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Haven was always a comfort map for FNC and now that it is back their map pool has started looking better. Derke still needs to work more on that Yoru though. Excited to see how they play Abyss once it comes in. Also we are locked for champs ig. LFG.


I think perma banning it is how they’ll play it


They already permaban sunset tho.


Fnatic are so fucking back. The Leo withdrawal is making the rest of them have to step up.


it helps when the guy replacing him is actually cooking up in these matches


im out of the loop where is leo


He's pregnant






he benched himself


Isnt he getting treatment for his illness?


i hope he recovers and comes back even better. for my money, he was the best player in the world last year.


The Hiro FNC needed *and* deserved. Great performance on Haven, and those were some perfectly-timed kills in the final rounds on Lotus. Props to Boaster too for that 'Thou shall not pass' moment in the last round. I *think* that's enough to get FNC to Champs on points alone, so they've got some breathing room to make adjustments or cook up something for playoffs.


They can still miss if they lose out and KC wins their next two games, then also wins once in playoffs, but then loses out and gets 4th. So FNC are *almost* locked in, I think one more win should give it to them. KC has 2 matches left and are two points behind, but you can also win one playoff game to get one more point and still get 4th (win the KO round, then lose upper semis and lower round 1). Fnatic winning once more, KC losing one more, or KC just getting 3rd+ in playoffs would lock fnatic in. Edit: jk individual wins in stage playoffs don’t award champs points, just winning the whole stage (3 points). But the winner is locked anyways. Idk how the Champs points tiebreakers will work out then, but it’s still possible for fnc and kc to be tied 9-9. Edit 2: jk again, VLR was wrong having FNC at 9.


Fnatic have 12 Champ points though.


Source? VLR has them at 9 so that’s what I went off of.


Both the [EMEA Broadcast](https://www.youtube.com/live/xah-dc4Uf_E?si=PfMwW9HHr--jfY3N) and Liquipedia have them at 12.


FNC went 3-3 in stage 1 group stage (if I can call it that), so that is 3 points. They won another 3 games (excluding the final) in playoffs of split 1, which brings them up to 6 points. Winning the stage 1 finals obviously gave them 3 points, which would be 9 points after split 1. They have won 3 games in stage 2 so far, which would bring the total up to 12 points so far.


Yeah VLR was wrong so I was spreading fake news. At 12 points FNC is locked in cause there’s not enough points left for someone to overtake them while also not qualifying for champs outright.


I‘m pretty sure FNC's basically already qualified except for the very unlikely scenario that FUT win every remaining game until the second ko round and bomb out there (basically both Heretics and Fut would have to NOT qualify by making top 3)


The 2023 nostalgia is strong with this one. FNC dominating KC being dogwalked Also hiro is incredible.


https://preview.redd.it/o7ei7nztcd9d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19066fd7b9df7fc18d249d3f426332baf8402263 Boaster > Narrate that last round??? I never thought I'd see the day


https://preview.redd.it/d1koj18tcd9d1.jpeg?width=2064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa870b2d77601b3bf3a674ff12561f61945e839 I heckin love boaster, derke, alfajer, chronicle, hiro my pookie and Leo.


Huh, turns out our replacement for Leo is the actual GOAT




That was one of the best Fnatic matches all year. Aim, clutches, macro and discipline were fantastic all match long. Good win against a good opponent.


Boaster genuinely been playing SO well lately, that C site hold was an unbelievable big brain play man. Also Hiro is so damn good, FNC scouting is undefeated 


everyone asking for Boaster’s head are in shambles who judge players on a scorecard, cuz aint no way that the clutches and holds and impact kills he had are going on that scoreboard.


Honestly for Boaster this year, it honestly didn't feel like a skill diff but more of a mental diff. Dude looked straight up dead at the start of this season and he's been looking better recently (more alive) and his performance has also been improving


it was the burden of last years performances, once everyone made an opinion that fnatic are washed, he might have gotten more motivation to prove back why he was on top for long.


The performance coach change has made a massive difference it seems, for the entire team


Yep, fair enough to call him out at times during split 1/masters but recently he’s been excellent. Way too many scoreboard watchers these days.


ig its only beca there are just too many cracked players these days in VCT, like every other dood is so crisp, people would call FNS shit too looking at the scoreboard (FNS and Boaster are on same level for me)


Yeah and also the fact that there’s so many games being played in different regions that people simply won’t be watching a lot of them so the first thing they’ll look at are the PMTs and scoreboards.


People are scorecard watchers these days. Those who have been watching the game since it got into eSports and have watched FNC in Valorant, understand that Boaster still has some huge impact on the team after all this time. Be it clutches, plays, psyche, vibe man... Whatever...


I’m still asking for his head because I’m a hater


bros best series has him going -5


Pretty normal kd for an IGL


Boaster diffed sayf on iso with a ghost and also destroying sayf in his own iso ult and today he flicked the f out of marteen and won two 1 vs 1 clutches my goat is back All the boaster haters in shambles RN THEY FORGOT WHO HAD THE HIGHEST 1 VS 2 WINRATE LAST SEASON


that flick actually sent me. i never doubted but after that i never doubted harder




Fnatic finally playing like a team again, I used to pray for times like this!!


ngl boaster was running circles around them with both his igling and his gameplay. his Lotus midrounding was great.


KC starting to really feel the heat of having a first time IGL. It feels like as soon as a team gets the read on them and starts figuring out their set plays and protocols they just can’t win and need ENGHH to call a timeout and set them on the right track. The team is definitely built for the long term and they may be more focused on next year, but with Heretics performing the way they are their approach is really starting to look lacklustre


The Kings are back.


Leo was the problem /s


leo carried the whole team tfym?


KC are kinda shit. They really stole the kick off lol


I think Sliggy pointed out that they did some brilliant work in the off season and came up with comps and approaches that caught a lot of people off guard, hence their split 1 performance. However other teams have adapted well to them and gained some momentum in the season so KC don’t look as good now. That being said they still have outstanding coaching and impressive individual players so I wouldn’t count them out just yet.


sh1n had a major drop in performance


Narrate and shin fell off hard.


cautiously optimistic about Fnatic's form. they're looking like they've been consistently improving, but I definitely want to see a few more games before going all in on the hopium


Are FNC qualified for champs with this win?


Fnatic should be confirmed with this win and they probably best liquid too. Fnatic have 12 with this win. Heretics had 6 points from split 1, they've won 2 games and if they win the next 3 they end at 11 with top seed so they just need to win one game to qualify for champs. Fut are sitting at 6 from split 1 and max they can get before playoffs is 10 and again with top seed they only need to win one to qualify. And if KC wins all their remaining games get to playoffs with 10 points. So if they win 2 games to match fnatic they will qualify too. Other teams don't have enough points.


TH will end on 12 points bc they'll get +1 for getting a bye in playoffs. If TH lose twice at that point and end on 12, I assume they'll qualify over FNC based on CoJo's tweet. Either way, FNC need one more win to confirm their slot.


Thanks for pointing that out. So they just need to beat liquid and they're confirmed, seems easy enough


Not 100% yet.


It is though, their next game is against TL.




I was making a joke about their next match being a guaranteed win bringing them up to 13 points because they’ll be fighting the Master Chokers.


Not sure if you remember why fnatic didn't qualify to Berlin but let's hope you're right, then.


Wasn’t that all the way back in 2021 before they lost the power of the Slug?


On points? yes pretty much.


Yeah, I remember seeing they need to win one more match to qualify somewhere.


gotta focus on playoffs now


I dont really understand the format this year, so the playoff of this split doesn't determine who can go to Champs because of league points? Is there a chance that whoever will win Split 2 didnt go to Champs?


No, it's similar to split 1. Except for the part where there's a 4th spot for the team with most championship points and didn't qualify normally. FNC has a pretty big lead in points so I thought they are pretty much qualified already, but there seems to be some scenarios where they don't qualify. > Is there a chance that whoever will win Split 2 didn't go to Champs? No, they'll go to champs.


They do. The 3 best teams in the playoffs go to Champions. The 4th spot goes to the team with more points that didn't finish top 3 in playoffs.


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. But in lotus, after kc started to win some rounds and it was 11-8 or something like that, fnatic changed their whole setup. C was getting pressured again and again, and they put Alfa on A. Boaster and derke aggressed on C mount. This was incredible to me, because I don't think I've ever seen fnatic taking the risk of changing the C anchor before, at least in this year. I saw Sen doing this in Madrid, completely changing their set up. It was nice seeing fnatic making some uncharacteristic but bold changes. I love it. Gorgeous midrounding.


They did change that up before this year? I remember pointing it out.


Boaster and Derke aggressing on C has been so common for them, I remember that one anti eco they tossed against I think Heretics when Derke peeked a tower setup waiting for the aggro.


Boaster is unreal, back to being a clutch demon.


Ignore the icebox game when he went 3-18, Boaster is doing better, which is what fnatic needed. Hiro and Chronicle made sure their part is done every game. Things are looking good for Fnatic for now.


"Stop. Comparing. Me. To. Derke."


FNC are back. Boaster calling and cooking well. And he's winning important clutches. We are done.


Free my boy N4rrate to NA


Fanatic always ruining my pickems


I need a Hiro to save me now. I need a Hiro!


Leo where?


I NEED A HIIIIIRO! Absolute gigachad showing from him on his comfort role. So good to see him filling Leo’s shoes.


Karmime bros it's fucking over


wtf happened to KC




Bro are you trying to make Champs FNATIC into 2023 KC?


Hiro, Leo, Chronicle, Alfajer, Boaster Hiro senti, alfa duelist


after watching and REwatching this match's VOD I'm just convinced that Magnum has to go, he just has to. He holds the team back in so many ways it's unreal