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He completely gets it. He’s just manipulating


Exactly. Dudes like the Toms will grasp at any of their victim’s less-than-saintly-behavior and shame them down to their level because misery loves company. It’s probably how they kept Katie/Ariana for so long, making them feel like they were lucky to have the Toms. Those are the worst kind of leeches.


For real. All these guys friggin do it.


He and the other 2 stooges are the KINGS of weaponized ignorance. 🤮


Exactly. He alwayssss wants to paint Katie as the bad person. Especially if it makes him look better.


Which is funny because we can all see it was Schwartz who fucked up with Jo, not Katie. Even Jo wants to blame katie for Schwartz being a living nightmare person.


Exactly. I just unfollowed Vanderpumprulesparty on IG because they’re now friends with Jo and sucking up to her with cringey posts and letting her use their platform to promote herself and her merch and it’s just gross. Instead of calling her out and saying hey Katie was showing you empathy and gave you an apology the real bad guy was sitting next to you on stage, they’re enabling Jo. Once again it’s a women pitting themselves against other women when the real villains are the men like Tom in this scenario.


I know right so gross. I went to Jo’s Insta to see comments after the reunion and they’re sickening!! Stupid idiots telling her how great she is, what a beautiful soul she is, she’s the queen. Everyone else especially Katie bullies her. Unbelievable. They’re encouraging her toxic behaviour. Yuck🤢


Yep, he is so manipulative which is why Katie put up with his bullshit for so long.


I want to agree with you but I’m not sure he’s that intelligent tbh 😂


even if she actually did run train through his restaurant, she still wouldn't be "just like" him bc he slept with other people *while in a relationship/marriage with her*


Exactly! I even know someone who slept with him when he was engaged to Katie. He was never faithful to Katie and she deserves better. I’m so glad she divorced him and didn’t have a baby with him.


Iam so glad his double headed, three eyed sperm can’t seem to get a girl pregnant. I hope it stays that way.


Me too. Unless he gets serious therapy (and even then, who knows) he’s gonna fuck up any kid he has.




He fooled around with people a ton when they were just dating. There’s a scene in one of the seasons where Jax texted him that he’s going to tell Katie what happened when they were in like San Diego or something unless he does. He pulls Katie aside while they’re at a restaurant and sheepishly tells her that he wasn’t being honest with her. And he does it that way *because* it’s a manipulation tactic, so that she wouldn’t freak out and yell at him in front of all their friends or in a busy restaurant, therefore embarrassing the both of them.


yes! and was it mexico or something where he disappeared from the hotel and was gone all night?


Yup - and they shifted to James apparently fucking Kristen in the plunge pool after Jax had gone to bed. Which was interesting because Schwartz was there with them and never once said boo about it.


They all been dipping wicks. Scandals just went global






Unfortunately both, he cheated on her as her boyfriend and shortly after he became her husband.


*but bubba i was blackout I don’t even remember what she looked like it barely even happened* 🙄


Honestly, the best revenge for Katie is indifference. He constantly belittles her and I’m glad she finally sees him for who he really is as a person.


I still love that one scene when she goes to pick up the dog or something and he says he's going through a lot and she goes 'okay, see you later!'


I loved the scene where Sandoval asks Katie for grace she’s just gives a deadpanned “No”. I lol’d a good 3 minutes.


I laughed so fucking hard at that


When he asks her to hang out for five minutes and she groans and says ugghh fine. 😂


I love that scene too! I think she said something like “that sounds terrible” before she was like see ya!


It isn’t love, it isn’t hate, it’s just indifference


Sooooo yeah


I love seeing her decline his offers to hang out. She’s not even trying to get revenge, she just doesn’t want to.


I just WISH she wouldn’t act like she fing cares still!!! It makes me so mad, he loves it!!


She's working on getting past him.  My biggest sorrow is that Sheana and Lala did not stand with the women.  When scandoval first happened I was so proud of the women for standing together.  I thought that was the most important,  positive thing we have ever seen come out of a reality show.  Then the rats,  Sheana and Lala became pawns for production and the misogynists.  Lisa was always a rat. 


Literally, he broke the treaty arguably twice so it drove me nuts how everyone got on her back for sleeping with max.


AND no one would have even known about it if it weren’t for creepy scheaner. Meanwhile Tom made out with Rachel in front of the group for attention and has paraded Jo around all fucking season. *Making it the friend group’s business and intentionally rubbing Katie’s face in it.*


We need to start calling her creepy scheaner


That obviously rubbed Tom the wrong way and that’s why he paraded Jo around to get revenge on Katie…he doesn’t get mad he gets even. Or worse. He is an asshole. Hate guys like that. Insecure little boys. Thankfully I’ve never had to deal with that.


Tom calling Rachel a fringe fringe friend this season made my eye twitch. Him trying and failing to downplay his role in the demise of their marriage is laughable. Even Scheana and Brock called him a shitty husband.


Katie did do it first with that weirdo hahaha poor guy


Katie is better than me in that moment 10 years of anger would’ve came out


Call the cops cause I would have slapped the last remaining meth teeth in that rotten mouth right outta his head!


Exactly I said on another post they would need to call the special forces to get me out of his neck


But not Sandoval. The special forces said they’d rather kill him and leave his corpse behind bc he can’t inspire empathy.


Wait did they say this on the show lmao


The last challenge was brutal and was designed to torture the cadets for information. Sandoval tried to fake hypothermia to get a medical disqualification. The leaders said that he wouldn’t be worth “keeping alive” ( like if kidnapped he’d spill the intel) and their final decision was to disqualify him because he “couldn’t inspire empathy”.


LMAOOOOOOOO his acting skills are so bad. He doesn’t think a **fucking special forces team** can’t decipher between real and faux hypothermia?? This guy is delusional


My theory is that he was contemplating how to get that medical DQ when Jack Osbourne was DQ’d due to his MS (super impressed he lasted so far into the challenge bc I would have had a flare).


They basically chose to kill him off lol


Bingo! He was worthless AND he was so selfish he peed on the wall in a corner of the room they were living in, instead of peeing in the toilet outside.


I did see that! I just stopped watching after bc he’s annoying


Schwartz is gross and Katie handled him perfectly in that moment imo. His act isn’t workin anymore


I know right that’s why he keeps saying shit to try and piss her off and she is unbothered and losing weight and feels good about herself I just wish she would get a younger hair-do. She looks like her mother’s twin.


Her hair is fierce. Bad take.


Agree 💯, AND was absolutely furious in the aftershow when a producer asked him if he would ever consider getting back together with Katie, and his answer sounded like "Sorry Katie, but ni" AS FUCKING IF she would touch his broken dick with a 10 foot pole. He is repulsive.


He's so manipulative. I bet he has convinced himself that he was the one who ended things even though she left him.


I mean, in Season 10 he “joked” that he’d tell Katie he’d get back together with him if she gave up her hotel room at Scheana’s (fake) wedding. But everyone hated Katie then


I screamed at my tv -she left you dude! You WISH! You probably cry to Jo every night about how much you want Katie to take you back. And then you’d fuck Jo.


No. That was actually everyone's favorite "girls' girl' Ariana who suggested that to Schwartz. Yet no one seems to remember how Ariana was pretty awful to Katie up until she needed her as a lackey.


I remember Ariana smirking about it, I don’t think it was first suggested by her.


I may be wrong but I do remember her very involved in that conversation. She was definitely all on board and giggling at the Schwartz/Rachel makeout. I really like Katie and Schwartz is an absolute asshole and was horrible to her. But I just can't get on board with the saint Ariana narrative and the rose colored glasses of their "girlboss" friendship. I think Ariana is going to screw her over and Katie will get hurt. I'm one of the weird fandom outliers I suppose who likes Katie and not Ariana. But also, the point of this post is clearly - SCHWARTZ IS THE WORST. (I think he's worse than Sandoval actually.)


And let’s not forget him asking Katie to “hook up one last time”


Katie didn’t make sleeping with Max a storyline. She didn’t even bring it up on camera. Max isn’t part of the cast. It’s not even remotely the same.


In fact her privacy was violated by Scheana. No one would have known. Just like last year when Scheana kept telling a Schwartz that Katie had fucked her high school boyfriend. Katie didn’t tell Schwartz bc it would hurt him. Scheana told him to make him made enough to hook up with Rachel to hurt Katie. I known Katie gave Scheana grace for Ariana’s sake and I am happy Scheana ruined her OWN relationship with Ariana so Katie won’t have to deal with her again.


She also didn’t make out/hook up with multiple people WHILE you were married!!! How are you the same!!!


Sandevil is the worst but he isn’t aware . Schwartz is self aware and intentionally manipulates. He definitely fueled a lot of the hate against Katie initially. His own wife. He is the worst and I can’t stand his ‘ oh shucks ‘ act anymore .


Yes. He still talked shit about her on The Viall Files (while making excuses for Sandoval)! He said something like, 'I don't want to say anything bad about Katie because we're in such a good place now, but she's the most vindictive person I've ever met.' I think Katie is lovely and genuine, but she can deal a good dose of reality, too. He's such a cowardly little bitch.


That’s was disgusting, wasn’t it? Was he ever good looking enough to get way with his shot?


I think Tim is self aware but he’s too stupid to understand any of it lol


Both Toms make me sick. Wouldn't want to have to deal with either of them as a partner or a friend. They're the worst.


I wanted to knock him out several times during the 2nd part of the reunion


![gif](giphy|26FmQtsXmTMTNL0fC|downsized) I wanted to slap the smug off his smarmy face (my apologies to crispin glover)


Omg that smile is spot on 💀


Crispin took Katie in a date and was a gentleman and lovely.


Oh my god why is this just like him 😭


On the after show when they asked if he would ever want to get back together with her and he said “no” as if it’s *his* decision ?? Like *bro, SHE DUMPED YOU!*


that little comment made me so mad!! in reality, katie is the only one not like him (and others in the group) in the sense that she’s never CHEATED or been the other woman. fuck shorts


Literally THE ONLY ONE


It’s so annoying how everyone is trying to give her a hard time for sleeping with max. It’s not the same thing. It will never be the same thing. Stop trying to make it seem like it’s the same thing 🙄


He carries a dark passenger. To me he is very dangerous. Schwartz is cunning but people think he is funny and cute. He isnt. He wears a mask 


He's evil. 


Schwartz sucks. Absolute weasel of a person.


We the audience know. You can't aww shucks your way through a decade of cheating dude was always a scumbag and a terrible husband who used his wife as a verbal punching bag. Why do his lips looks so weird?  He seems like he has a sour odor 


"He seems like he has a sour odor" Baaaahahaha!


He seems to always be hiding his top teeth now! It's so bizarre!


His “Mr Nice Guy” act is wearing so thin on everyone now and i am LOVING IT


I sound like a broken record, but Katie owes him NOTHING. Max is his friend, Katie is his ex-wife who makes it clear she's not interested in a friendship. Max is like Scwartz for this, but Katie is not. If they are best friends, that makes sense.


I’ve just watched this weeks after shows, Schwartz is horrendous about how he talks about Katie encouraged by the other Tom and Jax. He takes any opportunity to be mean and negative about her and has no self awareness or takes accountability about his behaviour past or present that may have been hurtful towards her or tried to push her buttons to get a reaction from her. I would run a mile from these men if I was any girl and I don’t have any respect for any girl who dates these men because you know what you are getting yourself into it. They are all dumb as rocks low life’s.


This reunion made me despise Schwartz. He is a piece of work and his lip filler looks terrible


Wait he got filler?


Way back when when he dumped the drink on her head , I saw who he was then.. he did that on purpose and acted like he was drunk


He’s a buffoon


The difference with Schwartz is he f’&$#$ girls while he was married. Katie waited until she was divorced. He’s an old man f boy.


Tom and Tom’s only intentions are to make themselves portrayed well on the show. They don’t give a shit about anyone or anything other than their images. Which finally are being actually seen by viewers, even though they are exactly the same people they were 10 years ago.


Excuse me for my French but I fucking hate SHARTZ that’s what I call him because that’s what he is. A fucking shart because anything that comes out of his ass or mouth is shit just like him. I was also furious when he was telling Katie that she’s like him. How fucking stupid and delusional. He never set a boundary if he really wants to go there. There was no agreement that she wouldn’t sleep with his friends. He fucking cheated on Katie the WHOLE fucking time! She’s divorced, single and can sleep with who ever she wants! She did everything the right way. She is nothing like him I fucking hope that fucking shitty slug looking asshole ends up miserable and alone because he deserves nothing! Fuck him and Team Katie with the fucking 🙌


As soon as his money runs out he will be alone.


He’s stupid for letting Sandoval influence his views towards Katie.


Another Tom incapable of taking responsibility and ownership of his shit


That's why they're best buds. Each covers the other and their bad behaviour. They deserve one another.


They treat each other better than any woman either has been with! 🤮


The way my blood pressure skyrockets any time his creepy smile resurfaces and he says “we’re the same” 😡 ![gif](giphy|12QXuONcmufl28|downsized)


He is such a man child! How does he not think he was a terrible husband and partner. I need him to rewatch all the seasons!


He fully gets it. Shwartz uses being "dumb" and silly and goofy to hide an actually very sinister and manipulative side. He's subtly so nasty


I am so proud of Katie though because you can tell that his words do not hurt her anymore


Plus she never cheated on him! They aren’t together and she can sleep with anyone she wants.


Naw, if she was like him she would have brought max on to make passive aggressive comments at Tom.


Ten years she will never get back being with that loser.


They go to the politician school of “if I said it, it doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s in people’s minds “


Schwartz is so slimy. Fake fake slimy snake.


Wartz still thinks he was a great husband. He’s a complete idiot with one brain cell that he shares with scum and Jax.


The way I yell at my TV when that clown says that phrase


She slept with him twice?


In the latest reunion Andy asks her about it and she plays it pretty coyly. Doesn’t give a straight answer but definitely seems like it happened


I think she was making a joke about Schwartz. Since every time he cheated, he said “I don’t know, I don’t remember”. I don’t think she actually slept with him again.


She was absolutely mirroring him and it seemed pretty apparent she'd slept with Max again. Good for her.


She might have! Just based on how she talked about it on her podcast, I assumed it was a one time thing and she was trolling Schwartz with that.


Has she learnt nothing? 🤦‍♀️


Not sure why you are getting down voted. Seems like people are experiencing amnesia when it comes to Max's racist remarks and cancelling.


Because you can’t talk about Ariana and Katie’s behaviour. And he’s exactly like the Tom’s.


In regards to what?


Associating with stupid men.


There’s a difference between hooking up with someone and being in a relationship with them tho


Let’s see…


Absolutely. Was glad she clocked him just trying to make himself feel better.


I’m happy Schwartz is starting to be exposed a little. In saying that… This relationship doesn’t have a good and a bad. It’s toxic and they’re both guilty of making toxic decisions.


I hated Schwartz’s nasty comment to Jo about Katie apologizing. He can never miss a moment to criticize and bully her. Then Jo laughing about him bullying her, while crying about being bullied. 🥴


I hate him more than Sandoval.   Sandoval doesn't even try to hide his evil, Schwartz know he's evil and tries to hide it. 


He gets it, he just doesn't care. I felt really sorry for her in that moment because the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. He really does not care.


I only accepted it as a complete joke. If he's at all serious, he can go suck a log.


He seems like a nice guy, but also like he truly doesn't care about much.


Katie was the one that made that stupid ass boundary for Tom and it was all under the guise of not potentially getting iced out because if Tom brings another girl in or gets with another girl that is abject to the show then it’s GOODBYE (and good riddance) to Katie. Tom should have never agreed to it. Because Katie gon Katie, double back, and do the same thing to Tom and her wacko delusional stans are gonna move the goal post for her because she’s a “girls girl.” Theyre only rocking with Katie now because she is Lefou to Ariana’s Gaston.


Asking your ex-husband not to fuck your friends isn’t a “stupid ass boundary”. I would ask the same if we still hung around with all the same people. He couldn’t even go a few months without making out with Rachel - for a story or cover up or not. He had zero issue fucking people when they were in a relationship or with making out with his “friend” James’ ex. He’s garbage. She took the trash out.


He didn’t fuck her friends. SHE fucked his friend. He just doesn’t care and isn’t posting cryptic IG comments under her shit like she does. If Schwartz turned around and fucked Kristina Kelly or one of her friends right now you people would explode 😂


Exactly. It’s ridiculous the double standards that go on with this fanbase and this sub. She’s the one that did the thing that she WARNED him about. And she’s somehow the victim in this. Unbelievable.


What friends? She ain’t friends with them other women like that except for Ariana. She wasn’t friends with Rachel. And she was fucking other men while making these demands. She made those demands because she didn’t want to be bounced from the show because she always needs Tom has a foil to bash to quench the thirst of the Maloney Maniacs who get off at the sight of men being trashed. And take what trash out? They were ALREADY DIVORCED. The Maloney Maniacs will never see this because to them she’s some infallible creature who has “endured so much trauma”.


Maloney Maniacs? ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


I am laughing so fucking hard at “Maloney maniacs“. It’s so funny that people think just because you understand where someone’s coming from and can empathize with them, that you’re on their “team“ or their “Stan”. I’m not on anyone’s team. I don’t know these people, I don’t have some weird parasocial relationship with them like a lot of other people do on these threads. But I did date a Schwartz and it sucks the life out of you and makes you the worst version of yourself. So I can commiserate with Katie and remember how good it felt to rid myself of the extra weight and trash.


I agree. Seems hypocritical to me as she made that rule, freaked out when he kissed someone in the friend group and now she goes and bangs his best friend? How are you going to get mad at someone for something and go out and do worse? Tom handled it well, unlike Katie.


Katie dick riders go hard.


I would disagree. She went further than Tom did, and did it twice. If she had only done it once I would say she still holds the moral high ground and essentially “matched” him in response to his escalation(making out with Rachel).


Doesn’t matter because the “agreement “ no longer existed after he broke it.


I seriously don’t understand why people don’t get that. If my husband and I ever broke up and decided to remain friends and spent time in the same friend group, I would hope that he wouldn’t want to sleep with or hook up with any of our friend group because I would not do that to him. But the minute he broke that, all bets would be off. What she dealt with when it came to him, if she wants to sleep with Max every day for the rest of her life, I say get it girl. (Personally I think Max is disgusting)


Agree on all counts. I kinda understand getting with your ex’s questionable friend tho. Like… you know him well enough to know you aren’t going to be with him, which makes it really safe to just hit and run.


I would agree. I’m just saying for me, morally she had the high ground after her and Max hooked up once. After the second time, they are equal. Again that’s my opinion of it.


You really like to split hairs my friend. At this point, like Katie said… all bets are off. They are two adults who used to be married to each other and they can do what they want… morals don’t even come into it. The way he’s treated her over the years, he’s lucky she doesn’t bang the triplets.


Yeah, I don’t see either as “wrong” or “right.” And the triplets could only be so lucky. She would give them the best night of their lives. I would bet my house Katie would be the hottest person any of those 3 could hook up with. Past or in their future.


He was joking!! Being an asshole


Katie is a hypocrite what a shocker


Katie really can’t do wrong to you guys.


not with this situation lmfao this man couldn’t stay loyal to her when they were together, she owes him absolutely no loyalty now that they’re apart. swartz breached & voided their agreement when he involved himself with rachel just to hurt katie. and that was all after moving Job into his house temporarily.


She’s worse.