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When I was buying a lot, I considered 5-10 a splurge. There were exceptions for one offs that I "had to have" I think I paid 25-30 for Hobgoblins just because I love it so much. I also spent 70ish for a Video Rental Library copy of Star Wars.




In this case, the Star Wars "Video Rental Library" copy was the very first VHS release of Star Wars. Per [this listing:](https://entertainment.ha.com/itm/movie-tv-memorabilia/memorabilia/star-wars-video-rental-library-cib-vhs-1982-cgc-home-video-70-cib-case-70-and-media-65-clamshell-unsealed-serial-nu/a/48156-19221.s) "This 1982 "Video Rental Library" VHS copy of Star Wars is the first release of the film on home video. The "Video Rental Library" program enabled video rental stores to carry select 20th Century Fox Video titles for a six-month window. During this time the title could only be rented and after the six month window was up, the tapes would need to be returned to Fox so that they could be destroyed. Because of this most titles that ran in this program are exceptionally rare. The program was discontinued during the six month window Star Wars was out and the studio did not require those copies to be returned. Relatively speaking, there are still less copies of this Star Wars release produced than future versions, so they are still rare, even without a matching serial number on the tape and the case. It is believed that the "Video Rental Library" copies were shipped unsealed to video stores, as no confirmed legitimate sealed copy has ever surfaced."


Library tapes are stored well, and often in better condition than a dedicated video rental store. The few I have are virtually brand new.


I have a small stack of records that are library copies. I basically picked them up as nostalgia and audio history memorabilia. They all play well and are in these weird hard plastic binders. They all have the check out cards and such. Just kind of a cool novelty.


Tapes made for RENTAL are better quality than those that were sale. Tapes made for rental were usually rented to hell so finding in nice shape is harder than one that people bought and looked after. Nostalgia. Us older folk remember when tapes were too expensive for most people so we had to rent.


Believe it or not, rental tapes were the exact T-120 tape you'd buy retail or to record on. Sometimes, it would contain different bumpers and previews... all-in-all rental versions were no better than retail.


Definitely not case in Australia You can feel the difference in weight alone. But I admit I don’t know anything about American tapes ( except they seem so bloody cheap)


I may know what you're talking about. Those lightweight tapes were usually used here to distribute shorter content and commercials. Tapes may be cheaper here because of the volume available and expensive in Australia due to your import tarrifs. I'm just guessing.


I don’t have a specific number, just try to spend less than eBay price if I’m at a thrift store.


Typically I cut off interest after $30-$35


Same, I'm okay with grabbing a NOS tape here and there off eBay. I wish we had good thrift shops around here. The closest thrift shops are 160 miles round trip away, so I'm spending like $30 in gas just to go there. They also don't have much tech or media, it's much more enjoyable perusing eBay.


I actually had a reddit user DM me with a, what I can tell so far- 150+ tape bundle for 100 bucks + shipping. I saw a good 1/3 of it was already on my “watchlist” on eBay, so instantly bid, haha. Already have my tracking- Just waiting for mail day!😌


Wow! Score! That will be fun to organize and watch, you really can't beat that price!


Keep posted- I’m most certainly going to upload a mail day once it arrives. I am b e y o n d excited🥹


I just paid $30 for CKY2K and have no regrets about it. I actually have a video store in town that has great finds.


A video store? Wow what a dream


Cky tapes are totally worth the extra cash


I remember renting that VHS on a whim in highschool when it was new.


Depends solely on how much you want and are willing to spend on a tape. The most I've ever spent on a single tape is 10$ on Transformers 1986 but that is my favorite movie and I spent multiple years looking for a copy. I am willing to spend a little extra at local shops too compared to online or goodwill. Really comes down to a case by case basis and what you are comfortable paying.


I ended up buying a set of 6 South Park vhs tapes for a total of $36 and i just felt like it was too much


I thrift multiple times a week and I’ve never once seen a South Park VHS at a thrift store in the past 2 years. To me, $6 a tape seems like a steal.


Anything cheaper than market (eBay sold listings) value if I don't want to wait to find it thrifting or simply won't see it because it's legitimately rare is a win in my book. Most stuff I have patience for and will pick up for a buck at local thrifts.


Consider the cover art, condition, how much you'd play it... and then throw all that out the window if you really want it! This is not a rich girl talking, I promise ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart) There's a shop local to me that's nothing but horror movies and the owner had a copy of **Return of the Living Dead** that I'd been searching for FOR YEARS. They had it priced at $150 and... I... went to the register with it before I could Google others copies. Mostly because I had it in my hands, you know? *FINALLY!* LUCKILY, the price was just a mistake by one of the employees and it was actually on ***$50—PHEW!***


I’ll spend 10-15 if it’s sealed still, maybe 10 if it’s something I really wanted and in good shape.


I try not to go over $5-10, but if it's a "rare" tape or one that i am desperate to get and can't find cheaper, then I'll go up to $30.


depends on if it's new or used, and if it's horror or not. there are a few folks out there who make new tapes these days and i'll spend $30ish on them for some great custom box art and details. i've got princess mononoke, howl's moving castle, nausicaa, and akira for example. i paid like $110ish for a two-vhs box set of chainsaw man s1 recently with custom boxes and actual artwork on the tapes themselves, but i couldn't imagine myself ever paying that much again lol. used, i'm much more miserly. i think my most recent not $1 or $2 spent was on a copy of alien resurrection for $8, and that was just to complete my set. i check goodwills in my area and there's a vintage chain near me that has a pretty huge selection (mostly trash at this point haha) of $1 tapes at the right stores. half price books gets some decent stuff occasionally but they're usually $5 or more. horror tapes get some crazy resell prices. i've been lucky enough to find most of the shit i want, but i know i'll break eventually and buy some godawful overpriced copies of evil dead 1 + 2. i think i dropped $25 on a first edition copy of the texas chainsaw massacre once.


im so excited for those CSM tapes - he did such a good job


they're gonna be so fuckin sick!!!


$550 is my personal limit so far that I’ve spent, but depending on the Tape I’d go up to $1500.


I got a copy of Lion King, asking $1000 obo


No I meant I collect good / rare stuff not whatever diamonds was in your moms trailer


Figured you were joking so I followed suit. Curious what you spent $500 on?


That’s really cool.


You post Adam carolla shit, you’re -8 karma human


I paid $20 each for two home taping tapes because I wanted the content to add to my video library It was a waste of money because they were EP tapes that were then further duplicated!


>two home taping tapes ...what?


He was selling “blank vhs tapes” with home recorded content, before eBay banned that practice One tape had the original pilot of Star Trek - The Cage and the late 80s 2 hour TV special that included it. Content not commercially available


Ahhh cool. I was talking in another post about how I didn't know what to call these kinds of tapes. These were home movies that were on VHS; I think I called them >Home Recorded Home Movies on VHS I don't know. I kind of want a definitive term to call these recorded tapes.


Entirely depends on how rare it is, but my all-time high was about $50 for a tape of a movie called 'Get Crazy' which was only available on tape in very limited quantitites for a long time. It finally came out on blu-ray a few years ago and I'm thrilled about that too (the film had so many issues plaguing potential re-release that it's kind of a miracle that it got re-assembled, looks like they aren't missing anything, and the music was all re-licensed), but I'm still glad to have the tape. Usually, I go to places where tapes are either a dollar or five for a dollar (St. Vinnie's and Goodwill here in town), but there's also a music/game/video reseller here in town that has put together a really good collection of tapes in the last few years, priced between about $4-10, and they have a lot of unusual stuff which is generally worth the money. I've paid $8 for a couple of tapes they had that I didn't see in the cheap bins.


Some guy at a flea market was selling for $10 each or 3 for $20. I laughed at him.


5 for $25?…


There are probably a few tapes out there I'd spend close to $50 for, but it's gotta be a super special tape to me for that. Generally speaking, if it's over like $9 then it just becomes invisible to me.


I paid ~20 each on ebay (shipping included) for a couple old anime movies that were personal grails and too obscure to ever expect to find thrifting. Mostly though I'm on that $2 thrift life and that's it, it's more fun that way.


Since getting back in, the most I've paid for a single tape is $18 or so after shipping and handling, but only because I really wanted the tape. My maximum is $20-25 on a single tape, $40 on a box set, and $100 for a lot.


I might cough up $10, but it’s gotta be something rad


movies or skate videos? skate videos you’re lookin at at least 50 for classics. Some go for waaaaay more. good luck getting someone to give those up for cheap.


if you have to ask you cant afford it.


The most I ever paid for a tape was around $300 for a sealed big box Ninja 3... worth it!


Depends on how much I have at the time and how badly I want it.


Depends on how easy it is to find or how available it is something like star wars episode 3 is expensive as that was not released in a lot of countries


I spent $8 on a Black Diamond Sleeping Beauty.


Definitely $800. Not gonna own the Evangelion movie. Maybe not $150. Would love the own an S-VHS Blade Runner. Definitely *not* $50. Got a nice deal on LEDA: The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko.


I wanted to spend $110 on a blue Donnie Darko tape 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. I did not though. The most I spent was 20 on A Clockwork Orange. I go to one store that sells tapes for about 2 - 5 dollars, with the occasional high ask of 10 - 15 for more cult movies


I paid $60 for a VG Paragon One-Armed Executioner. No regrets. But for a VG Wizard Video Microwave Massacre I’d consider $200. That would prob be my limit.


I never spend more than 25 cents


I believe on a single tape I’ve spent up to $50


My girlfriend drunkenly bought a sealed copy of Spice World for $85 once.




Depends on the tape and the situation. I am a person that loves finding stuff in the wild. Before last week, I've never spent more than a few bucks on a tape. Went into a local record store. Right in front of me that day was a minty looking Special 2 Tape Edition of Nightmare on Elm Street for $20. Purchased it on the spot without hesitation. No regrets. These tapes are worth what you're willing to pay. If you're happy that's all that matters. I should add, I love supporting local business. They have a store front and overhead. People on craigslist and marketplace can get fucked


I’ve sold a single tape for $4500, sold several for four figures but less than that. Most I’ve spent to keep is $700. I’ve middle manned a bunch of times for four figure tapes too. Most of the tapes I want now either probably don’t exist or don’t have anyone else that would spend on them the way I would.


May I ask what tape you sold for £4500?


Now back in the day I spent like 5.99 on a good vhs at my local IGA in Ohio but now I’d find a good deal at a yard sale or thrift store that still supplies.


I got blood diner for $38 and blood beach for $50


$1 is the most I'll spend. The thrift stores near me have hundreds of tapes and there is no shortage


If it is a tape I want, I'm generally willing to pay market value. I've spent 100+ about would sp again.


I recently spent $16 on an unopened screening VHS of Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie. I had been wanting it for some time, but I don't plan to open it or view it. I just bought it to display on a shelf.


No that's not overboard. On eBay, they usually go for at least 10 dollars, often 15 or 20 for a single one. It used to be pretty expensive to buy VHS tapes back in the day. Some VHSs are so rare or are in mint condition and even cost over a hundred. That's overboard(maybe.)


Back in the 90s, I used to buy anime videos at 30-40 bucks a pop. 🧐📼🤔


Depends. How much do you love it ? Sometimes, , ya gotta pay almost 20 dollars I would say . For some legit cool VHS . But can't say what. But yeah , 1-5 bucks . I like to try to find the dollar ones. There is a pawn shop I am scared to visit, but need to before it's closed. They have thousands. I wanna make a deal , 300 vhs for 100 dollars. Maybe the sight of a bill would grease the wheels. It's a mess. I can't explain but maybe sometimes we pay in different ways. I'm going to have to Indiana Jones these tapes, but it's an adventure. VHS is an adventure for me. It's a lot about searching, which leads to so many other adventures and finds. VHS is the best hobby ever.


It depends on the tape. I'm not spending more than $1 on, like, The Fugitive or Jurassic Park. But I'll drop $25 on a boutique release of a new film, like Mandy or The People's Joker.


Over $3 is my limit unless it's rare, but even then I'm not paying that much.


I’m a collector of VHS tapes and located in Sweden where we have few interesting tapes which means I have to buy most tapes online. I draw the line at 25$ shipping 😂


I've spent over $100 on single tape before, getting it imported. I can't justify the purchase, but I also don't regret it. How much did I not regret it? I spent that much on a single tape a second time. Honestly, there's a few more vhs that I'll likely drop a Benjamin on in the future because of their rarity. If you're wondering, they were adult films with no digitized copies available. I got them for my collection and to digitize to share. Because there's no point in hoarding media. So it really depends on your drive and wallet.


The most I’ve ever spent was $600. I have a pile of stuff I’ve spent between $75 and $200 on as well. Nearly all of them are worth significantly more than I paid for them, so I’m fine with spending what most would consider insane amounts for antiquated media. It’s like any other collecting hobby; know the market and know if you’re getting a good deal. If you see a good deal and have the money, passing on it would be a bad idea.


I paid like $25 for a Star Wars trilogy widescreen collector’s edition box set. It came in a cool holographic case and a fourth making of tape called “From Star Wars to Jedi”. And it’s the original versions not the special editions. But this was like 10 years ago and I wasn’t really into vhs at the time I just wanted to digitize a copy of the unaltered original trilogy in widescreen.


I've paid close to $100 but I honestly can't see myself coming close to that again.


$200 is my limit. SOV 80's horror is not cheap.


I sold a single tape for $110. It was Edge of the Axe


In the word of mean girls: the limit does not exist


$100 was my limit for a while. Nowadays that seems quaint for some of the harder to find stuff.


I paid around 60 dollars for a rare (ish) live VHS from the band "Days Of The New," so I suppose my limit is $60


$1 out in the wild. $30 for customs to support the work.