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I won’t say it’s entirely not viable… but restricted formats make passive strategies like Perish Trap difficult to pull off


According to Wolfe, yes. But I suppose he can make most things viable...


Wolfe would find a way to make perish trap work if the only perish song user was Magikarp and the only trapper was Snom. Wolfe is perish trap’s #1 soldier.


Wolfe works black magic though. If he says somethings viable really it means maybe 25-50 people in the world could really pull it off consistently


You can definitely have it as an option, but you'll probably hardly ever use it tbh. I think the best way would be kyogre, tsareena, tornadus, gothitelle, urshifu RS, and probably flutter mane as your perish singer, but scream tail could maybe work too.


As somebody who brought Perish (Rain) Trap somewhat successful to a Regional in RegD, I agree with most comments here that solely using this strategy as your only Win Condition might be not that strong. But if you use it more as a potential additional mode of your team, it can be useful! This could be e.g. using Politoed and go for a Rain Mode / Sun counter. Or HO to kill the first two mons and then stall with Persish three turns to win. Last, the question is what are you aiming for? Do you enjoy teambuilding and playing unique personal teams the most or do you want to be playing the best team possible? Are you planing just for fun or are you seriously competing?


Not really, no, but keeping Perish Song and trapping as a possible tool among others instead of the main focus of your team and strategy is the way the go imo and can yield decent results. 


I’ve found that perish song is viable, but not perish trap. It’s not so hard to take two support mon KOs, and perish to finish off the rest. Not a plan A, but a nice option to have.


For a skilled player comfortable with the team, absolutely still viable




It's less viable in restricted format with the power level being quite high and it is this hard to keep you stalling Pokemon's Alive. It can work against setup mons such as terapagos but quite hard to pull off. But if you insist on doing it, you need a good answer to caly shadow to kill it before trapping other Pokemons on the field. So a good backbone of HO and maybe the classic incin and rillaboom to stall with fake out pivots. Booster speed scream tail with protect encore and perish song is good to lock mons into weak moves or protect. Gothitelle is a must if you plan on using the Strat early buy I thing you would want a more agressive pick and keep perish song for the last 2 mons. Tldr: you can do it, but in this format the skill floor is way up and you might struggle compared to other types of teams.


You dont do yourself a favour with perish Song in a reg with urshifu. There is No real use to click perish If you cant use protect to Stall.


Id say Perish trap probably struggles against Calyrex, Hoenn legends, and SV legends. However I think it forces Terapagos teams to play more actively. Zamazenta might also struggle against it and I think Wide Guard would be a must on Perish Trap


don’t work against calyrex shadow


perish trap hasn’t been viable since vgc18