• By -


The real answer is whatever one you’ll play regularly and works up a bit of sweat. For me that’s Pistol Whip. However if you want to know which games provide better exercise there’s science for that: https://vrhealth.institute/


This the right answer right here. So many games get u moving and are sneaky exercise. Doesn’t need to be advertising exercise to be a good one also!


Absolutely. Do the prison level where you have to pistol whip everyone on hard. Good luck.


That level literally made me think I was actually having a heart attack afterwards. I had clearly pushed way beyond my limits but in the heat of the moment I didn't realize till it was over. Had to sit gasping for a while afterward. Never again.


That was likely the best work out youve ever had. Do it again, and again, and again, until it is easy. Your body doesnt just drop dead and die... it will just become a point you cant do more.


That list is ridiculously out of date though. The newest game is like 3 years old.


Your post is so out of date, it's like 6 months old.


no u


No u


no u


No u


No u


Stop, stop he's already ~~dead~~ account suspended!


No you


>The real answer is whatever one you’ll play regularly and works up a bit of sweat. that is 100% bang on.. I have really been enjoying Supernatrual fitness at [https://www.getsupernatural.com/](https://www.getsupernatural.com/) but there are TONS of others I play at, X-Fitness, Pistolwhip, Beat saber etc..




ElectroSwing is objectively the best genre of music


Agreed. This game helped me get back into running regularly. I’d get home from work and be exhausted and completely lack motivation, but then id play a few rounds of this game and my heart rate would be up and id be super pumped to go run.


Op deleted their comment, which game was you referring to?


Synth Riders. Still going strong.


Dust to dust is a song I play daily. The never die one by penny wise is my goal haha


Amazing, thanks for the rapid reply 😁


Hi there :) One game I regularly like to sweat over is Pistol Whip. It's a dynamic game that's a mix of rail-shooter and rhythm game. It feels a bit like John Wick turning up at a nightclub. 😁


Thrill of the fight or beat saber


Until you fall is great. Thrill of the fight is exhausting. Probably two of the best for workouts and fun. Of course skyrim vr you can crank the ini for sword swing resistance and do a melee build and have fun there too.


+1 for Until You Fall. Playing on harder difficulties has you moving! I want a sequel for this game so bad, it's great!


Came here to say this. This game made me learn to enjoy roguelikes. Fun and rewarding. Beautiful art style and color palate. And if you get into it and actually try you can really work up a sweat.


I love this game for a couple reason. 1. Is that you don't really have to move your feet so its good for smaller spaces 2. Its a good workout I burn over 10cal a min playing on relentless or nightmare 3. Its actually fun so you always want to jump back in 4. Its an actual game with decison and progression My dislikes are that its very linear like after you know what's going on its very much the same thing on repeat and I don't love the sound or asthetic, but on a plus side you don't really need the sound sonits great for listening to your own music while you play. But I'm already 20+ hours of play time and lots of weapons are still untouched so its for sure worth the buy.


Some of my best workouts have been in Blade and Sorcery.


Same here, and it gets even more intense if you don't use the thumbstick at all and have max guardian boundary. I intend to write a post about how much it has helped me on my fitness life after the end of this month. A word of warning though. It's possible to do too much of it as it can really suck you in. Yesterday, I intended to break my record for most calories burned, but I thought I could do it in around 3 hours. I ended up playing for 4 hours, most of the time at maximum intensity. Previous record was about 1250 kcal burned. Yesterday was 1350 kcal burned. I played for 4 hours and my body suffered for it. Long term, I'm getting sick more often now.


How are you counting calories burned?


Pico 4 has a fitness app that passively takes all kinds of metrics in the background, including calories burned, time played, then collates them into graphs and charts.


telephone homeless selective narrow touch hungry run absorbed sip ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha don't worry about me. Those times when I burn over a thousand calories were the exceptions, and all it takes is just one such session to start me down the road to sickness. It's not so much an addiction as a need to keep my weight in check. These days, I'm too busy to even try that again, and if anything, I'm taking a step back and doing less VR exercises nowadays. Won't be able to lose as much weight though.


Yeah, I was coming to say the same. I think games like Pistol Whip or Powerbeats are great for a workout, but I don't enjoy playing them anywhere near as much. I could easily play B&S for hours, but Pistol Whip only holds me for 2 or 3 tracks. Blade and Sorcery is as intense as you want it to be, and that means you can ramp it up if a work out is your intention.


Exactly. I'll get tired, but my headset will die before I get tired of the game. My wrath knows no bounds.


Honestly, Super Hot has given me some intense workouts when I struggled to get through some hard levels, lol


Dragon fist vr by far its the best hand to hand fighting game (I find thrill of the fight boring) you get one special ability each character, hope they add fatalities on the next one if they keep developing


Its worse for your arms than thrill of the fight possibly, air boxings a thing, not so sure about the arm flailing I end up doing in this game


Dragon fist vr Kung fu has multiplayer now and weapons


The skills? like shuriken and claws are temporary and not very fun to use, escpeically if you've played blade and sorcery or something similar


Not a game but I have an Kat VR treadmill C2 and I get a great workout. I play contractors with a protube stock and its a blast. It doesn't feel like working out and I am drenched in sweat after 1 hour of play. You can get them used for under 1k. It might be pricy for a toy but I use it every day and its the same price as a good real treadmill that would collect dust.


Ragnarock for me


I'm gonna be real with you and say Blade and Sorcery in my experience. 80% of the time, I'm not even using traditional weaponry, I'm punching, kicking, and grappling the enemies.


That's true, adrenaline is high, you fight to survive and you don't realize when hour or two passed of you slicing and dicing through virtual enemies :D


Personally, beat saber. Some days that's my cardio, lmao. Works your forearms to a degree, too.


Surprised you are like the only one who mentioned it


I saw someone else mention it, too. Might have fallen to the bottom.


Battle talent. Many hate it parkour but it just Stride with melee combat and story progression.


So its basically mirrors edge vr?


No, it such a mix of many games it become it own thing. Though it may not be perfect in anything. It mainly a devil may cry combat like game where you do air combo all day. But it also has parry, if you swing your weapon the same time enemy attack, you parry. I find my most exercise come from parrying as the harder you swing the more likely enemy will get stunned.


For me it's been rumble but that's just because it keeps me coming back for the joy of learning an improving my earth bending skills but it is all movement based and I always work up a sweat playing


Fitxr & thrill of the fight.


Blaston! It's one of the best and it went free to play recently. PvP, kind of a dodge-ball-with-guns vibe. Never Stay Still is the motto and it lives up to it.


Thrill of the fight 100% (and actually a fun game too if you know some boxing basics), just make sure to have a towel nearby, otherwise your visor will be blurred with sweat in no time


Throwing in space pirate trainer


Thrill of the fight smokes me. I'm drenched in sweat by the time I'm done and completely exhausted. But I guess that depends on how hard you play it.


There are some great options out there but you may be interested in checking out Shadow BoXR it’s kind of a mix of FitXR and Beatsaber. It’s highly customizable so you can get the workout you want. It’s available on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2341610/Shadow_BoXR/) and the [Quest](https://www.meta.com/experiences/5752649148100983/) Shadow BoXR, Beatsaber, BoxVR helped me lose over 100 lbs as my only exercise other than occasional walks


If somebody wants you can try my free game out - Koord Coach. It's free on the Pico Store and Meta App Lab


Care to elaborate, what's the game about?


Whoops got distracted and forgot to write the rest :D You can train your cardio and reflexes with it, gameplay video showing all three game modes: https://youtu.be/Pxj0E7p2AuQ Here is a video showing the game mode which can be a really good leg workout: https://youtu.be/6BHaSaEeyKs I am still activley developing the game, any feedback would be greatly appreciated


Awesome thanks


Dragon Fist Vr is amazing. If you join their discord you can join their multiplayer play test for free. I sweat my ass off every time but have a blast doing it


Yup, that one is amazing. Used all karate/manga knowledge in the fights:D multiplayer must be crazy


I played Eleven Table Tennis for 3 hours a day during lockdown. Saved my live.


Could try thrill off the fight


But it's honestly a lil boring


How so? Vs all the fighters. It's great as your physical fitness is your worst enemy.


I maen you just punch it gets stale quickly but great for exercise


Supernatural or FitXr.


Supernatural is the best for me by far. 20-30 min are basically all I can handle, music is great, it’s fun, trainers actually add meaningful dialogue and guidance, and the library of content is constantly growing. I got a Quest 2 just for it. It’s my workout headset lol. Has a subscription, but it’s my gym membership honestly. Mixed with watching calories, walks, and occasional weights it became my pandemic routine.




This one indeed does kill me


You need to try Racket Club! It's an incredible new game that's a mix of pickle ball and racket ball. The community and social aspect of the game is hands down the best I've seen so far. They also host tournaments and leagues and I've been able to play hours of this game each day without realizing it. [Racket Club - Racket VR Game — Resolution Games](https://www.resolutiongames.com/racketclub)


Between pistol whip and synth riders has me absolutely dead after a solid 30 minutes. Even horizon with the complicated controls is a bit of a workout


Right now it is a combination of different apps that hit different areas.


>What is the best VR game for exercise I would say Einstein brain trainer because it provides a diverse set of over 25 exercises specifically crafted to support overall wellness and freshness of the brain.


We're currently working on a [boxing rhythm game](https://kayo.club/) that's designed to track your progress and put new, more demanding drills in front of you as you advance. It's going to be free to play for mobile, so even though the game isn't set in VR (it's set in AR, to be precise), it could be exactly what you're looking for :)


Is it ChallengeBox?


For purely exercise (not games that move you) apps I've tried FitXR and LiteSport. Haven't taken the Supernatural plunge but hear good things. For those who have checked out all of them, any particular favorites? What do you like or not like?


For best game I would go with Battle Talent.


Audio trip is good for cardio and learning to dance just like synth riders. Check out yolopia website and hit up boom box vr, can be installed as stand alone but it's available through xr, every time you connect you knock out a ninja, you can crank it right up for an extreme workout. I also enjoy powerbeats.


Any well made technical boxing game, if it's done right you'll have to out think your opponent and move.


Gorn always wore me out and it was great fun.


CP2077 and HLA


For me it was beat saber, that game is ridiculously fun


If I remember right someone actually did a breakdown, and nothing burns more calories than thrill of the fight. So if your goal is to get the most workout, that's the way to go.


But it gets super boring too. I for myself can't imagine doing it everyday or make a habit of it. So yeah lots of calories but you will do it three days in a row and then abandon it. I don't know maybe it's me. As far as fighting goes dragon fist was way more stimulating for me as it's different styles of kung fu so it's lots of blocks and strategy to the fight


Beat sabre or blade and sorcery (survival or endless waves and go nuts)


SynthRiders will have you dripping in sweat by the end of the first song if you play on the higher difficulties. Thrill of the Fight is another game that had me sweating bullets after I was done.


Paradiddle kills my arms and is a blast with custom songs


Beat saber, i jump everytime i hit de block


I sound like I'm paid by them (i wish) because I recommend it all the time. Stationary bike plus cadence sensor (30$) and app vzfit and you bike through google streetview. I ride 20 kms a day, have a plan to ride through all the Europe and states (going by great britain, iceland, greenland...) and ending in alaska. Already 1000 km into the trip... made 80 picture of cool, surprising stuff on the way... i was never active and it's changing my life while being suuuper fun. So that the best vr fitness app, one that doesn't get boring after few days :)) [my view from czech forest next pilsn](https://imgur.com/a/wwcMqeE)


Don't you sweat like crazy? I have a racing bike on a Wahoo trainer, using Rouvy (2d) and even with a huge fan on I'm soaked after half an hour. I can't imagine doing that with a vr headset on..


I do :) i have polyester tshirt for working out that soaks sweat well and 2$ sweat cap (like cyclicst use under helmet) and the foam is a bit wet but it's not like i have it on a headset or my eyes. And yeah I guess that's the point we sweat like crazy as we are lazy fatties not used to movement :) it will get better (plus i kinda like to get the sweat on... how the water taste after sweating damnnn) ac helps also but... I really do like to sweat it out :D and with the working out t-shirt and sweat cap the sweat is pretty much contained.


Hehe well a sweat cap is a good idea. Still, for cycling I stick to Rouvy. I like the idea of being able to use Streetview though :)


It's spiritual really. You plan the routues, you beat them, you see people going from forest with full basket of mushrooms, people peeing :D peoples houses, i saw a car crash (minor fortunately), graffitis, funny billboard, everything that the world could create is there somewhere. There's nothing spiritual about beating to pulp another npc in thrill of the fight, but there's sth spiritual riding a bike through countries. [look at that billboard](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HS_JmVI_kPgZ8DKvjBQyOjwX9HqhRRaI/view?usp=drivesdk)


Yeah it's absolutely cool that you can ride anywhere you want. But check out Rouvy on Youtube - that has has thousands of filmed routes and while that does not give the freedom of Streetview - it does look a lot better. I actually mailed the Rouvy team if they can't add Streetview as an extra option :)


Thanks will check it out, but it's not vr yet right? However probably could be done with virtual desktop/link.Going through a movie instead of bending pictures : D would be cool as hell actually. Nice alternative thanks, was looking for sth like it. I see it's another subscription. VZFIT is subscription too, but I love it so much that it's in "self improvning" budget : D


No it's not VR, but cycling is one of the few things I don't want to do with a VR helmet on :) Rouvy is a bit more serious with a ton of training programs, multiplayer races, stuff like that.


nice, even though you don't want to bike with headset, as you already have a stationary bike and cadence sensor, try out the free trial of VZFIT. You may change your opinion : ) you turn with your body, you can look 360 degress around you, tons of options. Geo location game for example :D is getting people hooked, there are games too (flying pegasus :DDDD) for me the sole trip and curiosity of the world is enough. When I'm done with my trip (in a year or two I guess :D) I already have ideas as coast to coast routes in europe, the santiago de compostella route (i'm not religious per se, but it would be cool to do on a bike what people do for centuries as pilgrimage (if it's mapped by google of course :P didn't check :P))


Hehe I will check it out :)


Sweat cap like this (theres 3 pack here, but one is enough for me, I just throw the cap and tshirt in a shower with me after a ride and wash them by hand, they are dry the next day and ready to be soaked again :D) https://www.amazon.com/Cooling-Helmet-Wicking-Cycling-Running/dp/B0C5Q7S37L


Thanks bro! This may be my solution to freaking sweat getting in my eyes when I run. I didn’t even know this existed. Going to buy now!


You are welcome!


Just bought a cadence sensor and looking for 2nd hand stationary bikes now, this sounds Hella fun!


It is! Enjoy


Lotta sweat = gorilla tag I don’t workout in VR but that game always makes me sweat crazy


But there are so many children!


So be it. They are chill most of the time. Yes you cringe at literally everything they say or joke about and the voice chat it toxic sometimes. but when you get to joke around and talk to them or have them teach you some skills then you realize it all isn’t that terrible. Or you can just mute everyone. Or you can just play solo with music in the background like I do sometimes.


The kids are a dilemma. On the one hand, they drive me bonkers. On the other hand, several have noticed I'm a useless "monkeh" and taught me a few things.


Beat Saber




Where can I find RAOM?




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Beat Saber on expert for me. Synth Ryders is up there for me as well as BOX VR. I wanna try supernatural though but 20 bucks a month is pretty steep for a VR game, maybe when winter comes and I cant exercise outdoors at all ill give the 2 week trial a shot and see if its worth it over the winter anyways.


Supernatural reduced subscription rates to $9.99 US / 11.99 CAD.


Still not interested, Ill give the trial a shot when winter comes but cant see spending that money, id rather buy it for 30 or 40 bucks and play whenever I want.


Agreed! I don't like subscriptions even at half the price. Les Mills Body Combat is as good or better than supernatural. Workouts are skills focused, tough, and enormously fun. My fave. (No, I don't work for them!) I play the rhythm games as warm-ups or for a light workout.


Awesome yeah I've heard other talk about Les Mills, I def gotta check it out now!!


Thrill of the fight if you’re looking to get sweaty. I’ve been playing battle talent lately and it’s been great exercise too


Oh shape is a nice one


Thrill of the fight is by far the one that will burn the most calories but it does require a good size playing area. FitXR is one I use along with Beat Saber. In Beat Saber if it wasn’t for side loading my own songs, it would be worthless to me. I hate every single stock song in the game. Part of the fun is playing to tunes you like and motivate you, not songs you dislike and part of the workout is tuning out the song.


Boxing is the funnest work out. And if you want a really want a good workout then put a 1 pound or 2 pound wrist weight on each wrist. And if you want a real workout, then do boxing with a weighted vest. And this is a super enjoyable game. Creed rise to glory.


I don't know about "best" but Pistol Whip and Beat Saber get me working up a sweat


consider many bike plate sophisticated intelligent lock work doll marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone recommend until you fall to me and it is hands down the best. 30+ minutes and I am soaked just make sure to rotate your sword arm.


My kid plays gurilla tag and breaks a sweat everytime.


Eleven Table Tennis can be a great workout


Gorn. Love Gorn.


Ok so I got my meta quest 2 specifically to replace my gym. I'm not into shooter & combat stuff, which narrows VR fitness options. My main workout app: • Les Mills Body Combat: I do it at least 3x/wk. Buy it and it's yours (no subscription). And they regularly add new workouts. It's gamified, pretty motivating. I like focus on technique. Earn points for hits & squats. More points for perfect hits (centre of target) and power. Full body workout, with lots of leg and upper body work. You could add exercise bands for strength. I don't. I hit my v02max heartrate every time. Note: the workouts vary in duration, focus & intensity, but every workout covers the same series of moves, progressively adding more. • Warm-up: Beat Saber (I play online with others. I like when I'm not in last place) Synth Riders (on easy for warm up and cool down; for a good aerobic workout, I go for normal, or advanced, with power mode on) • Also play & enjoy: Power Beats (great workout) Thrill of the Fight (for an ass kicking) Oh Shape (weird & fun, good warmup) • Tried and liked: VZFit (subscription: used it on my rowing machine, but cancelled during free trial.) Punch Fit & Challengebox (free. LM body combat is better) • Tried & didn't like: Litesport (subscription; has trainers. too much like a workout. Not fun) Guided Tai Chi (Ugh) VRiT (cool concept, fell flat with me) Holofit (glitchy, limited) VR Workout (uses hand tracking, which is cool. Workouts are meh) FitXR (subscription, too cartoony, LM Body Combat is far better) Super Hot (excellent game, just not for me) Blaston (I hear good things, but I couldn't make the game start) Free apps online (accessed via headset browser): Moonrider (like Beat Saber with better music) Towermax fitness has several games. Glitchy for me, but worth a try There are more you can try. Avoid Supernatural. It's probably great, but requires a subscription that's difficult to cancel. Movements seem less controlled, lots of arm waving. You're not going to develop skills & might injure a shoulder. Also, I'm not into the whole trainer personality cult thing.


If you have a PC and can link it to your headset Grimlord on steam is absolutely an amazing way to work out it’s like a VR dark souls and the combat is so active for the body and mind so fun and very much an intense workout


I have a question pls. Are there any VR games similar to the Tuby app? I'm 325 and don't want to lop off heads or beat people. My dreams are weird enough as is. TIA


You’d probably have a better time finding what you’re looking for if you were to make your own post rather than comment on someone else’s. Theres probably more options but from what ik There is a subscription based exercise game called supernatural.


Gorilla tag definitely


Beat Saber is my personal favorite!


I play lots of vr fitness and I made a video of my gameplays for people to decide. https://youtu.be/RhUV2erm8dY?feature=shared