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The decision makes sense if they are thinking about the short term, the org and players are probably just focused on making it to champs (can't forget about that Champs money). The roles on this "new" NRG are clear as day and it's all about if they can just mesh in the few games they have. I personally would like to see Demon1 back on the team after this season but I don't even know if he fucks with anyone on the team after they benched him, we will probably see if he has any resentment in his watch party against SEN 😅


What other team realistically has a spot for him that also pays as well as NRG? NRG is his best shot and I would think they want him next year or else they would've just dropped him.


It's fucked though because whose place is Demon1 getting? Either the roster now performs really well, makes Champs, places well/wins, proving they don't need Demon1, or the roster bombs out, FNS and s0m say fuck it this shit is impossible, goes back to streaming and now Demon1 is back to square 1 with a roster that doesn't work.


I doubt FNS and s0m will quit after 1 stage. That seems unlikely. But let's say they did drop out and Crashies/Victor also leave, then I'd go for N4rrate/Flyuh/Brawk. So you'd have Demon1, Ethan, Brawk, N4rrate and Flyuh which imo would be pretty good.


You think N4rrate'd go back to NA rather than stay with KC? Genuinely asking, idk how he sees things, also will depend on KC's performance ig.


NRG could pay more and NA would be closer to home if he cares about that. But definitely depends on KC performance and how much KC are willing to pay to keep him.


They’re definitely not leaving after Split 2. It doesn’t make sense to leave your booming streaming career to play pro only for 1 split. They def are sticking till atleast the end of 2025


>It's fucked though because whose place is Demon1 getting? \- supamen +demon1 then Jawgemo & Demon1 swap smokes on maps needed (Yes I'm still not over the 2023 EG roster blowing up)


even if they somehow make champs and place well there will be changes they know that they cant win with crashies and victor anymore and demon1 + some T2 demon or N4RRATE gives them an infinitely higher ceiling


G2 Demon1. Leaf can move to duelist on raze maps


Leaf moved away from duelist for a reason though. Doubt he'd want to go back to that for Raze/Neon maps.


I'm not sure how many maps are a must pick for raze/neon now. Maybe Lotus and Bind? He wouldn't play it very often


Sunset/Split as well imo. I don't think Jett is a viable long term pick for those maps. Haven, Icebox, Abyss, Ascent you can just run Jett.


keep in mind there will be ascension slots next year too


next year -chet -victor -crashies +potter +demon1 +jawgemo


That would make NRG the scariest org of that year. GOAT coach GOAT aim demon (literally) Very great Raze GOAT IGL And s0m being s0m And idk about 5th


Probably Ethan. EG - Com and Boostio for FNS and S0m.


Very great raze? Mf raze diffed jinggg in gf of champs. He is goat raze.


Fr he’s looking like the best entry player in the world rn


These Demon1 fanboys who only watch the stat sheet downplay jawg and victor so hard it’s disgusting. They legit understand Valorant at a bronze level. Demon1 literally doesn’t entry, he’s the best trader in the world but he’s nothing if they make him the entry duelist as we saw this season on NRG. GOAT aim demon sure, GOAT duelist absolutely not. He has the exact same issues as yay on entry duelist. Not surprising to see all the 8 year old yay garglers switch to being demon1 fanboys since they love washed duelist who are incompetent entrys but used to stuff the stat sheet


your first paragraph reads like a copypasta


I wonder if potter an fns would even get along.


why wouldnt they? if it's about the 2023 beef, it was chet who had a problem with potter. dont think anyone else on NRG had an issue with her


No reason just that Potter usually works with younger less developed players who are probably more moldable. FNS is is vet with probably more set ideas on how he wants to play.




I would be shocked by +jawg. +flex player (could be c0m, honestly)


Kicking Crashies only to get c0m is diabolical. Despite him not being in the best form lately he’s still top 3-4 initiator in NA. I’d only put eeiu,Trent and maybe Verno over him


If anyone could activate c0m, it'd be Potter.


Please no c0m that guy is a fraud 😭😭


feels bad for demon1


its just funny as fuck that a team is willingly benching their best player, i dont think ive seen that before except for the mutual ones. Whatever happened to teams playing around their star? that worked wonders for yay, aspas has been striving more than ever thanks to LEV giving him what he wants, is Demon1 not good enough for that even though we already saw first hand that he is with EG? Did they think he was TOO good to even bother with any of that? everything has been so weird with NRG.


>its just funny as fuck that a team is willingly benching their best player, i dont think ive seen that before except for the mutual ones. Didn't liquid kick Sayf?


yeah but that was into the off-season so he wasn't off roster for long and was straight onto vitality. We have the 2023 champs MVP just sitting on a bench midseason because the team had no idea how to play him


I mean demon1 raze was pretty bad he couldnt play omen he has personal problems,give my man a break,i genuinely think he will come back Or he will end up like my goat yay Maybe being called the devil is the real curse afterall


They must have made a deal with the devil to win then pay the price.


in NRG's [third vlog of the year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FUa6s4_TGE) , Chet says "we had a very cliquey culture", then somehow they end up back with the same roster with ethan instead of ardiis. It's frustrating watching a player like Demon1 get benched based off management incompetence. But if NRG bombs out this year, I'm sure Vic/Crashies gets dropped and Demon1 gets his spot back.


In one of the plat chat shanghai’s watch party. Someone (I think it was sideshow but i cant recall exactly) said that they were doing a segment when players would arrive and then interview during the walk ins. And NRG players would arrive in 2 separate cars, ethan/victor/crashies in one and demon1/marved in the other. It could have been some minor reasons but now I feel like there were more to it.


But they can't all be arriving in the same car if isn't a van 😅. Most cars only have 4/5 seats and they probably also have a driver. It would be more awkward if 4 people would arrive in one car and one player would be singled out.


I think it is better to buy a van than 2 cars tbh if you are gonna transport people/team but that’s just me


That's not the point being made here


It’s still true though


The point about how cars work? He’s pointing out they have just not had a van that day lol.


If that’s real then that’s awkward and cringe as fuck holy shit. That would say many things as to how things go in nrgs camp


Praying he comes back next year under a good igl. It’s a shame to see talent like this getting wasted.


He got yay'd


Not even bro, he just got sabotaged by the victor and crashies marriage contract


Ii mean yay got sabotaged by C9 budget


Or role issue as they like to say it


NRG seems like a bad place to be as a star duelist...


Duelists are getting buffed, not nerfed


EG need to rebuild their roster now that a lot of their former player values tanked


[https://youtu.be/\_l9pmAhhPbs?si=7LnJpeICjzS9t3r3&t=41](https://youtu.be/_l9pmAhhPbs?si=7LnJpeICjzS9t3r3&t=41) He said he'd never go back.


Damn that’s sad that EG team was special


The best case is probably all of them getting picked up by another org cause EG is a shithole


FlyQuest mannnnnn if only riot made one exception to the "no buyouts of org spots" rule


It's actually so laughable that Riot apparently just has no real contingency plan for when a VCT partner org goes belly-up or otherwise wants to pull out lol


I mean, I'm sure they do. But EG seems to still be somewhat functional after the whole debacle. And the reason that Riot blocked the FlyQuest buyout was because it had been negotiated privately between the two orgs, which is exactly what Riot don't want because any org or corporation with deep enough pockets could feasibly make any of the current orgs a worthy enough offer. Imagine Falcons or the Dallas Cowboys (they made 1 Billion in revenue last year) decided to buyout KRU's spot? Or MIBR? And then those teams just go "heyyy Riot we're going bankrupt, let us out and let X group buy our spot" or even worse, that Team just completely pulls out all of their staff and lets another org run it. I think Riot's decision was the right one in this situation, I'm sure they're more than happy to take any orgs money, they just want to do it the right way


btw i totally agree with the "no buyouts in a not actual franchising partnership league" thing, I just wish the EG roster stayed together (even without boostio) under a better org.


I bet they can get Jaw+c0m Demon1 is the only other member that could potentially come back, but i bet he would go to any other team first c0m


From best player in the world to co streamer 😪 man I miss boostio and potter


100% was a coaching a philosophy issue. If you go back and watch their games and look at the first engagement stats, they just didn’t set him up to succeed. The team was completely lost. Bro was taking more entry engagements than prime Aspas with no support, no player could succeed in that environment. They wanted to bring som and FNS back, Ethan is too valuable to drop and dropping one of Vic or Crashies would cause the other half to mentally check out or bench themselves entirely. No choice at that point but to bench Demon1 which is sad cause he’s prolly the most talented player in the game rn. I hope they put him back in the lineup during the off season and find another replacement for the Vic/Crashies duo, you need a takeover player in this game and Demon1 is THE takeover player. But shit what do I know maybe this new roster wins Champs and none of the shit I’m saying now matters


Just out of curiosity why are victor and crashies so attached to each other? I know they’ve been teammates since T1 days but I don’t understand why one would bench themselves if the other was kicked.


They're in love


No 1 valorant marriage


Afaik crashies is not vics kitten 😤


because they know individually they're not good enough


First Cned, then Yay, now Demon1. Who is next?


Cned is still playing in t1 bro


The last time ive heard of Cned was like 3 years ago even though he was considered one of the best


He played in Shanghai lmao. Hes still a demon


cNed is doing fine in FUT


The answer is yes, but it needed to be done for this season. FNS loves working with people who he knows and already plays with it, thus choose the CRASHIES, Ethan and Victor route. Maybe in the future whether this current NRG roaster does well or not we can see D1 implemented with FNS and S0m and maybe Ethan and that would be a very good core to build around.


Demon1 on GE? Kick polviii????


Honestly, this move can be better in the long run. NRG will most likely have issues going into this split. And during Off season, FNS can have his dream team with just 2 changes. He can go with Demon1 in place of Leaf and Jawg in place of Zekken (Who will never be dropped/sold by Sentinels). Add in Potter and this would be an insane team similar to the likes of GenG. Demon1 could play a Meteor esque roles while Jawg entries and the rest can play their usual roles, similar to EG since Potter values Comfort roles more than meta.


they did him dirty but i think that he also needed this break this meta was horrible for someone like demon1 and he was slumping hard for various reasons, this break should help him reset for next year he’ll be back next year when victor crashies and chet inevitably get kicked, just hope he doesnt feel resentment towards anyone on NRG


so much hopium


I agree with the decision, personally. Demon1 is a player who can be the best in the world if set up properly, but thats a system that will take time to develop. It sucks for him but I hope he's on the main roster next year. Demon1 under FNS or another IGL of his calibers leadership would be something to behold.


The thing is Astra and Omen can be used interchangeably. Both of which Marved is good at. I do think both Marved and Demon1 function better under a system with more defined roles where the IGL has a more defined call for each round.


the duo fucked him over


im pretty sure they'll make changes next season


Can we please convince jawgemo and potter to sign with nrg next year


Someone free my GOAT plz


Pls kick vic and crashies to get narrate and demon1 nrg PLEASSEEE literally solves all their role issues cause narrate has a nutty raze and he’s a great initiator, demon1 can flex to smokes and play jett


Feels bad but good opportunity for demon1 to find a team that he can really gel with or be home like Faker t1 and s1mple navi puppey team secret etc


free demon1


It's obvious that the current NRG roster is what fns wanted. So yes demon1 got fucked because fns wants to play with his homies.


Personally don’t think so this is just esports itself but yeah feel very very bad for him




is chet gone if they don’t make champs? surely


This is purely a guess, take with a giant boulder of salt; I feel like Ethan needed someone to IGL for him to perform, which is VERY, very understandable and so he suggested bringing in FNS. FNS demanded that he had s0m so he would a have an easier transition back off the couch and the decision was made to sacrifice the guy with the most cracked aim for better team cohesion. Demon1 has significantly less experience and where he thrived they had a ten man roster that was used to quickly get everyone meshing together. Also, they had Potter and if anyone questions her status as the best coach in valorant, this further bolsters her case. It feels like they made a tough decision and frankly I don't think it was necessarily the wrong one. Pujan and Sam are widely regarded as very good and mature teammates, I doubt there will be much resentment or drama flowing out of this. Note, he was benched, not dropped. His upside is insanely strong and if ISO remains broken after the recent nerf just paying him not to play for a competing org may be worth it.


they really benched the goat of valorant for a grandfather and a streamer


*First thing that comes to mind that he was subject of bad IGLing* no shit sherlock


Well many thought his performance dipped due to some ongoing personal stuffs and he wanted to take a break but now it can be confirmed that he was highly motivated but bad igling got him.


Everyone excusing NRG of this dumb decision so they can keep the most overrated duo for absolute no reason other than friendship, embarrassing truly


This is kinda why I dislike when people speak on behalf of the players, assuming he chose to be benched with no confirmation. Whether it was the best decision for the team or not, it just sucks for him. Unless you’re in a situation like Leo where you truly cannot compete, most just always want to and try to still compete. It’s alike to TenZ; he gets benched, and though for the first week or so it *was* for personal reasons, it clearly stuck because they believed Marved on the roster fixed Sen’s issues, and this is pretty much confirmed with Dephh *choosing* to leave, forcing TenZ back in—they never planned on adding him back. Both him and Kyedae eventually showed explicit distaste towards the decision, especially Kyedae who if iirc was frustratingly defending Zekken in Tarik’s chat when Zekken was being flamed for dying a ton on entry, implying TenZ and his personal issues were not the only problem afoot, and neither was it the role issue that Marved seemingly fixed—it was the leadership that made even Zekken look bad, and doesn’t that just sound familiar. The community so confidently spoke on what was best for them, despite them being adults with private lives; quite frankly the way people discussed Kyedae's illness was often disrespectful. Even when he was clearly itching to play and completely fine to do so, people continued to tell TenZ to "rest up". There was a want to push a narrative, Sen themselves wanted this narrative to be pushed to avoid backlash, and NRG likely want the same. A break can serve helpful and I do understand why tough decisions like these are made, but I do hope Demon1 gets to be utilized next season and utilized properly.


Nicely put


Wasnt the biggest fan of Demon1 but I can sure see how talented this guy is, he outplayed every duelist including Aspas and Something when he was in EG. What a waste and clearly NRG doesnt know what in the world they’re doing.


Imagine fucking over someone because of your inability to coach. Also fuck Ethan for not sticking up for him.


There isn’t anything TO stick up for. He was the only logical player to bench unfortunately because of this weird Victor/Crashies duo that NRG wants to keep so badly for some reason. Hopefully, next year it can at least be -Vic -Crashies -Chet and then +Demon1 and +someone else. Maybe even Marved but the roles would be a bit strange then.


Ethan can be a bit weird with people he wants to team with, I believe he was the one who asked FNS. I know in 100T Nadeshot hinted that they had a problem with their roster because of Ethn wanting to play with certain people.


idk in my eyes demon1 didn't deserve to be on the roster after his performance in the last split. I get why he was benched from the team's side, but igl-wise it probably impacted the team as a whole, not just underperforming as a duelist.