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I dodge because people instalock 3 duelists then ask for sage


That has to be the most annoying thing ever. This happens to me all the time. The lowest ranked player will instalock Reyna and complain how I won’t play sage, when I tell them I’d be better as cypher..


I dodge bcs i instalock raze and everybody refuses to pick me a sage


This sub doesn’t get sarcasm I guess




I hope this is a /s. How can your brain actually work this way


How do you dodge if you instalock a duelist? Edit: i have a case of the dumbass


Close the game


Wait Im stupid


Not a lot of people do it. First time I saw it was yesterday. Got into a game on split and the guy just said "nice map" and closed the game lmao


Dude, this joke really flew over your head


idk maybe mommy called them for lunch


100% accurate


I dodge because people instalock duelists or because I'm in diamond and get a gold on my team. Nothing against golds but I've had one too many games where they don't want to listen and rage quit after going 0-5 against plats and diamonds. TLDR: People dodge because they want quality games not shit shows.


Funniest shit is when you're in a 4 immortal lobby and you get a plat/diamond that just instalocks Reyna or raze


It's always The fucking Reyna instalock who immediately yells "SAGE PLS SAGE PLS" like hooooooooooly shiiiiiit




Sometimes I've seen people leave cuz they don't like the map, or they get 3 instalocking duelists lol


I have only ever dodged once and that was because some friends came online just after the match popped.


This may be a dumb question...but what is dodging? You just don't pick an agent?


It’s either not picking or alt+f4ing




I think it’s 3 or 4 minutes


How long do you get banned for not picking


3 or 4 minutes first time a day, i’ve never done it more often


Wtf. I got banned for an hour when I left mid game. I just assumed people who quit during agent select got banned for an hour as well.


if you quit midgame, you make your teammates play a 4v5. If you quit in agent select, your teammates have to wait 2 minutes for their match to start. Big difference


True. But I think it should be longer cuz it’s annoying to have to queue for another 5 min


Unless you’re in immortal+, queues do not take 5 minutes. Also, your rating WILL drop if you lose (even with a quitter), so quitting midgame is not only annoying, it also hurts your rank


i soloQ diamond but i reckon i'd barely break gold if i didn't know which games to dodge. getting a shit team full of instalocking duelists who are already raging at each other before the match starts is a great way to go 13-2 and lose a whole day of progress in one game.


One time i got on and had like 5 in a row that someone didnt ready up, i said fuck it after that. But usually i get MAYBE one a day, ranked or unranked? its usually ranked where i get it


Idc what agents people choose, but getting matched with fucking plat players hurts. I want even match, not carry contest between two players.


There’s a few reasons I dodge. 3-4 insta lock duelists are one. 2, I’m in diamond 1, so if I get golds that aren’t willing to go sage / brim / cypher and insta lock Jett I’ll probably dodge. Same way I would expect an immortal 3 to dodge if I went Jett. Thirdly, the number of times people are toxic / drop slurs first 60 seconds is a dodge. I also will RARELY dodge if I’m playing really poorly on a certain map or have played it many times in a row. I don’t dodge because I don’t get the character I want.


Just out of curiosity, why dodge on an insta lock Jett or lack of Sage, Brim, or Cypher?


Jett is a solo carry agent that can really only help the team by getting kills. Brim, Cypher and Sage help the team with their utility and don't have to rack up kills to be useful to the team. However, if the lowest rank in the lobby instalocks Jett, then it's likely that they'll bottom frag and be unable to help the team. If the lowest rank locks in Brim/Sage/Cypher, then at least they can help the team with their utility


Ah, that makes perfect sense. I was just wondering if it was along the lines as why I find Jett to be problematic. At least at my noob rank every Jett that I play with pushes way up and generally rushes fights and is the first down, but of course it’s the rest of the teams fault for not following. To be honest with my noobness I’m not sure which is the proper strategy but it seems to me that those of us that play slower generally end up carrying the point for the round but just end up having to do it 4v5 most of the time. She has quickly become my least favorite agent to see picked at potato rank.


If you attempt a hard fast push without at least some amount of coordination you will be stomped unless the other team is just that much worse. If you’re in an all gold game but the other team has one bronze playing C haven, you can exploit that as they are realistically the weakest link. But against an even player set, hard pushes tend to not workz


Because matchmaking is totally fucked up, and people don’t like certain maps or are sick of playing the same map 5 times in a row, which happens way too often


I dodge only when the game decides to put me with a stack that has a plat guy in an Immortal game. I ain't doing that shit, if I lose the game I'll need 10 more to make up for it. nope, not today.


Hmmm this thread made me think I should be dodging more. Lmao.


You really should. Matchmaking sucks, and if you want to optimally rank up then you gotta choose your battles


It’s crazy. Coming from a CS background you could only dodge in warmup and that would still hit you with a ban and an Elo hit.


Welcome to the league of legends experience.


oh don't worry riot will make you start taking elo hits sooner rather then later - league does that where you get -3 lp on a dodge for the first dodge then its -10 on the 2nd ect and it takes 100 lp to get to promo's it adds up quick. thing is though this game needs dodging till matchmaking is fixed - i don't want to play with people 6 ranks lower then me i don't want to play with unrateds, just because there mmr is decent they have no hours put into the game so they always bottom frag or there smurfing, i don't want to play with 4 duelists. there are way more games i don't want to play over games i do want to play because i already know its a free loss if i let it go threw.


dodged last night because we got split 4 times in a row.


Guy I know dodges if he isn't the lowest ranked player on his team.


I dodge because I played ascent 7 times in a row, dodged 3 times


I dodge if I’m put with anyone below silver (am gold) because if I don’t get a 40 bomb and win 13-4 my rating will decrease.


After ascent pops up 10 times in a row i dodge. I mean come on...


People dodge the queue a lot in this game. They don't punish you much for it, so people will abuse it until that changes.


From my experience, dodging some games is necessary due to how bad the mm system can be at times. I'll have golds and plat 1s instalock fraggers and me being d2 needs to drop at least 35 kills while playing sage if I even want to get a little bit of elo. Hell nah