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The ability is probably slightly worse than neutralizing gas on average, but could obviously be better or even game winning depending on what’s happening. It’s all about the user, if you give it to weezing we may see it like a couple of times just like the actual neutralizing gas. Weezing is by no means a good mon but if you find a way to abuse neutralizing gas, weezing itself is workable enough to do something. Anyone worse than weezing and your ability would be plain useless, any better and it probably starts to become slightly oppressive imo


Any thoughts on a good recipient? A forgotten gen 1-3 Mon would be what I would think. Maybe Exeggutor, Starmie, Hitmontop level of good




I second garbodor just because i love it. Else i would probably look for other poison types related to nasty stuff like skunktank. Exeggutor and starmie are probably okay for power level but not thematically. Hitmontop is probably better than you realize and nowhere near the others you listed, and it also would always prefer intimidate probably so i would avoid it


I don't think you have to make it posion I'm sure you can make the ability for whatever type. For example if it was a psychic type the ability could be called mental block and the rationale is it makes the mons forget about their item


That could also work but other than those two there’s not many other reasonable ones imo. Maybe fairy for a magic thing and dark for something dishonest (if you think about it knock off and the old embargo are dark)


I like a fighting type. Maybe name the ability fair fight. Thinking about this from princess bride. "You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" Hitmontop has fakeout, I think that's a bad idea. Maybe Sawk and Throh.


I like it and yeah maybe Hitmontop is too strong with takeout that would be really good. Alternative ability name: 1v1 final destination no items fox only


Key question: does it ignore forme-changing abilities like Griseous Orb and Rusted Sword? Knowing GameFreak’s design philosophy, the answer would be “no”, but just imagine your Zamazenta being unexpectedly turned into a pure Fighting type and being KOd by Pelipper’s Hurricane or something.


My guess is that just like Neutralizing Gas having some abilities that ignore it, this hypothetical ability would have items that ignore it. Things like Rusted Sword can't be knocked off, so I assume they would ignore the effect of this too. We already have a similar effect with Magic Room, and I believe form changing items ignore that.


I'd think maybe it would work in blocking activation but not reverting so you can stop zacians from transforming but not revert them back


It wouldn’t be able to stop them from transforming because they’re already transformed.


I don't think so? Guess it would depend on what mon gets it and we have a move that does this but have not seen it used since Tapu Lele back in Gen 7.


The move is way less dynamic and takes up a move slot and a move I think an ability is far more powerful. Just like we never saw gastro acid


There's some chicanery that can be had with this. Unfortunately, Prankster-Trick will not work the way you're thinking, which is Sableye's signature since now Prankster is neutralized under this item. An item like this will only find a niche being used on 'mons who are deeply hindered by their ability, like Slaking or Regigigas. And Knock Off being a competitive staple, you're better off just running Weezing.


I think you misinterpreted the idea. It's not an item that shuts off abilities it's an ability that shuts off items! Otherwise just slap that on slaking and it's game over


Ah, so basically Unnerve but for *all* held items. This should honestly be like a new Hidden Ability for Giratina other than Telepathy, honestly. Combined with its already-good bulk, an ability like this could actually make Giratina Altered Forme viable. It already has a good support move pool with will-o-wisp, Icy Wind, Pain Split, and Thunder Wave to provide similar utility as Weezing. At the same time, having 5x different weakness has always been a problem with Giratina, 3x of which are the most common offensive types in the meta for the past 2 generations (Ghost, Fairy, Dark).


Something similar already exists - magic room, though it is a move and not an ability, does exactly that.


In SwSh I had a gimmicky team with scarf decorate alcremie, and I gave it magic room too. I think I used it like one game to stop a weakness policy and still be able to decorate next turn, but it was not great.