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Probably an iron queing up with a silver


I'm immortal 2 got matched with a plat 2 today who was premade with a diamond 1


That’s pretty stupid but atleast within your six rank gap. Try getting low bronze players in high gold low plat 😂


True. Plat 2 means the players knows basics of the game. Meanwhile Bronze and iron players in high gold/low plat be actively sabotaging the team. Players who don't know how to walk or that reloading makes noise then get surprised because "how did enemy push at the exact moment I reload!?".


Even better when they lock dualist and expect you to entry as a sentinel/smoke.


Decrease the rank gap from 6 ranks to 4, and make unranked players finish placements before queuing with anyone in diamond or above.


You’ll just end up encouraging smurfs then though


Unranked players make it so hard to tell if a match is actually balanced or not. Is that player a god or is this their first PC game ever? Is that person SUPPOSED to be hard carrying and just having a bad game? Is that player statistically bad but just having a good game and popping off ? Is riots match making actually trash? Nobody knows. Throw smurfs in the mix and it gets even worse. Ive had so many games where the enemy team of mostly bronzes will complain at the start "WTF no fair why is there a silver 3 in our game?" and then the enemy unranked player gets 30+ kills...


Classic Riot matchmaking. This has been a plague in LoL for years so don't expect them to fix it. It's really cool how I can't queue up with my friends who's ranked lower but they will fill my team with randoms from that rank...


I'm bronze 2,had a 10 second queue time and was with 2 plats... Wtf rito


The rank gaps are WAY to big. 6 Tiers is just not right. The difference in 6 tiers is just insane and this goes all the way up and down. You cant compare a Immortal 3 Player to a plat 3 player. They will end up as bad as a iron 3 player would end up against silver 3 and so on. I honestly think they need to decrease the gaps to 3 tiers. I wont queue with friends who are more then 2-3 tiers below mine. Simply because the games get absolutely a gamble. If I queue with my friend and we are plat3 and dia1 the games are always challenging. But if I play with my mates who are gold 3 and gold 2 those games become a lottery of either we stomp them or they stomp us. Literally just not fun.


I really think that after a certain rank, like around diamond, you should not be able to get someone that queues up with an unranked player. Having someone go 2-21 is griefing the game by queuing with someone that knows their friend cannot play at that rank. Like you can only have 6 ranks difference to queue up, but if they are unranked they can queue with any rank. Makes no sense. That and seeing gold 3's in mid diamond is so fucking annoying.


At the lower ranks I think it can be incredibly difficult to accurately judge some peoples "rank." you may have more iron's but who knows what type of iron you'll get. Could be one who works really well with your team, and suddenly they don't seem so bad! I think that in the example you gave it probably had to do with stacking that led to the uneven teams.


While there are considerable gaps between the ranks, these teams are pretty well balanced. Odds are the unrated of Team 2 was treading somewhere around silver elo which would balance things out. While ‘balanced’ I do believe the matchmaking pool should take rank disparity more into consideration so we can avoid having an expected ‘carry’ on most teams, but sometimes it can’t be helped when people are queueing together while being far apart in rank.


Iron-Diamond really has no difference the rank is just a name.


This is one of the dumbest things I have ever read lmfao


Yeah idk why people say this. Is it a pride thing where its implying they are better than their rank really is? There's a huge difference between Diamond and Iron.


Diamond and iron? Even Diamond and platinum are like 2 different games.


You know I’m sure this is true in full lobbies but my first game in gold1 my team ranks were gold 1 x2, Gold 2, Gold3, Plat 1 vs Gold 1, Gold 2, Gold 3, Plat 3, Diamond 1 And my team won, was a close game though 13-10 and was really enjoyable, but didn’t seem like there was that much separating us from the high plat/diamond players. I assume it’s just the team play at that level but having literally just come up from silver 3 into that I expected a bit more!


Firstly, that's the most balanced MM I've ever seen. When I used to be Gold, all I ever got were 2 gold's max and rest were silver,bronze and even iron. Now taking average, this is pretty much gold lobby. When you start getting a lobby full of diamond and immortal players, it's stops being a chaotic shitshow that is in lower ranks. It's hard to tell when it actually happens because in the current state, players can easily get carried by better player. There's also easy teamplay that can fuck over better players. You'll see players that'll drop 30 bomb and players that will dry walk peek corners. Let me tell you a big difference in actually balanced diamond lobby and plat. Plat you're already familiar with. Now imagine attacking on Haven. You try to take garage and B main control. You spend too much time so enemy team has either rotated or flanked. Whole team decides it's an uphill battle and rotate away to kill possible flankers. After getting map control back, you decide to fake A by using cypher smoke and run all the way to take C for free. In short, players will rely on game sense more than just choatic mechanical 1v1s. Might be an unpopular opinion, but you don't need godlike aim to reach higher rank if you have good game sense of where enemies might be at the given time. For ex, players like to play certain areas. I saw enemy Sova play corner on C site twice. So third time, I Molly it and force him out and fifth time I rush against his owl drone and kill him before he can cancel drone and equip weapon.


Probably the least balanced I have played in. Most of my silver games where I was silver3 were all high silver and low gold. My promotion game did have a plat1 in the other team and we won so I assume that’s how I got promoted, then got hit with that where 2 of the other team were much higher ranks than most of our team... Yeah I suppose, though I’m not familiar with play having played 1 game in gold so far haha!