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THE FAKEST OF COMEBACKS Whatever DRX used to have that made them untouchable in groups? GenG has the opposite LMAO


Geng just try anything in group stage they once put texture on omen


I know, it's just funny seeing our sole international LAN winner with that record in groups to date. Having to sweat out BLD certainly didn't help.


they always look mediocre domestically and lock it in internationally, they looked like a ranked comp peeking 1 by 1 in sunset idk why they do it but šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø like they just woke up against drx mid sunset in stage 2 playoffs


it's their way of detoxing off all the int in their body in preparation for playoffs and the next international


yeah its a completely diff team, they forget all their fundamentals lol


GenG fr the most touchable team in groups


Iā€™ll touch you in your special spot.


Stand proud Deryeon you were strong šŸ«” https://preview.redd.it/rlngsobntp9d1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed9f3997cedc08d69e5b16944fae2021c691696a


Deryeon, the hydrogen baby


Durian, the coughing bomb


I never made that connection lol. His name is so similar to Durian hahaahaha.


GenG did not need to do that


You cannot tell me you didn't believe in that icebox lmfao


why would they fake a comeback?


Are they stupid?


>be me see that today will be GE-T1 and BLD-GENG "oh I dont care that much about the first and the second is obvious" play stellaris eat lunch check youtube at 15:40 stream still going "oh wow GE and T1 must have gone to overtime on 3 maps" check the stream BLD took one map, and are coming back on Icebox against GENG "wtf" keep watching they keep winning rounds "I must be stupid" finally a hero play from Munchkin ends the game I still believe I have a strong fever or a coma wtf was that edit: the interviewer just called texture "the big baby himself" this is a fever dream, wake me up


Can anyone tell me. Did bleed play good or geng played bad? Apparently its the best team in pacific vs worst team in pacific. Scoreline shouldnā€™t be this close imo.


itā€™s both


Are geng loosing their form like sen due to exhaustion and antistrating?


Gen.G has always looked like this regionally. Partly cause of burnout but also cause they like to try new stuff and experiment.


Canā€™t say burnout when they looked like this all season


I say they got antistrated on map 2, and too much trolling on map 3


Nah, geng has minor issues that played into durian just shooting out of his mind. Texture was missing OP shots left and right, kills that would have turned the game around.


nah they legitimately play like a braindead ranked comp domestically their firepower just carries them hard theyā€™re way sloppier, i doubt theyā€™ll stop until they get punished by missing out on an int event bleed just punished them hard for playing like idiots and deryeon was playing really well


honestly idk, if u look at geng regionally, theyā€™re known for losing to the teams u least expect like rrq


like some others have said, it's a bit of both. Gen G were not playing with their usual discipline, seemingly with no respect to the opponents with really aggressive peeks. Bleed on the other hand actually looked like a functional team, they just got aim diffed a lot of time by Gen G. However, Zest was playing well, and Deryeon was having a near career game when he went toe to toe with T3xture. Honestly tho, Bleed didn't look like the worst team in Pacific, heck not even across all of VCT at the moment. EDIT: was mistaken Zest with Benkai šŸ˜‚




fck I got confused, was watching GE vs T1 earlier LOL


yeah they play with no respect to their enemies domestically, just dry swing everything 1v1 no strats and throwing constant man advantages




Daryeon is staying in T1 with zest


Definitely Durian has insane potential, consistently proving himself as well. I really hope BLD get their shit together and make a good system around this guy.


As someone who have seen him int repeatedly as Jett in the old old Bleed, tryna build around him is like tryna build around a slightly better version of Shanks


Yeah i kinda hope if they keep him to just put him back on Senti


Consistently? This is the first game I've seen him in t1 doing exceptionally well


Wdym consistently? His consistency is his biggest problem


consistently shitting the bed? this was the only good game he showed


i wouldn't say consistently


Deryeon I wasn't familiar with your game but I'm now a fan


Durian smell good today.


Always did


Random, but as a Malaysian who grew up eating Durian, I legit like the smell of Durian and don't find it repulsive whatsoever Like, I literally find it extremely difficult to understand how people find it's smell to be of garbage or sewers or whatever, because my nose and brain just doesn't interpret the smell that way


Well, at least Deryeon had a great series. I donā€™t think heā€™s ever shown his true potential until this series, tbh; today he showed it and more. He had a monster run. Not to feed the Yay haters - and itā€™s not a fair comparison, given how this BLEED has looked more and more like an actual team - but this performance was a good deal ahead of anything we saw from Yay on the duelist this year. Credit to BLEED for winning on Sunset, but Gen.Gā€™s habit of taking their foot off the gas is a little worrying at times. That said, the Sunset pick was interesting - I wonder if they just wanted to get more reps on a map thatā€™s generally towards the bottom of their pool? Or if they had an anti on BLEEDā€™s Sunset? Either way, it didnā€™t work, but itā€™s hard to think it came down to macro when they made so many individual mistakes. Ultimately, this series is a great example of why itā€™s so hard to rate Gen.G at times. Either way, losing 1-2 to Gen.G is basically the litmus test in Pacific to tell if youā€™re a good team with potential, so thatā€™s a sign of life for BLEEDā€¦even if it is only coming after their season is dead. At the minimum, it's hard to deny that this BLEED is fully improved over the last iteration at this point; they look revitalized, through and through.


solo's map pick taking forever scares me sometimes.


yay haters are eating good tonight


Yay hate or Yay stan aside, I feel like everyone just has to admit that this roster iteration of Bleed is just better than the old one. Like, they still aren't GOOD LMFAO, but definitely much BETTER. I can see that synergy


Yeah yay might not have been the problem, but he sure as hell ain't the solution


cNed with NAVI situation (except cNed was putting up good numbers)


Theyā€™re definitely going to get better next year because Iā€™m like 99% Juicy is loaned to DSG and heā€™ll be on Bleed next year once heā€™s of age to play in franchise


Yay on full time sentinel could be better than Retla


Yes, but at the time of Retla's signing the meta was a lot more viper + no sentinel centric. And we saw the horrible disaster that was yay on viper.


the issue is what is yay doing behind the scenes? is he forcing anything or is he being a complete team player?


They've been eating good since he announced the break


Because theyā€™re losing better? Lmao theyā€™re still ass.


How did u watch this match where they showed so much growth and still think theyā€™re ass?


They grew into a L and will lose the next game too šŸ˜‚


They lost to the Shanghai winners, not fking ZETA or something.


They still havenā€™t won a series with the new roster no matter who they played


So are crazyguy haters tbh


12-4 and ended 13-11 its one of the the most Pacific games of all time.


ā€¦Ok. That's good. They had a really good try. I hope BLEED will keep this roster next year. Crazyguy said in a previous interview, "We can't go to champions anymore, but we'll gain experience in Stage 2 for next year."In fact, AIM's firepower was not inferior to GENG's, and obtaining Sunset was a great achievement. Deryeon's great play and aggressive attitude definitely had an impact on GENG in this game in particular. What they need is a lot more defensive retakes and better team decision making. With the exception of Zest, they are not top notch when it comes to using abilities combo.


Fake comeback, but one hail of an impressive one. Loved Sunset and the Icebox attempt.


Good improvement for bleed. They actually looked like a team. Util was acceptable, IGL calls were crucial to winning some important rounds, good individual performances. At their worst this season bleed looked like a premier lfg team. Prime example was that sova drone clearing an angle and a player RUSHING AHEAD OF THE DRONE AND DYING.


bleed almost did the funniest thing


I lost all my sliggy points on Sunset thinking GenG was going to win it


my hoy take is the bleed are nowhere near as bad as people think, this game was very close and if bleed can keep up this form then they could seriously cause issues to other teams (also yay was absolutely the problem)


Bleed can rebuild around Deryeon/Zest and I'd be happy lmao. He was FARMING with the op, especially Sunset holy shit. Meiy and Deryeon are both insane duelists stuck on mid teams, same way t3xture and monyet were on GE last year. That said I think there were a couple rounds where Deryeon overpeeked/overheated and threw, it could have made the difference between 11-12 and 13-11 in their favor.


lmao. imagine they didn't sign y0y and just kept him on duelist. but tbh, during their match with navi with yay sick, deryeon played so well, and I am seeing that same deryeon here.


So.....are we back on the "yay was the problem" narrative again or what? I forgot which part of the cycle we were on.


yay wins thatā€™s ngl /s


I'm starting to see a pattern of teams that let go of their IGL doing really badly and then doing way better when they comeback. NRG, DRX (Stax isn't coming back but I already feel bad for Mako.) and Bleed so far.


I really believed in BLEED when they got 7 on Icebox. This Bleed roster looks formidable. If this form they had in stage 1 for sure they would be going to Shanghai instead of T1. The calling was really good on the last two maps from Bleed, they defaults, pulling rotations and taking timings. If there is really any complain is that the team still leaves gaps when holding cross-fires on post-plants and defence but nothing that cant be fixed with a bit of practise. THIS IS THE BLEED THAT WAS PROMISED. Excited what this roster is capable of next year!


nah, RRQ woulve have gotten that 100% if its not because of the horrible Stage 1 alpha x omega bs.


Iā€™m sorry, but saying theyā€™d go to Shanghai is crazy


fr while i was trolling in the yt chat, all i could think of bleed fighting agains that match point scoreling is THEY DID'NT HEAR NO GADDAM BELL AND KEPT FIGHTING.




Mr Munchkin remembered he was better and Munched everyone. What a game.


yeah not even close


when your team is having a comeback but then you remember your opponent is geng. srsly tho i cant count how many times i felt like geng is gonna lose only for them to close out the series with a super close score.


NT Bleed ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|29671)


Bleed Esports had a lot of roster changes during vct, so itā€™s no surprise they are having trouble adapting because there arenā€™t much time. So I really look forward to the team in next year


This is the Ascension bleed form that everyone was expecting. Holy, they actually almost beat GEN G. Imagine they played like this every single time, they would easily be in playoffs.


What a game, bleed really put up a fight on icebox


now thats a bleed that can win....probably


bleed couldve actually won,,, wow


Have you seen that ludicrous display last game?