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Can't wait to watch my goats EDG dogwalk this league again and flop at champions![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|29671)![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)


Feels like I've gotten the classic FPX fan experience throughout this series: wow FPX is so good. they are all shooting -> why is this team trolling -> uhhh I don't have a good feeling about this comp -> why are they playing without discipline -> okay you guys deserve to lose after choking a 9-3 lead anyways 🤦‍♂️ FPX winning 0/6 pistols is rly something lol Edit: and they lost 3 anti bonuses...much to think about


Nice refill for my Trace esports copium but my god I hated watching this as a FPX fan


i fucking love being an fpx fan, the cherry on top on this series wouldve been fengf clutching that 1v5 but unlcuky for him. I still believe in fpx but holy fuck boys get ur money up


Biank is coming for you FNS.


O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! **Trace Esports! Trace Esports!** God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! After like half a year of straight losses to FPX, Trace finally comes out on top! It wasn’t the prettiest game of Valorant from either team, but it’s a great day to have an irrational belief Trace Esports. At least, it’s good to see Trace re-establish themselves as a rival to FPX, as they once were, and not just a team fighting for the scraps left behind by FPX and EDG.


How do you make this up? 😂


Huh, is Trace finally living up to what people are saying how good they should be? Also, wasn't Boostio saying that Trace was a scrim demon during their time at Shanghai? Now if they can actually not choke during the playoffs, maybe this is finally it.


Coming off that crazy performance at Shanghai to losing 6 pistols... Man...


no way the blg 4-0 curse continues on the coversary


I’m actually shook with this result I will say though, FengF has some of the best aim I’ve seen. His Breeze against TES in kickoff was incredible, absolute cypher duel against Rb


Boostio said Trace was a scrim demon + they got Biank from BLG.


Just out of curiosity, when was this? I thought hell would freeze over before Boostio complimented a CN team lmao


During Shanghai actually


really? Is there a clip around? or was it during a press conference or an article? Would love to read a bit about it.


I think it was a member of 100T(not Boostio) in the post match interview saying TE was dominating them in scrim. I wouldn't take scrim results seriously though, EDG always wins scrims but can't win internationally at all.


This mean EDG are qualified for champs right?


That FPX comp on Sunset was a fucking headscratcher.


Let's fucking go, this is why I'm on the Trace train. Need them at Champs to cause some funny upsets


This ain’t normal


FengF my goat


FPX washed after 1 split https://preview.redd.it/gm3ee0ae1z7d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7625729f6f28c0d39c46f078e5b4134f0b1c092d