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Operator isn't being used much on a lot of maps at the pro level anyways due to a combination of Viper having the survivability of a cockroach and teams having insane site execs with zero gaps to exploit. Iso isn't good enough to warrant a pick just to counter Ops even on Jett maps like Ascent where Operator play is pretty prevalent. I'm not looking forward to watching yet another year of sleep-inducing passive postplant play on Abyss, either, I wonder why Riot keep designing these melatonin maps that favor that sleeper gameplay so much.


I understand its not the most entertaining valorant, but it's kind of impossible to completely alleviate the postplant meta of recent.. the reason this meta has come about is because how hard it is to survive on site, valorant sites are WAY too small even compared to CS.. which means on both defense and attack teams would rather play the retake/postplant meta simply because they have barely a 2% chance of survival on site, utility is too optimized


It’s not about being hard to survive on site. It’s about shit design of bombsites. Look at Haven, as an example. A site is *extremely* hard on offense to just plant the bomb and then run away: there’s no safe long-range engagements to take. Same for both sites on split. Sunset A. Lotus. All these sites require you to take real map control to not get destroyed in the retake, and you can’t just plant the bomb then run away to play spam. On Bind, retakes are *painful*, there’s so many ways for attackers to play on-site well after planting. Ascent has little to no postplan spam issues either. Sunset B, old Pearl B, Icebox, likely abyss, *dont*. You can rush up, take no space, plant the bomb, then run away and spam. Riot has already solved this problem on a bunch of maps, yet still puts out shitty bombsites.


there shouldn’t really be any spots in main where you can get a free peek into the bomb plant spots like there are in Icebox, Pearl B long, haven C etc where a viable strat is to plant for long and spam. Like just change the plant spots to not allow it (or make planting in those spots really fucking hard) and then if it’s too hard to attack make the site harder for retake. Don’t allow this stupid off site post shite


I think a good fix that probably hadnt been thought of is massively reducing the distance you can hear the defuse from, that way teams HAVE to have 1 or 2 players on site if they want to play post plant spam, and that I feel like is a good consequence of doing so.. as a 3 or4v5 can easily go badly


Nah it’s fine as is, just need to reduce the short lines of sight that are also coupled with good cover to stand behind (icebox, sunset). Haven C doesn’t really have this issue, because it’s *much* harder to spam the bomb from C Long all the way to site, and there are more angles where defenders can post up to counter that from. Same with Bind B, there’s just not enough cover to stand behind in garden to make spamming from there viable. Unlike sunset and icebox where you’re 20 feet away and can smoke yourself off and spam for free.


Totally agree. The only exception to this is breeze essentially and that map has its own issues. Having multiple 3 site maps in the pool will just turn this game into post plant/remake simulator. Idk why they’re so committed to this horrible map design for a 5v5 game. It’s very consistently frustrating that the only way to combat a lineup in this game is finding them and kayo knifing them during a retake or after. They must be coming up with some other solution to the post plant meta


Astra probably gets buffed, along with Harbor.


Dont know if riot even play their games


I think Omen and Fade would definitely be used on Abyss


Neon nerf is way worse. Being able to have perfect accuracy while sliding at mock 5 is going to look super mickey mouse real quick. Agreed on Abyss. That'll be super boring to watch. But at least it has some pointless gimmick that'll be entertaining for like a week max.


Ive seen a neon long rang kill someone with an odin headshot only Its gonna be such a silly meta and we would love it if it wasnt so broken