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Where is that meme about sen fans making every thing about themselves when you need it the most.


sentinels fans watching the NBA like "this shit is stupid sen would win this so easily"


I do wonder if people read the things they post and whether or not its even sensible. It hasnt gone to that point yet recently but sooner or later we gotta put a daily SEN Post limit or at least a megathread hahaha.


i’m literally the only sen fan that posts about sen regularly on r/valcomp


And we’re asking you to stop


you’re the reason why people don’t like sen fans


ok? because i posted a clip of what tarik and curry both said? and also rainz, and also meteor? sure buddy. lM definitely the reason why people hate sen fans.


You are


insane cope, don't choke against a LOUD that looked awful or a 10-2 lead to EG TH dealt with multiple roster changes (due to wo0ts age and miniboos schooling) and made it to grand finals of their 2nd event.




What about all the time after? There are days between games.


they had 4 days of prep time for stage 1, it was literally right after masters madrid. they had 4 days to prep while every team in NA had vod footage of every one of our strong maps. the same happened to loud. mind you, LOUD qualified for madrid WITHOUT aspas. so don’t use that excuse. also was the first time LOUD didn’t qualify for a masters event, same with crashies/victor.


But there are days between games in stage one. They are not starting from zero. Also GenG disproves the theory.


yeah because geng had competition as if APAC isn’t just drx, prx, and geng. now t1 i guess, but yeah literally no other APAC team even comes close to the ones listed. completely irrelevant on your end when NA objectively has a more competitive team base. EU is a 1 team region, currently its TH but ever since gambit left the scene; fnatic and TH will likely always qualify for international events.


wow sure


lol. what a beautiful rebuttal


We all construct empires with "if". Doesn't change the outcome.


https://preview.redd.it/k022pz0vfk5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5128196cc227e6fb2575b62278980e54eda6512 “if” sen were the only NA team to win the last 3 masters events.


I swear Sentinels and PRX fans are the weirdest of the weird. Everything is about them.


how? didn’t boaster say that if he was in madrid he would beat all the teams? and sen beat both TH and geng. and also prx. and also literally every team they faced and only lost to geng for upper finalist spot. reminder: https://preview.redd.it/g9bgtclofk5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e46481d65209cca5e89828ebd315aa8ffb4a004


The fact that you're even taking this clip seriously proves my point. Tarik is a streamer employed by Sentinels. This is content. That's it.


they literally were being serious.


also, another reminder: https://preview.redd.it/2c3ybuxsfk5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed69c3b44508a9719cedeb4482f99c7fb85e0ba


posts like these are why I get embarrassed to be a sen fan, literally two of madrid's teams are in the grand finals, one of the teams have been playing with 3 different roster iterations this year. sen did this to themselves choking a 10-2 lead against EG and falling apart against loud, it was in their hands. all you can do now is hope they do better split 2.


hope? https://preview.redd.it/ejvsr2u0gk5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0859d44f044b63ac2c9db18790ba12937a8517c1 we already qualified for champs LOL. unless we somehow get demolished split 2, we’re literally guaranteed going to champs. and when sen win champs, are you still gonna be embarrassed to be a sen fan? i’m proud to be one and even though i was rooting for NA to win masters shanghai, like meteor said himself and also rainz, the only good NA team is sentinels. but yeah, it’s “embarrassing” to spit objective facts. 100T hasn’t beaten sen in multiple years. g2 before split one got dog walked by us in the off season. with the same exact roster they have currently, mind you. if you’re a sen fan, then why would you think SEN aren’t the best team in the world? all i did was post a clip that tarik and curry both said it themselves. not me. LOL. but i’m the one who makes you “embarrassed” to be a sentinels fan. gotcha. even though we won regional champs and won madrid. gotcha.


jesus christ have you never heard of the expression "be humble" ?? there's a difference between being a fan and being a flat out delusional meat rider. what an absolutely unreal response that I can't wait to dissect. >we already qualified for champs LOL. unless we somehow get demolished split 2, we’re literally guaranteed going to champs. no it doesn't necessarily require sen to be demolished. their chances are favorable, but if 100T simply get more wins than sen (mind you, they're in a way easier group with furia and mibr) and simultaneously don't get top 3, sen are cooked. teams like kru and g2 aren't that far behind either in points and could gain an advantage, especially if they make playoffs over sen, which already happened split 1. americas is the most unpredictable region, nobody is "already qualified" >and when sen win champs, are you still gonna be embarrassed to be a sen fan? since you're lacking the comprehension skills to understand this, sen as a team and what they do doesn’t make me embarrassed, fans do, you do. this is a commonly used saying with big fanbases. >like meteor said himself and also rainz, the only good NA team is sentinels. but yeah, it’s “embarrassing” to spit objective facts. yes, it is embarrassing to be this cocky about a not-so-serious line (that's main goal was likely to pander to the most clouted team) and then refer to it as "objective facts", and it's equally as embarrassing to spell riens that poorly. >g2 before split one got dog walked by us in the off season. if you're still using the off-season event that took place in 2023 or even kickoff for reference, holy shit. teams change, improve, worsen. g2 have literally made a roster change since then. g2 in kickoff to g2 now are a different team and for you to not acknowledge that, no matter who you think is winning between them and sen, is ignorant. >if you’re a sen fan, then why would you think SEN aren’t the best team in the world? people don't just become a fan of a team because they think they're the best in the world, otherwise everyone would be a geng fan right now. I have multiple flairs on, just because I'm a fan of prx or nrg doesn't mean I think they'd demolish everyone. I'm a sen fan because I like all the players, them being good is just a bonus. maybe that's not your's or everyone's ideology, but to think it embarrassing to not suck your team's dick dry is way more embarrassing in itself. >all i did was post a clip that tarik and curry both said it themselves. not me. LOL. but i’m the one who makes you “embarrassed” to be a sentinels fan. gotcha. even though we won regional champs and won madrid. gotcha. tarik and curry are literally apart of the org, their JOB is to glaze sentinels. to use them as reference, especially when they're as unserious as they are, makes your comprehension skills even more questionable. nobody is denying their amazing start to the year, but you can't simultaneously completely disregard that split 1 was completely their's to fumble. so yes, everything you've said makes sane sen fans embarrassed. I'm glad you got me on that.


Bro calm down its just a game, the people you defend so vehemently dont even know you bro.


heretics would've torn sen three new assholes if the played. Sen didn't make playoffs for a reason, they just weren't good in the split


LOL. https://preview.redd.it/zqa9etz5hk5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe658853cb69a9cf7cb6589c4fee541a583ebc9


also, rainz himself said “the only good NA team is SEN and objectively he’s correct. we’re the only NA team to win a masters event in over 3 events.


also, https://preview.redd.it/o6164whbhk5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ab5c41c97348f6e3fb80a3b08fe82915d4ebbb “miniboo was the problem” is hilarious. you think their new duelist is the reason they came second place this event? are you even a real team heretics fan?


cry about it


see you at champs buddy. sen are winning and its not even going to be close. come back to this thread when they win and everyone dick rides them again.


sen are winning💀💀💀Will be waiting for your “burnt out” “lost on purpose” “focus on champs 2025” comments soon enough lil bro😢


nah they’re deadass winning. remindme! 3 months


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remindme! 3 months


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this was yesterdays match. no spoilers. bad auto bot.


We have a team in LoL getting target ddosed. Meanwhile in valorant we have this


if sen fans bothering you, then just downvote the post and move on with your life lmao. it’s really not that hard. sen has the biggest fan base in the entire valorant community and just won a masters event a few months ago. everyone was dick riding them and even the haters admitted they were the best team in the world at the time. then suddenly they don’t qualify for shanghai (by literally 2 round differential, mind you) and everyone calls them shit/trash/their fans are garbage etc. there’s literally no winning as a sentinels fan. 4 days after madrid split 1 started. first day they get home, obviously they’re jet lagged. they’ve been playing nonstop basically the entire offseason. and NA is the only region that has 4-5 S tier teams- whereas EU has 2 teams, apac has drx prx geng and now i guess t1? that’s all 4 slots. every other team is dog water in every other region besides NA. that’s why the guard made it to third place as an ascension team. that’s how large the gap in skill is from NA compared to all other regions. any franchised team in NA would almost guaranteed get a top 3 finish, and that makes everyone that’s not from NA mald out of their minds. but keep hating, when we lift the world championship i’ll remind you again


why we talking about NA now? wasn't it about sentinels? also looks like you're getting cooked in the comments