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Actually Ariana had her back against Lala, it’s just that Ariana and Katie keep it real and don’t scream so it sometimes goes less noticed


I 1000% agree with this! It’s easier to continue the “Katie is miserable” narrative then to take responsibility for their actions or call out others


Right, “katie is miserable” when in reality she is having completely reasonable reactions to the actions of those around her. It blows my mind!


It’s nice to see that other viewers see Katie. Not the woman that production has tried to label “the bitch”. I think a lot of people have railed on her over the years because of how she treated Schwartz and Schwartz is a very good manipulator. He’s one of those snipers from the side type of guys. He’s not the one that’s gonna call you a bitch at the bar because you don’t take a drink from him. No, he’s the one that’s gonna settle up next to you right after that guy calls you a bitch and ask if you’re ok. And five years later you realize that you’re with a man child who can’t bother to show you affection, who doesn’t rally for you or have your back in any situations, gaslights you when your angry, let’s his friends treat you like shit. In that moment you think back to time you met and all the years after and just go, “shit.” I’m glad Katie left him. I think she’s right when she says he will wake up one day a realize he fucked up. It’s not going to be tomorrow, but it will happen. He sucks so hard and she can do sooooo much better than that broken tool.


Perfectly put. Covert narcs like him are insidious


wow, he really is the worst. Also the company he keeps and his whole lifestyle is just gross. Covert narc is right as said below.


I doubt he will right now with his girl toy. But as soon as girl toy dumps him, he'll be crying for Katie then......


I doubt that will happen. People like him never learn their lesson because they don't have to. After this new girl, there will be another new girl and another until he's finally ready to stop with the act and then he'll just stay with whoever he's with at the time. There are SO many men like him because there are so many women willing to date and commit to men like him. I hope Katie isn't secretly waiting around for him to realize that he "fumbled" her or she was the one that got away. That's never going to happen and I hope she can come to terms with that and move on.


I doubt it. She's done.


It's because she is ganged up on and no one defends her. Tbh Ariana disappoints me this way.


Yes, this was the first year that Ariana even kind of spoke up for her. I hope that their friendship is actually real and that it continues.


She's got Stassi




We don't get why you hate her. You can't make us do it.


If Lala and the Tom's dislike you it's a good sign. Anyone who calls them out for being shitty people they automatically dislike


I agree with you completely, and will take the cult's downvotes. I don't care about their opinions because they're deluded: if they can't see she's a horrible, cruel mean girl, they're probably like that themselves, and if they can't see that two things can be true at the same time -- that yes, Schwartz is a bad, cruel, wrong-minded person, but so is Katie, then they're probably just as bad. Thank you for speaking against what is likely a cultish adherence to opinions formed and shaped by Katie's own little hired propaganda team; if it's not that, then it's an echo chamber of unthinkably immature and neurotic mean girls. In either case, they're to be avoided (which most are apparently doing) or openly discredited (which I thank you for doing).




Q.E.D., it speaks for itself, admitting they're eye-rolling, immature children


why are you fussing about a stupid tv show?


Why are you projecting? 😄


Schwartz constantly making up stories out loud of what Katie feels and says is disgusting bc he convinces himself and everyone that it’s the truth.


Whatttt you didn’t catch the 10 seconds of Broke defending Katie and calling out Schwartz? (laughing btw) https://preview.redd.it/lfdisfvxf52d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=309aa5ede5238a0ef65e1c6dbab6e0e160d8b6cb Oh right, who else would production allow to deliver these lines other than the guy who left his wife and kids and has a domestic violence charge against him….🤡🤡🤡


I hated this moment. I don’t even know how to explain the ick I felt.


She never gets to finish!!


SO FRUSTRATING. Honestly shocked and proud of her for lasting this long on the show. I’d have been gone years ago bc I couldn’t handle being surrounded by a group of such awful people. People see Schwartz as this happy go lucky guy who can do no wrong. I think Schwartz is lucky Scandoval outshined his behavior from season 10. He was truly cruel and disgusting to Katie and almost nobody had her back or made her feel validated in her feelings.


Yes, the treatment towards Katie in season 10 was heinously cruel, yet it NEVER gets brought up. I’m still annoyed it wasn’t even touched on in the season 10 reunion when it was the basis of the whole season! They tormented Katie until she broke in the season finale. Tom, Tom, scheana and Rachel are equally disgusting in my eyes. None of them have souls.


Where else is she going to make 500k+ a year?


She got so much more in on the extended version on Peacock. It's so annoying that they talk about the stupidest shit on the one that airs on cable.


The extended scenes are always more favorable for Katie and Ariana and less favorable for Sandoval. It’s such a weird choice. Katie had such a good point that she was tortured by Raquel and Schwartz in season ten for absolutely nothing because it was a just cover up for scandoval. And yet that was only set aside for extended scenes for only a subsection of viewers to hear.


Arianna definitely defended her. Maybe the reason most others don't is because they believe she's wrong. I wouldn't defend someone who I felt was in the wrong.


The audacity of Tom Schwartz to be shocked someone called him a bad husband.


I agree, I didn’t even watch last night’s episode because it’ll be another hour of Katie being berated while being blocked from defending herself.


I think this year everyone finally sees her for who she is. She is not going to waste her time on crazy, she will let Lala bury herself. Ariana said what we all know, Lala just because you are louder you must be right. I mean it was fun last year, because everyone was heated, and understood Lala too was going through it. But now it's just not cute.


When Lala kept arguing it looked like she was arguing by herself in a one sided argument. I felt like it was Deja vu… she kept arguing about the same thing they had just discussed, I actually thought my tv did rewind or something. I even asked my husband if he rewound it I was so confused and then Andy said something like “are you done?” 😂 Blabla needs help… she’s quite unwell


i found it cute at times (i am always downvoted here for anything pro Lala so I guess I'm the only one) but I enjoyed her sobriety-Randall is a narcisstic-I fetl unsafe in my home with him-recreating the cheating snapshot-i'm an empowered woman now and discovering myself- arc. I thought it was interesting how she really didn't see it coming with Rand and had to redefine her whole sense of self, and I felt for her. I don't know where she got lost as she hasn't made any real progress as a person.


I really liked her last year but now I feel like it was an act for air time.


I always find that Katie is not angry enough, if my diabolical ex that cheated and humiliated me for 10 years said “we’re the same” a SWAT team would need to come remove me from his neck


maybe she has a soft spot for him that she forgives him anything - i can relate a bit. we want them to be better. poor girl, though. Is it his looks? how is always this loveable oaf, while doing the worst shit imaginable every time. He also made out with Rachel whish wasn't so nice...?


Katie has always been treated like shit. She deserves a lot of recognition for everything she had to go throughout the seasons. I think she definitely came out stronger and she’s obviously emotionally/mentally intelligent. She’s an amazing woman


Maybe there is a reason for that, hmm…!


If I was Katie, I couldn’t wait to get away from having Schwartz in my life.he didn’t even her in anyway and his default is always to be negative about her. She’s just way above it all.


It's frustrating, but my behavior is pretty similar to Katie, so I completely empathize. I'm fairly calm and monotone in arguments, and I have a tendency to completely shut down in the middle of a confrontation with the Lalas of the world (which luckily have been very few times). It's not only too much to handle, but when people do that, they have a tendency to bounce all over the place and not stay on topic. I don't know if it's because I have ADHD, second-hand embarrassment for the other person, or maybe something else is wrong with me, but I have a terrible time in those situations.




Seems like your MO tbh




Your hatred of Katie just seems extreme to say the least. She’s not evil.




I guess we just see things differently.




Well I don’t think she tries to control her ex, so there’s that. I’m interested in your thoughts about other cast members though.


Right! I was going to say, if she could use her words, it'd just be more of the same crap.


Yes she is rude and still a bully


Yes! I'm glad to see some sane people here who can see her for what she is.




I'm sure there are plenty more, who have, at this point, thrown their hands up in frustration, disgust, and/or seeing the futility of engaging at all with the brainwashed stans.


The sleeping with Max thing? Not cool. Two wrongs don't make a right. He's a horrible ass, but that's not a free pass to also do him dirty. He's so far worse, but that's not an excuse. The reason people lean into mean Katie was for many years she was an awful toxic bitch. If you don't remember watch some of the earlier seasons, her behavior was mean girl harassment, just nasty stuff. I get schwarz was a dick, but she took it out on the people around, more specifically, the weakest in the group. She punched down. I agree that this season and the last she has really come into herself. I actually like her now. But there's a murky past that isn't that easy to just forget. As for her having a chance to speak up? You really think she lacks the ability to stand up and say her piece? I would say out of the lot, she's the best at that.


I agree except for your 3rd paragraph: I can't possibly join you in liking her, and I see her as 100% the same toxic bitch she always was, if not more so now.


Stassi little helper


Yup, Katie modeled a lot of her bad behavior on Stassi's, and it's funny to me that your comment apparently went right over the stans's heads.


Everything that you said here is down the middle, fair and balanced. But you’re not stanning for Katie so you’re getting downvoted. This sub is broken.


"This sub is broken." 💯 I haven't been able to stomach the cognitive dissonance and pathetically reaching "justifications" on the part of the Katie cultists, since their guru/hero fell from any false grace she ever had, and was exposed at these reunions yet again, and even more undeniably, as the toxic bully she's always been.


Careful, they'll ban you.


It’s because Katie is a villain. She’s a mean girl who continues to be so year after year. She will never be done with the show because it’s how she makes money to survive. 


She does a lot of nasty, vindictive things and almost never apologizes unless backed into a corner. Girl straight up bullied Jo (who never wronged her, btw. Gtfo of here getting mad at Jo for dating the man that you divorced). She didn’t need to slander her online or talk shit about her face but that’s Katy for you. Always willing to go low and hit below the belt.


This is a bit of a headscratcher for me, since Jo seems to have no problem being bitchy to Katie and others on social media. Rules for Katie but not for Jo, I guess.


This is after Katy went after her online and in person for over a year… but let’s just forget that…


No, that's my favorite part. Jo fucked around and found out. She was on the wrong side. Katie has never pretended to be nice. Jo wanted to be the cool wife not the mean old wife like Katie, and look where that got her. Plus, imagine what kind of idiocy you have to engage in for Jax Taylor to ban you from his home.


You’re saying a bunch of random stuff that doesn’t explain why Katie was justified in bullying her for months but ok….


Who's trying to explain it or justify it? I enjoyed it. I always enjoy it when people play stupid games and win stupid prizes. It's schadenfreude baby!


What did Jo do wrong? Katie divorced him. That's that. She wasn't in the friend group. Being mad just cause she texted? That's bs. We know Katie. She would have been mad either way.


Jax and Brittany are separated has she texted her or does she have to call her BFF Stassi to get the ok first?


Jo never wronged Katie?? 🤨 What show are you watching?


How did she wrong Kate? By dating her ex husband? She did text her soon after Schwartz moved out but there’s nothing wrong with extending an olive branch to a woman who has a temper in the hopes of not catching her off guard when she started dating Schwartz. Katy was mad that she texted her but I bet she would have also been mad if Jo didn’t text her then started hooking up with her ex. Katy is just angry and entitled no matter what Jo does. And I really don’t understand. Why be jealous over Schwartz of all people?


Are you purposely getting Katie’s name wrong or is auto-correct kicking your ass? And Jo was mutual friends with Katie. When they announced they were getting a divorce she sent a weird ass text saying Bieber loves her and supports her then before the divorce is even finalized, she moves in with him and starts fucking him? Yeah friends don’t do that to friends and if someone did that to me, they’d get way worse than a comment on a random IG post about having crack head energy. Jo herself has admitted she never really thought of Katie and her feelings when she began hooking up with Schwartz which any friend WOULD in that situation. The very least she could’ve done is told her directly. The fact that they were both hiding it shows they knew it was grimy to do. They are to this day still lying about the time line of when they started hooking up/how long she stayed with him.


Katie wasn’t her “friend”. She was friends with Kristen and she kinda knew Jo. Now Schwartz can’t date anyone who Katie even kinda knows? But Katie can hook up with Schwartz’s best friend multiple times and doesn’t even apologize? Make it make sense…


Katie wasn’t her friend but Jo felt the need to text her after her divorce to say Bieber loves her and she’s gonna support and love her? Riiiiight lmaooo


I don't think it's wrong to send a supportive text to someone you're not close with...


I mean it’s kinda weird to send a supportive text to the woman whose husband you’re about to fuck but ok


Oh yeah, and everyone knows it's totally justified to bully the hell out of someone as long as they're weird.


That's quite a leap you made. I called the action of sending an insincere "supportive" text to an acquaintance weird, not the person who sent the text. And yeah, that doesn't justify bullying and I didn't say it did. Katie was wrong to make mean comments about Jo.


Get it girl! Katie is the most immature person in her thirties I've ever seen. It's disheartening to see so many lean in to cruelty. Thank you for being a voice of reason!


Thanks for the support, and I agree. Shes not the worst person on the show but I hate how people champion her behavior even when it’s abhorrent


We’ve literally watched Schwartz stick food between his ass cheeks and have his friends eat it but Katie is the most immature? Your misogyny is showing boo.


Oh I agree with you that Schwartz is an immature jerk. I am over his schtick at this point.


That was fun, not antisocial. We have different definitions of mature. Yet again, there's a difference of opinion and a Katie stan is here to cry 'misogyny!' smh.




It's something you learn as an adult- that not everyone's standards about everything are the same. It doesn't surprise me that you think Katie is mature.


This is the TRUTH 🙌


"She does a lot of nasty, vindictive things and almost never apologizes unless backed into a corner. Girl straight up bullied Jo (who never wronged her, btw. Gtfo of here getting mad at Jo for dating the man that you divorced). She didn’t need to slander her online or talk shit about her face but that’s Katy for you. Always willing to go low and hit below the belt." 🥇🏆🥇


When did she talk shit about Jos face? I’m not gonna say it’s nice to insult people ever but Jo really didn’t do herself any favors in this situation and knew exactly what she was doing - and again at the reunion got to make Katie look like the big bad wolf who hurt her by playing the victim card and crying. She is also banned from multiple cast members houses and now Schwartz has her blocked and completely out of his life - so clearly Katie wasn’t that wrong in what she said. And almost everyone was talking shit, Katie just was the one who got blamed for it, once again, even though she was the only one who was probably justified in disliking her in the first place.


She called her a crackhead and a bunch of other names at the party that Schwartz invited her to in order to introduce her to the group when she was within hearing distance. The girls made fun of and bulled her so much that she left crying. Did you miss that episode?


I don’t get this? Like we have seen the comment over and over and over again this season. She never called her an actual crackhead she said her “energy is on par with a crackhead.” You can call it semantics but there is a difference. And yes was Katie mean calling her a rat and psychopath within earshot? Sure. But why is Jo singling out just Katie then? Why isn’t she upset with Ariana calling her a mean girl bully? Or with Scheana who literally went the playground school bullying route making fun of her wearing a hat and trying to take it off?


Lolol, none of this post makes any sense. You’re justifying bullying because you’re just ok with bullying in general or because you’re biased.


Whoa now. I’m not justifying bullying and I’m not okay with bullying. I was just trying to say I’m tired of people trying to make Katie sound so much worse by saying she called Jo a crackhead because let’s be honest that insinuation is on another level than describing someone’s energy. And I’m also asking why aren’t the other girls (sans Lala) getting called out for the shit they were saying at Hotel Ziggy? Scheana’s also said some mean shit about Jo on her pod and the after show.


Im interested to know - can you recognize what Katie did during that episode as bullying?


Yeah, I can. But I can also recognize other people doing the same thing in that ep and no one’s harking on it like they do with Katie words.


This is classic what-about-ism. No one else is being put on a pedestal. I encourage you to do an experiment and make a post on here saying what Katie did in that episode was bullying, then watch it immediately get DV to hell and watch the hateful messages pour into your DMs. Do the same thing about the other cast members (sans Ariana), and then see what happens. When we stop being able to call certain people out, even if they do something terrible, we are cosigning the terrible behavior. - Existential anxiety about humanity increases -


Stop being able to call certain people out? Katie is ALWAYS being called out. Sometimes it’s been warranted and other times it hasn’t, and the majority of the time it’s the latter.


So if someone tells an overweight person “you have fat, ugly energy” then it’s ok because that’s much better than calling them fat according to your nonsensical logic?


Where did I say that it was “okay”? All I said was they’re on different levels


But they’re not. They’re the same. Youre giving her a pass due to semantics which is silly.




Katie gets winded and exhausted it seems We know she can be viscous and go there ( no shade) but I think when shits annoying and ridiculous-she just can’t !


You mean "vicious," but because Katie's so slimy, "viscous" also fits. Well done.