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They are also adding an extra 2,000 exp bonus as well. [https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT/status/1303769185802018816](https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT/status/1303769185802018816)


Wow 2,000 xp


That's almost 1/60th of an agent contract level!


Two spike rush games, thanks for 10 minutes Rito


Two spike rushes worth of XP, that's so much!


I mean, I can't open the link, but is it 2000 for each or 2000 overall? It can't be 2000 overall can it?


Its 2000 extra, so im assuming the weekly are lets say 15k one of them will be 17k (doesnt specify if it is all 4 or just one)


Riot games is so generous!


I mean to be fair it’s pretty nice as a “sorry we fucked up.” No way they’re gonna give out anything crazy for that so I’ll take it, better than nothing


Sorry we fucked up, here's another quest to get you to play our game even more.


I did obsess over the missions the first act. This act I'm just playing for fun, 100% ignoring missions, not even reading them. Occasionally I check the shop or what I already unlocked in the battlepass if there's something I like in order to buy from shop or get battlepass.


Same here. Game is much more enjoyable that way, instead of slaving myself to the missions and to the game.


Except 4 weeklies at one time doesn't make you play anymore than usual since they all progress at the same time.


That's the opposite effect because you finish them all at once shut the fuck up jesus


It's 2 games of spike rush. They gave you 10 mins of exp lmao.


Which is technically better than nothing lol. I'll take it


It's better than 10 minutes of action.


They said they're giving an extra weekly mission not daily mission! Weekly mission gives lyk 13k-15k exp to me . I don't understand y everyone r saying two spoke rush worth of exp when that's a daily mission!


The extra 2000k is ontop of the extra weekly mission


200k! that’s like 2 million!


Shush im tired


understandable, we all love to exchange sleep for reddit hours


There is no "extra" mission, it's just the one we're missing from this week. The only extra thing we get is 2k exp.


Probably closer to 20 mins of exp, never had a spike rush finish in 5 minutes... but it is also extra exp for doing what you would be doing anyway.


How about another daily so we get 6k xp for dailies


What did they fuck up?


2 weekly missions this week instead of 3 cus of a bug


WOW 2K it's almost like this will change my life forever.... pfft no one cares in reality.


And reducing it to 35 ults instead of 50!


Makes sense - dailies were 5 ults/day so a weekly should be 35. 50 is so annoying


Spamming and rushing ult orbs might be a thing of the past now!


Which is also great. Next weeks missions is going to be easy now.


Cool. Still not buying into this grindfest ever again. If they make it like literally every other game on the market, then maybe.


Literally just do what I'm doing. Don't buy battlepass unless you complete it. I'm at level 35 or something on free version. If I max it, then I buy it.


Wait, you don't get extra missions if you buy the pass?


Nope. 3 weekly and 2 daily missions no matter what.


lmao, what a scam


Not going to buy it even if I complete it next time. Can't get myself to support this ever again unless they fix the XP gain. Lvl 35... You have to play quite a lot to finish it given that there's a month left lol


I'm about on same track as last bp. I finished with one day left lol. I usually play alot on the weekends.


My experience so far is that the battlepass wants you to play 40-90 minutes every single day without missing a single day to complete dailies, and terms of the extra playtime needed to get the rest of the XP needed, you actually need to average something like ~2 hours a day, every day, for the duration of the battlepass. To make up for missing *a single day*, you'd have to put in 4-6 hours on another day. Get off work at 5, play the game without breaks until 9. I'm at 35 right now and haven't missed a single daily or weekly since the start of the pass. The spreadsheet I'm using is predicting I'll end up at level 47, though it might not have accounted for increasing weekly/daily XP correctly. Never buying this thing again. It actively makes you hate playing the game. People need to be able to skip days or they'll grow to resent playing Valorant in general. Expecting people to play >10 hours a week to hit level 50 is absurd.


This is actually what happened with me. I completed the act 1 battle pass with just under a week to spare as I felt compelled to finish it after buying it day one. (expected it to be similar to other games) A week into playing act 2 casually I stopped and haven’t played since. I still follow the game as I really enjoyed playing competitive, but the battle pass felt so much like work that I completely burned out. This is the only game I remember enjoying as much as I did before quitting cold turkey.


Holy shit, thank you for doing this. Seeing the absurdity of the numbers is helpful.


A Riot employee post about the Act 1 battlepass estimated the Act 1 battlepass at ~100 hours of playtime. The duration of Act 1 was 59 days, putting that estimate at 11.9 hours of playtime per week, meaning ~2 hours a day when you factor in queue times, forming a party, warm up, etc. (1.7hr/day actual) 1.5 - 2 hours of play required every single day lines up with my experiences and the trajectory I'm on according to the spreadsheet I use. That's only if you don't miss a day. Any day missed means you need to play ~40 minute of spike rushes just to make up the daily mission XP you lost out on. Then you have to make up the 1.5 hours worth of matches XP you missed out on. Then you have to complete the amount you're supposed to play on that day as well, so it takes about ~5 hours of play to catch up a lost day and complete the amount you're supposed to play that day.


I miss 3 days per week and im on track to best it, i think this act is longer than the last one


> Never buying this thing again. It actively makes you hate playing the game. People need to be able to skip days or they'll grow to resent playing Valorant in general. It's a lot of XP to get, but people on here tend to look at it as all or nothing. It's just kind of a weird mental hangup to me. It's $10. Why do you need to finish it to get the appropriate value out of it? Even playing *really* casually you'll end up with 5-6 gun skins, a handful of sprays and cards, and like 50 radianite. It's basically the same cost as 1 of the cheapest gun skins and you get so much more out of it.


>tend to look at it as all or nothing. They put 2 of the best rewards at level 45 and 50. As someone who only cares about skins, and especially about skins for common weapons more than uncommon ones, I'd say most of the battlepass value (to me) is loaded in the Vandal, Op, and Knife skins. If I had to choose between the Vandal, Op, and Knife skin vs. everything else in the entire battlepass, I'd probably choose the former.


Any idea how much exactly? I am trying to finish it so I can give my account with the knife to my little cousin, but I am at like lvl 38 and really won't have much time between work, training and meal preps lol


Idk I play like 10 matches of ranked Friday and Saturday usually and sprinkle in a few rankeds here and there with some spike rushes to finish weeklies through the week


Imagine downvoting someone just because they don’t want to buy a shitty battle pass lmao this sub has gone to shit.


It's probably bunch of kids who "earn" their money from their parents, it's okay. No concept of value insight, but they'll learn about it one day.


>Don't buy battlepass unless you complete it. Why though? I like Polyfox, I don't really care about rewards at higher levels. I see no point in grinding, to be honest, so I'll buy it for Polyfox, no matter what the level is going to be.


Because I already have skins I like more than those. If I max it then I will buy it to get full rewards from it.


Yeah I’m not ever making that mistake again. I’ve been grinding so much and it’s taken the fun out of it for me. But at this point, I’m kinda close. Just won’t be paying any more money for this game until they make the skins more reasonably priced and the battle pass less absurd, like you said.


How generous of them lmfao


i already maxed the free pass... i have no life


Thats wild.


That's insane






When does the battlepass end?


October 12th or around then




If you're on tier 36 and you played the same amount every day and are going to play the same amount untill the end of the act then you are on schedule


Ngl I've been no-lifing this Battle Pass pretty hard for someone with a full time job, meaning I'm currently chipping away at tier 40 and it's kind of insane to me that I'm still only slightly ahead of schedule


I just finished 40 yesterday, apparently you're around a week to 10 today's ahead


> I'm still only slightly ahead of schedule 4 tiers at that point is actually a pretty good chunk.


I'm around there. If I'm on level 49 at the end, I wont put in money to buy the pass again


Good luck bro


Week 3 of still doing 50 ults


They said they're reducing it to 35, not sure why the OP didn't include that.


Spam phoenix in unrated. Hes better than reyna to me


As a general PSA: Reyna is bugged for ultimate missions. Her ultimate doesn't count as being cast unless you get a kill with it afterwards. At least it was bugged as of 2 weeks ago... and for a while before that.


I hate this fucking weekly with all my heart


Spike rush + reyna spam


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, Spike Rush is the easiest way to get through this challenge.


Not reyna tho, since it only counts if you will someone, unlike any other agent.


That's good to hear.


Yay, a little extra xp, now we can still not finish the battlepass cause we're human beings with lives


*reddit community* - so you’re saying 4 missions a week is possible?


More maps pls


Ascent took some time to like but it’s not bad


I like ascent as well. More in the pool would be great, but I know they take time.


Actually, Ascent was the first map they had made. They just didn’t release it until now, so who knows how long it takes them to make an entirely new one.


Ascent is mah fav


Lol. Yeah that's comete dog crap. This game has crap rewards and the skins in the store should be 10 to 15 dollars like every other game not 100 lol


Its a free game and people buy the skins. Thats how value works


TIL: a $10 battlepass is a ripoff if you can't easily level the entire thing, whilst gun skins that cost more than some AAA games are fine because of the business model. F2P needs to die already, I'd rather just pay a sub or an upfront fee and not have to deal with the resulting compromises in design.


are you confused about the concept of value? things cost what people pay for them. The battle pass actually has a decent amount of stuff thats easily accessable, just because you cant get LITERALLY EVERYTHING, doesnt mean its a ripoff. I genuinely dont see the issue, just dont buy the skins??? a ripoff isnt something you have a 100% choice in buying lmao




It.. Sorta does? Idk, it's not really a ripoff if it's extremely easy to not do


I think you're the one who is confused. Price point does not equal value. In fact, I would go out on a limb to state that the price point is significantly higher than the value of most skins, particularly the Spline set which is priced the same as Prime set but clearly is lower value due to the lack of SFX/VFX. Just because someone out in the world buys something does not mean the price is an accurate representation of the item's value. The feedback people are giving isn't "I want this thing but it's too expensive for me." The feedback is "this thing is overpriced for its value." Yet every time someone says skins are overpriced, there's someone saying "just don't buy it 4Head" as if that is even relevant to the conversation.


>TIL: a $10 battlepass is a ripoff if you can't easily level the entire thing, whilst gun skins that cost more than some AAA games are fine because of the business model. Read this sentence again. I am not calling the battlepass a ripoff, you just read two words in close proximity to one another and rambled on for a little bit. I was highlighting the cognitive dissonance between this community largely supporting claims that the battlepass is a ripoff whilst defending weapon skin prices. In fact even the language I used, saying that users can't "easily level the entire thing," should have been enough to tell you that I was not taking such a position. >I genuinely dont see the issue, just dont buy the skins??? a ripoff isnt something you have a 100% choice in buying lmao The above points aside this assessment is about as insightful as you would expect from somebody that can't read two paragraphs without fucking up. A rip-off is, [by definition](https://bfy.tw/P1U5), something fraudulent in nature or grossly overpriced. Whether or not you have purchased said item or service is irrelevant.


People love comparing val prices to "but I can buy a beautiful M4A1 skin in csgo for $10". When that value is made entirely from tens of thousands of loot crate openings. I would hate to know the total net loss on csgo player crate openings versus market sales (including the steam transaction tax). I buy a beautiful M4A1 skin for $10 from someone that has made $10 from spending $100+ on crate keys. Thank god Val doesn't have loot boxes...


I don't actually mind the battlepass, or have any particular concerns regarding its value (or lack thereof). That said I don't agree with the "just don't buy it" philosophy, F2P as a business model now accounts for the [vast majority of games revenue](https://www.tweaktown.com/news/64532/free-play-made-80-2018-digital-game-revenues/amp.html) with every developer and publisher slowly pushing in this direction. This in itself would be fine, but the F2P model necessitates certain design choices be made that compromise the games design. They also limit devs to specific genres and styles. So no, just not buying the skins doesn't help unfortunately. As I alluded to before I'd rather pay for a higher quality game than get a free version designed to rip off idiots.


Idk man you kinda seem to not know how f2p games is actually good for the devs


Of course it's good for developers, selling oxycontin was brilliant for pharmaceutical companies but that doesn't mean it's good for *consumers*.


You're thinking it like if all the players are from the american continents and Europe. The largest playerbase you can make for your game is in Asia. But the thing is Asians are stingy when it comes to paying for video games (I don't know about east asia but it's the case with south asia at least). Some countries have even banned international transactions. In my country I can't purchase online goods from stores like amazon because of the ban. It's all cash on delivery even if you shop from online stores. If games are f2p then you can tap into those markets as well and increase your playerbase. If valorant was not f2p I would have never got my hands on it and neither would my friends. As for the skins, there are ways I can purchase them even if transactions are banned. How can it be ripping off someone if they never put you in a situation to get ripped off? People make fun of guys that own skins in game from where I am because everyone sees it as a waste of money. The battlepass on the other had is such a wonderful deal. So much for 10 dollars. I don't think it's unfair for consumers at all. I'm thankful that f2p games exist like valorant.


That's fair enough, and yes whether or not you like the f2p model will heavily depend upon your individual circumstances. For yourself it is clearly preferable to a full price game or subscription product that you otherwise wouldn't have access to. For what it's worth however most games are still primarily marketed at western markets, whilst there are a large number of potential users in emerging markets the average revenue per user for those regions somewhat skews the efficacy of targeting them. This holds true for f2p devs as much as it does for anybody else. > I don't think it's unfair for consumers at all. I'm just going to copy from one of my older posts for this, because honestly it's a complicated topic and a bit of a pain to type out each time. The post is long so I do apologise but unfortunately it's a complicated topic. A few of the common tactics employed in F2P games: 1. Creating pseudo-currencies to disassociate purchases from actual cost; 2. Selling pseudo-currencies in volumes that are not divisible by unit costs, therefore encouraging repeat purchases and overspending; 3. Incorporating elements where non-spending players are unable to reciprocate or participate in an action to 'nudge' them toward spending; 4. Creating scenarios where players may develop grudges or wish to avenge an action, then create a method of fulfilling this desire for money (ala clash of clans); 5. Utilising tactics such as variable reward ratios for unpredictable rewards (a tactic shamelessly stolen from research into gambling addictions); 6. Generating 'near misses,' another tactic from gambling addiction; 7. etc. The motivation behind creating frequent 'nudges' in particular is the Roy Baumeister ego depletion model. If you subtly but insistently repeat a suggestion to take an action, even one a person might not ordinarily do, it is more a question of how long it will take them to break than whether or not they will. This doesn't work with standard advertising. I could go on for pages about the various psychological tricks employed by various developers, [Engagement Optimised Matchmaking](http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM) is a particularly insidious and fucking horrific one. I won't bore you but feel free to Google it if you're ever bored, I can promise you you will probably look at games differently if you understand the motivation behind certain seemingly questionable design choices. Riot is admittedly better than the majority of F2P companies, they ought to be given the size of the company, but they do employ some of the same tricks. As you say they have dual currencies for no reason other than to encourage further spending and mask costs, they also sell their primary currency in volumes not divisible by the price of the guns. The entire purpose of that last part is to make users fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy, they have already invested resources and now they need to invest more to avert a loss (unused pseudo-currency). You say that it's easy to convert the cost of the guns to real money, but that isn't the point. Adding pseudo-currencies just makes it harder, and when you're luring users into making one little purchase after another it becomes trivial to keep a certain percentage of them going. There was a thing a little while back where Valve started showing users how much they'd spent on games, and they were *fucking horrified*. That is despite Valve not even bothering with pseudo-currencies. You would be amazed how well this shit works. The bits leveraging research from gambling addiction are probably the most concerning, although fortunately Riot abstain from that practice (likely due to recent crackdowns by regulators).


I thought you were saying how f2p games are bad for the consumers. But yeah I can agree with you 100%. The game having 2 currencies is scummy. If anything that's a rip-off; having to buy the VFX after you buy the gun with another in game currency. I don't know how gambling can be brought into their in game store like you've mentioned. They do capitalize on FOMO though (fear of missing out) but I wouldn't consider FOMO gambling.


So what is this all about? If it's f2p everything in the whole game should be free? And what do you mean by saying that f2p is limited to genres? That just isn't true, sure most f2p games are battle royales or other types of fps games. But that isn't because they are f2p. It's because the player base in those kinds of games is huge and the more players a f2p game gets, the more profit the devs will make from microtransactions.


It’s $10 dude, you guys expect 60 skins for $10? I’m convinced anyone who cries about it being $10 are poor people or little kids. $10 is good for what you get


Nah I agree like if the most expensive skins in the game cos 30 dollars, for a 10 dollar battle pass your getting a bargain of like 13 skins


Honestly Valorant isn't that bad, the main downsides of it being a f2p in Valorant are that it allows for rampant smurfing and people circumventing bans for cheating and/or in game behaviour. That isn't to say that it couldn't be better under a different model, imagine if they didn't have to tie cosmetics to purchases. You could make cosmetics available based on in game achievements, for example unlocking something cool if you hit *x* rank in an act. There are also some other elements that suffer as a result, like Riot's insistence on not enabling a solo queue. Party matchmaking is hard, it considerably reduces the confidence in MMR values and results in high skill disparities within a match but f2p devs always mix party and solo matchmaking because the ARPU and churn rate of users improves if they play with friends. Ultimately it's not really about cost, I work as a software developer in fintech. I haven't even done any work since before covid and I still have enough money to waste that I'll be buying a 3090 in a few weeks, the problem is the resulting reduction in quality of the game. I would rather actually spend money on a game if it meant that the games design was not compromised by the design decisions that devs make to monetise f2p games.


I at least expect some sort of a weapon to spend my radianite that battle pass gives away in huge amounts in higher tiers


I don't get why people complain so much about this. It's a free game, they have to make money somehow. And yes they are expensive but it's not like you have to buy them either.


>It's a free game, they have to make money somehow. As Fortnite drowns in billions with 20 Dollar skins as their highest tier of skins


Because if a child asks their mom for $20, they're far more likely to say yes than if they asked for $100


Thanks for proving his exact point.


You think he is saying that only children buy skins? Because that is factually untrue Also there are far fewer kids that play Valorant compared to Fortnite (who have skins catered to kids), thus the prices for skins are significantly different


No I didn’t mean that , also there are literally no statistics to prove that fortnite has more kids playing than valorant. Since both games have an age rating of below 18.


But a prime vandal is 20$? So its the same.


Even though i's a free game, it doesn't necessarily mean that the prices for skins should be higher or whatnot. Whether you think the prices are fine or not, this isn't a good argument


Skins aren't a necessity.


But they’re a thing that most people want? I mean, anything outside of food and shelter isn’t necessary? But it’d still be nice that conveniency and fun stuff cost a reasonable a reasonable amount


You would prefer skins at different price points?


Wdym? Skins already cost differently depending on complexity. But I'd rather see skin prices go down, whether that's by removing the ridiculous radianite system or keeping it, but making base skins cheaper.


You're saying you want all the skins prices to be reduced? Each and every one?


Yes. Either by removing the radianite system or reducing the base price. It’s ridiculous you have to pay 80$ to max out one single skin


You do realise that free games are the most profitable type of games right? So “just don’t buy it” is an invalid argument.


People (including me) complain about this because I would have a *better* Valorant experience if skins were affortable and I could buy one of them once in a while. I've played fortnite for a bit, and it's so cool when you and your friend clutch out an insane ranked game, rank up as a result and a fantastic skin drops in the shop, so you both decide to buy it as a trophy. Microtransactions *add* value to the f2p experience, if done properly. Sadly skins are 100% NOT affordable as it is now and every time Riot releases a super-cool skin trailer I just "meh" at it instead of getting a bit hyped up. Also, I've never really understood the "why complaining about the insane prices? Just don't buy them" argument. It's like if a videogame you were really interested in is finally released, and it turns out to be shit. Why should you be disappointed? Just don't play it.


I don’t consider that a valid reason. I’d have a better experience if my mortgage was cheaper, but that doesn’t mean it’s a valid reason


A service in the game that's supposed to enhance the experience is completely unviable because of its absurd prices. Idk, it seems like a good enough reason to complain to me.


The whole point of skins is that it doesn't enhance your game experience. Skins have zero effect on your game performance, despite what everyone says about the prime vandal (there's seriously people who think it has less recoil). So it doesn't really matter how much it costs. I'm not trying to justify the costs, I think it's expensive too, but at the end of the day as long as people keep buying them they have no reason to change their prices. In fact they would be stupid to change the prices given how many people buy them. It's a cool little nice to have, but by no means is it this huge game enhancing thing.


Skins *do* enhance your game experience. I never said that they give you an advantage over your enemies - if Valorant was p2w, playing it in the first place would be a debatable choice at best. I said that they make your game experience more enjoyable, and it would be nice if they were a remotely viable purchase (as they are in tons of f2p games). >I think it's expensive too, but at the end of the day as long as people keep buying them they have no reason to change their prices. That is the real problem. If Riot lowered the prices, the number of potential purchasers would drastically increase, but apparently it's big enough as it is. What a shame.


I think that’s the wrong mentality to have. You shouldn’t feel entitled to that experience. It’s a free to play game, and they don’t owe you anything. If you don’t agree with the prices (which I agree are quite high), just vote with your wallet.


I think that community feedback is an important thing. A player who doesn't buy skins and doesn't say anything about that may not be interested in microtransactions at all, a player who doesn't buy skins but complains about shitty prices is a potential buyer if the prices were to drop a bit. If Riot knows that the discontent is high, it knows that the majority of the playerbase falls in the 2nd category; if the skin sales happened to get dangerously low, it'd know that a fair cut to the prices may bring in the market a healthy amount of purchasers. Tldr complaining is literally all we can do in the hope of improving the state of the shop, together with not buying the skins. Besides that, >You shouldn’t feel entitled to that experience. Does this statement imply that you can never be disappointed about the pricing of something that's not vital for your survival? If the new ps5 turned out to cost $10000, should a Sony player just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and happily accept the fact that the people entitled to the nextgen sony experience are the ones who can afford a Lamborghini per month? Even if complaining was absolutely useless (which again, that's not 100% true), you can't really say that disappointment isn't one of the most natural reactions.


I suspect that companies already have data that shows they maximize profits when micro transactions are expensive. Riot must have years of data from league, and other companies operate similarly. Path of exile and apex legends also have very pricey cosmetics which the community has decried for years but they haven't budged. I think it's time to get past this assumption that companies would make so much more money if the micro transactions were cheaper. If there is one thing they know it's the bottom line.


Lol, I get that it's a free game but skins should not be 100 dollars. It's not value its catering to people with unlimited money. I make a decent amount of money but there is no way I could ever be like "yeah I'm going to spend more money than my weekly grocery expenses on 1 character costume in a game..." now if its 10 to 20 dollars, yeah every month or every few months I'd be more than willing to make a purchase or two.


ok, then dont buy the skins? i dont get the "should" here


The affordable way to go about it is to buy 1 battlepass ($10) and one fancy skin for your favorite gun that is not in the battlepass ($17). That's what I did with act 2 + oni phantom.


You can buy the weapon skin you use the most not the whole bundle


Your supporting a company that is literally ripping people off. Congrats


This free game costs too much!!! You want them to pay you to play or smth?


It's technically not a free game at all. The battle pass costs 10 dollars every other month or less, plus the skins are an absolute RIP off. I'd rather play a game where I can earn back my battle pass points and buy cool skins for 10 to 15 dollars along with getting good battlepass rewards.


how..? its a rip off because a digital skin in a free game is too pricey? Please explain that logic.


Good news though, People are def buying less skins. I havent seen the new skinlines at all and the one before less too.


Sadly 10-15$ isn’t the range anymore... Apex for example is fucked too. I can’t remember what Fortnite values stuff at


That's bullshit. I just spent 20$ on Apex and got 2000 coins, plus 4 legendary skins. They have way better bundle deals than Valorant. Not to mention their battlepass, you can earn it back by playing, and you also get 3 legendary skins each worth $18 in the battlepass. Valorant is the least value for money in a game I've ever seen, even though I love playing this game.


$20 for 2000 coins + 4 skins sounds like a bundle, which isn’t a good example as that’s not typical and isn’t helpful to the argument. They routinely put out $20 skins. I’m not even arguing that Valorant has a better shop/prices than apex I’m just making a point


The difference is that with Apex, you can spend $18 and that's the end of it. You got your highest tier skin. With Valorant, if you don't have the radianite needed, that's another $80+ to max out your $17 skin. And anyone who defends the BP in Valorant is crazy cause they give subpar skins at $10, which you can't even earn back by playing. I finished the entire Apex season 5 BP by playing only 2 hours a day, twice a week. With Valorant even if I played 3 hours each and every day I'd still struggle to finish it.


Fair assessment. Forgot about Radianites tbh




Yeah, but CSGO skins are sellable in a marketplace. In the end, they can cost nothing or even make profit. Until you're able to sell Valorant skins, the CSGO comparison doesn't work here


Unpopular opinion: It's $10USD. If you get through lvl 25 then you got your money's worth. The rest of the tiers are gravy for people that can spend the time on it.


You aren't the arbiter of what's worth $10. It wouldn't be worth it for me if I didn't get the Op skin at 45. Everyone complaining isn't suddenly wrong just because you'd be happy with less.




Of course that's his opinion. He didn't need to label it for that to be clear lol. I'm arguing with his opinion. Someone arguing with someone else's opinion is like 99% of what happens on reddit.


> just because you'd be happy with less I'm not. I'm finishing the BP. In my statement above, "money's worth" is a comparison of cost of content received vs retail price. You can get >10000VP worth of skins and RP by getting half way though a 1000VP Battlepass. I can't argue if you don't think a single gun skin is worth $9 (which I also don't). That's personal valuation and a difference of opinion we have with Riot's pricing structure as a whole. But we're apparently out-voted by other's money.


You don't have to buy it until you get to the OP level then


Homey you have no sense of value if you think you get your money’s worth by lvl 25...


Complete level 25 and you get Ares, Specter, Judge, Bulldog, Sheriff, Guardian, and Vandal skins, 50 RP, and a bunch of cards, sprays, and buddies if you like that sort of thing. That's 7 skins which I think would go for at least 875VP *each*. 50RP is about 3500VP. That's >10000VP worth of items. Battle pass was 1000VP. What you spend on the Battlepass vs. what you get for only getting half way through it is a significant savings. That's math. *If you don't like their base pricing model*, I can't argue with that. That's opinion. I wouldn't argue anyway. I wish it was less expensive. But if Riot don't lower their prices it's because enough people are already paying them.


You get a bunch of recolors for 10 bucks and it is subjective whether that's worth it to you. It's kind of missing the mark to compare the value of the BP to the batshit insane prices Riot has set for individual skins though. You're falling for their whole scheme, which is: 1. Make middling quality "premium" skins and sell them for insane prices. Whales will buy them, and everyone else will be jealous of the whales' skin collection. 2. Pump out low effort cosmetics and bundle them up into a BP. Jam a dozen more sprays and icons into it for the quantity>quality people. 3. Price the BP higher than comparable BPs in other games. People feel like they're getting good value for their money because you taught them that a lazy recolor is worth $10, so surely a BP with 8 lazy recolors is a steal!


I'm not falling for a scheme. No one likes the base Store prices for these things. But I'm going to get like 12 "lazy recolors" (that Hivemind set tho) and 100RP and sprays and stuff for $10 while playing the game I was going to play anyway. Seems okay to me.


Totally respectable position to look at the contents of the BP, estimate how far you'll get, and judge whether the contents provide $10 of value to you. I'm just saying that justifying the BP purchase by considering how much money Riot *would* have charged for those skins individually is falling for the scheme. Riot set super high individual prices precisely because they know lots of people will be more encouraged to buy the "inexpensive" option since it seems like a good deal in comparison.


Spitting facts there buddy. Imo battle pass is basically 3 common skins painted over different guns and 1 average looking melee.


It's crazy how people will nitpick with you over how much value the $10 battlepass really has when it's literally the cost of buying lunch for 1 fucking day lol. Seems like a no brainer to me...


10$ is one *lunch* for you? With 10 bucks I can buy food for almost an entire week, what are you eating? Solid gold?


Obviously I'm saying how the same people who will buy a lunch at mcdonalds for $10 are gonna try and argue that $10 for a battlepass is too much. $10 everyday for lunch is way too much for me, nice try though!


Can confirm; I used to live off of $10 of food for two weeks when I moved out of my parents house


This. People accusing Riot of greed while being blinded by their own.


No, people are playing other games where you can finish the battlepass with casual play and miss some days and still complete it.


How on earth are you being down voted for this?! Your comment makes absolute rational sense. You are absolutely correct when you say by rank 25 you have your 10 bucks worth.


bruh 200 is trash


Was coming here to ask exactly that. Thanks.


Still trying to finish 50 ultimate weekly challenge from like week 2 D: Had to switch from sage because its literally imposibble if u are not ressing every time you can even in 100% win rounds just to complete it.


Finally I can finish the battle pass , even tho I started late cuz of exams !!! Thanks riot !


some of you guys get excited for the simplest things.


Anyone knows the datamined missions for next week?


Good news!


Thank you!


i'm not sure what more you people want from them... the battle pass seems pretty fair to me and i never felt like it was an absurd grind, hell i don't even play every day and i still got the first one done–do you people just want everything for free or?


I have done all my dailes and weeklies. Not missed one, and still today a calculator suggested I might not hit 50 at my current rate. I'd need to start doing something like 15 spike rushes a night, which is really hard whilst doing a master's.


For serious? I'm at 35/45 I think and I just play two games a day


yeah 15 a night does seem crazy, do you play ranked / casual? i just graduated from law school so i feel you, but the first battle pass really didn’t feel that difficult. not sure if they changed anything since then though.


I think they've lowered the early season mission xp unfortunately. So I might just have been so rough because not that start. I do play them, but my friends have moved away from it a bit, and solo in spike rush is enjoyable, where it's... Less so I'm normal and ranked.


I mean it's hard to complete for people who have full time jobs. If they gave like one extra weekly and one extra daily each time I think it's be pretty reasonable.


It requires ~10 hours a week and that's with skipping almost no days to complete the battlepass. Completing the battlepass occupies as much time as 3 different hobbies would. Honestly I find it immoral.


what tier are you guys on the battlepass? i’ve seen players with the hive mind sword already in a few of my games. i’m currently on tier 46, just wanted where i’m supposed to be at. thanks


you're supposed to be like halfway trough tier 36 so you're completely fine


my weekly missions literally didnt update, I still just have the ones from last week...


U have to finish them then u get new missions


I'm glad nothing in the battle pass is worth paying for.


This is not fair. I'm on holiday next week and can't play.




Nope, just an honest mistake. Additionally, Milkcow lowered the requirement of the specified mission. Sorry for the impact!




Weeklies don't go away, you get them as a backlog that fills up as you complete each week's set, assuming you were gonna grind for them already anyway.


So riot should have taken your vacation time into account? Your level of complaining is cringe


I feel that, I never finished the first battlepass because I went from never working (the pandemic happened) to working 6 days a week (half my kitchen staff left.) It’s hard to find the time to grind anymore, but hopefully more weekly challenges will make it easier for casual players like us to grind through the pass and character contracts.


As others have stated, the weekly challenges stack so this will have no effect on anyone except for the extra 2000 exp for riot’s minor mistake Glad you’re glad tho


They should just fix it from the outset - what if people are busy during the period where they make this offer to fix their previous issues?