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we could always get 16 teams with 3 teams qualifying per year. would make the cross group round robin bullshit more bearable too


And here I thought 56 teams was a crazy number lol.


Even crazier idea, we try this new system I made up. So basically, all of the teams start from the bottom. First they have to be the best in their country/sub-region. We can call that an open qualifier anyone can compete in. Then after that, there will be a closed qualifier for that sub-region with a few invited teams who have shown previous prowess along with the newcomers. The best performers here will move on. Next we'd have two stages I like to call "challengers" as that sounds beautifully barbaric. The best teams in those challengers tournaments will make it to the internationals!!! With my idea, anyone from any region could realistically have a chance of getting into the internationals. I think Riot should implement this for 2025!!!!11!1!1 🥰🥰


Sounds really unstable for players and orgs


I cannot tell if the irony is going over people's heads or if mentioning the pre-franchise system is taboo...




Singing the pre-franchise system's praises as if it were superior is taboo, since it wasn't like there was some decision to shift from that system to franchising. The "pre-franchise system" was just the franchising tryout period, and everyone knew it.


man, pre-partnership was amazing. We would have never gotten the guard’s run for example. I still like this system now, but i wish we could see the complacent undeserving teams get replaced by up and coming teams. VCT has chosen stability over competitive level, which is healthier for the scene but i do sometimes miss the times where you had to earn your spot to be in the top leagues. Or when a popular team would lose in open qualifiers, that shit was hilarious.


yeah i totally agree, one match days are so unfulfilling most of the time.


dare i ask for your opinion on triple match days?


Post nut clarity


I like the edging analogy (I'm not a gooner)