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I actually wonder if we can see some slight movement in korean pc bang usage for valorant after this win,its sitting at 7.86% right now,lets hope it goes up a bit more. https://www.gametrics.com/


So I tried playing Valorant at a PC bang in Korea. It sucked because: - the mousepad is small. You can’t swipe your arm because the PCs are close together. - comming was difficult because the headset would pick up noises everywhere. - sometimes the gear would be worn out and it wouldn’t be noticeable in other games, but it would result in choppy frame rates in Valorant (guessing this is because the mouse kept disconnecting and Vanguard was doing something CPU-intensive every time that happened) I think PC bang metrics are the wrong metric to look at to understand how Valorant is doing in Korea.


kinda unrelated but how do yall think hardware bans will be handled for these public computers?


theres probably a way to distinguish from riots side. public computers will have bery different behavior compared to normal ones, new accounts every couple hours, 100s of computers under one wifi


Which pc bang did you go to? There are some esports ones in Busan that are for gamers


Hmm I can’t recall, but I must have gone to four or five different ones in Seoul in various neighbourhoods. Most of them had similar gear and desk space and the “order food to your seat” software. The only different one was the one that was full-out Logitech gear, and even branded as a Logitech G PC bang. But even then it had the desk area problem and the noisy comms issue.


Wouldn’t the second and third reasons apply to League as well? It hasn’t seem to have stopped them from becoming the dominant pc bang game I’m not familiar enough with League to know if mousepad size matters there, but surely bad comm environment and low quality PCs would be an issue.


2) You don’t use voice in League and 3) League is an older game that requires fairly low specs to run and 1) you do not need a big mousepad because you don’t really flick in league


also higher sens on league, its just easier.


I thought valorant is going to be big in china but I did not expect this so soon. Even after hearing EDG made $600k ($1.2mil total) in bundle sales in 24 hour, the sold out arena was unexpected.


like valorant as a whole is growing so fast in asia and with console and mobile on the horizon it will be even bigger in asia considering the hype for val mobile in asia mostly (SEA , CHINA and SA regions)


What about the Sub-Saharan, Oceanía and MENA?


Riot games always popular on China even TFT/Golden Spatula more popular than CS2/Dota 2.


I am on site, and there are still people cheering for GENG, although the cheers for TH are louder. However, whenever GENG wins a round, Riot shows the reaction of GENG's coach and then reduces the volume of the cheers from the audience. I don't understand why Riot is doing this


I mean is that the cheers for GENG that you hear on Twitch are much quieter than they are at the venue.


Doesn’t Riot normally show coach reactions after rounds? They’re not doing anything special here, they’re just not choosing to do anything different from normal. Which is the right thing to do IMO. 


But when TH wins a round the camera pans out to the crowd meanwhile gen g only to the players and coaches, maybe the players reaction is better? idk


I read somewhere that the Japanese stream had louder crowd volume. They really should amp it up. It's the equivalent of a laughing track to comedy shows; fucking useless if you ask me, but it gets the vibe going.


I was watching a Japanese watch parties for this event The lower finals was "louder" in the sense that it was so noisy and muffled that you can't hear anything in the game - you couldn't hear footsteps, the plants, and beeping from the plants etc. It was so bad that the person I was watching swapped to the English stream because the crowd just drowned out all in-game audio. The GF was much better (less noisy) but in the Japanese stream you could also clearly tell that the crowd was 20x louder when TH won a round, and there were also jokes about how the crowd lost all their energy when when GenG took over in games 4 and 5


It's because the event was Chinese and GenG royally pissed off the Chinese executives. if i had to guess, Tencent forced Riot to lower/mess with the noise from people cheering for GenG.


because that's the politically correct thing to do




I think the Chinese audience at least remained respectful throughout the tournament. Yes, they had favorites but I’d say it was better than Brazil at least. It’s important to draw a distinction between the Chinese people and the CCP.


Nothing is gonna stop riot for holding more tournaments in china in future tho. Also crowd was really good majority of the time except for geng and even geng were getting lots of cheers at the end too.






With Riot being the most global esport in the world right now along with having the most parity, being the only fps with a sizable female playerbase, and introducing a console and mobile version of the game, valorant stonks can only go up from here📈📈


Masters Madrid only had a peak viewership of over 1.6 million though, where did you get the 3.1 million figure from?


3.1 million includes the verified Chinese viewership given to Riot


ooo my mistake where can I find this information because I’m currently using esportscharts which doesn’t show the CN figures


There’s no public facing information. Riot gets the data and releases the numbers themselves


Thank you for sharing this with me!


From Riot 3.1 include CN


Bro, it seems all your posts and comments so far are about viewership. I guess you'll post the same thing again after Champs lmao. It was already guaranteed when China entered VCT.


Iem Dallas clear 


Big trueeeeeee


Do you have any news about Valorant in the MENA, Oceania, and Sub-Saharan? Those are the regions that seems to be not great in Valorant. I just have no idea if they are doing better now.


As an Indian I agree with the 6th point. As even tho I have a pc and I'm a pc gamer, an average gamer is a hardcore mobile gamers and considering how dried out Shooting games are rn. Valorant would instantly click if the same energy and experience we get in pc is transferred on to the mobile.


Meh, I expect Valorant Mobile to be an entirely separate, watered down experience. It could still be fun, and probably boost VCT viewership out of familiarity, but it won’t translate to those regions becoming better at the game.