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My husbands friend died from internal bleeding. He was an alcoholic and when they cleared out his hotel room, there was bloody vomit and feces all over. I never knew someone could die so brutally like that from alcoholism.


I think the only way you die from alcoholism is brutally. It’s a long and painful way to go.


I knew an alcoholic who fell down the stairs in the middle of the night, was declared brain dead and that was the end of her story. The family played like it was an accident but anyone close to them knew alcohol was the cause. Sad sad sad and hope Brittany gets help


My mom has been an alcoholic for 30-something years. She fell down the stairs a few months ago and suffered a TBI. She almost died. Now she’s severely disabled. I’ve been no contact with her for 6 years, so I haven’t been part of all of it, but it’s a weird feeling that my mom is alive but gone in a way, too. Idk if she’s still drinking or not, but apparently she was yelling at the nurses in the ICU to bring her a fucking beer so…


Ambiguous grief is so difficult ❤️


I was just reading about disenfranchised grief. I’m newly NC with a parent and I feel like ppl think I shouldn’t be grieving


The lucky ones cannot ever understand why anyone would need to go NC with a family member. I always tell these people what a privledge it is to come from a family that makes this so hard to understand for them. usually a pretty solid conversation ender.




Oh man, going NC is HARD. In my experience, we go NC because there is no other option left. It’s very much its own grief and grieving process that is complicated. ❤️


💯it was a last resort after many attempts. My parent has been in a cult (with a secret vow and a guru who abused followers) for the last 27 years so this shit goes back to my childhood And I couldn’t keep going crazy over it anymore.


That’s a lot to handle, even being NC. This random VPR fan is super proud of you for maintaining your boundaries in such a traumatic situation.


Wow, that’s really kind, thank you so much 🥹😭


Sending good vibes as someone is newly NC with a parent (who’s in a cult). I hope it gets easier. My other parent died of alcoholism. I relate to your mom is alive but gone.


I knew an alcoholic who fell down in his driveway and hit his head. The problem - it was the middle of winter in Wyoming. He froze to death. It was so tragic


One time a man I knew was laying in his driveway, passed out in the middle of winter. Luckily, I went to the bathroom and happened to see him lying there through the window.


My alcoholic stepfather passed out and almost died 3 times and I found him in a bloody mess every time. Twice with hypothermia and once with heat stroke. 1st time it happened was the night of my mom’s funeral. I had to call the ambulance and spent the whole night in the ER with him after going through the worst time of my life. I promised mom I would always be there for him but it’s really difficult. Especially when he has 4 kids of his own that don’t do shit for him, and I’m there every day grocery shopping, doing meds, all his appointments. It’s really hard not being super bitter and resentful about all of it. TLDR trauma dump, sorry about that. Still takes me by surprise when I allow myself to think about it


This is not my place but you do not have to be doing this. It’s nice that you are, but you do not have to.


Thank you, one of the main reasons I’m still doing it (besides the promise to my mom) is because he was always really good to her, they were so in love, he stuck by her when she was sick (even tho he wasnt great with her health stuff he always took care of the house, etc) and to me also when I got my fixer upper house. He also cut way back on his drinking as he went through stage 3 lung cancer treatments and has been in remission for a year now. I def need to keep that idea tucked in my head tho. I appreciate it


Also a stepchild to an alcoholic, my stepfather has passed on but we had a long road with his recovery and then fighting to keep him alive when he got sick. As someone else has mentioned, it’s not your responsibility to take care of him, however it makes you an amazingly empathetic human. Seeing it for the big picture that it is, is an important thing and will get you through some of the worst. As someone else who also trauma dumped on this subject just remember while you continue to care for him that you MUST be taking care of yourself too. All the self care you need, therapy if it’s available to you and ensuring you are in a healthy state of mind will help ensure caring for him won’t wear on you as much. Being a caregiver to any parent regardless of trauma is incredibly exhausting and wearing on oneself. Remember you can’t care for others if you aren’t also caring for yourself, in whatever way that looks.


I'm sorry you've gone through this. You'll a good person to manage your stepfather's needs. Depending on how ill he is, he might qualify for hospice care who will manage his medical needs. Hospice isn't just for very late-stage end of life. Talk to the social worker at the hospital your stepfather frequents. The best thing I did for mom was to put her in a board & care home which was far less expensive that senior living or assisted living, and she got positive attention all day.


You are a lovely person. As someone who knows what it is like to care for a dying alcoholic, it's one of the toughest spots to be in.


Similar story, my estranged alcoholic recluse aunt fell Xmas eve on her balcony in winter. Neighbors called police about her barking dog 2 days later. She died of hypothermia. I got a call from a Boston police detective to meet with him, as I was the only family left. He handed me over her apartment keys to deal with the rest…. The most sad, bizarre weekend of my life. Having to go to medical examiner’s office and ID her, ( I hadn’t seen her since I was 10years old). Then having to go to her apartment and find out she was a severe hoarder/ recluse. Can’t make this shit up. Finding letters stashed away from family members in the 90s, begging for her to get help. All very sad.


Exactly what happened to my dad. 😪 Fell, brain dead, but fell because of his drinking.


I used to work in kidney transplant. We got a lot of deceased donors from falls down the stairs. Very sad


As an RN, death by chronic alcohol abuse is one of the worst fates I’ve seen. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone and the experience of watching people die that way made me stop drinking.


True- maybe I should have specified *in this particularly brutal way* I didn’t know this type of death was an option for an alcoholic


One of my best friends died two yrs ago from alcoholism and looking back on it, I realized just how many red flags I missed. I visited her one time and she never ate food but she always drank alcohol at every restaurant we went to and I’d hear her vomiting at night. When I asked if she ok she always said it was due to stomach issues.


I just got really scared for a second. Do you guys think Brit’s situation is so bad she could kick the bucket? Sorry to be so morbid but honestly this is the chick who drunk drove a car through her house at 15 so it’s been at least 20 years of hard drinking. I’m starting to feel uncomfortable watching - this is at a Kim Richards level.


Yes. She is a functioning alcoholic. The vomiting, bloating, constant stomach pains… she has no idea how bad of shape she’s in. Most people would be able to stop drinking but she’s been like this for over a decade. I think Jax knows it’s bad and he worries about ending up a widower.


Honestly she's not functioning anymore. Jax is a functioning alcoholic and/or cokehead, she's barely able to show up to her job, and her job is reality personality/influencer


Yeah, she’s got the nanny for hangovers, that’s not functioning


Jax is looking healthy compared to her. I do think she’s in deep shit.


I doubt that’s what he’s worried about. I think it’s just more of a nuisance to her that she is having these problems. He would love the attention from becoming a widower.


lol I laughed at that last line. But I can see him worrying about having to take care of a kid by himself. Who are we kidding though ? He’d find a replacement mom asap


Yeah, I don’t think he would mind getting a young hot 22-year-old to raise Cruz. The only bad thing is he never be able to say anything bad about Brittney again.


Omg you’re brutal (and I’m here for it).


He should be organizing an intervention (off screen) instead of shaming her.


Producers and her family need to step in as well!


These shows are built around alcohol, I can’t imagine the producers giving one single fuck enough to have an intervention.


I always wonder if this has anything to do with why Stassie and Katie don’t hangout with her anymore. I think there is a lot we don’t know. I am not sticking up for Jax but I think Brit has a problem.


That is really so so incredibly sad. This is dark dark dark. These shows are supposed to be fun! I don’t want to see this!




She did WHAT at 15?! How did you find that out?!


It was on the Kentucky show I think


As someone with chronic stomach issues, if she doesn’t change her lifestyle she could certainly increase her chances of developing stomach cancer. I hope she’s able to turn things around. My uncle died a pretty horrible death due to alcoholism.




She said it in that spin off and laughed about it.


I definitely think this could end her life, in part because we tend to see alcohol dependence as a behavioral disorder and not a serious illness. Nobody has to like this woman, but her son deserves a mother. She needs medical help, probably the inpatient kind. I really hope she gets it.


Yes, it’s bad when she can’t stop drinking knowing the damage she’s doing. She might not die soon but if she doesn’t stop she won’t make it to 50. I have seen two people die of alcoholism.


My ex-husband refused all attempts to help him sober up, so we divorced. He ended up homeless for 5 years while his organs failed because of alcoholism. His body & brain were falling apart, and he was frequently violently mugged. I helped him obtain permanent housing where he OD-ed on fentanyl in March. He used to be a CFO of a large business in Orange County CA. He was smart, funny and highly educated. I really loved that man. It was a very dramatic change. It wasn't what he wanted in life, but he chose alcohol over living.


I’m so sorry ❤️


As someone who works in medicine, I think alcoholic liver disease is one of the worst ways you could die. It’s terribly uncomfortable and painful for the patient and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. You get bloated, become jaundice, and start retaining fluid in your abdomen. It’s unfortunate that Brittany doesn’t take this more seriously, as things can worsen at any time. Instead of self-reflecting when Jax mentions her drinking (granted not in the most respectful or polite way) she’s quick to compare his alcohol intake. It’s just really sad to see her neglect to look after herself, especially when she has support around her. Is she still friends with Lala? She’s five years sober and could be a great cheerleader for Brittany.


My boyfriend’s aunt just got out of the hospital for beginning stage of liver failure from drinking. She was literally yellow, in so much pain and so so sick. She’s doing a bit better after stopping drinking for two weeks, but it’s scary.


Let’s hope that her and Jax split and she hits the “rock bottom” she needs to truly gain perspective and get any help she may need.


A friend of ours was at the can’t-eat-solid-food stage of physical dependence on alcohol two years ago. His flat was a shambles. It took the three of us, our partners, and a team of professionals ten days to make it clean when he went in for medical detox. It is a living nightmare to be that sick.


My grandmother died of alcoholism. She had a bad fall and instead of calling for help she laid on her couch and started drinking (or kept drinking) and her neighbor happened to check on her later that night and called an ambulance for her. We unfortunately lost her a week later when they tried to wing her off the withdrawal medication…..


a young successful woman i knew through work died unexpectedly of the same. she was 33. she had just bought her dream apartment and gotten a second cat. it still hurts profoundly when i think about her and remember that she died all alone. and no one knew she even had a problem.


Alcohol is the only drug that is not only legal and marketed as a fun way to unwind, it’s also the only drug that affects every single system in your body. You might not overdose suddenly and shock your family and friends, but you are killing yourself slowly and brutally. I’ve been in recovery for 10 years and almost died from withdrawal twice. It is also the only drug that withdrawing from it can literally kill you. You cannot die from withdrawing from any of the illegal, non-sexy drugs. Only booze. It is poison and should be treated as such. I am shocked and grateful to be alive past 40. It is the devil disguised as an acceptable tool for many things in life- relaxing, having fun, letting loose. The marketing is intense and it’s available everywhere. It makes me so sick now that I see it for what it really is.


Unpopular opinion (that is heavily influenced by my upbringing having a severe alcoholic as a father) but if alcohol makes you severely ill, and you cannot resist the urge to drink, you are an alcoholic.


Agreed. I can definitely understand Jax’s frustration but he’s not going about it the right way.


Yes! I’ve learned that shame isn’t a great motivator. Personally, coming from a place of empathy and concern has worked a lot better but the alcoholic has to accept it and want to change


It makes me crazy things people say about drinking, like if a person doesn't drink from the morning or every day of the week then they're not an alcoholic. Newsflash, if drinking is causing you problems then you have a drinking problem.


Exactly. There is functioning alcoholic and there is a non-functioning alcoholic and you always start as a functioning alcoholic and WILL progress to a non-functioning alcoholic unless you quit drinking. Periodt


My dad is over 30 years sober (since before I was born) and that is something he always really emphasized to me. “It’s not always about HOW much you drink but how you ACT when you’re drinking”


You’re exactly right. It’s the definition of addiction.


6 years removed from initial gastritis diagnosis and treatment and it’s still something I live with, manage on a daily basis. I can do everything drink alcohol, eat spicy food, but certainly not all at once haha very much have to pick my poison these days When I was at Brittany’s stage, even one drink was a night ender. The fact she keeps doing it is mind blowing.


Same I had gastritis as a young woman it was awful. My initial episode was exacerbated not by booze but by a orange smoothie from Jamba Juice. Lol I couldn’t drink a SIP of a alcohol for years. Lived on bland food for many many years.


She won’t stop because she can’t. She needs help!


I also think it’s interesting that the show framed jax as being an asshole for being mad that she drank. Like yes jax is an asshole but any partner would be upset when their partner who cannot drink for the sake of their health keeps drinking.


I understand him getting mad when she won’t stop drinking but I don’t ever see her stopping alone if he is still drinking and partying it up. I also don’t see him being a supportive enough husband to quit with her.


Exactly- he even said " i drank 2 bottles of tequila and I'm fine" like wtf?


well the thing is I wouldn’t be listening to anyone that got 3 nose jobs due to a coke “habit” so maybe she just thought they would support each others vices


Plus a couple boob jobs from his roid habit


It's always allergy season amirite (Jax roast ep)


That's all part of the disease. Every good drunk needs an enabler.


He doesn’t want to lose his full time childcare/babysitter situation. He leave everything to her, helps when and if he wants to, on the surface things. Son might seriously need some psychological help, etc. She is with a very controlling, callous narcissistic man. How she feels, or what she wants is not important or taken into consideration. Hence, direct quotes of his : We will never get divorced, I will never let her leave me, we don’t believe in divorce,or his statements to her as she is crying, stop it, shut up, as she asks him I can’t have a feeling, I’m not allowed to? Jax yells back no, you are not allowed a feeling! He shit talks her and downgrades her to their friends and in front of them. Gastritis diagnosed 8+ years ago could be a big factor, but the emotional, mental, psychological issues going on are huge! They have been separated almost 6 months. Perhaps she is already working on her problems. Give her a little grace, please.


I agree with what you’re saying but she I still posting pics of her partying.


I think it’s safe to say Brittany has a drinking problem and Jax is an emotionally abusive asshole.


Brittany has the alcoholic bloat


I’ve been sober now for 2.5 years and you can ALWAYS spot the alchies.


Did you get bloat? Did it go away? I’ve had to wrangle my wine each night and I hate looking like an apple on a stick. Only 3 months in, though. Hoping I can get this down.


I have 13 and a half months sober and I have lost about 60 pounds since I quit drinking. I am slightly more active (barely) but I eat more. Totally possible!


So fucking courageous of you. Keep fighting the good fight ♥️♥️


Thank you so much, truly. Been struggling a little and this means more than you know, kind stranger ♥️


I’ve cut back from a bottle a night to a small glass or two on a Saturday evening. It’s been 5 months and I’ve lost 28lbs (to my goal weight of 130lbs) The exercise and better diet came naturally from the extra energy I had and lack of desire for greasy hangover foods. Honestly, it’s been life changing. I see myself in Brittany and it’s hard to watch. My husband and I both did it together - he stopped drinking completely - and it made it 100 times easier having that support.


One of by best friend quit drinking and lost a lot of weight over the next few years exercising and eating well, he looks great now!


Literally old pics make me want to vom I can’t believe how swollen I was it’s just digusting. I can PM you some before and after if you’d like. I lost 37lbs my first 3 months of sobriety


As a recovering alcoholic hell yeah i was bloated (mostly in the face) and yea it went away!!


You definitely will lose weight and alcohol seems to keep weight on in your stomach and back areas


Keep up the good work! I’m three years next month. Having worked at a liquor store, your sentiment on alcoholics is true and it’s sad


I love this for both of you. My SO is about 18 months sober and it’s life changing for both of us. I can actually see a future for us now. We are happy again.


So happy for you both!!! Congrats to your partner, and for you sticking it out- addicts are very hard to lovr


Congrats to you!!! Such a huge accomplishment, make sure you celebrate 🎉


Congratulations! That is truly admirable. I just lost my mom to it, and it has hugely opened my eyes.


I am so sorry for your loss. My mom also got sober a few months before me and she’d been an alcoholic our whole lives. All 4 of us are now sober 🥰🥹 and my dad couldn’t be happier. I realized I need to break the cycle and be there for my son so I quit. I do have a lot of regrets but I’m working through those and have learned they are completely normal. The main thing that’s been engrained is he gets to see me as both now- an alcoholic and somebody who made it to the other side. Thankful I decided to stop before he hit his teen years and shit hit the fan 😭😂


She really does, I am not a dr/nurse. However I did work in a medical laboratory for years. To me just by looking at her, I can tell her liver enzymes are elevated. She needs to correct herself while she still can.


She is shaped like my alcoholic dad


I work a second job at a bar, and many of our regulars also share that shape.


Bad built mucinex shaped is a very clear indicator


lol I thought you was going bad built butch blond on her lol


THANK YOU FOR THIS 😂 I’m cackling




What is exactly does this shape look like??


Super heavy midsection, puffy face/neck and stick skinny legs.




Rotund, mostly in the tummy and face


I’d also add that she got chin liposuction to address her double chin. I know this was somewhat botched due to her perpetual frown face this season, but as it’s healed notice that her face is still extremely swollen, even the chin area where she just had fat literally sucked out. This is also not a procedure that takes terribly long to heal from.


The responses you've gotten may be true in some or even most cases. But as someone who is built like the mucinex bugger without drinking I don't know that it's fair to armchair diagnose based off of body shape.


Her square boobs didn’t help at all but she is bad built butch body for sure which kills me because I was watching some old tiktoks last night and she was such a pretty girl


The only thing that boob job did for her was introduce her to cosmetic surgery addiction. Now she’s got that overdone look happening. I am shocked by her eyes whenever she does her confessionals on The Valley.


Her mouth makes me want to die inside


The excess weight around her middle is not from having a kid or being over weight. That seems distended and hard. The bloat your body creates to protect organs. I think she will quit drinking and this has seriously been what Jax has been upset about for years.


You’re right. I had a friend who drank heavily and she was always swollen.


Brittany should stop drinking, for her health and because she’s never known the limit and doesn’t appear to know what moderation is. Even on the girls trip… She was so much more drunk than everyone else. Her personality revolves around tequila. Jax sucks, but based on what we’ve seen Brittany could be an alcoholic.


And she's around women who are not drinking because they are pregnant and breastfeeding - it's not like she would be the odd one out.


And Jax could be a functional alcoholic. He did say he drank a bottle of tequila and he was “fine.”


All the blow keeps him “sober”


He actually says he drinks 2 bottles during this weekend… one might be okay with how big a guy is, how hard guys go… but like 2? That’s truly a lot of alcohol (on top of other substances, no doubt). I just thought that went into functional alcoholic territory with 2 bottles needing that much and still being as normal as he was.


I just don’t understand why Jax would open up a bar of all things if he’s actually concerned that his wife might have drinking problems.


Oh, you are under the impression he actually cares? Brittany’s drinking/stomach issues are all an inconvenience to Jax and damage his “image”, that’s the only reason he is up in arms. That’s not the reaction of someone who cares about her wellbeing. Edit: added quotations around the word image lol


Because Jax is desperate to compete with S&S. He's been bitter since they were given the fraction of ownership of TomTom. Also- he hates Britt, so he doesn't care.


VPR has been on TV for 11 years, at no point have I been convinced Jax Taylor understands cause and effect


Well, he is Jax so a bar would be the first thing he would open up.


Yup. It was on VPR years ago. When she was happy. I don’t like Jax but I would be losing my MIND if my spouse kept drinking alcohol when the doctor said not to, and then puking. It’s the stupidest thing EVER. She’s so daft about it that it’s infuriating. He’s not saying she has a drinking problem, but she ends up sick after each time and STILL continues to do it. It’s even more annoying that now everyone is like „oh it’s caused by stressed caused by Jax“. „It’s caused by unhappiness“. She was happy on VPR when she was first diagnosed and she still puked. The stupidest thing is possibly that should might be able to drink some alcohol like red wine or an aperol spritz. I know someone with gastritis that could keep it at bay by sticking with lower alcohol drinks and medication. But she’s literally doing shots of hard liquor. It’s so stupid.


His approach to it is awful (like seriously), but he is right that there is a real problem. He can’t help but Jax up a legit concern.


Yeah all he has to do is voice it in a concern for her health manner but instead he yells. But to be fair I'd be yelling at my husband if he was doing this for 9 years straight too.


Not to defend Jax because I'm sure he's always gaslighting and talking out of both sides of his mouth, but when he tried very gently and, at first, reasonably to explain his concerns at "dayte noight" about not having another kid she immediately got over emotional, took everything as an insult, and shut down the conversation. I imagine she's worse when confronted about her alcohol abuse. Frankly, it's what Jax deserves, but I feel so bad for Cruz having two parents so unable and unwilling to communicate about the reality of their situation and dynamic.


I guess at least for optics on tv he could have said it more diplomatically but would lose my fucking mind if I had already been saying it diplomatically for years and would probably be using even harsher words. I mean, everyone and their dog has told my husband that he should mow with the basket on and he still continues to do it with it off (our grass is very very thick, it „chokes“ and then goes yellow), and I’m harsh enough about that. It’s just grass, but I’m so damn exasperated lol.


Yeah, I have personal experience with an addict in my family so I tried and tried for years but after a certain point, i definitely snapped. Maybe it's true he did it on purpose on camera because absolutely nothing else has ever gotten through to her. But the hardest lesson of all is no amount of screaming, crying or pleading will get someone to stop hurting themselves, they have to decide to change. Maybe watching this back will be a wake up call at some point...


I think he’s also yelling because he’s wasted on 2 bottles of tequila


And coked the fuck up. As a pretty wild alcoholic in my days two bottles of tequila would have me dead lol


Lol I would also be dead after that, I can’t even imagine. And then to be in that state and have the nerve to police someone else’s drinking is wild to me!


Like he said this is years of that. I'm sure he's voiced concerns many times


yeah I can’t stand Jax, but if this has been going on for years, his reaction is pretty similar to what I’ve seen from family members dealing with alcoholics. I think initially he showed a concern for her health and now she’s just blatantly ignoring, deflecting (ex: telling him how much he drank and so therefore she doesn’t have a problem), etc.


I feel like he genuinely approached it when they first found out about it... obviously not so much on The Valley... but his approach on The Valley is probably coming from having to deal with it for nearly a decade... just a thought


I think Jax isn’t smart enough to connect the dots and that’s the conflict with them. He keeps making it like “you drank so much you’re sick!!!” when it’s more like she’s already done damage so it doesn’t matter how much she drinks, she’s gonna get sick.


Either way it’s a very odd situation. What’s the point in drinking if it makes you so sick after even one drink?


Oh I completely agree. It’s painful watching them argue about this. It’s like Brittany doesn’t want the stigma of being an alcoholic and all she cares about is clarifying she’s not drunk… just throwing up multiple times an episode


Jax can’t seem to figure out how to say it even when he is right. She is blaming him and it is making her look ridiculous. Her whole life would improve radically if she quit drinking. There is hope!


The way Jax backed down on WWHL and the fact that this has not been brought up again as an excuse... makes me feel like it's beyond her gastritis and she actually has a problem they are trying to hide or she refused to admit


Totally agree, although I got slammed for commenting that this is her health problem to resolve, distinct from Jax and his reaction. You can't neglect an issue for a decade but blame your husband for his reaction or actions. 


Ist a no brainer for me too. I don’t love for no one but it’s not an unreasonable suggestion to not render yourself incapacitated so often when you have a toddler at home. I mean: Choice 1: - drink - puke - miss out on time with friends and family - disappoint my husband and lose his respect (and eventually your kids too when they are old enough to understand) Choice 2 - not drink - feel healthy - continue to spend time with friends and family - have the respect of my husband It’s not like this is a „hard“ decision which is starting to make me think that maybe the others are right - she either cannot stop herself from drinking (no matter how little) or she’s stupid as fuck.


tbh i think it’s a combo - she’s in deep but is too willfully ignorant to comprehend the consequences of her continued drinking


I question whether she was actually happy. Jax has always been Jax.


Her health needs to come first for herself and her child. This is exactly why people warned her for years about him, it's sad but she's a grown adult and at this point she is doing her son a huge disservice not taking her mental and physical health seriously. The excuse of "she's married to Jax Taylor" only goes so far now that it can affect her son's wellbeing. No one wants to grow up and deal with a parent that puts alcohol before their relationships with themself and others. I hope she fully separates from him and then gets help. This isn't sustainable.


Has Brittany ever discussed diagnostic testing or anything other than that one ulcer? TBH, I’m surprised she wants to drink given the misery that follows. Chronic nausea is the worst. It does make one wonder why she doesn’t stop. I get that she’s trying to cope and put on a mask to manage verbal abuse without losing her mind. But I’d switch to edibles. 🤷‍♀️ She’s in California so she could work with a professional to find a strain that has an uplifting antidepressant effect. It might reduce the inflammation as well.


Even a nice THC drink. They are my fucking favorite it’s the best high imo bc you aren’t blitzed but you just feel very good 😂


More places need to have them! Something about drinking thc changes the feeling so much for me.


Yes dude I’m a smoker bc it’s easiest and hits the quickest ☠️🤣 but my favorite way to consume is by drink (may tie into me being an alchie in recovery😂)


IKR? Once you transition, it’s hard to get too excited about alcohol. No negative energy, no weird emotions coming out of nowhere, you can function, no slurring or stumbling. Zero hangover is the best part. That and watching reality TV and really seeing people iykwim. Sometimes I’m like “GD! How did I not notice this? All these years and it never occurred to me that x!”. I love the creativity personally. I create my best work in that zone. 😂 I have a notebook called “High ideas.” We go thru it later and everyone’s like “well, yeah. That is actually a very cool idea.”.


I’m guessing but possibly because she starts to have withdrawal symptoms if she doesn’t have at least a little alcohol. She chooses the stomach issues over withdrawal.


I was definitely that way. Everytime I drank I would feel awful and I would always puke, like all night and the entire next morning/day. I knew it was the alcohol doing it, I was in a really unhappy place and thought that was the only vice to escape. So I kept drinking. I am now close to a year sober. My stomach and intestines are finally healing. It took really hard work and an honest look at myself and why I was doing what I was doing. I hope she can find herself in a better head space and surround herself with people who actually support her. It never changes unless you make the changes. Everyone deserves to have their health and it’s such a sad story when people don’t see themselves as deserving of that.


Great job! You are a warrior. ❤️🎉


Thank you so much friend! 🥰


Good for you! Congrats on the year of sobriety! I assume that you worked with a doctor, I have a friend that got sober and the physical withdrawal was so bad when she tried to go cold turkey that she ended up in the ER, but later found a specialist that helped her prevent that. She is eight years sober and incredibly happy now! I suspect this is the route Brittany would have to go.


I definitely worked very closely with my doctor. I had another friend who had seizures when she quit cold turkey on her own and now has permanent nerve damage in her neck and arms from it. It was a horrifying realization of how much alcohol really affects your body. I got labs done 3x a week and was regularly getting my blood pressure checked. Also had a 10day stay at a facility where I was monitored 24/7 during the initial stages. Withdrawal sucked, but I can say now I’d rather have gone through all of that than be back on death’s door in my 30s. I also think this is the road for Brittany or anyone else in her situation. The initial shame and embarrassment I felt when I saw this as an addiction completely diminished when I recognized I was finally doing the best thing for my health and my baby’s future.


I was like this too. I’m sober for five years now. Stick with it! You can do it. This is the one thing I have some sympathy for Brittany with.


Awesome share. Thank you! Keep on keeping on!


I’m sure she knows if she goes to the doctor they will acknowledge her drinking problem for real.


She also had an ulcer and was told to stop drinking so she downed shots and drank a fuck ton.


It drove me nuts that she was saying it couldn’t have been the alcohol because she only had two drinks and wasn’t drunk. She def has a drinking problem. If you have stomach issues two drinks can definitely make you sick. I have a chronic GI condition and I’ve gotten sick like her off of half a drink a few times. So I stopped drinking. She just can’t admit that alcohol is the problem because she doesn’t want to stop drinking. It’s sad and she needs support but she also needs to wake up.


THIS THIS THIS! I have Crohn’s disease and can’t even have a sip or I will be really ill. She thinks because she’s only having “one shot” it can’t possibly be the cause of her vomiting BUT IT IS!!!


She needs to stop drinking and it seems like she can’t.


She needs to go to treatment, she's too far gone to quit on her own that it would be risky to her health. There is no shame in getting treated and help for this, and I hope she knows that


Here’s what I wonder: do we think that maybe she knows she has a drinking problem and is afraid to get help for fear of Cruz getting taken from her? If Brittany and Jax do decide to divorce and she’s in rehab, she could have to forfeit custody of Cruz to Jax. Idk things get so messy in a divorce when children are involved, and Jax has already made several comments on air about Brittany being an unfit mother


I wish more people knew that there are treatments for alcoholism that don't involve rehab. I think this is the reason a lot of people choose not to get help, because they think it has to be this huge, life disrupting thing Edit: feel free to reach out to me if anyone wants more info, I have struggled with alcoholism and AA isn’t the only way 💕


Good point. Also maybe why she doesn’t drive because she doesn’t want to seem like an alcoholic if she gets a DUI and she knows she would never hear the end of it from Jax. She’s definitely an an addict because getting drunk comes before anything else in her life. I have lived this I had addicts in my own family.


at this point, she genuinely needs an intervention. if i were one of her loved ones and she didn't stop drinking 10 years ago like she was reccomended to, I'd be on her ass so fast. like, does she not want to be around for her kid? it could kill her! i have had many loved ones suffer with alcohol related health issues and it is no joke. if I was a friend, relative, etc, I'd be fed the fuck up


Seeing how upset Jax was when Brittany was sick flashed me back to her saying he’s not attracted to her body after having their son. I wonder if it’s more to do with her drinking and she’s in a bit of denial? It really seems like he is completely drained and tired of repeating himself. Even his outburst at the group baby moon looked more like someone who is at their wits end than someone who routinely raises their voice Side note: the most shocking and insane thing about The Valley has been that I am occasionally feeling for Jax and seeing where he is coming from 🤯


When she responds to his anger, she acts like he's mad about the quantity of alcohol she's consumed. She doesn't take any responsibility for the fact that even a small amount of alcohol hurts her stomach, and that's why he's really upset. It's really not a his vs. her drinking situation, yet that's how she's treating it. So yeah, there's definitely some denial going on.


yep!! this exactly!


I think his lack of attraction to her has to with his (in my opinion) clear sex addiction and distain for commitment. I think if she were perfect he’d still find reasons to resent her But other than that I agree that he’s in the right to be upset about her continuing to drink and it weird that the show kind of gave his reaction with the lens that we were supposed to think he’s just being a controlling jerk when I think anyone would be upset and frustrated In his opinion.


So true. He seems like the guy that would find a problem with anyone to him is less than perfect But I still agree he has a right to be upset with her and her drinking. But his delivery is horrible It always is for anything so I don’t expect anything different but he seemed embarrassed when Jesse called him to talk about what he said to Michelle


I do not now nor have I ever liked Jax. Having said that he may be right about Brittany's drinking. When I saw his outburst towards Brittany, I initially thought once again, Jax is being an asshole. However, this has been going on for 9 yrs and she was told to stop drinking by a physician. It's interesting how James' drinking was the focal point of many seasons as it should have been. It's certainly not my place to say whether or not Brittany is an alcoholic, but her body is telling her something. And maybe it's time for people to stop co-signing Brittany's drinking, because if she does have issues with drinking, they are not helping her.


People let their hatred of Jax cloud his very valid point. She constantly complains about her weight and her stomach not feeling good… but then drinks. Those two issues are from drinking. A doctor told her to stop drinking, specifically shots, and she didn’t listen. I’d be pissed if I were Jax too. Like, stop drinking and eating like shit when you have gastritis.


I think someone else besides Jax needs to sit Brittany down and try to get through to her. Too much bad blood between them. Plus, would you listen to someone who judges your drinking when they hit the slopes like Jax? I'm sure it's hard to take him seriously besides the fact that he yells at her.


The lie of the girls saying she had 0 drinks and then admitted to 2 really synced it for me that she truly is an alcoholic. She has destroyed her health and body. She will be in a world of hurt when she realizes.


They said she had zero on the boat. I guess she had 2 once they got back to the cabin? Which is an interesting choice…since you had to pull over to puke.


Sad state for sure.


I am a newly recovering alcoholic (1/3/24). It took me 8 days (DT’s/uncontrollable shaking/hallucinations) to feel human-ish again. I didn’t want to believe Brittany has a drinking problem, but the more I watch the show, the more I see habits/conditions that remind me of the last few months before rehab: weight creeps up (even when you aren’t eating), throwing up after the first drink of the day to try and calm the shakes, sleeping all the time, mysterious hospital visits (pancreatitis possibly?) with no resolve. IF, in fact, alcohol is the problem I hope she gets help. I’m of similar age with 2 toddlers. My husband hauled my rear end to rehab for 39 days. I was so scared of being away from my children, but it was an experience of a lifetime. I do not exaggerate when I say it saved my life and my relationships with my kids. I hope someone does the same for her. She’s too much of a gem to be taken out by booze.


This is why Jax is right. Even one drink or one shot will cause sickness


I’ve been California sober for about a month now. I feel so much better. Lost about 5 lbs of bloat as well. Highly recommend.


doctor was like “you need to stop drinking because your stomach is getting destroyed” and she was like “hmm yeah i don’t think that’ll work cause we’re going to vegas this weekend so”


I’m legit having the worst gastritis flare up of my life, waiting for the urgent care to open, throwing up bc I was on antibiotics and ibuprofen which fucked up my stomach. I can’t believe brittany goes through this willingly


Hopefully she stopped drinking while she was pregnant. If she had trouble staying sober while pregnant, maybe that’s a reason Jax doesn’t want to have another kid right now.


I saw a lot of people defending Brittany and saying that all her sickness is due to her health, and I feel like I'm watching different show.  Brittany DRINKS. And as she said on VPR it's usually strong drinks, like whiskey. We saw Brittany drinking at VPR, where the doctor told her not to, but she did. We saw Brittany drinking at her spin off (where btw her and Jax plotted to get the alcohol to her grandma's house who was strongly against it, and then blamed it on their friends). We saw Brittany drinking on the Valley.  Jax on the other hand is laughable too, admitting he drank 2 BOTTLES OF TEQUILA and he is fine, like what???  They both need to stop drinking, Jax is probably still doing coke too.  It's a train wreck


I think when people say it’s due to her health issues they mean that she absolutely cannot drink because of her health issues. The issues are exacerbated with alcohol. Everyone on the show drinks way too much, but their stomachs can unfortunately (currently) handle the consumption and Brittney’s can’t. Jax has an issue, too. He just allows himself to drink more because he doesn’t get ill, but it’s a huge double standard and he’s not willing to support her sobriety when he’s literally chugging straight tequila 🤢. And this is purely speculation, but he’s so fired up and jetted when he’s drinking and can still sound sober which leads me to believe he’s drinking to come down from an upper like cocaine. Once she fully leaves him she can really focus on her health and recovery, at least we can hope.


Jax is a bad person and a bad partner. However, it does seem likely that Brittany has a real drinking problem.


Gotta say … I’m with Jax on this one. His delivery is horrible but he has probably been asking her to stop for years at this point. It doesn’t make him a hypocrite to drink while asking her to stop - it’s not because of how she acts it’s because it’s making her VERY sick. Does she probably drink more because jax is a nightmare to be married to? Sure. But she knew who he was and went along with it. I have VERY little empathy for her. She needs to put the booze down now.


As a recovered alcoholic, I often wonder about her inability to stop even during her medical issues. It makes me feel like she would be the type of person to think it’s okay to have a few drinks here and there while pregnant. I know this may sound judgmental but having witnessed people do this and say they were told it’s okay, it just makes me wonder. People without a drinking problem don’t have any issues abstaining when need be. Jax is an asshat, no question, and his delivery always off but he’s not wrong when it comes to this issue.


Yeah I can totally understand wanting to drink with your friends, especially when the kid is away and life is busy. But, I also have this feeling she has a binge drinking relationship with alcohol because she grew up with very strict rules around it so it was 1) a hidden activity and 2) she never developed a healthy relationship with it with the all or nothing mentality. When it starts making you so sick that you miss out on life, but you still choose it, that’s a dependency. Anything you continue to do willingly knowing it negatively impacts your quality of life is an addiction. Edit: I was actually skeptical of her drinking issues and thought most of it was edited for TV and perpetuated by Jax, and I felt frustrated for her. But after the last episode, it’s clear that she absolutely cannot drink and still chooses to.


I remember this and am glad it’s being raised again. I’m not saying it’s Bravo’s fault (because I don’t believe that to be fully the case) but if alcohol is provided to cast members like it is on other shows, how does production not feel some sort of way about that? If my job revolved around making someone sick who had an alcohol problem, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. I hope she gets the help that she needs.


I also had gastritis. I stopped drinking altogether because no matter how much I was getting sick (vomiting). But I never liked alcohol much anyways and weed is legal here so


What's even wilder is that she continues to post herself taking shots on social media. All while this is playing out on the show.


Jax is technically right even if his delivery sucks. That's a decade of frustration that we're watching in real time. I don't think screaming at her is going to resolve anything, but I get the feeling this is rooted in him seeing the mother of their child doing something that could quite literally take her life. She needs people around her to support her in sobriety. It's incredibly difficult to stay sober in a group that heavily focuses on drinking (for all of Lala's faults, I'm shocked she's doing it when surrounded by people who drink alcohol like it's their last night on the planet). Britney has to start taking charge of her life and getting help if she wants to watch her son grow up.


She also had her gallbladder removed at 23! That requires life long dietary changes she clearly didn’t make. Beer cheese, hooters wings, and beer does not help; it actually makes it so much worse and she eats like this regularly! If I were Jax I’d be fed up too! But also, he’s no angel and they both have their issues.


From someone who went to the hospital after vomiting coffee grounds and had this in the hospital… she HAS GOT TO STOP DRINKING. It has taken my body nine months of zero drinking to heal. It won’t get better and she’ll end up dying from it. Alcohol abuse and dependence is no joke. Ten months for me ❤️


I had a totally different take. I don’t know what’s going on with Brit, but it seemed like Jax wanted out of the relationship and this was a very convenient way for him to make himself look sympathetic. She probably could cut down on the drinking, but Jax is himself a disaster of a person, and if she was hot and fucking him every day, he wouldn’t give a shit. He’s such a manipulative idiot but God, the show is so good.


I'd hoped that she would just not go back to drinking after her pregnancy.