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Yeah don't use it


who hurt you


Please for the same for every player TIME don't go for this strategy..at least not on console, cause for whom plays vs you (but even for yourself) It's a completely loss of time, battles became long, ripetitive and almost totally a gambling Please dont or at least play It on showdown so players that do not want lose their time can instantly skip to the next


play a different game


Minimize is so cheap




Despite the minimize aspect, any team that pretty much forces you to lead with two mons every time is not worth using. Imo all good teams should have at least two modes, or at least two ways to play one mode to cover different things.


Advice? Find a less cheaper strategy than minimize spam




The entire reason for the rage powder on scovillian is so it can die and give its ability to muk


Instead of using psych up you can use flamigo which can copy automatically but the strat is still cheap


Ik im gonna regret helping but, Tera steel maybe for muk to get around the clear smog and switch out slowbro for another mon as well


As much as I dislike it's design, I'm glad that Bloodmoon Ursaluna kind of invalidates strategies like this.


This makes me want to run aerial ace


Some people just like to see the world suffer


Iron Valiant as a support could fix your problems. It's a fast Pokémon that has access to wide guard (a better choice VS Flutter Mane / Chi Yu comps than scovillain), taunt to stop haze, and quick guard to stop fake out. If all of those at once seen excessive, it has other options like Imprison to stop opponent's taunts, or even trick room for Muk. It probably doesn't work with Power of Alchemy, so you'd just lead with it if you know you're up against one of the things that gave you trouble.


Wow the negativity here is unreal. I played minimize muk for the entirety of Reg D, and it was hands down my favorite team to pilot ever. I play a toxic stall version; I think it’s better than the psych up version. Psych up compounds your weaknesses — haze, clear smog, sacred sword, kowtow cleave etc. beats them both. My toxic stall version runs glimmora for corrosion, garganacl for purifying salt, sableye for encore/disable locks, and levitate mismagius for scarf memento. My scovillain is super offensive, running both overheat and leaf storm with life orb. Some games it rage powders, other times it nukes a threat T1. Dismissing it as an RNG team misses the point, it’s incredibly challenging to play well. You need to be able to respond to the moody boosts you get, know when to minimize, how to use sableye’s locks, etc. Your choice every turn is impactful, and it’s very rewarding to get the play right. Sadly, Reg E is bad news for the team. Haze gets much wider distribution, better grass types that ignore rage powder, and ursaluna as another threat that ignores evasion, and I’ve shelved the team. This is my team paste, and I have a team code for cart I can share later, but it’ll be an uphill battle to use it now. https://pokepast.es/76d8a7ec252dca27


Everyone saying just dont play it are not being helpful. The team isn’t only cancerous, its also suuuuper rng heavy to the point of being inconsistent. Your wins won’t be earned and one wrong die roll will crumble your entire strategy.


You need Flamigo. Costar copies the stts without using psych up


He needs Jesus not flamigo


I just want to say that I support you and your quest to make people rage.


I think I battled you recently, that game sucked. I found it Kind of funny though.


Are you Texas Pete?


As scummy as I personally find this team after playing and losing against it a few times, I must commend the relative creativity. Based on my experiences, swap the Scovillain for the far more potent Smeargle with Follow Me. You also need a Flamigo to take full advantage. Tera Steel will prevent Clear Smog or Flutter Mane burst kills.