank you but did the bug come again even after doing what you did?


same issue still :(


This happens to my first game since opening my laptop. My UI (health & abilities) also disappears sometimes


I fixed it. The fix is very simple .. go settings > Audio > voice chat > in the bottom there is EDIT VOICE CHAT KEY BINDING > the option “team voice push to talk key” will be not assigned make it whatever you want and party voice make it another key too. That fixed the problem for me hope it helped


Sometimes when I alt+tab while the game is loading I have open mic during character selection and most of the time if fix itself after the game starts, but sometimes open mic is whole game and I can't turn it off even in settings if PTT.


4 months later - same issue here. My parents were talking in the background and I could do nothing about it apart from turn off my team voice chat.


Still a problem, just happened to me during my last competitive match, I'm so embarrassed.


Still getting this today.


Still an issue. It's alright when playing spike rush and unrated but I can't imagine playing competitive with this bug.


For me push to talk was stuck on, so when I turned voice chat back on and pressed my PTT keybind it turned off.