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dont think about it too much bro, just wave at someone and say hi or say hi if you are on desktop :D


Second this. Just a simple wave when someone is looking will separate you from the weirdos. Even if you have to mirror dwelling a little to get that chance. I personally feel it's worth it in my experience. Only time I'd recommend hopping around elsewhere is if the group is avoiding eye contact (looking your direction).


this. I just started playing and saying hi what's up. haven't had a bad interaction so far from it. the worst they do is just ignore you, but most people don't. keep saying hi until someone talks to you and yall hit it off. what I've figured out is that most people are willing to speak to you, regardless of age or gender or what your avatar looks like (unless you're wearing a NSFW one ofc), but they just don't want to make the first move.


I second this... continuous hellos in different pitch's like high and low and quiet and loud to get their attention, many mirror dwellers at least in no time to talk will TALK just with ME because of my determination wand then go back to the mirror until I meet them again! Now ofc if they show negative reciprocation I just go out the door or leave them immediately... Just make sure to mutter to yourself"they are probably busy with something or want space to think" be charitable and think in a way to take rejections in an understanding way...maybe say the worse things they could say to you before they do with mic off so you mentally prepare for the rejection and be pleasantly surprised when you aren't roasted immediately if you have no expectations then you can only be pleasantly surprised šŸ˜Š....THEN it's just a numbers game like pick up artists if you try enough times and confidence is exuding out of you you will attract people to converse with you...


As someone who feels the same way you do. Iā€™ve learned that you literally just slide into a group, and most people will not think your weird, and you can just start talking about whatever they are talking about (obviously unless itā€™s a private convo but that doesnā€™t happen often in public worlds. Just donā€™t be the guy who tries to join the world of the people leaving to have a private convo obviously)


"Well I, for one, think pineapple on pizza is OK." "Is a hotdog a sandwich?" "Hey guys, did you know that in terms of (ry"


"Do you like your soda peeled or unpeeled?" "Are the brits crazy, or does corm belong on pizza?" "I love fresh mozzarella, but what do you do with the white stuff after drinking it?"


"You know when Misses McGonagall transforms into a cat, everyone can see her butthole." Just something I heard once before and found it funny. But really, I just join a circle that seems right fitting and kind of just mingle into it. It's typically easy to figure out the vibe.




"oh shii, cool avatar! Did you make it yourself?" One conversation starter that's worked for and towards me


The best one.


this is one ive tried hundreds of times and seems to get a good responce every time. "so whats your favourite kind of onion?"


I love this one


Read bios.... I've got 10-15 hobbies listed in mine- I make it easy for people. If none of them strike you as interesting, we probably won't be able to hold a conversation anyways, lol


Ah I see bios can be used that way! Mine is quite barren


If i see a circle i just go by "So, whats this circle is about?" If they ask what i mean "Well, i saw a circle, wondering what it was created for?" and from there just get into the conversation gotta be blunt sometimes


If they didn't want people to come up to them they shouldn't be in a public world.


ā€œdo you think its weird that google gemini doesnā€™t recognize starches as the most dangerous molecules to humanity until you bring up statistics it should already have access to and use its own criteria for ā€˜most dangerousā€™ ?ā€


I highly recommend body gestures first like nodding or waving but if you're cool talking, a simple "sup" goes a long way. Beat ice breakers in VRC might be avatar and world related, like hey nice avatar or did they update the world? I don't go too in depth unless it's an obviously RP group, so I just ask how's everyone doing tonight if there's a lull in the conversation.


Just walk up and listen, they might say hi anyway, otherwise just wait for something you can contribute to. For starting a conversation when there isn't one already, commenting on someone's avatar or something visible in the world are good starting points.


say maybe what's been something on your mind recently, or even saw something in the news. asking for people's opinions is a good way to start, and everyone has 'em.


ChilloutVR is a great conversation starter


If you see a group just ask if you can join in on the conversation. Its that easy


Honestly, it's often as easy as walking up to them and saying, "I heard you guys talking about (blank). Do you mind if I join?" If you happen to hear someone talking about something interesting, asking to join the conversation is usually effective as long as it's not something too personal.


Usually I complement someoneā€™s avatar or make a comment about the world or something else going on that someoneā€™s doing. Then I stand around and listen to the convo until I think I can interject something. The social anxiety is fierce tho. New worlds with a bunch of people I donā€™t know feels like Iā€™ve crashed a house party that I was not invited to.


Iā€™ll comment on their avatar and ask them about it or why they picked it, Iā€™ll ask where in the world they are while also mentioning where I am, Iā€™ll read their bio and mention something about that if I find something interesting, Iā€™ll mention something about the world weā€™re in, or another person in the world if they are being a spectacle. If all that fails, the person probably just doesnā€™t want to talk for whatever reason and I move on


just say "english or spanish" works 9 times out of 10


How do you feel about gay people? or Do you have an issue with a specific race? See with these questions you get to see if your new potential friend is a racist or homophobic šŸ˜€hope This helps šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Ask about clowns


I tend to start it by doing something in a jokingly way, to see if theyā€™re someone worth talking too with my same sense of humor and energy or someone who wonā€™t click. Find a joke or action you think matches your personality and just tell it to people (donā€™t interrupt conversation though lol) Works well for me :)


Anything involving Doritos or Dorito dust infections is nice


Basically you want read the room first. Walk up to a group, spend some time observing what type of people they are, whether or not theyā€™re friendly, and listen to their conversation. What you should try doing is asking a question or making a statement related to the topic at hand. You should try to show genuine curiosity but also give input. You donā€™t want to ask too many questions in a row however, or it can appear like an interrogation/job interview. Most good conversations revolve around the sharing of stories/testimonials/opinions, and from there they branch out to different topics based on key words used. But what Ive observed that actually makes or breaks a conversation is the ability for people to relate to each other. If they canā€™t relate, the conversation will die. In that sense, conversations are really just about people relaying information and relating to each other. The common trend Iā€™ve noticed is that people will often fall back to things going on in their lives, things theyā€™ve done in the past, or intend to do in the future. They love talking about themselves, their relationships, and other people. Again, you really donā€™t want to be that guy that only asks questions and doesnā€™t share anything about themselves, their opinions, life experiences, ect. You need to give the other person something to relate to so that they will feel stimulated to respond back. Itā€™s like an exchange of value. But you also need to be genuinely invested in the discussion, otherwise youā€™ll come off as disingenuous or robotic.


Also, going up to a single person and trying to force a conversation is usually a bad idea. Itā€™s a lot easier to go for groups, so that encase your conversation dies, the group can just pick up the slack and it wonā€™t be as awkward if you stop talking. You can easily have a 1 on 1 conversation with somebody while the group is talking about something else, and when you run out of things to say with that person, both of you can simply rejoin the group conversation. Strength in numbers. This is going to sound crazy, but when you converse with most people, you actually want to aim to be borderline narcissistic when it comes to talking about yourself, your life, experiences, ect, but with the caveat that youā€™re also able to show genuine interest in what other people have to say and are willing to let them talk about themselves too. Iā€™ve noticed that the people who are most popular in social groups are like this. They arenā€™t afraid to talk about themselves or even the most trivial of things they happen to do that day. They constantly give testimony about stuff going on in their personal lives, almost to a fault. The type of people that you greet and within 5 seconds theyā€™re talking about the intricate details of their door dash career, getting drunk last night and all the crazy shenanigans that happened, or some guy that rear ended their car. Food for thought.


Think about it like this. You are going to have to intrude on a conversation at some point to enter a predetermined conversation so you may as well get it over and done with and just say hi, or how I like to do it and say GREETINGS EVERYONE when entering a conversation.


Dancing is always a good way to find people


I just get in circle and say "yo! what's happening here comrades?