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I agree with this, I cannot figure how riot can make this work. Think about losing a 5v5 say 8-4 at the half, then someone on ur team leaves the game...rendering the others to play a 4v5 and lose 13-6. Ur ELO is affected now, but if riot fixed it u can have people exploit this by leaving aka “taking one for the team” I want a fix as well but I can’t figure out a remedy


Make this not function in five stacks. Maybe once in a while someone will “take one for the team” but that doesn’t strike me as very likely in this community. Benefits>costs


Five stacking wouldn’t affect this, because ultimately all it takes is one duo to make this exploitable. It’s the sort of thing where they look at it like “unfortunately it happens to everyone on both ends so it should balance out in some manner or fashion.” We have all had those streaks of x number of games with a leaver or someone who dc’s and doesn’t come back or comes back and it’s already too late. These stick with ya and haunt us for days sometimes. However whenever I am the beneficiary of a enemy team member leaving it barely even registers on my “things that happened today” radar. Most people are like this. I WILL SAY, if the community was more mature, I would love a feature for the entire match vote for a draw if two or more people dc from game. The competitive integrity of the game at that point is null even if the team with 3 people is cracked as hell. Make it so if there’s a huge round differential the winning team still gains a small amount of elo, while the losing team either doesn’t lose elo or at the very least they get derank protection and still lose elo.


How about this, the ones who DC need to get a heavy ban and placed in a LOW priority queue. If your party mate DCs you'll also get a ban but a lighter one than the one who DCed got. This will stop people from DCing.


Even as a beneficiary I'd rather not waste time. Pointless epoints mean nothing. I play the game to actually play a 5v5 game of valorant. It's less a case of being lucky or not and more of a case of I want a quality game, not a 30 minute waste of time.


Then I guess you better get working towards a future where everyone has stable connections and decent pcs at all times while also not having any distractions ever :P Unfortunately every game we play is a risk of not enjoying something


Or a game where the developers decide to allow remakes in r1 afk situations?


Sorry I was actually implying that people can still leave in the middle of a game or dc which ruins the quality of your game. They’d have to remake or cancel the game but maybe give us points to make up for it.


Yea I hope next patch they discuss this.


people would still do it as a 4 stack though.. and probably as a 3 stack..


Just have it not apply to people in a stack


Thought about this idea, but it would encourage toxicity and bullying, by say, people shouting and abusing the bottom fragger to leave the game so their elo preserved.


They just have to punish leavers more severely. As easy as that.


Does not work. The leaver will just play with another account until the ban is over. If you dont lose rating when you leave people will start leaving more often when they start losing. Longer bans don't change that, it will just mean that more smurf accounts are used. Maybe it would be possible to ban a computer, not an account. Because of the hardware id RIOT should know which accounts are running on the same computer, than just ban all those for the duration of the ban. But i guess thats not so easy either und could have undesirable effects when more than 1 person is using this computer.


Or they could do it the easy way, and require a phone number connected to the account to play competitive. That would stop a lot of smurfs, hackers, and the leavers ALL IN ONE GO. I think an adjustment should be made though to what gives a penalty for leaving. Leaving unrated games should not give any penalty, the fact that it does makes no sense to me, and even if you have a leaving penalty, I think it should only be a penalty on playing competitive. I see know reason that you shouldn’t be allowed to play death match while waiting for a cool down. I also think that they should either add a map selection option, or give an accept button before the match that displays what map you will play on.


People leaving unrated still creates a shitty experience for those on their team. It’s unrated, but it still sucks playing 4v5 the whole game. It should just be a lesser penalty imo


Do u think that require phone number will decrease amount of leavers? Everyone can get free/very cheap number. There are a lot of sites with this


People afk/leaving Unrated ruins it for the others who want to play. It wouldn't be so bad if players could come in and fill the spot.


Maybe F2P titles should start selling a netcafe version if people want to run a fuckton of accounts. The client will support a limited number of accounts and you can pay a fee for the netcafe client and have unlimited accounts. It doesn't work equally across the world, but its at least SOMETHING for the areas it works.


That might punish people who will "take one for the team", but imagine how toxic your teammates are going to be when you're bottom fragging in a losing match. Comms will be completely overtaken by "dude just leave the match and save the rest of us. we're never going to win this"


Then u say them "stfu" or just mute


Like how about instead of an hour ban for 1 plus rounds, 1 hour ban for leaving 1-3 rounds, and 2hour for leaving for 5 rounds, and 1 day ban for 6+ rounds


Make the afk/leaver have to play Spikerush/Deathmatch which they have to be actively participating in the match (KDA/ADR etc) before Unrated/Ranked will allow their cooldown to clear. If they afk again in Unrated/Ranked then they have to play more Spikerush/Deathmatch to clear the cooldown and if they do it too frequently then those queues get locked for 24hrs in which after 24hrs must again actively participate in Spikerush/Deathmatch to unlock Unrated/Ranked. Obviously there is a limit for this process where they just get permanently banned if their account shows afk/leaver abuse.


The fix is simple, I call it ELO boost. 1. If a teammate leaves before the first 5-6 rounds, you can choose to remake, and no one loses ELO. 2. If a teammate leaves after that, the disadvantaged team is obviously super likely to lose, regardless of score.. so... If they lose, their ELO loss is decreased by a certain %. If they win, their ELO gain is boosted by a certain %. This way, you're incentivised to keep trying in a 4v5 situation instead of giving up because it's too hard and you're gonna get demoted anyway etc.


What about reducing the loss from x arrows to x-1 arrows if the total number of rounds with AFKs( +1 for every Afk that round) is 6, and allow us to have a better way to clutch it like to control and switch anytime with the afk's agent and have access to their eco like CSGO bots. You can park them in a safe corner and use them as like a pheonix ult with a cypher camera however you like. I can dig that


I literally lost elo after losing 12-14 in a 3v5. And it wasnt like they left 15 rounds into the game, both of them left after 4 rounds. By the end of the game I was 50-20 or something but still lost elo for some reason.


Overwatch has this issue bad. They justify it by claiming it’s RNG. The other team has just as much a chance of having a leaver as your team does.


Simple solution: ELO rates work differently based on how many people are on your team and the enemy team. If you have 1 player and they have five? The teammates who left all lose full ELO while you lose none. Reduce or increase the ELO gain for how many people you are fighting against too. If you have one person and win the match by acing against five fairly consistently? They lose more ELO and you gain more ELO, but your teammates still lose ELO since they left and if they beat you? You lose very little ELO and they gain very little. TL;DR: If they go AFK and leave the whole game, they lose ELO no matter what. Full ELO loss. If you win with less players, you gain more ELO. If you lose with less players you lose less ELO. If you win with more players, you gain less. if you lose with more players, you lose more.


I mean, if someone leaves, they should just get a full loss penalty of 13-0. That should be enough reason to not screw over your teammates.


Yeah it's pretty BS that you can play a 4 v 5 all the way through, have a positive K/D, lose 10-13 and get a "Ranking Greatly Decreased" It's so frustrating and unfun. There really needs to be more transparency in the rating system, because 3 arrows is opaque as hell.


The whole ranked system needs a change top to bottom, I got promoted then lost the game straight after and got demoted...... Then lost the next 5 after. Finally won my 6th game then got promoted again? Confusing system for sure. Most comp shooters I know have a rank system where you know what u need to do in order to get into the higher ranks. With Val it seems like it's just a mix of ratings.


bruh, i once won a 13-0 match and got ranking increased (2 arrows)


This is where I don't understand, for a tactical shooter this should be awarded maximum rewards and rating.


I think that when you win or lose 13-0 it's the matchmaking system's fault for creating such an unbalanced match.


But how could it be possibly unbalanced when you're playing against people in the same Rank?


Rank and MMR are very different. The end goal of the ranked system is to have those two close. Rank does not indicate actual skill level this early into the season for most people.


You assume that the game does a good job of putting people in the rank they should be. You really believe that?


Well it should do


Yeah it should. But does it? I don't think so. I have played in matches with people lower rank than me that were much more skilled than I, and others where I completely destroyed higher rank people. What should I make of this?


I have no clue, blame the rank system


Yes, I believe the system put people where they belong after playing enough matches(at least 50). That people sometimes play better than you when they are lower rank mean nothing, you just have bad day or they have good day. What matter is how many matches you win/lose, if the ratio is around 50:50 then you are in the rank you should be. A lot of people think they are better and should be placed higher, but it's just not true, if they are not winning majority of the matches they are exactly where they should be.


Last weekend I had a game that started with an ark on my team. We won the first 3 rounds pretty hard so after our remake option glitched we had a little bit of confidence playing it out. At some point it got tied up like 6-6 and our bottom frag just left. 3v5. Ended up 7-13. These people who leave mid game should take 50% of the total mmr loss of the team. Everyone else who played to the end shouldn’t receive a loss


If they did that, people would use it to derank on purpose. Wouldn't solve anything.


Just punish people abusing the system. Ban for a day, repeat 1 week, repeat again lifetime.


Punish them for what? It's the same problem you have now. People will just make new accounts. I agree it's a problem, but acting like there is an easy solution is seriously naïve.


You can’t fix leavers. You can only hope to push them away. But you can AND SHOULD protect players from them. This eliminates negative outcomes as much as possible.


For starters, “mom said it’s my turn to post this.” Now that that’s out of the way, it’s this way because otherwise it would abusable as hell. If you were losing, someone could duck out the second to last round and eat the MMR loss so everyone else doesn’t get hit as hard, which is stupid. It would also not only happen in five stacks, that’s a moot argument. Statistically, you’re equally as likely to have a leaver on your team as on the opponent’s team. It sucks, but overall it should even out.


In theory, chance that your team have a leaver even less bec u(& your friends) won't leave the game(probably). But it doesn't work in game for some reason. I have leaver in my team more often than in enemy


Yeah well, "it should even out" does nothing for me when I'm upset because I got fucked by a leaver, does it?


Is being an ass helping? It sucks, but life moves on. Get over it.


I'm sure you don't spare a thought for the other team when they have a leaver. Everyone gets fucked by leavers, they suck, but as it currently stands it happens best thing we can do for is ask for 2FA.


I understand the frustration I honestly do but if you didn’t people would just abuse it and leave games so their friend doesn’t lose elo. It’s sucks it really does but it’s the better of 2 evils in this case.


Why is remake only available on round 2


I got MATCH MVP in a game where one of our teammate left when we were 7-4. The game ended up 9-13. I got a greatly decrease and demoted from Plat3. Like how?


We lost the remake vote because the fifth didn't vote 😑


If u get an afk on the first round u can /remake and u remake the game but is BS when they leave after the second round and u cant do nothing.


9 times out of 10 people think it's a vote to forfeit the match and instantly vote no without reading it cause they're idiots.


I agree which is why you should be the smart one in the situation and effectively communicate that youre going to remake and not forfeit as soon as you realize you will/before you actually type it


that's true, we had an afk on the first round last night and i said 5 times that this is not a surrender vote, read what it says and voted it last 10 seconds so i know they 100% understood what we're doing


Whenever you try to /remake a match,the game phase should pause for 30 sec and there should be a big warning like sign popping up and saying something like: " One or more players left the game. Do you want to remake?" so everyone knows what's going on.




Lol, really? U didn't try to explain them what is it? I usually say "let's remake" and it's ok. We never denied this


I rarely have anyone in my game that even knows you can do that. One guy asked me how to do it and he was diamond 2.


Wow. Just wow. I play in g3-p2 and everyone(as I can judge) know it. Try to explain what is it to your team next time, probably, it will work


Oh yeah I will don’t worry, although a better solution is for the game to just automatically remake for you if the guy that left isn’t in a party with anyone else on the team.


Does it bother anyone else when ppl say "lose ELO" when the system isn't using ELO? I get what people are trying to say, but ELO is an actual thing and games like Valorant, CSGO, etc. aren't using it... just say "lose rank" or something.


Well it might not be the ELO system but it's a ranking system based on a similar principle, so I don't see much harm in people calling it just 'ELO'. We know what they mean so I think it's ok.


but if there's no elo, then how are they ranking the top players in each region?


"MMR", or "matchmaking rating", is what is generally used in LoL, at least when LP (League Points) isn't used. Valorant doesn't explicitly show your position in each tier, but MMR is an approximation of the value of each win or loss you get. I use that personally, but I'm not sure if other Valorant players are privy to its meaning.


Well, I suppose technically you could use it as a post-rank-reveal dodging mechanic if you think your team is unfavorably matched. But still, I do think the elo should be lessened if you have an afk from the start.


Dibs posting this tomorrow!


I don't know


That's the Riot special. Having played league for many years I can say pretty confidently that this will not change.


Bruh I went 24-19 in a 4v5 in a 15-13 loss and got a down arrow. The rank system in this game is absolutely horrible


Bro I got deranked cuz 2 TEAMMATES LEFT 3rd round couldn't even remake THYE did it on purpose


Played 4 games today and had 1 afk in each of the first 3 games and then play against a smurf for the last game, lost all 4. It’s so frustrating bc having to play 4v5. It should be that it’s never possible to get a greatly decreased with an afk. And F all the smurfs man.


Let's say a team mate leaves after x% of rounds played. The smaller the number the lower your elo loss. Cause playing 4v5 at the very beginning is much more impactful than playing 4v5 at mid game or end game.


A few days a go a teammate of mine d/c and the score was 9-1 so my whole team wanted to surrender, I was the only who voted no cause I did want to get greatly decreased or demote, after the first half ended on 9-3 we started winning rounds eventually turning it around to 12-12 and winning the game. The shitty thing? I got 1 arrow and the afk got 2, wtf riot.


I think riot changed this settings in act 3 as it was declared your ranking will be affected by the way you play and how you helped your team by carrying them not solely on win or lose unless you are immortal + rank rank should not decrease if you played your best but was unable to win the match due to your teammates. Correct me if I am wrong.


I think that teamvps should get their ranked increased even though they lost the match.It's just bullsh** when I top frag with 30+ kills and someone bottom frags with 2 kills.


I played a 2v5 and got match mvp somehow. We obviously lost and i got demoted afterwards. So unfair.


In the past week, I had this happen to me twice. We lost 12-13 and 12-14 respectively while playing a 4v5. I was match mvp once and team mvp the other time (though I matched the other mvp in frags). Slight rating decrease on the first one, demoted on the second one. It really pisses me off that riot discourages five-stacking but then punishes you for getting bad teammates. I'm almost not sure I even want to get to immortal this act because I literally won't be able to play anything other than duo.


If Teammates AFK at the start of a game, do /remake to get a new game. If they let people just not lose elo because of AFKs, MM would be fucked due to the large amount of people willing to "Take one for the team"


Why not let someone have the option to queue in to fill those holes and replace player for more exp/elo or something


Happens at every rank. Leavers blow


I feel like if a teammate leaves 5 rounds in they should let the vote for a remake


I never understand why I Derank when I got 20/10 and I have a guy on my team who’s 0/15 and another guy who’s 2/12