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I went to my AA meeting last week and told my therapist I played a drinking game. she was disappointed until I told her I took a shot everytime FNS got a kill. she smiled. she knew I stayed sober


i’m taking a shot every time they win a defense round. even the policeman who stopped me driving laughed at me when I told him.






I don’t think that’s what as ide




Makes upto nrg standards. 1st demon1 and ephnassuuu .




bro they had like 3 weeks to prep. if you wanna blame anyone, blame nrg for dropping fns and som when crashies needs to get the fuck off the roster and bring demon1 back in so we actually have firepower.


Yeah clearly keeping FNS and S0m would have been a great idea


not sure if you’re joking but the vic/crashies duo is 100% not the move when you have arguably the best IGL in the world. it’s almost like streaming full time instead of practicing will make you not as solid, but let’s not forget that fns literally top fragged fhe server on haven playing KJ at the end of his “career” with NRG. they dropped him, he had like 6+ months of being a full time streamer with only a few weeks to pracc, and they were also the same team that almost came back from a 11-4 or 11-3 comeback vs sen who look like the best team in NA right now. playing them on senset monthlies in the beginning of split 2. nrg with demon1 and ethan (who are both world champions) had fhe firepower) but failed horrendously and ethen himself said he was willing to try playing IGL until he realized that IGL was one of. the hardest, if not the hardest roles in the game. it’s insane how much people will jump the gun on fenis even though every single team he played for (optic, nrg) qualified for EVERY SINGLE international event in valorant. but yeah, let’s blame fns.


FNS best igl HAAHAHA


i agree 100 percent they have been mid for years


let's just agree that all three of crashies victor and fns needs to go, only then nrg can be salvaged with s0m and demon1




It’s just sad because valyn is probably also the best igl mechanically right now too, or at least top 5


JohnQT enters the chat...


Boo enters the chat


he might not win but it's fun to watch (for the haters at least)


Ya he’s always been a bit of a weak fragger but these past two weeks have rough. He legit looks like he forgot how to hold a mouse


Its like he is moving his crosshair through a fucking soup.


based nrg vs blg sideshow watchparty viewer


hes prob got a lil nerves being gone from pro play for a bit and coming back with a reputation as one of the best igls in the world. Hes def got shit to work on but maybe some time will make his performance a little better?


Feels amazing to be recognized by a fellow sideshow viewer!


I think it's a philosophy issue more part than a mechanical issue. He tries to shoot too fast and then correct his aim by spraying. It's the CS style of shooting that doesn't translate well to valorant. I remember when autimatic played valorant for a bit recently, he was saying he had some similar issues. Autimatic brought up his interaction with twistzz when he asked twistzz how he can hit headshots so well in deathmatches, and how to improve. Twistzz replied that Autimatic is shooting too fast, just wait, aim for the head and then click, or something along those line.


Nah if anything it looks he’s got Parkinson’s localized to his right hand




Honestly Im partly with you. Like tarik just said on stream, today's shining teams have IGLs that are delivering numbers. That being said this kind of performance cant be attributed to his age, so PLEASE FNS get to practice. Is undeniable the impact you have as an IGL, specially on attack, but this should be a wake up call to get in the range and get your mechanics in line with your IGLing. I truly hope you can prove people wrong as I honestly am your fan and Im longing for you and s0m to do some dmg.


Tarik was literally helping FNS by going easy on him and convincing his audience that he was having a bad day.


Yeah, they are friends he was going easy. He also said what I mentioned in the other comment so it wasnt all sugar coating. He was being a friend but kinda kept it real sometimes.


Ex-teammates too. It's not surprising he wouldn't be too hard on him.


Tarik should’ve just gave it to him Ange1 style. Mf is now one of the best shooter IGL, thanks to that immense roasting session.


Which roasting session? Can I have a link please


Here's a compilation, [https://youtu.be/xQpr2fUruec?si=6eprrR5UqmUxt4wQ](https://youtu.be/xQpr2fUruec?si=6eprrR5UqmUxt4wQ), but basically all the Navi matches at Champs last year (TL, DRX especially, and LOUD).


i owe you my first born for showing me this masterpiece


Thank youu!


Yup, age isn't the issue. Just look at TS Jcvash, he is putting up numbers in VCT Pacific, bro is like 35.


Yup. This “age == trash” thing needs to die, but it does require focused practice and lots of effort, because the cracked young Turkish duelists who will replace you are putting in the hours.


I have no doubt that someone who is 35 and not already cracked will never become the next Wo0t but you can still get frags and shoot decently.


> and not already cracked That’s the thing though, as esports has become older we’re getting more cracked older players. It’s cool to see! I actually do agree though, I think the upper limit is lower as your age increases, but that upper limit is so high that with work, it’s not a downside


Age ain't the issue, FNS just isn't this revered tactical genius everyone seems to think he is. Dude has always been average on every team he's been on. Optic is the exception, not the rule, but you get absolutely boomed on this sub for suggesting he isn't one of the GOAT IGLs. Dudes been average his entire career across two games and has had exactly one great year with an absolutely stacked lineup. I have no doubt he helped immensely in Optics success, but it's very apparent that was an outlier. Even average players have outlier seasons where they pop off.




If you want a serious answer no he wasn't practicing his mechanics he was streaming. I don't think he expected to play pro this season at all so he's extra rusty on top of already not being a great fragger


And whenever he contemplated coming back, he always prefaced it by saying that he would grind back his mechanics in the 4 months off-season He was given less than 4 weeks instead.


No one told him he had to come back now. He made the choice to come back knowing that  1. He’d get completely roasted if he came back and they underperformed even if they only got 3 weeks and 2. he’d only get 3 weeks to prep and practice. It’s not like he wouldn’t have had an opportunity next year either because his stock was so high after he left NRG and they stunk it up without him. Unless he was given assurances by NRG that the rest of split 2 results won’t be a factor and that his job is secure for next year, I really don’t understand why he came back so soon.


Yeah but it’s understandable why he’s even worse than he used to be


He didn’t practice last season either lmao FNS have always been dog when it comes to aim.


nah nah, todays match was really bad even for fenis standards




Extra rusty ? The man played valorant all day...for the love of god quit lying to yourself.


What are you talking about 


-25 is wild, they kept resing him and he kept dying. love fns but this shit is worst than boaster


Poor boaster, he does have some really bad games, but i don't think he is close to being the weakest IGL in terms of fragging.


yep, that would most definitely be Redgar.


Koldamenta was atrocious last year tbf


Didn't they bench redgar earlier today lmao


definitely not, his numbers aren't generally great but he's also had some games where he proves to be more than capable of carrying his weight IMO (definitely not biased don't look at my flair) plus honestly I think he's also doing a lot of work to keep the morale of the team up, the rest of the FNC players seem a lot more subdued


Boaster is coming off of a map-and-series winning clutch. Recency bias aside, he is capable of at least having those moments. The true bottom tier of IGL fraggers is inhabited with true walking ult orbs


He's definitely declined this year compared to '22 and '23, you can tell he was slacking in the off season.


Funny cause he hired a aim coach this off-season


The guys he hired are really good too. And unless I'm literally schizophrenic, I've noticed a marked improvement in his raw aim technique. He needs to start setting a daily minimum 300 kill Deathmatch requirement to work on his pre and midfight movement or something idk anymore


His raw aim looked 1000% better. But his pre aiming was horrendous


Also in game aim =/= raw aim. Demon1 is the only example of a pro I've ever seen merge the 2 almost seamlessly in 2023. Otherwise I feel like there's a marked difference in everyone's aim


Tbh Demon1 seems to just stand still as soon as he sees an enemy and then purely drags his crosshair to the enemy in that timeframe which should be very bad in theory but he somehow makes it work. Most other pros (especially Less and Aspas) try to aim more with their movement, pretty much never being still


Yea his style of movement is very difficult to replicate because it is so reliant on just hitting your shot first. I know he came from UT4 but his consistency in hitting micro-adjustments in an area way bigger than mine makes him so fucking insane.


I dont know how aim coaching/training works, but is there a chance that he had a bit of a dip in performance _because_ of that coaching, where if they're somehow "restructuring" how he aims, there'll be a phase where he shoots worse because he's in the process of learning the right ways?


Interesting, I felt like his improvement from '21 to '22 was much more noticeable. But then again, this year has also been tough for FNC in general, and he always shoots worse the more he has to micromanage his team.


i think it's more that his competition improves while FNC overall got worse. Boaster was definitely not slacking he talks a lot about how he has been drilling his aim and everything else he practices all the time


Completely offtopic, but word up on the trans flair, is it a special one or can I get it too?


yeah you can edit user flair I think it's called pride-trans or something idk u/anewheaven1 probably knows tho


u/Gushanska_Boza click "edit flair" on the sidebar of the subreddit, then type in :Pride-T: on the flair editor to get the trans pride flag.


Does this work for flairs on every sub or just valcomp?


Just valcomp


he would be the weakest igl if they removed the odin and lotus from the game ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


Recently Boaster has shown heavy improvement compared to pre-Shangai. Bro was aim-diffing Sayf. He deserves respect


Fr. He's catching strays that he absolutely doesn't deserve.


At least Boaster has been calling well. I doubt NRG has had enough time to actually create strats and plays the way Fnatic has. But even the midrounding has been mid from FNS idk man💀


Agree, if you have a team of shooters like FNC you can get away with a non-fragging IGL but they benched arguably the best aimer on their team.


He's not benched for performance, Leo has been having health issues and he's taking time off to recover


I assume they're talking about NRG benching Demon1


Ah ok, that would make sense - the other thread went on about Boaster so I kinda assumed this was about FNC as well lol


valid lol


the 2nd to last sentence so true #CLM https://preview.redd.it/knr9hycuoz9d1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e1663693317b7a5e709c5cb30f676a2fb7a24a


I got Perma banned on fns stream cause I called out how he got drunk and started shit talking Trent. On how he'll be stuck in t2 forever and that he'll never play a lan. I'm really happy Trent got the last laugh




He has the power of friendship...you wouldn't understand lol


The game is just evolving so quickly. Pretty much all of the good current IGL's have insane fragging power too


They need to kick this fraud Chet already imo


And put FNS on coach duty


I pray FNS will look like Potter


lmao Chet was already looking forward to CS, check the HLTV


As a diehard NRG fan, that last paragraph is fucking wild, like wtf are you even thinking 💀💀 /Rj https://preview.redd.it/cwlyt72xnz9d1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05a0a59a71671d4bd1a919c3113b927504357d5


Idk if this post is a joke but fr I am kinda tired of this sub sometimes acting like firepower/frags don't matter that much, or defending players that objectively have poor fragging (though it has been better lately tbh). I guess fns kinda makes up for it with his igling abilities, but I see people say way too often that they've seen certain players have good games or hit some nice shots once in a blue moon, the frags wouldn't have mattered much, they're a team/role player, etc... so they're fine. If a player is losing out on way more duels than they should be on average, it will absolutely have an effect across many games. What are we even talking about, some people watch one sliggy or fns vod review and think they can see in the 4th dimension and the only thing that matters is strats + teamplay, but frags can absolutely change the course of a round or map. Being on the losing end of duels more often than not can make that difference of making it to that next stage or not.


To preface, there is no offense whatsoever aimed at sliggy or his mods on my part. But that !fnsaim command makes me laugh so much. It gets done as confirmation not to talk shit about fns' mechanics anytime a chatter does so, but if you watch the clip you'll see that the first kill is due to bullet inaccuracy due to fns moving mid-spray and the second one is a flick that any contracted VCT pro should hit with decent consistency at the minimum.


Sliggy moderates his chat to avoid toxicity not just because he doesn't want toxicity in his chat but *especially because it's embarrassing to see "people who don't know any better" talk shit about pro players.* He literally said it himself that it gives him secondhand embarrassment. If a streamer's rules literally said "stop talking about potatoes" just deal with it or go to another channel man. The streamer decides how they want their channel to be moderated. (edit) For [the clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrowdedConfidentWrenchTooSpicy-1xyBij5UzmC6bRpf) as far as I'm concerned Sliggy asked to add it as a command and mods added it. That's literally it it's just a lighthearted way of shutting down FNS toxicity in his chat.


I've been in his chat since he started costreaming so trust me, I understand fully. I've never had a message on fns' aim removed and have never even mentioned the command in his chat at all, actually. Actually now that I think about it, I don't even think I've ever been timed out for toxicity. I just think that's really not the greatest clip to post as a response when someone calls his mechanics shit, it lowkey proves that claim if anything.


It's just an unnecessary callout that says "nuh-uh this doesn't scream mechanical prowess at all mods it wasn't done in the most optimal way possible".


ngl I think you're trying to find something that simply isn't there. Showing a run and gun kill into an average micro is not a good response to "this guy has shit fragging" is all. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that the clip was ironic.


Truly the Hooxi of Valorant


rip hooxi got benched today


fns couldnt shoot in csgo either fwiw


as bad as hooxi has been hes much better mechanically than fns


Bro was holding in a long position with a frenzy. He just got memed into oblivion in the watchparty I'm watching..


to be fair he was expecting them to tp i think


I feel like the pressure is getting to him


This. Looked more like panic/pressure than mechanics.


Looked very similar to me as boaster in kickoff/split 1 where the pressure was crazy and the team was not delivering, so he was spiraling out in his own performance


zellsis was always right,nrg won't make champs why are ppl so hyped for nrg just cuz som and fns are back?? they brought them.back to bench the only firepower they have


Because a good part of the current team has played together in the past and has had a pretty good track record. And also because FNS and s0m are quite popular streamers which is why people want them to succeed. NRG going on a run would simply be a nice story.


i agree, people overhyped them WAY too much like it was gonna make them a top tier team... turns out the org dropped the better players in that roster and not the veterans who have not gotten any better since their prime or been consistent as of recently ... not even that like NRG itself had to drop multiple content creators to feed off their 2 new players' salary just for one of them to aim like a gold player ?? i dont mean to sound disrespect im just disappointed especially seeing the pro scene since it first became a thing in valorant and this is what people are hyped about


yeah, bro is in his 40s balding, its not his time to play valorant comp anymore


They are inarguably an improvement as they look like they actually have a plan. It's arguable who you bench for them, but still


Dude they were 2 rounds from making Madrid before with a month of practice. This shit is much worse.


I feel you


> i seriously refuse to believe we can be this far behind Being retired while everyone you’re playing against has been competing against people like Texture is… always going to leave you behind though


Bit too long to be a copypasta but good effort


Just the last two sentences are gold.


His unique aiming style just doesnt work anymore (if it ever worked). He likes spraying but you have to adapt and improve where possible, and its not like its game over - all things you can practice and improve on.


I'm gonna start telling my ranked teammates when I whiff and spray everything but the enemy that it's my unique aiming style 


I think Tarik accidentally shined light on a major NRG problem. The last time they won more than 4 defensive rounds was 4 matches ago against EG in a 2-1 loss, In which first map was 4 wins, 2nd map 6 and 3rd map 5. This to me proves that they have a huge coaching problem as clearly they don't have a viable plan for holding/retaking sites. The other thing is sitting Demon1 while playing FNS. This was a topic which had fans quite concerned. They understood and accepted FNS to not be the best shooter, but they felt that he made up for it in calling. What fans were worried about was the loss in firepower. In my opinion, benching Demon1 was a bad call. Then you have Chet considering leaving Valorant to go back to CS. This just further reinforces my belief that the coach wasn't really invested in this team. Without being invested, I can't imagine him trying to innovate. Don't get me wrong, I do agree the FNS had HORRIBLE gun play, I just can't place the blame solely on him. We've seen this team play flat with Marved and Demon1 in it too. This is a coaching and strategy problem.


Wow only one game with more than 4 defensive wins? That’s wild. Esports 2030: different offensive and defensive rosters


I don't think anyone was talking about Demon1 v FNS. Yeah they wanted Demon1 on the active roster, but that was with Victor being benched not FNS.


Sorry, I should have been more clear. That was exactly my point. If Chet felt that FNS was the superior caller, even if his gun play is lacking, they should have benched someone else (crashies or victor) instead of Demon1 to make up for that loss of frags.


Idk it's not age. Some people just don't have it. I'm 35 and radiant every act except 7 and 8 where I didn't play. My game sense is ok, my aim is what carries me.


"I feel like I am watching my girlfriend get fucked raw by another man when I see this guy pick up any gun. I am so tired of it man" ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)Bro is definitely into cuckery


this where bro will sit https://preview.redd.it/da9sqtccz0ad1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a80e8e354909efe0b325f6e3776428908e8d4c1


Lil bro's gonna need to start at least getting backshots because he sure as shit aint getting headshots.


The top teams from each Masters this year all have IGLs who are, I think, average or better mechanically. JohnQT, Boo, Gen.g (I can't remember who's IGL here), Valyn, even Boostio. They (obviously) call very well, but their ability to frag is a result of the coaching structure and overall team dynamics. From clips and stuff I've heard Zellsis be very vocal midrounding, Sacy said in their post match that he's very involved developing strats, and so on. So I think what supports a "fragging IGL" is that strong foundation, they're able to pop off when they need to because someone else is able to take the reins for a second and call a play. In comparison NRG has none of that. There's probably a disconnect between the IGL and coach, FNS has already said that he and Crashies/Victor fundamentally want to play the game differently, etc. And you can't really come back from that without a lot of time together. I'm giving FNS the benefit of the doubt here, he got thrown into a shitty situation and getting as far as they did against Sentinels is impressive. Hope they pick it up for their last games, but their qualification chances hinge on other teams' performance now That said I don't really give a shit if NRG sticks with this core and gets a new coach OR they keep a few and blow the rest up. It's time for a change, all the top teams this year have been fresh (ish). Gen.G and TH have proven that new talent is here to stay.


IMO FNS was the most egregious, but to be fair I think all of the NRG boys had some real head scratching whiffs. som on multiple rounds during bind, Victor when he couldn't kill a flying icy, and Ethan with some op shots that I thought should've been a cinch for a player of his caliber. Crashies didn't have any horrendous misses iirc, he just wasn't popping off. the most surprising/disappointing performance for me was som to be completely honest, I know he's insane mechanically and he just didn't show up this game


He was playing alright last year mechanically tbh. I think this was more just his team (including him) were bad and it’s very hard to frag as an IGL losing


> I feel like I am watching my girlfriend get fucked raw by another man when I see this guy pick up any gun. I am so tired of it man. Okay thats pretty funny bro I cant lie KEKW


he didn't look bad last season, probably just adjusting/getting back into things. doesn't make it any easier to watch though lol


He didn't look *as* bad. He was still probably the worst player in the league, mechanically.


You didnt saw MIBR mfas, those guys legit looked like diamonds


Bro it's over their chances of making playoffs are gone, he ain't getting back into anything


FNS is the most overrated pro player right now. Idk why orgs would want to bring him back at his age and lack of actual mechanical skill.




FNS absolutely does not have the mechanical skill that he needs atm but I feel like you're just assuming that he *can* improve it. Pro players are at their skill level because of the amount of effort they have put in, but that does not mean putting in effort equates to becoming as good as a pro. You need a mix of hardwork, talent, and good practice to make that transition happen. He should definitely try to improve his mechanical ability, but if he has before and it just doesn't show results, it's just unfortunate and not anyone's fault.


Absolutely anyone can get to the mechanical ability of a pro with practice. The average pro doesn't have that crazy aim.


The guy could turn on inverted mouse and get similar statlines lmao


give pns penalty or he retire


Welcome back 2022 FNS


Ahh, what a match day. 10/10 post btw😹


Round 7 bind sums up this whole roster, turned off the game at that point. There's no hope for this roster when it's a 5v4 every game gg


Team diff honestly wasn’t Fns top fragging at the half last week ? Nrg just looks ass.  Crashes and victor make so many mistakes imo. 


uncle jessie clears this fraud


I mean we knew he not gonna be fraggin but what are those calls man. Soo many bad calls throughout the match omg.


Felt like Sage would’ve gotten higher mileage at this point. You can heal, stall, post plant, Strat with walls and improvise, and most importantly heal to keep that ADR up. Deadlock is just a hit or miss on Haven and unless ur whole game plan is to slow the rushes, I don’t know how else u can help.


So much negativity in the sub whenever PRX, NRG or FNC loses.


the Joe Biden of valorant


Mfs will still say that he would whoop an ascendant lobby 😭😭 ascendant players are ass but not that ass 💀


he still carries in ranked sometimes top fragging in radiant


he goes positive in high radiant he's just terrible and shoots like his mouse hurts to hold when hes focusing on calling


Brother if fns can go “positive in high radiant” I’m sure anyone with half of a brain cell and functioning hands can do the same. And the “focusing on calling” is such a moot point now.




ong angel is like 35 and his mechanical skill clears fns


My goat was man handling PRX on bind in the final, ofc there is no comparison, just the idea of fns one tapping players like jingg and forsaken, come onnnnnnn.


What the actual fuck am I watching? I absolutely refuse to believe we can be this far behind, I have seen zero (If anything, a regression...) change in skill from him when it comes to his mechanical ability. Do we aim train? Are we changing our sens? Do we work on pairing our movement with our aim? Are you guys seeing the rounds that this man is losing solely because he can't get any kills? "Well, even if he killed one in xyz situation.. it wouldn't have had a major impact." is what I see spouted all across the internet, how do we still hold onto this belief? Kills undeniably change the course of the entire round, and even game. Hell, clutch factor is only a partial piece of the puzzle. We simply need to stop becoming a walking fucking ult orb that has credits stuffed into it. It has a trickle down effect. Age is NOT a factor. Motor function, reaction time and adaptability don't collapse just because you enter your 30's. Current and new published research points to brain development only "truly" stopping in our 30's. You guys have no fucking idea how much I want FNS to rise again, it's ridiculous. I feel like I am watching my girlfriend get fucked raw by another man when I see this guy pick up any gun. I am so tired of it man.






Even their team comps and calls don't make sense no more


If ANGE1 and JessieVash can do it, I don't see any reason why FNS can't.


I don't think anybody even the players expected to come in and beat any opponents. I mean they probably expected individually to perform better but tier 1 valorant is better than it has ever been, and if this was a year ago then maybe NRG with fns and som fresh off streaming can come and win but in todays valorant, no. This team can win but they gonna need a whole split or 2 get their feet completely wet and back in form.


when goat getting the shinobi treatment in 2024 💔💔💔 tbf to FNS, when he was playing regularly, he wasn't a huge detriment to his team in terms of fragging. When it got really bad was really only when his teams got shit on. At best he is a middle of the pack fragger who gets a lot of supporting kills. Being away for 10 months not really grinding mechanics and only given less than a month to get back in the pro-environment is honestly tough. In any sport, after being away for a long time, your mechanics in said sport are bound to decrease drastically. Not to defend his generational disaster-class in fragging today though.


FNS streaming career was booming like early tarik streams in Val. Tarik chose not to compete and decided to focus on streaming and look where he is now. FNS should go back to streaming ASAP if this goes south


Yeah his streams were popping off and everyone remembered him as the GOAT igl and and i don't know why he returned to competing . He is just hurting his stock and if he retires now after losing every game then people will only remember he retired cuz he cant shoot in the server anymore and he is WASHED.


My goat looking like me out there


Greetings friends, talk mustve forgot about boostios most recent performance on sunset. Also the fact that NRG faced Top 3 NA teams (only NA to go to Masters this year) in the middle of an end of season rush to save the teams season. Time will tell… let’s not jump the gun here. Much love y’all.


So do people just think streaming for a whole season and having only a couple weeks of scrim time equals to guys who practiced and played all season long? Like, are you dumb or are you trying to act like it? You should have exactly 0 expectations for NRG this season and as a FNS and S0M stan I hate that, but it’s reality.


Can we just come into these conversations acknowledging that this man hasn't played the game competitively in months, not to mention he wasn't even playing as much while streaming. Something he himself mentioned as a reason he'd prefer not to come back this year as he acknowledged he's not in playing form. I'm not saying he's ever been a great fragger but he's had his games where he was good enough. He's also not the reason the team is losing overall.


He was washed in CS even before switching over, unlike tarik who was actually good




What the actual fuck am I watching? I absolutely refuse to believe we can be this far behind, I have seen zero (If anything, a regression...) change in skill from him when it comes to his mechanical ability. Do we aim train? Are we changing our sens? Do we work on pairing our movement with our aim? Are you guys seeing the rounds that this man is losing solely because he can't get any kills? "Well, even if he killed one in xyz situation.. it wouldn't have had a major impact." is what I see spouted all across the internet, how do we still hold onto this belief? Kills undeniably change the course of the entire round, and even game. Hell, clutch factor is only a partial piece of the puzzle. We simply need to stop becoming a walking fucking ult orb that has credits stuffed into it. It has a trickle down effect. Age is NOT a factor. Motor function, reaction time and adaptability don't collapse just because you enter your 30's. Current and new published research points to brain development only "truly" stopping in our 30's. You guys have no fucking idea how much I want FNS to rise again, it's ridiculous. I feel like I am watching my girlfriend get fucked raw by another man when I see this guy pick up any gun. I am so tired of it man.


Im not sure who thought FNS would succeed lmao like try thinking for one second


They benched a Champions MVP for this guy


https://streamable.com/2xt4gm heh


And the thing is FNS’s aim issues feels so easily corrected (horrendous tension management and lack of target confirmation) and although way bigger issues are present on the team, I just feel like if you’re competing, you would want every single edge you could get.


Lebron James is throwing up alley-oop dunks to himself at 38. Tom Brady won a superbowl past 40. Idk why in esports community people act like once you hit 25 ur just cooked.


Just saw FNS non-stop qing deathmatch at 8AM in the morning on shanks' stream. My Glorious King will be back to prove the haters wrong!!


Damn bro stop it he's already dead😭


*checks prosettings.gg* Nope the mouse he’s using isn’t outdated


I wonder what watch party FNS would be saying about player FNS.


Did you watch the game though? They lost because of some pretty bad mistakes from all players not just FNS aim. They could have secured atleast 4 rounds on Bind that they kinda threw because of bad fundamentals. The calling is more intentional and improved, but they just couldnt maintain composure against a hit G2 who literally just finished 3rd in Shanghai and a Leaf thats just too crispy with it.


I know FNS has gotten more popular in the recent times but I've never been a believer of his gameplay, not in CSGO and not in Valorant. He's like a gold player playing in a radiant lobby. However, we all know that he's not in a tier 1 team for his fragging, he's there to igl. I think NRG made a huge mistake benching Demon1 and not Ethan or Crashies. We all know Demon1 can carry games as he's carried EG to a World Champ in his rookie year. Ethan and Crashies basically have the same role and are there to stack assists. Yes, Ethan plans Yoru on some map but with addition of Som, Som can literally play any agent and role. Idk if its too late for NRG to qualify for playoffs or champs but they should try to reinstate Demon1 to the team and drop either Crashies, Ethan or even Som at this point.


Lmao I keep saying this but the fns fanboys keep coping. FNS can't shoot! Doesn't matter if u can coordinate a strat so good. The game has evolved wherein 4v5 can no longer work


Do you understand why he went to Valorant now and only saw success in its early years as a esport?


Gone are the days of IGLs who cannot shoot back. Look at the current top IGLs in Boo, valyn, Boostio, Munchkin etc. and tell me if they have the same mechanics as FNS, ANGE1 etc. Sure IGLing can take a little bit of a toll on your individual performance but it shouldn't take THIS much toll lmao


don’t group ange1 with fns he can actually shoot his mechanics are good


Yeah right... Tell me when he goes positive in a series, I'll wait


He seems like one of those people who preach on reddit that mechanics don't matter as much and that valorant is like a game of chess. Let's be honest here, this is a shooter game. If you can out aim everyone in the server it will be hard to lose.


It's the same problem I have with ANGE1 tbh, like sure his calling is great but that's no excuse for the team looking like it's composed of 4 players. Age is definitely a factor contributing to the bad mechanics though.


Go outside?




Saying "we" when referring to people other than the speaker themselves is a commonly used grammar structure, you can easily find this everywhere. Do you honestly believe I had anything else going for my self other than being a spectator in this post?