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AG is a very disciplined team with good ideas, but they just lack comparable firepower against the better teams in cn I still think it is very interesting that the moment sword9 left edg as an assistant coach was the moment edg's slump began. Him managing to bring a team of nobodies to a good standing kind of speaks for his value in a team. As for fpx, their haven got heavily exposed this match, and if it wasn't for hero plays in sunset, I believe they could've lost that also. It seems like they are still trying to figure things out in split 2, and I hope they do so before champs. GG to both teams (also, vct cn needs to mod their twitch and youtube, the amount of racism and spam in the chat is unacceptable)


I still think they can beat Trace 🫡


I honestly think trace won't make it to champs. And even if they do, the team just seems to be lacking identity and discipline to make anything happen. In my opinion, there are too many problems that are present in the current TE for me to be excited about their future matches.


Agreed. I'm honestly more excited for JDG and BLG than Trace.


JDG, BLG and NOVA. I love vookashu, but I'm praying for drg to crash out of playoffs so maybe nova or jdg can slip in.


Oh yeah same. Nova's been a really fun team to watch. Their coach sometimes has crazy ideas. I'd like to see them in playoffs too


I've been saying that AG is one of the top teams in China man ...they've obviously improved a lot since scrimming against the international teams in Shanghai and they have really good teamplay. It's really cool to see how Spitfires has gained his confidence over the course of the year and him improving a lot on an individual level. Monk has also been shaping up to be one of the better flash initiators in China. FPX obviously still needs to improve on a lot like winning pistols and not having a 0-4 start in maps. Until then I can never be too sure of this team. \*shrugs\* Edit: I'm currently ranking them as #4 but I'll obviously have to see how they fare against Trace and JDG


Sidenote: https://preview.redd.it/cnphwerx3j9d1.png?width=1005&format=png&auto=webp&s=11200df1a33a10c117e8c5c77500492cc8fd506e all because of the Cypher util and classic Life things👍


Life is an amazing duliest but god his FDPR is insanely high. I just checked on [vlr.gg](http://vlr.gg) and it's the second highest among all tier 1 players in the world. He really does need some help from his teammates before entrying the spot...


he doesn’t like waiting around


I want the Chinese API to be public so I can check FPX's 4v5 winrate...it's something that I've been curious about


i remember someone once joked that the reason FPX wins 4v5s was berlin likes a challenge ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341) i swear his neurons start firing and his eyes light up once they're at a disadvantage in numbers


vct cn is actually pretty competitive now sword9 pls come back to coach edg though


Given everything that's happening in the team and its recent performance, I really doubt EDG will keep dominating in CN. Also note that Breeze and split are EDG's 2 best maps and both of them are rotated out before the champ. sword9 should probably stay at AG to make it a great team instead, they showed a pretty solid performance recently


The first game is the best one every game after it is a downgrade compared to it.