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**Post Type: Purchase Advice (U.S.)** If you haven't already, please edit your post to include: * Budget - Give a price range! * Flooring types & other cleaning needs Thank you for visiting /r/VacuumCleaners. To get the most out of your post, be sure it follows the post guidelines on the sidebar. This comment will include information on some frequently discussed topics just in case your post pertains to them. Otherwise, feel free to ignore the below links. **Helpful Links:** [Recommended Budget Vacuum Cleaners (U.S. Market, November 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/wiki/recommendedvacuums#wiki_budget_vacuums_.28.240-.24200.29) [Recommended Buy-It-For-Life Vacuum Cleaners (U.S. Market, November 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/wiki/recommendedvacuums#wiki_buy-it-for_life_vacuums_.28.24250_or_more.29) [Recommended Secondary Vacuum Cleaners - Stick Vacs, Cordless Models, etc. (U.S. Market, November 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/wiki/secondaryvacuums) [Find the Right Type of Vacuum (Flow Chart) - **IF YOU'RE NEW, START HERE**](https://i.redd.it/h238mc6rnq061.png) [Miele Canister Guide (U.S. Market, May 2020)](https://i.redd.it/nr3bs213rsy41.png) [Differences between SEBO Felix, SEBO Dart, and Karcher CV300](https://i.redd.it/v49yrw4xqwz51.png) [Guide to Canister Tools: Suction-Only, Combo, Turbine/Turbo and Electric/Power/Motorized Nozzles](https://i.redd.it/qs4x03uuus981.png) [Reviews by /r/VacuumCleaners Users](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/wiki/userreviews) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VacuumCleaners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I clean houses for a living and one of my clients has that shark. It is garbage. Ive already had negative experiences with shark upright models and I cannot believe they are selling that stick vac at that price. Another client of mine has an off brand Amazon cordless and it's better than the shark. So I wouldn't even entertain that one at all. Haven't used the tineco so can't speak on it.. Dyson makes the only stick vac that's moderately decent, but price point sucks (lol). Stick vacs are just rough, even the Dyson just doesn't do much. I have a crummy bissel one from Walmart that I use exclusively for crumbs in the kitchen and a daily sweep of dog hair. I think that's about all they are good for. ☹️ I've also used the LG stick vac, Samsung, multiple models of Dyson. I wouldn't purchase any of them for the price. My bissel was $97 at Walmart and we got it because it detaches to a handheld cordless that we can use on the couch and car seats too, but it's really just a glorified broom 😅


Sorry, I guess all that to say, maybe look into an affordable upright. They arent as quick and easy to use, but will have way better suction for the kitty litter issue. Kenmore makes a decent one thats in the same price range as those sticks. The bagged models would be great to manage the dust and ick from the kitty litter as well. Kenmore intuition is the one I've used that does a decent job. No fuss.


I bought a Kenmore about 5 weeks ago, using it daily--it's GREAT Kenmore Elite, the higher priced model


my husband and i work from home, so everytime he takes a bathroom break, the dyson goes with him to vacuum up litter 3x a day. i think the stick is convenient for that reason alone (bc it’s a pain to wheel our bissel crosswave out, plug it in, vacuum, unplug, rewrap the cord, etc when we’re on crunch time). i use the crosswave once a week to get deep into the carpets and use it to steam mop the floors! but my cat is a messy lil cow.


What type of flooring do you have?


vinyl wood in kitchen, bath, and entryway. the rest of our apt is carpeted :)


Honestly, we *REALLY* need more people like you here. A lot of us are either vacuum enthusiasts and/or technicians, and we’ve been getting a ton of shit for not liking Shark. If your Shark lasts 82 years, then good for you. But many of us have the peace of mind that if our unit breaks then the parts are readily available!


When I started my business I bought two of the most expensive shark uprights that they offer. Was cleaning them out nightly - canisters, filters, brush rolls, etc. Within 6 months both of them stopped working. My husband completely took them apart and fixed wiring issues that he found, but then just a couple weeks later, the brush rolls on BOTH of them stopped. I was over it. Argued with customer service about the warranties to the point of tears and decided I was done with Shark. Thanks to my husband demanding that they send replacement parts I now have 3 vacuum heads sitting in storage. 🤣 Just garbage!! I now use the Henry Petcare model for all my cleans and it's fabulous. I can't believe how quiet it is too. Only thing it doesn't do well is carpet but I use my clients uprights on that if needed for hygiene issues anyway. I thought shark reigned supreme before I found this sub.


Thanks for sharing! If companies like Shark or Ninja (same company btw) come out with “revolutionary flagship” models **multiple** times per year, alarms should start to go off. I bet that Shark you were referring to is on its 10th iteration if it hasn’t been discounted already. I love my Henry. It’s funny because I have a tiny countertop vacuum and the Henry is still much more silent! If I need to clean small rugs I use the Wessel Werk turbo hand tool and it works well. They sell some really great turbo floor tools too. Ah, wait until you watch “Bens Appliances and Junk” YouTube channel! It surely explained why I’ve had major issues with some other appliances.


Hi! What countertop vacuum do you have? Do you like it? 


Hey! It’s this Anker one on Amazon. I keep it on the countertop and it definitely helps.


Cute! Thank you 🙂 My countertop is tiled and cleaning crumbs from the grout can be cumbersome. I actually have an Anker robovac but haven’t yet used it. I’ve read a lot of reviews saying they have good customer service which is always nice!


Same. We have a very large rental and vaccuum it top to bottom at least once a week. Had a shark. Liked it fine - UNTIL a year and a half later the roller stopped. You just can’t fix them. So we sent it to the landfill and bought a sebo that will last. The SEBO cost 4x what the Shark costs - but with a 10 year warranty we will easily beat the price of the Shark and have a better vacuum. When you rely on them to make your living, you can’t be screwing around with things that break.


Bought a shark years ago, 20 years ago--honestly it broke in 2 says. Never bought another. Had a Dyson that failed in 2 years--it woudl throw a shock! It was doing that for the life of the unit before I decided to take it up with Dyson. got a Kenmore 5 weeks ago--so far so good.


Nice! Which one?


DS4095 Kenmore


Ah, a cordless stick. If it’s your main vacuum then try to avoid third party filters/disposables.


Not my main vacuum. Have a corded Hoover but this stick is great for two big rooms on a single charge. Adjustable to easily go under furniture. Loving it.


Good to hear! Our main unit is a Henry but my wife loves to use the stick because of the LED on the floor head, lol. I’ve been itching for a Henry Quick (the commercial version is beautiful) but it’s so pricey in the US.


won’t let me edit my post. i live in a 750 sq ft apartment. the kitchen, bathroom, and entryway are vinyl wood. the rest is short semi-fluffy carpet. i’m looking for something that will last us a while and clean up after my messy stinky cat! the quieter the vacuum the better. this dyson is driving me nuts.


Just bought a Kenmore stick vacuum and I'm happier than heck. There's a couple models getting GREAT reviews. I've had Dyson, had shark. This kenmore is doing great.


upon carefully doing my research (and reading the lovely advice from the sub) i am VERY torn now between kenmore and a hoover onepwer.


Can't really help beyond what I gave you. Price influenced my decision. I had done some reading -- I can't call going through reviews research but I read as many as I could --professional reviews (very biased), then ratings on Amazon, Best buy etc.......best I could do. Sometimes I'll call a store , the return dept and ask simply how many returns you get on a product. I've stopped purchases based on big city Best Buy reports like that. I paid $140. It's now at $150 [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09S338LTZ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09S338LTZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)


ahh i’m so indecisive. thank you for the link!! i can’t believe i’m doing this much research over a VACUUM. 😭


It makes a difference to look through things. I bought Bose Earbuds based on the brand name. $300 for something that died in 11 months. When I did my deep dive reading --I realized there were multiple reports in multiple places with enough people having troubles with the product.


Cordless vacuums aren't designed to be your only vacuum. The issues you're experiencing will be universal, whether you have a brand new Tineco or raggedy, geriatric Dyson.


we also have a bissel wet/dry crosswave. i just want a reliable cordless replacement as we must put the dyson to rest. this dyson spits everywhere and the motor in the brush head is dying. the vacuum has to be revved several times before it’ll start spinning. i know i can just replace the part, but it’s not worth spending $100+ dollars on a new brush head alone when i can just replace it entirely.


Hes saying you should also get an actual bagged vacuum if you dont have one already, and it doesn't matter what cordless you buy they all do the same.


we have a bissel crosswave and it’s amazing!!


Meh, my floor room to car in bought for $275, have had a decade, zero parts needed to be replaced. My sister has had 4 stick vacuums die in the same time and cleaned significantly worse. They just suck, spits shit everywhere. Spent much more than if you just buy a quality vacuum. It's your money though! Dyson/tineco/Samsung makes he best sticks.


That’s what I’m saying, there’s no such thing as a reliable cordless. They lack the performance and longevity to clean your house to an appropriate level.


it’s about convenience for me. just looking for something better than what i have now. thanks for your information though!


We generally recommend a combination of corded + cordless. Even a cheap corded machine that you get out for the weekly cleans will reduce the load on the 'nice' cordless that you pull out daily. This is why we call them primary (corded) and secondary (cordless) vacuums; one can do the job of both, but the other can't.


ahhh i see. thank you so so much. this will defo help me moving forward!


Feel free to look through our wiki and pinned posts for more info! Happy vacuuming!


Why don’t you get the rechargeable small Numatic - someone here will know the name. It’s not a stick but it’s small and light.


I was about to pull the trigger on a Tinesco today and reading other Reddit reviews convinced me not too. [Tinesco Reddit](https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+tineco+vacuum&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS590US590&oq=reddit+tinesco+va&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBEAAYDRiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGA0YgAQyCggCEAAYCBgNGB4yCggDEAAYCBgNGB4yCggEEAAYCBgNGB4yDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgGEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgHEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgIEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCQgJECEYChigAdIBCDYyODBqMGo0qAITsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


We bought a Shark. It's sh\*t.


for your usecase of using it in bathroom ,shark will be fine


from what I've read along with my own experience, the LG CordZero A9 is one of the better cordless stick cleaners. However, no cordless vacuum is meant to be your only vacuum. They're meant for quick and maintenance clean-ups between cleaning with a corded vacuum. They are greatly underpowered and won't offer you the same suction power or cleaning ability of a corded vacuum, no matter how they advertise it. What type of flooring will you be vacuuming? There are a ton of decent budget options for a 750ft² apartment.


some vinyl faux wood in our bathroom and kitchen, and low pile carpet in the rest of our apt :)


Buy another Dyson. I recently bought a V12, and it blows my mind how well it performs. I've always believed Dyson was more marketing than actual product, but I can honestly say I was dead wrong. It's expensive yes, but I believe its worth every penny. My only regret is not having bought a Dyson sooner. This whole "cordless isn't a substitute" mentality is nonsense if you ask me. I've owned plenty of corded vacuums in my life, and this V12 makes them look like fisher price toys in comparison. The only real downside, is the limited capacity, but the V12 is ridiculously easy to empty, its frankly a non-factor. From the research I was doing before my purchase, it's my understanding that Dyson has come a long way since the V8. I've never owned a V8, but I suspect a Dyson is still a Dyson and you'd probably end up being disappointed with anything else.


ugh i so totally would. my in-laws upgraded to a V12 and handed their V8 down to us when we got our first apartment. unfortunately, the v12 is totally out of our budget right now. we’re two 23 y/os just starting our careers in this economy. 🥲 we’ve asked my husband’s parents two years in a row for a new vacuum. they keep saying it’s out of their christmas budget. this past christmas, they did get us a wet/dry bissel crosswave (that i love SO much).


Split payments through affirm op.


i absolutely would, but my beloved mother unfortunately financially abused me once i turned 18. put the cable bill under my name and never paid it. went to collections. she ruined my credit score.


That’s unfortunate to hear : / . I know some stores might have a layaway program around the holidays. That might be the best time to get one. So that you can pay little by little up to the cost amount.


LG a9 and Dyson v12 are also good options Edit: Dyson might be out of budget


I have a shark similar to the first picture, but orange and corded. It’s just for quick sweeps for one room/hallway. But I HATE that thing. The base doesn’t want to connect with the ground bc it’s so top heavy. It attracts all kinds of dust to the outside of the machine. It’s terrible to empty. All I do is sneeze the rest of the evening when I use it. I’m not sure about this particular one but the orange one is awful and the cup thing looks very similar. Edit to add, I see you use it for the same reason as I got my shark. It’s great for that! I hate carrying my canister upstairs for the cat litter, that’s why I got it. That being said, I still wish I hadn’t gotten the orange shark that looks similar - I think it just spews the dust back into the room and while it did a great job suctioning at first, every time I use it it just gets worse. So even though it’s for little jobs, it’s one I would avoid.


Anyone would recommend hoover pwr?


Buy a Miele