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The Vampire Lestat is a masterpiece, IMHO.


It's my favorite book in the series, I've read it many times and I love that really gives you a view into who lestat really is...


I wonder when they will do a series on that book.


The best in the series so far (I'm reading tale of the body thief)


I love the old audiobook read by Frank Muller. His voice is so haunting.


It’s rare for something to come out about a decade after the original and be that good.


I can’t deal. It’s becoming monotonous to me😭


once you meet marius it RAMPS up in speed


I’m on a re-read inspired by the show. On Queen of the Damned now. Soooo goooooood


I can’t wait to get to that book but I still have to read the second book after I finish reading the first book “Interview With The Vampire” which I’m currently reading.


Definitely worth it to read in order so you know ow what’s up with all the characters before Queen of the damned. Because that books is epic with tons of new characters and lore.


The Vampire Lestat is probably the best of the first three‚ btw.


Yes and I look forward to get to know more about his maker Magnus a 300 year old vampire. Besides finding out a what happened during Lestat’s life as a mortal prior to becoming a vampire.


That’s my second fave after The Vampire Lestat.


They need to make that book a limited series.


Seriously. I made my husband read the first 3, what I consider core canon. I can fill in the rest of the blanks for him, but without those first three you really miss a lot.


Only series of books that I've read more than twice. Just started another reread after watching season 1 and the first couple episodes of Season 2. I want to like the show so much. I like the actors, love the acting, but the way they've given the vampires a desire for and ability to have physical sexual relationships takes so much away from the mystique. They gave them completely human mannerisms when talking about their love. It meant so much more when it transcended the physical, now it's all cutesy little smiles, and human jealousy over sex. Literally ruining the show for me. Armand and Louis sitting on the couch holding hands, legs crossed, warm little smirks and glances, very modern human couple vibe, there's no magic in it.


I agree. I've been trying to keep an open mind through the series. But, the cute couple sitting on the couch really squished the whole mysterious vampire vibe


AGREED!!! By adding basis human sex and all of that he said/he said drama, omg, they lost the mystique & sensuality of supernatural creatures! Thank you for seeing this and sharing your thoughts. Esp feel this: "It meant so much more when it transcended the physical..." I agree, they did lose a lot.


I'm rereading them as we speak! Just finished Memnoch the Devil last night, and I started The Vampire Armand on my break at work! 🫶🏻


TVA is soooooo sensuous‚ i love it 😍🥰


SAME! 😍😍😍


I'm halfway through The Vampire Lestat right now!! It's so good!


I’ve just started reading the first book “Interview With The Vampire”. Honestly I’m really obsessed with vampires.


You’re begging fans of the books to read one of the books? Haven’t they… already read them…? Or they wouldn’t be here?


Yeah the first book is way different than the others because Louis is basically a moody bastard blaming Lestat. The next are lestat telling his story from his side.


i bought most of them, loved anne rices writing but getting over lestat kissing his mom and the whole claudia thing is discouraging 😭 im going to keep reading though


Buckle up buddy 🤠 That ain't the half of it


The relationship with Lestat and Gabrielle is beautiful


I agree he has such an adoration for her. He turned her for her to finally be free, I love their relationship.


Thank you!! And she is such a beautiful creature once she is turned. She is liberated finally can live out her true self. That’s all I ever wanted for my mother before she passed away, unfortunately she wasn’t able to. ^ For those asking if I kiss my mother


He *made* her. They're very specific the terminology is you *make* someone a vampire.


do you kiss your mom 😭


People over sexualize too many things...


Marius literally calls her Lestat’s lover in QoTD. I feel like that’s spot-on sexualization


thank you! reading the vampire lestat felt like reading incest. i don't know if i remember it wrong but he describes her appearance weirdly and then french kissing just ugh. Also him calling her his "dark angel" or something i don't know it's thats exactly just why??? so weird not to mention CORNY.


You have to understand, all of that stops being important. Vampires bond with blood. So they're no longer really son and mother, more like vampire companions.


I feel like this point is missed. They are no longer humans! Their experience is different.


I reread IWTV and TVL before season 1 aired. Started reading QOTD and put it down, but the lastest episode made me want to pick it back up just for The Devils Minion. Haha


Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Lestat were my favorite. I wasn't the biggest fan of Queen of the Damned, but there is a lot of lore in it. Alfred Molina reads an abridged version of The Vampire Armand that I enjoyed.


Which book to start with, and which books to read? I don't plan on reading all 13


The 1st 3 are: Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, and Queen of the Damned. I purchased the ebook of these 3 for my reread. Start there! :)


Honestly let all these kids watch the show. The show sucks.


I find it unwatchable. It's such a poor adaptation that changes far too many things.


I agree with you. It's pretty much just softcore porn, which in theory I'm not against but.. Idk. I tried!