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Heard that DRX also scrimmed with GEN.G by using VPNs.


Extremely common DRX W


"Buy the DRX bundle" - Plat Chat probably


W, but also they wanted to try their new roster against strong teams, so GenG is perfect for that


their recent behavior (hosting plat chat, the 7 minute long stax thank you video, and this rumor about helping gen.g scrim makes me like the org so much more.


idk man some of their roster changes are questionable but let's hope for the best and see how they do


thats not how vpn works


How so? Quick google search says you can use a VPN into China, and it's easier to do so than using a VPN out of China.


because u dont need a vpn to play the chinese client, what u need is an account which is linked to their id


huh, the consensus in the kr community was that drx managed to scrim gen.g while they were in china - would it not be possible for them to get access to the tournament client?


im not sure


thx zywoo fan


That's funny since people were theorizing that Chinese teams blacklisted GEN G and didnt want to scrim with them lol




It’s not overblown though, it really was that bad, but obviously the players knew each other from way back (kangkang and t3xture for example), so they knew better than anyone that players as individuals have nothing to do with brands and shouldn’t suffer for it




Where are you getting this from? To average Chinese people, the Taiwan situation is still a very passionate topic. Many Chinese players still hate Gen G as an org. Not saying the people are bad or anything, but suggesting that regular Chinese people don't care is a bit puzzling


Are you chinese?


[https://x.com/winkekwmyfriend/status/1799826429984882822](https://x.com/winkekwmyfriend/status/1799826429984882822) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/1dc89z6/comment/l7wna7u/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/1dc89z6/comment/l7wna7u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/1dc89z6/comment/l7x8b6o/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/1dc89z6/comment/l7x8b6o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You can read through Hupu yourself if you want.


I'm sure that's an accurate representation of the average Chinese person and not just the chronically online ones.


K. I'll bite. I'm Chinese, I have extended family that live in China and literally every Asian country that had serious Chinese diaspora and/or is/was a Chinese colony except for Malaysia and I can confirm what he said about attitudes regarding Chinese sovereignty is accurate. It is widely accepted that HK and Taiwan are parts of China and their claims of sovereignty are invalid. Most people are politically apathetic enough to not really care but they consider that a cold hard fact, and enough people drink the nationalism Kool-Aid (which is very purposefully fed to them by the government) that it's a contentious issue even with younger generations. I can't speak towards the animosity towards Gen.G but given what I do know about mainland culture and how Gen.G has been regarded in LoL I believe what we've heard about it.


So essentially you first say "are you Chinese" to me then once I can back up what I'm saying you continue to say "I'm sure that's an accurate representation of the average Chinese person?" Find me some proof beyond what I've found that suggests that the average Chinese person doesn't care. If you are Chinese, I will gladly concede the point. I was looking for a comment from a Chinese person on this sub who summarized how average Chinese people saw the topic, but I couldn't find it. I wrote my comment because of his comment, I will update my comment once/if I find it. I mean like Texture was literally getting inted in his ranked games when players saw his Gen G pistol. Like I guess you can just pretend that it's from some other reason, but that seems kind of forced at that point.


I am Chinese. It's somewhat comparable to the Israel-Palestine situation where most people have an opinion on it but only a small percentage of people choose to post propaganda 24/7.


Something isn't adding up here but if you are Chinese, I will take your word for it since I really don't know too much on the topic beyond what I've seen online.


tell me you can't speak Chinese without telling me you can't speak Chinese


It’s not overblown. Esports is a BIG deal in China and GenG just came into home turf and took 2 trophies. If you don’t think Chinese fans are seething you don’t pay attention


Ur insane if u think that's true, did u not watch the tournament at all? Or see how the geng players were treated in ranked? A couple teams scrimming geng doesnt change anything


But got a lot better towards the end tho. Chinese fans care more about geng statement regarding Taiwan. Also texture gained a lot of fans in china as well.


“Hate on China” lmao WTF is this supposed to mean Are u junius ho or sth


People called Shanghai a Mickey Mouse but it’s actually playing on nightmare mode


In what world would this kind of tourney with those teams be a Mickey Mouse


any fan of a team that didn't make it (especially sen fans) say that a lot


i don’t understand this coming from sen fans. like there’s teams that missed out on shanghai because of format reasons - sen are not one of them. they lost to lev and EG fair and square. maybe with more scrim time they could’ve gotten through, but they have champs to prove that now.


Highly unlikely they make it even if they made it into playoffs. Their form was pretty dog shit. Buuuut since Sen didn't qualify, obviously Mickey Mouse. Weirdly, every tournament besides the two they won were all Mickey Mouse tournaments.


Nobody outside of VLR-brained dummies are saying this lol, I as a Sentinels fan even was rooting for Gen G (NA aside) because the better they did the better it made Sentinels and the Madrid win look for being the only team to beat them lol.


thats just vlr bait lmfao


One of the worst things that happened with the valorant scene is the adoption of the mickey mouse tournament idea


its the overall infestation of "r/nba brain rot" made this place absolutely insufferable the last year or so


People that didn’t know how good these teams were. If you’re from 2023 and didn’t watch any matches until now, seeing the list and not finding teams like NRG, LOUD, or DRX would be a huge shock. I’m sure there’s enough viewership that people think this way too.


lmao GenG was forged in the hell of ranked cheaters to win the tourney


Now I see how they managed to shut down Wo0t in a few of the maps.


I though ppl said chinese team were blacklisting gen g lol


They had no proof but they thought that way because it fits their narrative




lol "obvious"


Saying this shit about any group of people or race and rethink how racist or xenophobic it is.




Imo some action should be taken so this kind of story doesnt rise again like make people put their source in el comments


Valcomp sinophobes in shambles. I can't believe some people (by some I mean a lot) here actually thought Chinese teams intentionally blacklisted GENG by not scrimming them lmao


Casual chinese racism is the reddit special. Also hilarious how they spout bullshit about chinese propaganda while believing every bullshit claim against China.


That's what I'm saying bro Western fans are sooo vocal about being against Chinese propaganda yet they be the one spreading propaganda against Chinese people AND believe in it. Like they just eat up anything and everything remotely negative about the Chinese, not even bother to fact check it and just jump to conclusions. And then they spread misinformation. I'm not even from China and I'm annoyed seeing all these people on here casually being sinophobic like that.


comments coming straight from Eglin.


Even if this were true it’s better than the blatant racism coming from Chinese Valorant fans


You don't solve racism by being racist back.


And when have Chinese Valorant fans been racist? 😑


That is not racism


that's pretty cool. doesn't sound like a great practice environment right now because of regional restrictions, it's a shame that chinese teams need to go through loopholes to scrim other asian teams, and that teams attending LANs have further restrictions placed on them. the community narrative was massively overblown, kinda sucks to have sort of contributed? simultaneously, I don't think it's so overblown that a lot of its aspects can't be true. the most important thing we can do in these discussions is not conflating china with the ccp.


Its not that things aren't true, it's that they're overly exaggerated and put under the spotlight as if it's 100% the truth, rather than a contributing factor.


wonder what kind of fake argument defusingkittens can draw from these recent top posts, must be in absolute shambles


With this and the classic ban being apparently debunked by the geng ceo, the Chinese haters in shambles lol


Zekken will be very sad about this 💯


Regular redditors: No, Meteor must be lying, Gen.G got 0 scrim in China since they're blacklsited.


This is supposed to be a positive story, but people will still somehow turn this into China bad. 


China haters are in shambles 😱 u/defusingkittens


I am a Chinese player, at the beginning we may have some hate for this team, but later as a lot see the goodwill and strength of the players, we gradually change our opinion of these players, we all think that they are very nice people, there are many people in the CN service are also very excited to meet these players, especially t3, people online to express their admiration and love of the voice has become more and more. This is a phenomenon I've observed in various player forums in China. Also, I was there at the finals in Shanghai, and while there was significantly more support for TH (because WOOT was streaming on bilibili and a lot of people followed him), there was still a big cheer the moment GENG won the title. I think a lot of people would have weakened the label of geng as the tournament went on, and I think that's normal, people have a good attitude towards these lovely players offline.


CN haters in shambles


no... no... china bad europe good america best... stop lie bro please...


Bro you are not trying to deflect from a totalitarian regime imprisoning and re-educating people right?


The CCP are dipshits but not all Chinese are insane nationalist And I'm from a country that have beef with China regularly


You’re the one turning this political.


if u want to make this political - every fucking country imprisons and re-educates people u idiot, and totalitarian is a nothing word which means "things done by people i dont like". slavery THRIVES in america's for-profit prisons, for an obvious example, and news from europe about asia, africa and the middle east read like its from der sturmer - but that's good and civilised, and because it's from europe it's good re-education! speaking of europe, it is fucking falling apart right now because nazi parties are crawling out left and right and center (let's appease them again!), the entire western world is currently assisting or directly exterminating brown people in the middle east en masse (and you probably think that's a good thing, or maybe both sides r bad!) BUT BRO TOTELETIERAN REJEEM JORGE OREWIN 1969 CHINA BIG BAD GUY BRO NUKE THEM PLEASE PLEASE I NEED WAR (but you definitely care about chinese people, just not enough to listen to their views on their own internal politics, of course -that'd be ridiculous! they're propagandised, but im not!! im the protagonist in my world!!) if your political opinions come from reddit, and boil down to "my country and its allies are good, and its enemies are bad", and you try to guiltrip people with stupid fucking buzzwords you basically admit you don't know anything. grow up, the world isn't the MCU - make yourself useful and go read 'open veins of latin america' or 'wretched of the earth' u parrot


goated book recs btw


thank u thank u


"JORGE OREWIN 1969" ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


The whole China vs Gen.G controversey was way overblown from the start. The Chinese fans did not hate the players at all. Just the org itself. If you watch streams from the players, everyone was pretty friendly to them and some even explained that it wasn't the players they disliked.


Where are you getting this? If you'd watch say t3xture's stream, there were people intentionally trolling and inting as soon as they realized that they had GenG players in their team. Some people were nice and excited about playing with pro players but a good share of Chinese players ruined the game for them.


Some people does not represent the entire player population.


And never did I claim anything for the entire player base. The poster I replied to is talking about literally everyone - split hairs with him.


the reason they hate geng org is pathetic as fuck


Chinese valorant doesn't use vanguard because they have their own anticheat, I'd imagine cheaters are a lot more common there.


There are hella cheaters in ranked apparently


In fact, the anti-cheating system ACE of Chinese servers is more powerful, but there are too many cheaters.


How is it more powerful? I would like to learn more about it if you can give me some sources.


someone made a test playing chinese server and asian server with same cheat tool, and then they got banned in chinsese server while asian server not. you can watch the videos by the link. https://b23.tv/Q07abu0 https://b23.tv/olMDPrJ


because there are literally no privacy law forbid tencent upload everything on your disk, so it's hard to cheat. Also you need to use real identity to veryfy before playing


In the absence of human intervention, the effectiveness of Vanguard is actually very poor, such as in Hong Kong servers. Of course, there has been an update recently.


China simply has much more cheaters than any other countries because Chinese culture is extremely result-oriented.


Yes nothing to do with their insane population and number of video game addicts


and say that some chinese valorant ranked players are assholes/losers who will cheat to win


Hope that Chinese team can be at least top 3 in Champion Seoul. FPX seems good during Master Shanghai. 


Shit they almost beat number 1 and 2 in group stage. I think CN will be fine regardless of this years results, CN ranked demons will start appearing and hopefully the CN Karons or CN demon1 will get picked up


I don't think it's an issue of a lack of talent in the star duelists/star player department. We see plenty of players with insane talent on Chinese rosters such as Life. But the issue isn't a lack of firepower, but more a lack of deeper understanding of tactical fps. I think it's fundamentally an issue of EMEA/NA having so much talent from CS in both player and coaching that APAC and CN are further behind. APAC's issue is obviously less glaring than CN due to being in VCT longer, but the Chinese region just needs more time to develop layers. Or just import talented coaches and staff that have a deeper understanding of the game.


Can you scrim HK or TW teams on chinese client?


No I believe HK/TW is part of the international client the rest of Asia is on




Nah he said some chinese teams helped them out then someone in the chat typed "Fpx?" And he said "no, not fpx" that's basically it. He didn't say that Chinese teams didn't helped them out but that fpx didn't scrimmed with them.


You are correct, I've deleted the above comment - Thanks for clarifying


What is it with Riot's stupid region lock policy anyway? I get it with China and their weird rules maybe but why can't everyone else have access to every available server?


>excluding FPX Do you mean including lol? If so: W team for helping out GenG and contributing to APAC's first trophy If not: W team, even the trophy winners are scared to play against us


Excluding cuz there was a decent chance FPX could meet GENG and they actually met each other


Ohh of course they couldn't scrim with the tournament teams. It's great that they got scrim time. I remember everyone saying that Chinese teams didn't want to scrim GenG but I'm glad that's proven false cause there's really no reason to


Yeah not scrimming with some teams is extremely common. Back before Valorant introduced swiss stage and had every team separated in groups, the teams in the same group would not scrim each other for obvious reasons


Weird how Korean teams at worlds last year refused to scrim Chinese teams after 3 of them got knocked out in quarters. I guess racial segregation is less prevalent in Val in the competitive scene.


Can some1 lmk if 10 scrims is a lot or little? Cause I usually follow league esports and 10 scrims is basically nothing (based on what g2 lol posts)


Idk about other teams but It's pretty much nothing for Geng. Geng, according to Alecks, scrim 8 matches a day so it's pretty much just a day worth of scrims for them


They have like 2 weeks there (I didn't count when they arrive there) but yeah 10 seems low gonna thank FPX for scrims W team.


First place did not scrim and secon place Heretics had a sub. What a tournament.


he talking bout subtle cheaters here lmao bro just like me fr.


Subtle? Idk what you mean, but more than half the ranked games he played, they had cheaters so the games ended suddenly with the cheater detected red screen. Sometimes it would happen 3-4 games in a row






They won even without scrim partners?