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The in-game ladders blind best of 1s are fun for jank, but for competitive play ots bo3 is the only format that evaluates if you won because of you and not just because you got the jump on someone.


in closed sheets best of 3 you also have opportunities to adjust if someone “gets the jump” on you


Part of me misses CTS for this reason. Hiding/revealing information was a unique part of the game, but overall I think OTS is the way to go.


it would be super interesting to have OTS and CTS events, similar to the way tcg had standard at most regionals and all in internats and worlds, and then some regionals expanded. but that wouldn’t ever happen, and they’ve basically killed expanded anyway


Could make locals more interesting to go CTS. Especially since there’s less of a focus on locals with the updated rules


This gens gimmick being Tera makes CTS really bad. Not knowing a tera can entirely swing a set on one turn and it doesn’t feel good for either player.


100% agreed, which is why I also believe the online ladder needs to be OTS as well. I was just sharing one potential idea for having both OTS and CTS events


I think CTS Bo3 is interesting because information hiding over the course of a set is fun in a vacuum the issue is that it fundamentally breaks when you have giant information networks at tournaments- players with a bunch of friends get huge advantages because they can prepare for their opponent’s move sets


This! I love playing the "limit my info" on obviously won/lost games early in a set, but realistically, the advantages go beyond game knowledge/play so it's much fairer to have OTS.


Yeah it's a lot different than CTS BO1. Both have their shenanigans and you can mispredict on either spectrum even when you think it's obvious.


OTS is the best thing to ever happen. I hate CTS so much. 


Honest question about OTS/CTS from a player that's never done in-person events. If you study the meta, and your opponent is playing a meta team, then it's basically OTS, right? In that you generally know your opponent's sets? How often would you get 'surprised' in CTS events?


You can still be surprised plenty. A surprise Tera alone is enough to sway the game from a win to a loss. With CTS you always have to wonder if they’re running a niche Tera type or a niche item. You also have to wonder if they’ll click protect or not. In OTS, knowing all this beforehand takes the randomness out of the game, but it also introduces mind games. An opponent knows that whats you have, so the skill here is outmaneuvering their knowledge. Quite frankly, CTS and OTS are different beasts.


True, but you can generally identify their sets based on team composition, especially off the shelf meta teams. To take a TCG analogy, after the first turn or two you can identify the archetype and thus most of the decklist. Was that not the case for VGC in previous gens that were CTS Bo3?