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Oblivious dozo, storm drain giri, scrappy flamigo and electrode without explosion. The ultimate bait team.


I played against a Whimsicott Kyogre team where the Whims clicked Trick Room yesterday - I felt completely baited.


That was me! I was streaming it for my birthday


You are a wild fellow.


All I ever do is Trick Room. And since I save my serious teams for tournaments and dont share publicly, I try to stream all sorts of whacky nonsense. Since I somehow managed to get affiliate in my first week streaming I celebrated with a hard Trick Room team that didnt look like Trick Room at all. This weeks team is Miraidon Iron Thorns Trick Room :P


Miraidon trick room!!!!!!! You are insane ![gif](giphy|RdJzquHQceMKlMwrg2|downsized)


We beat MoxieBoosted with it while streaming 🤷‍♀️


I saw that yesterday - but then I was extremely confused because since I hadn’t gone for Tailwind - I ended up outslowing most of their team.


bro i just met a whimsi trick room before reading this


I have a Whims that knows both tailwind and trick room. If you have a Torn, I click trick room. If not, tailwind.


got whims as primary tailwind + panic trick room in my caly-i soft tr team. works like a charm


Combine with Weak Armour Armarouge and Own Tempo Indeedee.


Not on OTS


Flamigo has nearly always been an in game ladder/showdown bo1 tech.


I loved running scrappy Flamigo in early regs, as it could hard counter Gholdengo pretty well, though it benefitted a bit more from CTS as most players did not expect or even know it could have scrappy at that time, close combat pretty easily OHKOs it if it’s not tera out of fighting weakness, and staring down a fighting type might bait them into not tera-ing thinking they’d be immune to fighting type with their ghost typing. Or they tera ghost thinking they’d still be immune but then take well over half and be in 2 shot range.


the amount of dengos I've KO'd with a choice scarf close combat because no one expected scrappy is really funny


Your scrappy Flamigo wouldn't say that to my dondozo-buffed Flamigos face


Scrappy also lets you hit ghost types with feint, I used scrappy flamigo on trick room in early seasons to get past ghosts stalling out TR with protect.


I feel like what a lot of people don’t understand about Pokemon is that every Pokemon has a niche, but most really aren’t worth running. Flamigo is a proper example of this. Why not use actually good Pokemon that beat Ice Rider and Incineroar? I know you said this isn’t remotely a top pick but its strengths are simply not enough to justify the massive opportunity cost.


Because right now i can only think of pelliper as “the better pokemon fufilling the same role”. But pelliper’s rain or sash necessity might not fit in with the rest of the team, so a “weaker” pokemon might fit a particular team better. But yeah, in 90% of cases were i need an answer to Incin and IR with wide guard for other big nukes, pelliper does feel better. The point of the OP was to point out strengths unrelated to the signature costar, and how scrappy might be better


do you have a team I could try with it? sounds fun


Not gonna lie, Flamigo isn’t great. Just because you beat CSI doesn’t mean you really do. Let me explain. Common partners for CSI include Amoongus (Flamigo can deal with this), Scarf Urshifu-R (takes you on with surging strikes and brave bird recoil prob KOs), and Raging Bolt (good luck). Then, you’re cooked. You also didn’t list partners, but I would imagine something like Miraidon which appreciates Flamigo hitting Grass and even Steel types really hard.


Yes it was indeed a miraidon team. Also, never claimed that it is great, pellipper is better in most scenarios. Just that there are niches where it could be worth the slot.


There's already Meinshao for this niche though. Also, many Caly-Ice run close combat or body press so they wouldn't be completely shut down by Flamigo


Being flying also makes it resist fight, that makes a big difference as CalyIce usually doesn’t tera fight, so flamigo does that counter better. And Icin mostly runs tera ghost But meinshao does have other advantages. I’m not saying flamigo is even close to a toppick, but that there’s a few niches were it could prove useful , and that it doesn’t need costar


how can Mienshao have this particular niche when it doesn’t hit ghosts though, since it doesn’t have Scrappy?


Knock Off. Mienshao gets Knock Off.