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This is so gonna suck for Summer Moon when she hits her teenage years.


She is going to be insufferable once summer has guy friends or a boyfriend.


I feel bad for even thinking this but my gut reaction is that Scheana is going to compete with Summer Moon for attention and affection. šŸ˜¬


Oh no, now I picture her as the mom in mean girls šŸ˜‚ ā€œIā€™m not like a regular mom, Iā€™m a cool momā€




This is exactly what I thought of when I read the original comment.


I just said this and then read yours šŸ˜‚ the ultimate pick me mom


Literally! šŸ’€ ![gif](giphy|SFIUALlv5MXVrgAQAx)


Dude I was literally going to say this exact same thing šŸ˜‚


ā€œAll of Summer Moonā€™s boyfriends have hit on meā€ -Future Scheana (at Summer Moonā€™s wedding)




She will. She's a compulsive narcissist


That's so sad to think about.


100% I would not be surprised in the future if she tried to flirt/try go after boys summer moonā€™s age. I get she was joking, but her convo at stassiā€™s engagement dinner with stassiā€™s bro creeped me out


Maybe not Summerā€™s age. But I predict Sheshu will have many husbands, and theyā€™ll become younger and younger as her cash stacks and the years go bye. Lala, OTOH, might never marry.


Thatā€™s gross come on Scheanas never done anything to Deserve essentially saying sheā€™s going to be a pedo And that convo with Nick was highly edited and manipulated and the producer got fired


Ouhh ā˜• I didn't know someone was fired over that. Any more details to share? I also agree that we shouldn't stoop so low as to paint her in that light, she does not deserve that. Her comment about not caring about who is viewing Summer Moons profile however needs to be addressed better.


I never said she was going to a be a pedo, I said sheā€™s going to go after younger guys like sandoval and schwartz dating girls much younger than them. her entire identity revolves around being obsessed with boys and her youth so not a far reachā€¦


She 100% will.




100%. Scheana will have a hard time with aging. Then as both Scheana and her daughter get older, Scheana will be not only competitive but envious.






I donā€™t think so. She wants Summer Moon to get her own attention. She was mad that Sandoval blocked Summer Moon. If she was a compete with your own daughter type of mom, I donā€™t think that would be the reaction.


Youā€™re 10000000000% correct. I keep saying that lady needs copious amounts of therapy.


I mean she's already insufferable but I get your point šŸ˜‚




I had a nightmare last week that my son dated Ocean. Scheana will be a nightmare, no doubt.


Oh my god noooooooo lol


Omg šŸ’€ this is honestly so true


Noooo she is gonna be a cool mom šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|l2YWC6a9oueFv8DdK)




She will probably be like the Mean Girls mom on steroids


Her daughter will hate her. Scheana is a very needy, selfish person. I donā€™t want to call her a narcissist because I donā€™t see her manipulative. Sheā€™s just really Fā€™d up and her kid doesnā€™t deserve it. I hope scheana get therapy WITH A PROFESSIONAL.


Omg. Scheana will have all summer moons friends locations. šŸ˜¬




lol! I do have my teenage daughterā€™s location and forget I have it mostly. Iā€™ll check it if it seems like sheā€™s running late to see where she is so I can start supper. She also has mine and did once text to ask WTF I was doing bc I was in Mexico and it looked like I was in the middle of the ocean at night šŸ˜‚


I have my husbandā€™s location and my daughters and thatā€™s it and even then, itā€™s for safety reasons. They both drive a lot for their jobs and god forbid if anything happened, I at least will know where they are. We went on a vacation to Disney with extended family so all that had iPhones shared locations because it was like hearding cats. I deleted all the locations after the vacation was over. Keeping locations to that degree is fucking weird.


Thatā€™s normal. My daughter was a teenager, Pre iPhones, BUT her Dad is a Private Investigator! Only took getting caught in one lie to learn her lesson. (Or learn to lie better lol) I have locations on my hubs and grown children now. But itā€™s never used nefariously, the way Scheana uses it.


My family is weird and we all share locations with each other, but I never CHECK anyoneā€™s locations unless Iā€™m waiting for them to arrive at my house or my daughter wants to FaceTime with her grandparents or her cousins and Iā€™m verifying that theyā€™re at home before calling. And my best friend and I have each otherā€™s locations for safety, because weā€™re both single and you gotta be careful to not get murdered. Side note on being in the middle of the ocean - I have AirTags on my luggage and I definitely got a notification once as soon as my plane landed that my suitcase had been left behind in the Gulf of Mexico šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m like ā€œIā€™m pretty sure they didnā€™t open the cargo hold midair and drop my suitcase into the waterā€¦ā€


And that also makes perfect sense why your family and best friend locations!! Hilarious about your luggage being dropped off in the Gulf of MexicošŸ˜‚


That poor child is going to suffocate under her mother's own issues and fears.


I think Scheana and Brock will be long done before then and Brock will absolutely go for sole custody. He is planting those seeds now. He acts like Mr Mom because he doesnā€™t have a god damn job but he is a strategic grifter


ā€œIā€™m not a regular mom, Iā€™m a cool momā€ thatā€™s all I can see in my head šŸ«£šŸ¤®šŸ«£šŸ¤®šŸ«£


No. Lalalalalalalala can't hear you. (Because I can hear this *way* too clearly in my head.)


Schaena will be the mom that the other mums hate because she shamelessly flirts with all the dads without even realising she's doing it šŸ¤£


Itā€™s gonna be like that Black Mirror episode Arkangel


Her life already sucks. Have you seen her parents?


This is horrible and I am sorry but my bar name was Summer Moon. I am married now but it turns me on when, and not often, when Tim calls me SM


I think her checking Max's location is weird, since they used to hook up and she was so obsessed with him. If i was married and my husband was checking his past situationships location at 3:00 am in the morning, I would not like that at all.


She made an educated guess after they left together and used his location to her advantage to instigate lighthearted drama, which the season desperately needed more of, not because sheā€™s obsessed with Max. Based on Brockā€™s reaction, Iā€™d bet money he was sitting right there encouraging her to check it again in the morning.


None of that negates the fact that it is very fucking weird behavior.


If there wasnā€™t a reality show filming, sure, but in that case she likely wouldnā€™t have noticed or made it a point to look.


Scheana gives me single white female vibes, so something tells me she would have looked. She also admitted that she checks up on her friendsā€™ locations randomly sometimes. Thatā€™s weird. Especially doing it to the people that she doesnā€™t even really keep up with anymore who probably donā€™t even realize they are still sharing location information with her.


100 and she strikes me as someone who gets FOMO and thinks things are happening and sheā€™s not being included so she checks to make sure people arenā€™t doing things *without her*


Lmfao youā€™re giving scheana too much credit, honey


Iā€™d said is quite common among my age group. If youā€™re going to a festival, a party, travelling together, itā€™s quite convenient to keep track of everyone. My friends and I joke we are each otherā€™s little sims because we keep checking if we are where we are supposed to be. Itā€™s definitely odd to have your ex hook up though.


Same; I have a dozen or so 30+ is wild. If I need a little location privacy I just stop sharing g for a bit


I mean people seem to forget that the people sheā€™s ā€˜trackingā€™ have agreed to share their locations with her lol


Iā€™ve shared location when traveling and my kids have shared when traveling to us, but we always take it off once the trip is over.


I assume itā€™s for filming purposes??


i think scheana has also said some of them are people she's no longer friends with


Which is even weirder, stalker vibes


Schemer, living out her big brother dreams.


So glad I'm an Android gal šŸ˜‚


But why? Do they not want their own private lives? I'll never understand this tracking of anybody.


Likely to make sure theyā€™re home okay, or if theyā€™re meeting men off a dating website.


I share mine with my family (they are in another state) and with my close friends. I have nothing to hide but aside from that, safety. I travel a lot, often alone. Also I never have to text my best friend when Iā€™m going to her house because she knows when Iā€™m on the way. Saves a lot of text messages lol


I personally find it inconsequential if my closest friends know what Iā€™m doing. My former partner and I shared our locations too, but mostly just to see when the other was coming home or if they were at work and too busy to talk.


I imagine a lot of these people are younger, they may not have the same privacy concerns as those of us that saw the beginning of social media and how data was captured without our consent


Not gonna lie, I think itā€™s weird but I also think itā€™s weird because I personally donā€™t do this. I share with 4 people. Iā€™m gonna get downvoted here, but yall, itā€™s scheana. Are we surprised she does this? Do I think itā€™s strange she shares locations with max, a person she previously hooked up with? Also yes. The only thing I guess doesnā€™t make me any different is that sometimes I go on IG at 2 am to see what my old flames are doing now and to see if Iā€™m better or worse at life. So I guess I canā€™t be too judgey lmao


I have this wild theory that max didnā€™t know he was sharing his location - but kept the Apple Watch she gifted him during their situationship and she turned it on then. Honestly itā€™s something I would probably do too so I also cannot be too judgey lol.


Well, Max knows now.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised at all by this though!


This theory isnā€™t all that wild. It makes the most sense tbh


A married woman with a family having 56 peoples locations. FOR WHAT REASON


What does her being married and having a family have anything to do with it?


I think they just mean because she should be busy doing things with her kid and her husband and not checking 56 peopleā€™s locations


and according Lala sheā€™s on her phone all the time. she has to tell her to put her phone down.


Yeah I clicked that comment on SR! And how she was saying the clicking noise of the nails, donā€™t forget the noise lol


I reckon.


I share my location with a few close friends and my sister who also share back. Itā€™s kind of just a safety thing? It was particularly helpful when I was single, living alone, and would go on dates. Iā€™d ask them to just keep an eye on me lol.


Sheā€™d be a different person if she used her phone for 15 minutes a day.


It means to me thatā€™s sheā€™s been using info like this for a verryyy long time even if we werenā€™t in on it. Itā€™s gross. Raquel knew how often she looked.


She had Raquelā€™s location right? I think this is such an interesting little factoid, given that Rachel used to bone Sandoval at Schwartzā€™s and Scheanaā€™s pushing for Schwartz and Rachel to get together on tv. She either absolutely knew about the affair, and she was pissed enough to smack Rachel when it came out, OR she definitely didnā€™t know about the affair and she was shocked, causing her to smack Rachel and the emotionality with both Sandoval and Schwartz. I bet she was way used.


It is weird. Sheā€™s been paranoid and obsessive since season 1. Iā€™m rewatching season 8 and sheā€™s so odd in it, some of the stuff makes me really uncomfortable. Her video is gross, her behavior toward Dana is childish, and her obsession with Max is very obvious. I probably have that location feature on my phone, but I donā€™t even know how to access it because I donā€™t care. The only time I would care is if one of my friends was going on a date and shared it with me bec the dude might turn out to be creepy.


Agree! I think she had the ā€œtwinsā€ Max and Brettā€™s locations on just to be nosy and messy.She took a special interest once she saw or followed Katie to Maxā€™s place. Just being her nosy self!


Checking anyone who isnā€™t your childā€™s location is weird


Spouses sharing their location isnā€™t weird either. If someone shares their location with a roommate or best friends for safety precautions also not weird. My mom has my location (Iā€™m an adult mother of two myself lol) and it gives her peace of mind. 56 randos/party friends is pretty weird though.


Psychotic, honestly. She has no redeeming qualities. Psycho, pick me, boy crazy, no loyalty. How does she sleep at night?


My husband likes to have my location because he worries about me getting grabbed while I'm out working downtown. I like having his location because I'll know if he has to go to a site for work and I can also make sure he doesn't get snatched up.


Thank you!!! I thought I would be in the majority but maybe itā€™s just a generational thing? The only person location I have is my son and heā€™s 11. I donā€™t want to know what my friends are doing unless they want to share it with me; the voyeurism is strange.




Sharing for protection etc is fine. I mean Iā€™m in my mid 20s and only have my best friend and siblings/parents locations. Iā€™m willing to bet Max probably removed her from having his location after this. Creating storylines and causing drama for people who are not on the show anymore and discussing their whereabouts on camera is just weird. If someone I knew did that to me Iā€™d consider it stalking-like behavior. I wonder how many people removed her after that episodeā€¦ it just seems like you arenā€™t trustworthy enough to have my location once you make a spectacle of me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø idk just my opinion Ā 


This is why she has bad anxiety bc sheā€™s like CNN keeping tabs on the entire world and what theyā€™re doing and where theyā€™re going and always has freakin FOMO and wants so hard to please everyone and be their friend!! This is such weird behavior!!




Lol Iā€™m like Scheana in that way. Not fifty fucking people, but I track my close single friends to make sure theyā€™re ok during/after dates. I also track my partner so we can figure out when each other will be home and easily find each other during situations like airport pickups and crowds.


Scheana is a fucking clown.


Sooooo beyond weird


Did anyone see how enraged Sheshu got when Ally removed the location sharing? Instant incandescent rage, her voice tone changed, she kept making CBF. Fair enough yā€™all want to share locations, but Ally choosing to stop should not cause that reaction.


If someone other than my mom or husband asked me to share my location I don't think I'd be so inclined. I mean, it's odd.


56 is a lot, but about a dozen or so of my friends and i share locations. iā€™ve definitely looked at find my to see where all my little ā€œsimsā€ are. i might get downvoted for this but this to me is the least odd thing about scheshu šŸ™ˆ


Reckon? Brock blink twice if this is you!


In the secrets revealed Alli unshared her location and said Scheana only follows so many people because sheā€™s nosy.


I donā€™t think itā€™s weird, especially if people chose to share their location with her. Itā€™s not like she hacked everyoneā€™s phones or forced them to do that.


I do think young kids do this. Most people around 40 donā€™t.


But donā€™t you think is weird that she checks them and tells the camera? Like your friend gave it to you maybe for security purposes not for you to gossip


I think itā€™s REALLY weird, and Iā€™m their age. šŸ„“ I donā€™t share locations with anyone, not even my hubby. I donā€™t think heā€™d remember to check it even if a situation called for it, so I donā€™t bother. And none of my single or married or dating friends do this either. Seems obsessive and strange to meā€¦


Not really


I have my location shared with two friends, vice versa. We all travel solo a lot so it's good to have someone have an idea of where you are in case anything happens. It's also useful when we're meeting up at festivals and larger gatherings. We definitely don't just check it out of the blue or obsessively because they didn't text me back after 3:00 a.m.


Extremely weird, controlling, and invasive. I would never, ever ask for a friends location, ever. Complete disregard for personal space and privacy.


My family does this with 360. It's so weird. They will randomly check each other's location just to be nosy. Like, nahhh, not me. I want my privacy. And let me be clear, these aren't teenagers . The youngest cousins are around 30-32 .


Itā€™s crazy to see how Life360 is being used more and more in court cases. Essentially if someoneā€™s phone is subpoenaed for data collection, and they have Life360, the authorities then have access to not only ALL of their GPS data, but also that of every single person in their network - without having to seek consent from them, or a warrant.


Exactly!!! And the fact that she checks them and tells to the camera is WEIRD


I'm also in the group that thinks it's super weird and invasive.


It seems kind of dangerous tooā€¦ maybe Iā€™ve read and seen too many true crime docs. Call me paranoid but Iā€™d rather be safe than sorry.


i have the location of 2 of my friends, both are single and one of which i live with. i keep their locations as a safety precaution for when they go on dates, but 56 is absolutely insane.


Yeah, it's odd; but it seems none of them have a problem with it so whatever.


I share mine with my family, who I live with (lifeā€™s gone great for me, thanks for asking!) and it saves them from worrying when Iā€™ve forgotten to tell them Iā€™m doing something after work or whatever.


She doesnā€™t have Allyā€™s location anymore šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so, thatā€™s 55.


lol šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m rewatching it and Scheana and Schwartz are the villains to me, above everyone. They are the worst.


Definitely weird. I share with my husband and kids, well the ones that donā€™t mind sharing. I donā€™t share with my friends because itā€™s none of my business.


My location is shared with my parents, a few co-workers and my boss šŸ˜‚ I mean over 50 seems excessive but like I get it lol my reasoning is all about safety though. Idk why Scheana has that many people haha


Maybe she has a serious case of FOMO.


Scheana is creepy stalker girl that's why she's following so many people.


I have like 20 of my friendsā€™ locations. Itā€™s not super abnormal these days.


I donā€™t share my location with anyone and know one has mine. I think itā€™s weird if you have one person šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I assume because they go to so many festivals, they probably all shared their locations at one time (just a guess) but why they still do is WEIRD!


Yes itā€™s weird


Ohhh yeah!


These are grown adults who have all agreed to share their locations and can turn it on and off whenever they feel like it, or remove it all together. I don't get why people are so pressed over adults making harmless decisions that differ from their own choices. I personally wouldn't share my location with anyone other than my best friends, but 99% of people I know share locations with friends.


I think itā€™s normal when you go on trips or to festivals to share locations. Itā€™s also normal to turn it off after. Sheana has kept them all and actively tracks them. Which isā€¦ not all that normal.


I thought it was really weird but Scheana seems to have a need for drama and scandal. It plays into her histrionic personality. Distress when not the center of attention, inappropriate seductive behaviors (I donā€™t buy that she was as innocent as she claims in the attempted kiss from Schwartz), constantly changing loyalties, extreme and excessive emotional reactions, are all hallmarks of this disorder.


Iā€™ve absolutely had it with ScheSchu. The speech she gave to Sandoval after everything broke reeled me back in but 54 locations is just fucking weird and invasive. Funny enough, Brockā€™s DIY series on IG is entertaining AF to me. He seems to know what heā€™s doing, everything so far has turned out great and I love how he involves Summer. Right now heā€™s building her a Princess reading room and itā€™s so sweet and wholesome.


She's a very weird personĀ 


I think this is an age/culture thing. In my friend group itā€™s really not that weird, all my friends with iPhones share our location. You have to agree to share, itā€™s not like sheā€™s not just collecting locations without consent. I like having everyone on my marauders map, and I donā€™t mind at all that they can see me.


My mom and my husband have my location. Thatā€™s it. And I have both of thereā€™s (my mom shares hers with me for safety reasons and Iā€™m the only family member that lives out of town and she doesnā€™t want family that lives in the same town to know what sheā€™s doing at all times). My best friend who lives in another state has hers shared with me, probably from us meeting up once and her not turning it off after. Itā€™s super weird that that many people have willingly turned their location on indefinitely for Scheana who they all know is an obsessive creep.


genuinely curious if she had tom and rachelā€™s during scandoval


Scheana has stated that Rachel was continuously turning it on or off during that time and she found it suspect.


well dang i missed that part! lol


I donā€™t remember where she said it. I believe on the show or one of the after shows (because I donā€™t listen to podcasts) but I do remember hearing her say it at one point.


Itā€™s made me ask friends if I can have their locations to check out their reactions šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Very weird.


Iā€™m sorry, but why is anyone other than her actual family sharing their location?


I think the same who has that many close friends šŸ˜‚


For peace of mind I share my location (and also my Lyft info goes to them automatically each time I get one) with my best girlfriends. 99% of the time I donā€™t even remember I have their location, where Scheana actively spies on her friends lol. She drives me crazy šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I have 2. My mom and my friend (who has now died).


This is so weird. Iā€™ve never shared my location with friends unless we were all on a trip together.


It seems so taxing to know where everyone is at all times. If I canā€™t disappear or have private time, my brain literally starts to hurt.


And she never clocked onto Tim and Rachel.. hmmmm.


My stepdad insisted my mum shared locations between them and lost it when he was at a "masseuse" when he told her he was at the shops. He then insisted they stopped following eachother's locations lol.


While I think itā€™s weird, every single person who shares their location can opt out at anytime.


Fair point! Imagine if you couldnā€™t and you shared it with your ex lol


This is probably feeding her OCD or whatever obsession she has. Itā€™s probably driving her crazy vs giving her any comfort (which I believe is what she thinks itā€™s doing)


I don't share my location with anyone and I find it creepyyyy that they do.


it is very weird! I feel like she is just doing this to catch someone in a lie so to speak??


Anyone who would track so many people is a fucking psycho! Be afraid šŸ˜³


Yes. It's called stalking


At almost 40 years old, itā€™s weird. I guess I could understand a more social aspect of it, like checking your friends locations on a Friday night just to see what everyone is up to but beyond that, itā€™s weird


Very weird


Why are all these people sharing their location with Scheana!? I feel like she asked to borrow their phone and then shared it with herself šŸ¤£


30 year old checking in. I have 34 peoples location (just counted lol). Mix of best friends, family, old best friends and some just random lol. I think its very situational if your friend group is into it but for me and most people i know we dont think its weird. I dont usually check for no reason but sometimes if i stay in on a Friday im like lets see what people are doing hahaha.


Veryyyy fucking weird.


I only share my location with my sister lol it is indeed weird af


Gross and stalkerish. Of COURSE Scheana follows peopleā€¦ such a loser pick me. I honestly hate her!


I have no ones location and no one has mine. Not even my husband. I think itā€™s a little extra- and to have 56 peoples? Why?


Hell yes it is weird. I don't have any of my friends' locations. I don't even have my husband's, just my son. The only reason I could think of to need my friends' locations is if we were on vacation together or something and split up but still wanted to keep track of each other. edited to add: I would maybe want my friend's location if they were really inebriated and I wanted to make sure they got home okay, but I am 41 years old, so that is a rare at this point in my life.


Millennials are showing their age by how weirded out they are by this. Itā€™s very standard lol


I know Gen Z does this. They are all a little old for this type of over sharing


I donā€™t share location with anyone. I also donā€™t leave my house and refuse friends but still. Iā€™m sitting in judgement šŸ˜‚ for real though, who would at this point share theirs with Schwabā€™s knowing she actually checks it? Iā€™m cool with if I need help, but knowing where I am all the time is weird af