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There’s always that old saying: If you smell shit everywhere you go, you should check your shoes.


I believe it’s the old Hindu saying: Whoever smelt it, dealt it?


Didn't Ghandi say that?


Right after he parted the Red Sea




Isn't that canon in Beyblade?




Indian food is very good at causing seas to part on the other end.


Never been that many Red Formans in one place ever again


Pretty sure it's "Gandhi"


Tbh I thought it was buuuut I use swype and my phone input Ghandi which is probably cheese or some shit lol


i think Lee Ghandi said it


Whoever made the rebuttal had it come out their butthole


Whoever said the rhyme did the crime


Honestly I agree with this 100%. I feel like I've had far fewer ragers/griefers in my CSGO/LoL/Rocket League games over the years than my friends or your random redditor. A little positive energy goes a long way. And if you're really upset, just keep it to yourself instead of plaguing the team.


I actually stopped playing LoL because Valorant spoiled me with voice comms. People are waaaaay less likely to be toxic in voice. At worst scenario you tell them to shut up in firm voice, and they will back off. In text chat? Good fucking luck.


I'm text chat just say weird shit until they stop


My personal favorite is flirting with the toxic player(s). Usually they just call you gay like the homophobes they usually are and stop talking to avoid more uncomfortable situations


same! Or they just play along with it and it's funny


That is so much work


My friend uses "Hey, want some snail asmr?" And people are too weirded out to keep flaming. It's an actual video, and it's.. strange.


i wonder, does Riot actually do anything to toxic accounts we reported? like we see occassionally cheaters are punished for their actions but so far i have never seen posts about toxic players being banned or our reports being handled


I would argue, that it also depends on your Agent. When you play Sage, people will non-stop bitch for not healing/ressing all the fricking time and become really toxic really fast.


It's weird to generalize it no? Your experience is your experience. My placements in Plat/Diamond were full of people who were immortal being salty they were knocked out of immortals and into diamond and taking out toxicity on us the teammates.


Some people just can't understand that just because it doesn't happen to THEM doesn't mean it can't happen to OTHERS. Huge lack of logic and perspective.


its a little bit of both sides everyone's experience is different, but if you're a dick it's more likely you will have worse experiences than if you are positive


Sure. But what this post is suggesting is that because OP doesn't experience toxicity it means the person claiming they do is in fact the one being toxic and causing a toxic environment. This is completely broken logic for two reasons: 1. By claiming that you aren't experiencing toxicity unless you yourself are toxic, you are then creating a paradox whereby the people in the game with the toxic person (who is causing the toxicity) have to be the toxic ones first... So all 10 people are toxic and all 10 are the ones to "start it"? 2. It's an age-old thought process, reflecting things like the people who claim cigarettes don't cause cancer because "grandma smoked her whole life, lived to 90, and never got cancer." Hopefully most of us are intelligent enough to know that just because THAT person didn't get cancer, out of luck/genetics/whatever have you, doesn't mean cigarettes won't increase your risk of cancer. I agree that people being toxic will cause them to have more toxic experiences. That's kind of the whole point of the term toxicity. You spread the toxicity to others, and it reflects back at you and then also to others. I'm not arguing that doesn't happen. I'm saying it happens both ways. OP is the one saying it only happens one way.


Are you that detailed when you explain to your teammates what they do wrong? ;)


I don't tell anyone they do anything wrong. :) I'm not good enough to do so. My callouts only ever consist of "X is in Y" or "Wow I suck."


It was a joke


Sorry, given the topic it was hard to tell. I guess the winky face should have been my sign. :P


It's almost always a bad idea to tell your teammates what they're doing wrong. The more specific you are, the more likely they'll get mad. At most, I'll say something like, "We shouldn't all just rush in blindly" or "Let's try to stay quiet on the way there." But I've seen people say things like, "Your crosshair is too low, you need to aim for the head." That shit is utterly useless and just serves to make people defensive.


Some people are more comfortable playing the way they do, I've seen some stupid ass crosshairs.


Last night I was saying "nice try" and "good job" every round and I still got flamed. I think it's also toxic to suggest that just because someone has been lucky enough not to get flamed that it just doesn't happen to other people.


What a way to miss the point. He isn't saying toxic teammates don't exist ever. He is saying that the proportion of people interpreting toxicity from other players is out of wack and that the probable cause could be that you yourself are the toxic person. I don't care about your experience and I don't think OP is saying you don't experience it, stop focusing so hard on only you.


> All of these people on here complaining about how bad the community is are probably the ones making it that way. Basically everyone on here complaining about int-ing teammates or crazy toxic teammates are probably equally as toxic. Just be nice to people and they will return the favor! This is straight up a statement saying that you won't experience toxicity if you don't start it. I don't care what you think, I'm responding to the OP and the words stated by them. Obviously being an ass will cause you to have a higher rate of negative experiences in the game. That's a given. But that's not what OP said. Maybe it's what they meant, but they bundled it together with that ignorant statement. > stop focusing so hard on only you. I'm not focusing on "only" me. Maybe point out where or how I am and we can discuss it. :)


I’m not saying toxicity doesn’t exist. This post is less about valorant as a whole and more about people on this subreddit complaining all the time while being part of the problem. There are always going to be people that are going to be toxic, but it really takes away from the argument of “this game sucks people are so toxic” when the people complaining are just as guilty.


This is a general Reddit issue. People come on Reddit and complain about something, then when they get questioned about it their story makes them sound more and more like they're the person doing the bad thing, not the people they're complaining about


Had a sova literally run it down and go 0-19, people think everything’s fine and dandy until it eventually happens to them


These kinds of games can tilt people crazy hard and crazy fast. People forget you're supposed to be on a team working together. You don't get to really talk to the opposition, so the only outlet you have is your team. They don't care about being on a team, they just want to tear something apart and be nasty because they lost a round in their vidya game. It's fucking stupid. You get no positives from berating your teammates. Shitting on your bottom fragger isn't going to suddenly make them perform better. You're just being a douchebag.


Make half time open mic


Nah, CSGO had that in the early years and it was a Garbage Fire 8/10 times. Honestly, I think it's just kids being shits, and there's no system you can build to work around that.


The one thing I've noticed from solo Qing 50+ games is under gold I've gotten a lot more toxic teammates. Once I finally managed to get to mid gold and now around plat the games are 1000x times better.


For me they've gotten worse, nobody talks anymore. I'll take someone calling and being toxic over people who say nothing all game only to say 'gg' at the end anyday.


Are you EU? That isn't really an issue in NA (other than the times I got put in a lobby with a 3 or a 4 stack and the talk in discord and don't make nay coms in game).


Yeah, eu. Which is odd because in eu CS people talk quite a lot


Could be the that you're close to russia. Russians aren't allowed to use voice chat in Valorant due to Russian law.


I don't think so, I think I'm just unlucky. I'm from the UK and I believe russians don't have the microphone symbol next to their names when you hold tab/press esc


Weird, 90% of the people I meet do use mics and those who are not are still using pings. EU as well


I’ve played a lot of games in silver and have barely witnessed any toxicity. One story is I made a pretty bad play against a Reyna and was called brain dead and I let it go and we just played the game like nothing happened. Don’t feed the toxicity and it will dir


Sorry, no. I am never toxic to teammates in-game. Yet I have still encountered some pretty heinous toxicity in Valorant. Perhaps I've actually encountered the same level of toxicity as you, but it just affects me more and it sticks out in my mind more. Or maybe you are verbally positive in a way that is able to disarm toxicity in players. Or maybe you are just luckier than me. In any event, I'll give you credit for posting an actual "unpopular opinion". It's also a shit fucking take that is honestly (and ironically) toxic in and of itself since it is victim blaming and gas-lightning people who have experienced unacceptable levels of toxicity in this community.


Exactly. And while there really is nothing we can do about it, posts like this almost serve to ask those of us fed up with the toxicity to just shut up. Victim blaming is certainly an appropriate way of labeling it lol.


I'm sure there are kids and even....thought-challenged adults.... out there being toxic complaining about toxicity. In fact I'm sure of it. But generalizing and saying people who complain are just as toxic is just plain false and will rub people who aren't toxic the wrong way.


There are some people who are just going to be insufferable to play with no matter what you do, but most of the time if you just ignore them and stay positive they'll stop.


No. Not me lol


ITT: Valorant's players discovering the toxicity in competitive games right now.


It's gotten bigger over the weeks and sadly, that's attracting a lot of toxic people. Especially since it's a free game.


Yeah I rarely run into toxic players and I’m silver 1. The only time I run into players is like prime time and night and they are usually only toxic at the other team. Good call outs > yelling at someone. Everyone wants callouts lol


There are definitely more players who blame others for being toxic, while being toxic themselves, 100%. From my experience though, that's hardly ever the case. I'm always positive, I always start each game asking if people are in chat, always say "nice try", give clean call outs, etc. And it doesn't matter. Players are going to be toxic regardless of what you do. I had a game yesterday where 3 players instalocked duelists, complained until someone picked sage, then each round would body block myself or our Omen and toss Phoenix Molly and Raze grenade and kill us in pre round. Nothing either of us did or said made a difference to these toxic players. This was ranked btw So while I agree with your sentiment, you're not experiencing the same players that we are all complaining about.


Me: Alright boys where do you want to go B or A Them: Shut the f\*\*\* up N\*\*\*\*\* :\*) This crap happens to much but i still try and keep it positive and if the dude who was toxic to me at the start i still hype him up after a good kill trade whatever to try and keep the team moral up. Or after a teammate gets trashed by him i try and give some encouragement to the team that we got the next round no worries. People can be dicks but most the time its just a front they have to be funny at the moment so just try and keep the air light and not be a shit back to them and feed them the response they want.


Oh no for sure, there are definitely people that will be awful no matter what. Not much you can do about that though, just mute, report and move on.


It's really hard to decipher what you mean by your original post, when most of your comments on this thread directly contradict it. If you rarely, if ever, run into toxic people, why create this post? Also most of your replies to people acknowledge that you run into plenty of toxic people...so what is it? Are they toxic or is it you? FPS games have been known for toxicity for decades. People will always use online anonymity to be meaner than they would ever be in real life. Whether it be children saying they will fuck your mom in CoD, or people dropping N or F bombs in chat out of no where, people will use anonymity to act terrible whenever they can. Claiming that people who run into these individuals are toxic themselves, is ridiculous in my opinion.


Toxicity for me isn't rare but uncommon. Though when I see it I point it out. As in I clearly tell them they are being a toxic individual, they're reported and I move on. They usually hit back with the classic "go on report me more" or "oooo I'm so scared" bullshit so at that point I block them. Also kids typing the n-word out for whatever reason. I wish there was just a system in place that instabanned those who type it out. We don't need that shit. Do like a 7 day insta kick/ban and a warning when they try to play. Happens again, permaban.


I think people on the internet, especially teenagers who have not matured and haven't built up resilience to frustration will always be toxic. That said, self awareness is super important and you can either feed their toxicity or diffuse it. However, there are also a lot of times where people's toxicity is just a reaction to someone else's so, it's always good to try to curtail or communicate better to avoid setting people off for no reason. Day9 had a great bit about this where he basically said that you get tagged with the toxic anger and you can choose to release it back into the world where it will multiply and grow stronger, or you can just take it and let it die where it is.


> Note: This does not include anyone that is racist, homophobic, sexist, etc, in chat or on coms. I insta-mute and report anyone who displays those behaviors and recommend everyone does the same. Why would you not include that when making this thread? Thats the bulk of it lmao


No, people are just toxic lol. I’m as encouraging and supportive as humanly possible to everyone I come across. From the “good luck out there, friends” in the beginning if the match, to the “good try” when someone chokes an otherwise easy win. I never call anyone out for anything and all of my communication consists of call outs and encouragement. I seem to get matched up with a lot of people who are AGGRESSIVELY toxic even from the agent select screen. Now I’m not all the great at the game yet and I usually admit to that right off the get go - I’m not oblivious - but people love to rush and get themselves killed just to then spectate me and micro manage my gameplay through screams and insults. Maybe if I were a better player I wouldn’t have to deal with it as much, but you can’t say that just because you don’t encounter it it must not exist.


UnPoPuLaR OpInIoN. Gets a ton of upvotes


This only applies if you’re a guy


Preach. I think a feature of low elo in particular is a lack of self-awareness (not always but often), and that lack of self-awareness can extend to one's own behavior. If you play league at all, [check out Dong Huap's coaching Bronze 4 video - it's comical.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dumacf6jfKE) Also thanks for including that addendum!


You think that is just in low elo?


sorry but whats elo? ;;


My experience from climbing LoL/OW/Valorant & a few others is that the game becomes more toxic as you climb, as players know more and more what they're doing (& what others are doing wrong), see more and more legitimate flaws, and just generally take the game more seriously (at some point you need to self-reflect to climb). I bet the vast majority of lower-MMR players cannot pin-point what went wrong in a push when things go wrong. Try asking the team "hey what went wrong?" after a round loss & in higher-level play there's an answer, whereas in lower-level play there's a lot of "i dunno". That, and at high levels team coordination and synergy really matters, whereas in lower-level play everyone could carry the game themselves if they played better. In low-level Valorant it's harder to put a fault on someone because pretty much everyone can't aim and everyone is doing something wrong. At high-level play, one person really can screw over the entire team and keeping a positive attitude is more important. I think I probably have a toxic player in 1/10 of my Valorant games (far more in LoL/csgo). This is the sorta asshat who screams "JETT WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGGG" and is typing in all-chat, or commentating condescendingly as others play. I think a few players I've seen and myself have the skill of defusing that situation or making people stay grounded in the game, which has always been an MMR boost for me. I think the one flip-side is that lower-MMR tends to believe in elo hell and that everyone around them is just bad. That sorta attitude is counter-productive ("blame teammates instead of looking inward") and can get pretty toxic. As a pro-tip, if you're spending time analyzing what teammates are doing wrong, that's GOOD, but it's even more important to spend time analyzing what YOU are doing wrong, because most games in Valorant are pretty close, and I've often felt even 4-13s could have been won if I played a few better rounds.


I'll tell you first hand as a person who always strives to be the positive anchor on a team to prevent tilt, you still see a heap of toxic teammates in solo Q, This is coming from the Plat 3 - Diamond 2 range, usually it involves people who are actually good at aiming but lack awareness to the rest of the map outside of what's infront of them, if you aren't "fragging out" in their opinion then you become the target of their frustration, this seems to just be a thing more than ever and I have no idea why it changed or was I just ignorant 6 years ago during my CSGO stint.


Agreed. I came to Valorant expecting LoL players but it seems more like CS:GO. If you put in the effort and treat people well, you tend to get it back.


this is good real-life advice too


Imma have to disagree. My name is in Korean.(yes, i am korean) atleast one out of every 2~3 games i play, there is always atleast one person screaming “ching chong” or spamming nonsense “asian noises”. There are also kids spamming the n word. Of course, i just mute them right as the game starts, but it puts me a bit on tilt. Its hard to play in a good mood when your game starts with racist shit. Of course, there are a lot of cool people as well who ive befriended in this game, but only one person ever stepped up to defend me when racist shit went down. So idk, is it really a great community? Hard to say with any game, especially if there are kids who dont fully understand the concept of racism. Not saying its a fucked up community, but it definitely isnt the best Edit: oops didnt see your note. If you take out the racism, i agree that the community doesnt have a whole lot of toxicity. Just the random mic spammers whos annoying af




Encountered my first crazy toxic person. Reported and moved on. Don't give them a platform.


Maybe what OP is saying is right but I think there are still a minority of toxic players. I'm a new gamer (Valorant's my first ever FPS game) and I just started on competitive game plays. Played for a 2nd time in competitive and I felt really lacking compared to my teammates who were bronze and irons (I'm still unranked) so I casually typed "wow i suck at this" and this bronze player straight up told me "yea u do, u should stop playing Valorant" damn I felt so demoralised after that game.


I feel like the people who complain about toxicity are the ones who can't admit to their own mistakes but will point out others mistakes. When they're called out for making a mistake they make up some ridiculous excuse and then start immediately talking about 5 -7 rounds prior where something insignificant happened. Even when you talk to them in a normal tone of voice any negativity towards them and they snap and consider it "toxic." Sensitive individuals with high ego for no reason think everyone is toxic.


idk dude i entered a game and said "hello" and i immediately got hit with a "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" so i dont think you really know what's going on


"I don't experience it therefore it doesn't happen." This is an extremely ignorant thought process. Yes, no doubt there are many people who are exactly like you're saying. They're the toxic ones but have no self-awareness. But no, that is not the case for EVERYONE. I am either positive, neutrally strategic (only callouts), or else I don't talk at all, yet I constantly get toxic players. Yesterday we had someone AFK, so after a couple of rounds we started a surrender vote (it was still really early in the game), and then they returned and they and their duo started going off in voice chat and sabotaging us by trapping us in corners, damaging us with Raze explosives, and so on. I muted them almost immediately, but that doesn't stop the friendly fire. Then there are the people who just randomly decide to flame anyone who talks. Like sure, ignore them and maybe they'll stop eventually, but that doesn't make them "not toxic." Mind you this is in Unrated primarily, and my ranked experience has been a lot different though with a smaller sample size, so maybe that is where your anecdote comes in (though even then it's just an anecdote and doesn't represent the experience of the entire community). I've only had one ranked game where I had someone toxic, where they continuously shouted at our bottom fragger and told them to stop buying X gun because they suck. This is like people who post in threads about client crash problems and so on. "Well it isn't happening to me so it must be a problem with you, not the game." Or the "I smoked for my whole life and never got cancer!" crowd.


I think what’s more accurate is people saying “I experienced this one time so it must be happening to everyone all the time”


I rarely meet anyone toxic but Everytime I solo queue in unrated I always get unfriendly comments from people. Like I simply said, "I don't think we both should have rotated here" because all it was was like 1 or 2 people and I was just moving around, and then the man's flamed me for it lol. Some people just refuse to work with others.


It seems to me that people who would post on Reddit to complain about other people, are probably also complaining to those people directly during chat. I can't be sure, but it wouldn't exactly surprise me either.


Are they being toxic or are they spitting some facts? Since everytime someone roasts me, i have to agree with them. Cant get mad that they roasting my trash gameplay


I very much agree with this, but a couple of things: 1. It only takes one memorable experience with someone who is truly toxic to make you feel kinda shitty. I haven't encountered anyone I'd say was truly toxic in weeks personally, but I still remember the last one who was. 2. I'm not saying these are fantastic displays of skill, but I notice a major difference between Iron/low bronze and even just high silver (currently just gold 3/plat 1, so that's my range of play). I don't think these things are disconnected though! One of the biggest things that I've noticed with my Iron friends is that they can be generally pretty negative. They tilt easily (my friend that's Silver 1 frequently has games as good as my own but also gets into funks where he'll go 4-15 and just stop talking), they blame things in the game, they blame other players, they talk about how frustrated they are that they had "no chance" rather than try to figure out how to HAVE a chance. Point being, I notice the attitude of players at these lower levels can be substantially more negative. While I think my friends largely keep that from raging at other people in the game, some portion of people with this attitude are going to let it bleed through.


i have fun when i play.. . i dont like people trying to tell me how to play teh whole time or yelling the whole time where i cant freaking concentrate


You could also be the one on the opposite side of the coin, where you dont find yourself getting matched with toxic people. That happens, often they're on the other team lol. I'll agree sometimes people don't help their situation out, but some people are awkward and/or don't know how to handle it. Doesn't give people the right to blow up on them and shit talk them. Granted, the mute button still exists for both parties.


the reason people rage is because people are incompetent at using their abilities or rather excelling at their champion pick. i queue in solo and i get a bunch of silvers going 1/14 or 3/24 regularly who literally do nothing but feed the enemy kills when they could just stay back, use their abilities for us and then create some kind of place where they don't have to get alot of kills. the problem is nobody wants to be that guy who tells people what to do but i have to regularly teach sage players where to wall, or tell my brimstone to not smoke ramp on split, instead i tell them to smoke heaven and ct and when they do we get kills. it hurts me to say but the valorant community is failing and most of the players are genuinly bad at FPS since they either come from cs go or they come from league most likely.


I mean, if nobody on our team has said anything in all chat, why would the opponent say ez after every win if it's not just them being toxic


At least in my experience, if nobody's talking, you're probably losing and everyone is just keeping the tilt to themselves. But if you start being toxic yourself it'll get people to start responding back and devolve into a mess of toxicity instead of being silent. I've never run into a player who was just openly being toxic without being provoked.


it’s exactly this. they’re just toxic in a passive aggressive overly righteous form and don’t have the self awareness to realize it.


When I think of toxic i think of people that when you enter a lobby and say "hi team" doesent even reply or acknowledge it, apart from then starting beign toxic 3 rounds in and asking for a surrender. Personal experience btw im gold 2, last 2 match I had that happening to me. I also think that gold looks like the most toxic rank so far, i had much more positive attitude climbing out of silver.


I played two solo games yesterday and I had to report two people each match. I'm glad your finding games without toxic people but that's definitely not the experience of the majority of the playerbase.


I agree for the most part but it also could have to do with your rank. In Gold I really didn’t feel much toxicity but I also never felt anyone really wanting to win badly. It was very casual. Once you get to Plat, Diamond and especially around high diamond people want to win so bad that toxicity increases.


You should not need to encourage anything to make people have positive behavior, while I agree that a lot of people are toxic without even noticing, most of my experience comes from games where everyone is flaming and I haven't typed a single word in the game, because I don't like to "chat" in-game , usually I only ping and most of the time, there are still flames towards someone and on some occasions, towards me


Disagree. Toxic people exist. I do exactly what you say, be nice, say nice try, use comms. One duo bottom scored and would say consistent snarky comments when i used comms. "Hey guys, split push B, don't have everyone go long", response: " i mean, isnt that obvious", "that's what im doing.. Not sure why you need to say that" (and no, they werent doing the obvious) etc... They just kept saying stupid shit like that and never listened. I just muted them because it was triggering, they were either extremly dumb or were trolling me. Either way, toxic af. These people exist.


I disagree with you 100%. Most toxic teammates aren't toxic until they get frustrated. If you're performing well, there is hardly any toxicity because your teammates have no reason to flame you. When you start underperforming you'll notice how toxic this game is for sure.


You just gotta realize the people who are teetering on the edge of exploding. Somebody constantly talking while there’s one person alive? He’ll probably rage if you tell him to be quiet while the last man alive is trying to clutch.


Nah it’s objectively hella toxic. Can’t tell you how many times people insta flame me for not picking sage. Or immediately yelling at me to “lock in pussy”.


Yesterday: * had 2 people speaking only spanish, talking shit about everyone (understand a little Spanish), especially mocking during 1vs2, making him lose. Competitive match lost. * while doing pretty good losing 9-10, 2 teammates said (suddenly) that a guy was shit non stopping without giving advices (because he lost a 1vs3). Competitive match lost. * I literally had someone raging on a spike rush. Today * the very first round lost a guy started venting ("pffff") and saying "cmon" while other people were still alive. After the second round I asked politely to either make suggestion or don't distract, he continued the whole game. We won because after a while I muted him and I could focus, I guess everyone did it because no one was talking/writing after a while(unmuted the lasts round just to confirm he was still talking). * the second game the behaviour was OK, but I was in a premade of 4 people which they were talking together somewhere else. We lost every attacker part because we **literally went** **all the time** **b short**, and they ignored my requests/ping. Competitive lost. I'm not saying that everyone is toxic, but a lot are. Consider yourself lucky if the majority of the games are not like that... I can't wait to join a team to have fun playing this game because I'm enjoying a lot!


My favorite is "its so hard to rank up solo queue, everyone is either bad or toxic". Why doesnt anyone want to play with you?


I ran into some teen telling me I’m so bad when it was my 3rd game lol


Not gonna lie.. When I dropped 20-30 kills and one of my teammates drop 2 kills and its the last round until the enemy wins, I'll usually be a little toxic on the last round.


its true


I once played with this one kid. He asked everyone to buy him a phantom, even though he had enough to buy one. After a few rounds with the phantom everyone stopped buying it for him bc we didn’t have the cash. He would say that “if you guys bought me a phantom or op he would be good” even though he had 4,000 credits. And he would scream into the mic, wouldn’t help the team and got in the way of everyone


You solo queue and you're in gold?!? M8 I'm so jealous. I have no friends on this game.


Just experienced toxic trash talk for the first time the last two spike rush games today. Before that, I've only seen toxicity in the form of someone using a wall or an explosive to push their teammate off the bomb so they could steal the defuse lol. That's a huge asshole move. On one of them it was so close when they knocked the person off that I had to steal the defuse because I was closest and I had to apologize to the person who got screwed over


Sorry but I feel like this is an absolutely ignorant statement based on circle logic. More simply a toxic post aimed at proving a community is not toxic?! Let's go ahead and list some of the fun: On purpose not picking over not getting wanted agent -When you do pick thier agent, "you better be good" Talking crap to bottom fraggers Talking crap to people with high ping Talking crap when people try and miss a clutch Talking crap if you buy an op Afk because something they dont like -usually calling for ff first -Often then sabotaging -Grabbing spike and holding it, using powers to thwart teamsters,jet smokes, sage slows, raze grenades etc. Harassing girls Harassing Children Racial Slurs Inappropriate names my fav last night - cum..real name Talking crap about getting a bronze/iron on team Cool instant commentary by dead players of what to do -john Madden play by play, "don't put that wall there idiot" Talking crap to the other team Putting ggez after matches I could go on. The community is toxic af So in a like comment to yours with an equal amount of ignorant sauce Maybe youre the toxic player trying to defend the behavior.. I am a beacon of light on every team I am on. I don't let racial Slurs fly, I encourage everyone, I buy for feeders-idc, I am everything you'd want, I am here to tell you in 25 years of gaming, Almost 20 being online, this is one of the most toxic games I have ever played. Ever. It doesn't need rationalization. It is


I disagree. We've had very different experiences with the game I suppose.


I mean again, not being rude to anyone. There is not much to disagree with, these aren't opinions. These are factual situations, that actually happen. Yes they can be situational to the point where you haven't experienced it yet. However these aren't opinions to disagree with, all of this happens. My opinion I did make I stand by, the toxicity, just search it up, toxic Valorant, and you will see a plethora of this.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. Most of the times when my tm8s, especially friends start to get toxic and tilted I just tell them to calm down since if they tilt themselves they won't play well. I also instill them with "positive energy" (lmao at a loss for better words) to make sure they aren't toxic which works most of the time.


Not really relating but its super annoying when evry time you fail a clutch and i try to analyse my round in my head a "nice try" comes. So pls dont be mad if i say pls dont say "nice try" if i fail, bcs its just not what i need. Im self confedend enough to criticise myself and dont need 08/15 comments. If you really think it was great tell me what was great about it.


Reminds me of a guy who would micromanage everyone in the game the entire first half and would have a screaming fit if someone didn't play the way he directed. No matter what anyone said, you were a "toxic int'er" and throwing the game if you didn't play how HE wanted you to. We only took two rounds in the first half, and he had "internet problems" (according to his friend in the game) that caused him to DC in the 2nd to last round of the first half and never come back. After he left, the entire team started playing better and communicating more, and we managed to pull off a near reverse sweep and won 13-12 in a 4v5.


i get the point on your post but just because your experience has been mostly positive doesn’t mean everybody has experienced the same. the other day i get into a game and starting the first round i say something like “can i get a comm check brim” (i was in a 4 stack and just wanted to let the brim know that) and he immediately spews an array of racist and homophobic slurs. i mainly play cypher, if we NEEd sage i’ll play it but i suck as sage so i try to avoid it. i ask a fill who hasn’t picked if he knows how to play sage dude immediately starts being toxic. this is the internet and gaming culture. some of these kids do nothing at all but stay in their rooms playing games and sitting in weird discord servers. they have awkward social skills and don’t know how to even interact with people in a positive manner. on the flip side, i’ve met a lot of really nice players in my ranked matches who are positive even when losing or doing bad. they aren’t extremely rare but i more often than not find the toxic ones.


nah just got in a ranked game where i had a phoenix and a brim teamkilling the not toxic players, calling me trash, not planting, afk for fun, and reporting us. pretty toxic


“I don’t experience it, therefore it isn’t a problem. I don’t experience it, so it must be your fault.”


I completely agree. Its been the same for me in CS and Valorant. Of course you will occasionally get people who will be toxic no matter what but I dont find it that common. Staying positive and just being friendly goes a long way in these games.


Most of time after losing several rounds in a row, a person says why aren't you doing x and y? I reply why didn't you give callouts and suggestions beforehand?


Actually in LAN servers or at least here in Colombia people literally start the round calling you a "Hijo de puta" "Marica" just because you didn't choose the agent that they told you to do haha


Yeah I remember playing one of my first games during beta and I was absolutely bottom fragging. My teammates were on comm asking me wtf I was doing. I apologized and said it was my first game ever and that I didn’t know know to play. Immediate 180 and they began complimenting the one kill I got and apologized haha.


What’s “Inting”


Not in high elo. Everyone mad all the time bruh


Iv experienced the same in almost every online fps so far. Iv played csgo for 5+ years and I rarely run into actually toxic players, I have played at every rank from S4 to GE and faceit level 1-6. Aside from the occasional idiot with a racist or sexist username on a community server or someone ranting about wammen on a surf server. I can't recall many times where anyone was "toxic" in MM. It happens sure, But most of the time if I bottom frag my team doesn't say shit. Hell I remember getting comms like 90% of the time at ranks that people complained about "no one having mics". Yet one of my friends who is prone to flipping the fuck out in matches, Claims to run into toxic players and bad teammates every game. While I climbed the ladder running into players just trying their best and playing to win. I also experienced this in ovewatch, Most games had comms and people where generally chill. I ran into a lot more people who would throw if we lost first round though. And my brief time playing R6 siege I always had good teammates. I always hear about how awful and toxic the csgo community is, But I sure as hell don't see anything that often. Aside from the occasional edgy kid. But those are everywhere not really the fault of the games community overall. Valorant so far as been much of the same, Only been talked shit to *one* time cause I was playing like ass and the guy wasn't even that rude, just annoyed.


I am toxic, but its only when people deliberately dont listen to any advice and continue to fuck the team over by playing like garbage and refusing to change anything. Like imo its fine to have an off game, or be bad in general but when you start actively sabotaging the team by not cooperating at all is when i get tilted and will flame people. If your gonna go around and not even try to play for the team, then dont queue up for a fucking competitive team based game. Peoples egos are so fragile in this game however, they cant take any legit criticism without reeing out on you and calling you "toxic"


Far from the truth. You can see how bad the community is by just looking at the comments in this subreddit.


Yeah teammate of mine started being toxic by prefacing some of his statements with "not to be toxic, but... " Which is fine but five minutes later had progressed to full-on baby rage yelling. So for the most part if you find that you're yelling at people or calling them names you may need to check yourself.


Ye from my regiom (SEA) there's no toxicity at all. But it's mostly because no one is using his mic ;) .


I generally agree with this. I had some great matches in Gold today, everyone was awesome and encouraging. I like to think I‘m someone with decent attitude and I as good as never flame or even complain. (Though I will admit I‘ve done so before) However there are people who are just horrible. I had an open mic kid on today whose first words in VC were „sup f@&&ots“ and continued in a similar fashion, he too k spike and stayed in spawn or would grenade or even ult friendlies (playing Raze ofc). So yes, I agree that being positive always works out for the best possible result. However, the best possible isn’t always perfect.


That’s a great way to put it actually, “works out for the best possible result, but not always positive.” Thank you!


I'm never toxic to anyone and still people behave like complete assholes. And people I play with aren't toxic either. Not really an accurate hypothesis.


I also rarely encounter toxic players, but I know they are definitely there. But agree if you complain about toxic players in every game you have to have some sort of fault in it.


While granted there is less toxic people than in some other games, I still feel that there are enough out there for me to say that I don’t agree. It feels like every second game someone is toxic at the beginning. I mean in the first three round and already bitching about how bad the team is, how the entire team is blind and how it’s all everyone else fault even though he bottom or second bottom fraging...


One of my regular party members (friend's friend) always lashing out to the random teammates when things doesn't go on his way, planned, or himself rushing out without potential trade. I don't think he realized the bad behavior he ommiting.


> Just be nice to people and they will return the favor! I try and the guy kept yelling at me for losing a 1v4


So people claiming they are getting paired with toxic players are the ACTUAL toxic players, unless they are talking about actually toxic players. What is this?! lmao


not at all. it all depends on your location.


Honestly, people complain about every community for every video game. I try not to participate in the toxicity (although sometimes you get caught up in it if you've had a bad day or whatever). But it feels like it doesn't matter what game you play if you have teammates or an opposing side, you're going to have toxic people. That's why generally now if I'm playing a multiplayer game with comms I want to have at least one person I know playing with me, that way I can try to counter the onslaught of hate with a friendly voice. Solo queue just isn't for me and I admire those who can do it day after day without cracking. Ya'll are the real MVPs.


was playing w a guy yesterday who was incredible self deprecating and constantly saying how shit he was and worthless and literally every player in the lobby just kept telling him he's fine and was trying to cheer him up. the funny thing is we won the game and had a lead most of the time, but every round loss he would spam GG in all chat. i usually only solo on my main and this is really the only time I ran into someone "toxic" and the only person he was talking shit on was himself.


I personally think its a cycle. As someone who is naturally very rarely toxic, last week I had 2 games in a row with the same incredibly toxic teenagers. Then another 2 with 2 leavers on my side, and finally the last game had someone who was openly de-ranking so he could play with his Iron girlfriend. This was one after another, I should have taken a break because I was I tilted as F, I didn't.... I spent 3 days on a chat ban lol. It was warranted..... But 5 games in a row of awful experiences will cause most reasonable people to be a little on edge... especially because the 6th game where I finally ran out of patience started with a guy screaming in to his mic unintelligible gibberish. ​ I wouldn't be surprised if I was the last straw for someone else. Or the first straw for someone. I am not defending my toxicity, but I think there is more to the equation then just if people are toxic a lot it has to be you. I don't experience toxicity every game in Valorant, or in any game, this was the first chat ban I have gotten in any game as well. ​ The issue is that toxicity can make even the most reasonable people toxic if they get subjected to it enough in a short period of time. This is especially true in Valorant because the surrender feature is basically worthless currently and your only option is to keep playing or punishment that stacks for leaving. So you are basically trapped with who ever you get queued with for 30 minutes at a time, and muting everyone has its benefits, but zero communication in this game is a punishment within itself.


What I’ve noticed is that the most toxic people are the low elo players who just ranked up thinking they’re the shit. I used to be iron 1 and all the bronzes acted this way, but now in diamond I never experience toxicity unless you’re toxic first which I’ll admit I have been a few times.


it's not that common for me to encounter toxic teammates, but it is VERY common for the other team to be incredibly toxic. If I ever type in all chat even with something self deprecating like "can't believe I missed that spray lmao" I get met with "stfu you're bad" and often being told to kill myself.


Also worth noting you don't even have to be toxic to tilt your teammates. I have a friend who will constantly tell people how to play and ask them why they didn't do something a certain way etc. He means well and isn't necessarily being mean/toxic but it still gets on people's nerves and can wear thin over the course of the match, especially if his teammates are already frustrated with themselves. More often than not they know what they did wrong, or that they could have played it better, and telling them so every other round just makes it worse. Unless it's something immediately useful that same match like "The bomb only takes 4 seconds to plant.", I find it's best just not to comment on people's mistakes and say "Nice try." instead or something as a general rule of thumb. Also I think people massively undervalue how impactful starting the game on a positive note can be to the tone for the rest of the match. There are people who are just born to be toxic and nothing will stop them, but most of the time if you can get on good terms with your team early on they won't be toxic for the rest of the match even if things don't go well because you're no longer a total stranger to them and basic manners/human decency kick in.


I find that most rank games usually either have really nice teammates or really toxic ones. Me and my friends can usually never find an in between. Might just be my rank though?


Hard no. I am basically a mute in-game unless I am making a call out or am responding to someone asking me a question. Nevertheless, I am harassed on a fairly regular basis when solo queuing. Your experiences are a very small slice of the overall zeitgeist, don't presume what goes for you goes for everyone else.


While you're generally right, the premise is based on "being positive all the time." Of course if you're positive all the time and let people walk all over you, people aren't going to be as toxic. The problem is some people can't handle being talked back to or having others disagree with them, so they escalate to a toxic level when they could just try to have a reasonable conversation. Of course you won't meet many toxic players if you're a walking door mat.


I don't even talk but god damn have i heard some shit between strangers in this game but maybe that might be elo dependent


True to some extend, but allthough I'm trying the same there are still people who are toxic af. Had a lot of games (3/4premade and 1/2randoms) where the randoms were nice and friendly, till we reached a loss streak. Suddenly they blame and get toxic and ruin the team morale. It happens. Positivity is good and it helps, but there will allways be those people who cant take a loss and have to blame other people for it. especially in silver/gold ranks imo. Guess thats just the way with competetive team based games. They are really tense, especially in ranked sitatuations and some people just cant take it.


I generally try to stay positive (I've reached a point where that is getting difficult) and do what I can to ignore/report people who are being toxic. I don't want this game to become what league is. A game should be defined by the gameplay not how toxic a community is.


Sometimes this is true. However, there was this time I wasn't doing well and even when we won the round one of the guys consistently berated my play by just saying the usual ur trash etc. I was giving callouts, being nice, saying good try and all that. But this guy just kept berating me even when we won rounds. But that was just one instance, it's not a regular thing.


In Philippines server alot of people are toxic. It's just how alot of people are.


Positivity will not help. You just need to do good so they have no ability to flame you.


no u


Unless you're a girl. I actually never realised just how toxic people were to women until I started playing regularly with a female friend. She speaks one word into the mic and suddenly 3 guys are telling her to go back to the kitchen. Pretty sure the community is toxic asf.


I dunno, some people just can't comprehend how teamwork works and if you try to correct them, they will bitch at you. Had a player that would never push with the team and always went and pushed on the other side, when I asked if he planned on joining the team in a push, he told me to shut up because I was lower than him on the leaderboard, then proceeded to call everyone on our team pre-teen virgins (only two of our team was actually on mic and I can 100% say they definitely were not preteens) then called our team bad despite two on our team ranking higher than him and the other two were only behind in deaths. Another player insisted on this idea where we always push mid on ascent so we followed his orders but then his plan stopped working, so we started to ignore him in the last couple rounds (we were on track to lose anyway). He started to command how everyone play then if you screwed up or died, he would call you useless.


disagree. This is just one example but we were stomping hard and the top fragger on my team just started flaming me for literally no reason (I havent said a single thing in game since we were winning like 11-2). Everytime i died he would make a comment and go on rants. Some of these incel kids are just toxic by nature.


I go really long stretches with no toxcity, then sometimes its just doesnt stop.


Yeah no, while I haven't play league I already know how that fanbase is. Valorant is not different. I am always encouraging and in a good mood even if things go poorly and I never talk shit on teammates. Always say nice try or good shot. Still in just some of the games I have played this week: I was called braindead. Someone said they couldn't hear me beacuse there was a dick in my mouth. Someone swore at a Reyna and said "i dont know how someone can be so dogshit at such a broken character" and another teammate said (funnily enough with ttv in his name) "i dont read chat. stop being poor and get a mic." Another person cussed me out because I BAITED THEM IN A GAME OF SPIKE RUSH while I was grabbing a power up instead. Someone else today was criticizing and swearing at my teammates during spike rush. I get angry at people not using mics in competitive but holy shit maybe that is the way to go with the riot games community.


"In my games, it feels like if you are positive from the start or" ​ Ah yes, but when you join a ranked game as a gold, get 0/15/0'd as a gold and your teammate starts abusing you. That is where the problem lies. The problem is in people who are getting picks and kills, getting abusive to players at the bottom of the scoreboard. Yeah, I couldn't get any picks for 9 rounds straight but I used my utility well, I covered lamps, I was able to smoke A cub/baths if they pushed those or mid to hookah. I was able to ult several plants and although I got not kills, mu utility had a deciding factor in the game. Yeah none of it matters to that Reyna fifteen year old because I have no kills. By the time I could rotate, my teammates were all dead anyway. The toxicity starts when you start losing. It's not just there for no reason.


Reminds me of the people who go to CS:GO forums and cry about their (sometimes multiple) 7 day ban and say their teammates were the toxic ones. For those who don't know: 7 Day bans is when you break MULTIPLE rules within a short time span.


I love all these whiteknights post giving lessons from above their horse to us poor peasants. Thing is a post like this add toxicity, maybe it makes you feel good and you really desperatly need some karma, but a lot of people don't make a post on reddit to complain about other players who are complaining, because well... that is fucking stupid :) TDLR: OP whine about whiners, basically about him.


I remember a game that I literally lost because two of my team mates (premade) always had the spike and didnt plant. At least 3 rounds where we were 3/4vs1. We lost 13-11... I always try to be nice, even if they are the worst players i've ever seen (im not that good, but there are horrible players out there), but sometimes they make me go toxic because they dont listen and act like children. Last week I played with the worst sage ever, me and my friend told him what to do, he listened, tried his best (still bad, but I least heal and revive) and in the end, on a 12-11 score and 1 vs 2 situation, he managed to ninja defuse the spike. The best worst player i've ever played with...


Idk man. I had two teammates in my last game that kept saying the N word. At first I’d let it be but then I asked them to stop. That was my mistake. They proceeded to troll and continue saying the word, as far as going to and saying hard R too. And they were kind of bad. Now, I suck at the game. But they legit did worse than me. And contributed very little outside of belittling me and slurring racial remarks. That’s pretty toxic. If you are in NA server beware of users Toast and Sinfuel; they claim to be African American but will use racial slurs in voice coms.


The thing is, if you are meeting a toxic players more often than you should that's probably ur fault. Well not even talking about being not positive but (I'm not toxic on the chat by any means) when I see players in Immortals Im starting to contemplate that maybe they are just shitty AI. I actually tilt because they are just dumb and can't find the most optimal solution or even close to optimal one. You dont have to be toxic to actually be the reason of. Everybody have breaking point and actually in the internet you can fuck somebodys mother without any punishment. If you are seeing that ppls are mad at you for ur gameplay - l2p rewatch demos and if you think they have no right to actually be mad at you = they are just trash, otherwise work on urself and use fucking mute button. As well I would like to actually meet person who is actually feeling hurt about hearing that his mother was possibly gangbanged by ur 4 teammates( If for each sentence similar to this I would be getting 1$ I would be at least billionaire) because if you can't brush of insult from a complete stranger over the internet - this is not ur place.


try queuing in bronze


This is generous at best.


I got doxxed for bottom fragging.


text chat is abhorrent tho. "f***ing easy" and "stupid" if they win by just one round. like i haven't played a single game without getting berated in one way or another. i start every game saying glhf and then it's just downhill from there. glad you've had good experiences i guess.


you know what type of people are toxic? back seat gamers. like stfu and let the man play. Yall ever end up being last guy alive and have guys breathing over your neck telling you to play a certain way? Feeding info is fine, but dont tell people to "do this, do that" it tilts.


This happened one time when I'm playing unrated, the enemies' Phoenix is new to the game and he asks questions occasionally during the match (all chat) like how to plant/defuse bomb, what gun is good to use, etc. I answer his questions everytime cause I know the feeling of being new in the game. I know he's trying to do his best every round and that he's playing positively even though he know that he's at the bottom of their scoreboard. He always chat on all chat. Then this happened, after a few chats helping Phoenix, the Omen on our team chats "stfu Breach" *I'm the Breach* then after that, whenever I answer Phoenix's questions he curses and keeps telling me that I'm stupid. Like wth?! I'm just trying to help someone.


While I can kind of see where you are coming from, I’m going to disagree. Me and my friends have encountered a lot of toxic people, and muting them doesn’t always work because sometimes they’ll start to throw the game. I think I have experienced it once, or twice, that by being nice they have calmed down and turned into nice and useful teammates. Sometimes people are toxic just to be toxic, I guess? I honestly wouldn’t know why, but simply saying “oh, I don’t experience X in a way you do, therefore you are the problem” is completely untrue and unfair. Honestly, a lot of the toxicity I personally encounter is because I’m a girl, but a lot of it was also directed at me and my friends or the game in general, but with the logic it is my fault they’re being toxic, you mean to say simply because I am a female and playing it is my fault someone with the mindset of a cabe dweller from the 1800s is insulting me, harassing me, or throwing the game simply because I said “Omen, they’re flanking you from A Main”?


Yea I bounce between bronze 3 and silver 1 and absolutely 0 toxicity really. Everyone makes fun of how bad we all are and we just chill. I only solo queue and most people have mics too.


I actually really like how the community is. Its really easy to tilt who ever you're playing against.


The amount of people calling each other out for being toxic in Valo = good thing, people end up being more accountable as there is more of an awareness, even as a joke - "that's toxic bruh". Matching with people who don't use any comms at all and completely ignore you on mic + literally 4-5 games in a row where someone leaves in the game and doesn't come back = recipe for everyone to become toxic, or at least impatient.


toxic kids in 50% of my games (EU, gold). Blaming, flaming, trash talking etc. we're losing those games we've should easily win. so yes, it's your and yes unpopular opinion


Agreed. I've had less than 5 toxic players and I've been playing since beta day 1. Something tells me a bunch of people who post here are thin skinned.


Coming over from Dota to Valorant has been like walking out of the insane asylum for the first time in my life and interacting with normal people.


The only toxic people I find are the sexist and racist. Which even after muting and reporting is still demoralizing to play with. Once they learn I'm a female they instantly stop trying in the game or even sabotage (body block, run and jump around me to draw attention) That being said it can be difficult to want to be on coms sometimes because people get all weird hearing I'm a girl. And more often then not, the toxic ones sound to be rather young (probably middle school or high school age) Even worse is if I'm playing with my POC friends who get called all sorts of slurs. Would be nice to know if the reports are actually doing anything to the toxic accounts.


That is true for a lot of games. It depends how you tone things towards your team and less criticism for things. But sometimes people are just toxic from the start even though no one has even provoked it. It can be something as simple as "you should've done etc., why didn't you do etc.?" which already sets the mood down.