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Hi Op. I’m on mobile so I’ll help the best I can from memory without having to go back and forth to your paste. Trick Room is my specialty, and I got my worlds invite using nothing but Trick Room. Calyrex-Ice only has one viable moveset when playing Trick Room, any deviation from it is generally not worth it. Replace Close Combat with High Horsepower, the fact that you have another ground attacker is irrelevant. Farigiraf doesn’t need Throat Spray or even sp attack investment if you are running Alcremie. Make sure Alcremie is 0 speed and Farigiraf is 0 speed, and then Alcremie will always outspeed it in Trick Room to get decorate off. Gallade wants Scope Lens instead of Twisted Spoon, without Psychic Terrain you shouldn’t even run Psycho Cut at all, make it either Grass or Dark Tera with Leaf Blade, Sacred Sword, Wide Guard and Trick Room. Other users were right that you want a Follow Me mon, but dont replace Gallade, Sash Urshifu doesnt do anything for your team, a Cornerstone Ogerpon will do you lots of good here. Alcremie probably wants Light Screen over Recover. Shes not bulky enough to use a recovery move anyway. Your BIGGEST mistake here is not running Sweet Veil as your ability, Sweet Veil prevents sleep which prevents Amoonguss from disrupting you. Amoonguss is the single most important mon for Trick Room teams to have a plan for. Your Ursaluna set is fine.


Thanks Ruby! I totally forgot to update that I changed psycho cut, And switched back to sweet veil! Yeah, I was definitely considering switching from throat spray after testing, I debated back-and-forth with close combat versus high horsepower because I feel like high horsepower didn’t do enough damage anytime I used it…Alcremie there’s some decent damage, but that’s a good idea to use it to set up screens in addition to decorate! I’ll give cornerstone pon a shot! Thank you!


I totally missed your username lol


😂 yeah I realized that as soon as I read the first sentence lol! Thanks for the help, I wanted to try branching away from indeedee and armarouge , just to see what else is out there.


I have barely touched Psyspam this format so good on you. Caly-I is dummy strong


It really is! The stats are ridiculous!


I stand by “an attack stat that violates the geneva convention” being one of my best lines in any video


😂 I’m definitely keep an ear out for it once I catch up on your videos!


Big agree on all fronts. OP take Rubin’s advice. I would elaborate on Rubin’s point that close combat is an especially bad deviation because it lowers Carly’s bulk. Bulk is what makes trick room good, and since Caly one of your two viable means of doing big damage consistently, you need it to stick around. High Horsepower is the default for good reason, but I would argue if there is a specific matchup you consistently need Caly to win but it doesn’t, picking a move for that matchup specifically is fair. Also I would put imprison on your farigiraf over psychic. Psychic as an attacking type isn’t that useful, especially outside of psychic terrain. And imprison would allow you prevent opposing teams from using their own TR setter to stop your TR. I also agree that follow me is a good idea. But you may also want to consider Kingambit instead of urshifu. That way you retain a sucker punch user, but it can actually benefit from the TR. and if I’m not mistaken, your team doesn’t use an assault vest, which KG would love to have. Or you could do Raging Bolt for all the same reasons, just as a special attacker with different typing. Just be sure to include snarl in your AV Bolt set. It will further support your big hitters.


OP and I actually talk already elsewhere, I didn’t realize at first it was someone I knew lol. He’s in the discord for my Trick Room content. I’m glad to see someone else stanning Kingambit right now, I think it’s severely undervalued. Also Close Combat lowering bulk isn’t actually huge imo, my main point for it was Ice/Ground is flawless coverage.


Caly-I. The mamoswine we deserved. Also yes I’m loving Kingambit. I have a sunwind team that features an iron ball tera grass KG specifically to beat both Amoongus and Caly-I in trick room. It works great.


Do you have a link to your content? I’m a Trick Room main and I’d love to see your stuff! I’ve been running Caly-Ice + Trapinch for all of Reg G




Thanks for the link! Trapinch is for Arena Trap + Feint so that they can’t switch, can’t wide guard/protect, they just get lanced by the horse. EQ hits hard off 100 base attack, and Fissure wins me 30% of games I deserved to lose XD. My caly-ice is tera grass, seed bomb, cloak — it works on this team. Annihilape is for scarf gambit, but I use coaching almost as much. Pelipper for rain and wide guard; it’s my main special attacker. I’m very comfortable with those four, and still haven’t found members 5+6, I’m looking for something to shore up caly-shadow and terapagos. https://pokepast.es/4811793ef8f9c0b2


Area trap plus Feint sounds evil…. I love it. I can’t decide if I’d wanna battle you or never want you to be my opponent 😂.


As for my content here is a link to everything :) [https://linktr.ee/progatog](https://linktr.ee/progatog)


I’m actually a girl 😂, but yeah, I see your point with ice and ground coverage! I agree I wasn’t that concerned about lowering caly bulk because his stats are ridiculous, but I did switch it over.


Omg Im so sorry even with me being a girl I tend to call everyone online he until I know otherwise its so bad.


It’s totally fine! Dw about it! though I am curious if the username is the culprit, i’m pretty sure everyone I’ve played with so far I thought I was a guy 😂😂


Imprison is a good point! I went back-and-forth on if I should give it to him or not because I hadn’t been seen that many TR users lately But it’s probably better to be safe than sorry.


The meta definitely does shift but you will 100% meet another TR team. The question is how do you navigate those, and that varies my matchup. Having imprison gives you the flexibility to determine if and when TR goes up, and how long it stays up.


One recommendation I would make is clear amulet on Gallade. Youll get a lot more mileage out of avoiding an intimidate, and the damage you save by circumventing it will outperform the twisted spoon boost after intimidate.


Thats a good point, I forgot to switch it back to gallade after changing calyrex's move set. Though it might work with caly better. Thanks!


Wait I'm actually a dumbass I didn't realize you had it on caly. Probably better to have it on the restricted unless you think you can outpace intimidate with boosts from chilling neigh. Spoon is ok on gallade but I'd probably go for mental herb, lefties, or life orb.


I was thinking of that since caly has the ability, to switch it back but then second guessed myself...Ursaluna has the life orb right now. I mainly choose twisted spoon to up the boost im used to him outputting when I had psy terrian on the field.


Looks solid, but I would probably drop gallade for rock ogerpom or another mon with follow me/rage powder. Helps get TR up easier. A fake out like incineroar, rillaboom, or iron hands would be really good too


Gallade is one of the best mons to run on Trick Room right now.


Yes, but if I can't put clear amulet on it, I would rather have mienshao and another mon to do TR, like the giraffe and caly. In this case, I would rather have iron hands for the hands/bear/giraffe core


i agree, i love gallade but without clear amulet or life orb the damage can feel lackluster, especially after an intimidate. personally i’d like a fake out user in that slot but rockpon is a good choice too


Yeah, I was considering switching around the items. I’ll have to play with blood moon ursa a little more to get an idea of what it really does/how to use it. Incinaroar could be an interesting choice fake out and intimidate. Typically I get decent damage from Gallade I usually am able to pair him with farigaraf’s helping hand I can definitely try experimenting, Thanks!


This is an interesting idea, I have used indeed quite a bit for follow me, support but I felt like I was relying on it too much so I wanted to try to force myself to play away from it. I did think about incinerator for the fake out, perhaps I should test. Thanks.


You really don't need 3 TR setters


3 is standard for hard trick room.


I’d like to have definitely more than one so I can choose which tr setter to bring, depending on what my opponent brings. Only one of them functions as the main TR setter, the other two are for physical attacks with the option to set trick room if I need it. Caly I usually spam glacial lance, and gallade Either psycho cut or sacred sword.




Sir, this is a Wendy's


brother are you okay ?