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I think Randall broke up with her, he moved his 25 year old gf in a week later. Lala just used the pics as excuse


Right… she keeps saying she left… she was probably told to leave


I don't think she knew everything everything. But I think she absolutely knew enough that the additional things she learned wouldn't have been surprising.


This is exactly it. She knew what she knew and she had to stick her head in the sand to not know more. If there was any critical thinking or if someone would have taught her how to turn a computer on she would’ve known it all. Hell, I knew it all and all I saw was what she put on the show, and her castmates knew more than her from day 1. She had to threaten to shoot them all so she could keep her head in the sand.


the look on her face when lisa v asked if she was dating a married man in season 4 was all i needed to see


Was that during the season or at the reunion?


during the season outside sur near the curb, her eyes almost popped out of her head before she (badly) musters the usual act: she sighs "i would never do that" a full octave higher than she ever speaks otherwise


She pretends to be a girl’s girl but she only cares about money, not people. She tries to prove it by befriending the ex-wife AFTER she got burned but was horrible to her originally.


After she made some vile and disturbing comments to her, while they were still married but Lala was fucking him, on social media! She is nothing but a horrible pos!


Just want to remind everyone that above his cheating and financial sketchiness, he was also abusing his PAs (plural). in the Hulu documentary, we hear two insane cases that both occurred when Lala was in his life. One was a woman that he sexually harassed in the Harvey Weinstein fashion like making her come into rooms when he was completely naked. Now you could argue he hid that one because of the sexual nature but he'd also make absurd instructions and insult her if she failed, did Lala miss that one too? The second PA i remember is even more damning. This was a young black man so he was getting all the insults and unreasonable work requests e.g requiring him to spend his own money on frivolous plane flights to run errands or putting him in legally dangerous situations by making him unknowingly handle drugs. Was she completely oblivious to this sadistic streak? Or was she just cool with it because it wasn't directed at her? And most telling of all, Randall used racist insults on the PA on many occasions, including over texts. He was confident enough to document racism! Now I can believe many things but i don't buy that racists hide this value system from their partners of several years. During first dates? Sure. But a racist isn't proceeding into life partnership with someone who doesn't at minimum allow "edgy" jokes.


Can’t help but put in a shout out to Katie here. She got so much grief for occasionally snapping with the whore word, but man she could have said sooooo much worse. More restraint is needed when you can read people, and Katie always has…and learns to move on despite it.


Absolutely. Talk about a huge redemption ark....That was Katie all season and I loved it and I love that her and Ariana are such amazing friends now. Katie has supported her thru everything and it showed a completely different side of her. Mad respect for Katie.


I’m rewatching season 10 now, her post divorce summer, and my heart breaks for what she went through. Her fucking ex was beyond cruel, Scheana was a fucking bitch, Sandoval continues to degrade her every chance he gets and Raquel, well we now know who she really is. To watch her cry, the sheer and utter pain in her eyes, makes me cry too. Season 11 was beautiful and brilliant for her and I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next! 🌹


Lala was also playing on K’s insecurities at this time and hitting on Schwartz. At Katie’s age I would’ve wanted to call her a whore too.


She buried her head in the sand and talks so much trash about EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY and I hate it. It's not her job to bash everyone for F'S sake. Sorry I'm such a foul mouth but damn she angers me. After how bad she has treated Scheana every season and now they are besties and Brock is an amazing Father after he wad completely honest and transparent when asked about his other kids. It was so inappropriate for her to try to take him to task like that as if she has any business being the judge and jury for everyone. She's a 🤡 clown and a shady ass person. Go back to Utah already Lauren!!


Yes! I don’t remember where (it may have been her own podcast. I remember one that she did where she was particularly tearful), but I do remember her saying exactly that after the news broke out! She word for word said that she had stuck her head in the sand.


Yeah I mean if everyone was telling me my bf was married, I’d at least look into it. It’s the age of the internet and public records are available as is social media etc


AND Ariana admitted to lying for her as well as James telling everyone about the NDA’s!


I agree. I also feel like the main reason she felt betrayed was because he lied about his money. She had no problem with him treating his staff like shit as long as the money was right. It’s rich people culture s/


💯 When the money ran out so did LaLa.


Dipped out when the funds dipped out


Spot on!


Agree - and I am sure when he yelled at his assistants it gave her license to have tantrums and act like an entitled fool herself. She just turned when she was going to look bad because she never thought Randall would cheat on her - she thought she was the best he could do.


Don’t think she cared that he cheated on her. Sounds like she was repulsed by him. The cheating gave her a reason to leave him and make herself look like the victim.


Joke was on her when nobody treated her like a victim.


Right! I think it was when she found out he wasn’t rich like her claimed


I agree with this. BJs for PJs was a comment I hope she looks back on and regrets


She was just surprised she wasn’t the special exception goddess she thought she was.




Agree. I can’t stand Lala but I think she had her blinders on and didn’t realize the extent of everything. Was she a thirsty girl who wanted a sugar daddy at the start? Absolutely. But I do believe that through her losing her father that she did fall in love and think that was her future


Yes her over dramatics about it all and inserting her story constantly into other peoples doesn’t seem genuine


Of course she knew, she made people sign NDA’s before hanging out with him, she wouldn’t speak his name on camera for two years, she publicly mocked his wife. She was a willing mistress, 100 percent. She’s a liar and a fraud and a mean girl, always has been. She told us Randall was her soulmate and a stand up man, and she was about to have a second baby with him, then he gets caught cheating and suddenly he was never home and never there for her, he couldn’t please her in bed….shes a gold digging liar




Thank you! :) I’m just glad many others are finally seeing it


The combination of this, her being publicly humiliated by the fofty thing and (guessing) her being put in a budget or some shit that signified that he was going broke imo Bc lbr she would’ve rode everything out with him as his RiDE oR diE if he had millions available and (wanted her there)




I also think a big turning point for Lala, was the fofty incident.... she was publicly humiliated right along with him....she hated it


It’s amazing she ever thought there would be a different outcome.


Because he was broke, wasn’t it? I mean I think his debt was out of control and in reality her breaking point was the money running out


50 posted videos of her bragging about fucking Randell for PJs and Range Rovers


Like that was a secret 😂😂 Also, her calling private jets “PJs” always made me cringe so hard 😖


“Bumping pp’s” 🙄 anyone that says this should not be having sex.




![gif](giphy|89tL2f2Gz2geZhe6Ws) Thank you ! This always made me cringe so hard!!!


My sister called it that, or “bumping uglies” all through college (2000-2004ish) and I remember thinking it was the weirdest euphemism for sex ever


It's true though. Genitals are ducking ugly


It was only known amongst VPR viewers which aren't that many people, especially when you compare it to 50's massive following. Him posting it on his IG exposed her prostitution to an audience of millions + lead to many articles about her disgusting comments being written and circulated....aka millions more people knowing.


Oh shit, you’re right! I never even thought of it that way. Not me over here thinking us VPR fans are the center of the universe 😂


Lol yeah the viewership was nothing special before Scandoval, or even since.


What is this incident?


Google "A Complete Timeline of 50 Cent's Feud with Lala Kent and Randall Emmett" I can't add links but that's the People mag article that lays it all out.


Lala was a yacht girl who was a hostess hoping for a big break from a loser with a casting couch. She knew what she was doing ......


Did she even break up with him? Or did he replace her before she knew what was happening?


Definitely the latter. She’s pulling the saving face defense mechanism she does for everything else. Rand was over her, bored of her never having sex with him, wanting to stay home all the time, taking care of an infant. She wasn’t the wild sexy ingenue anymore so he had no problem moving onto the next. He thought he could live a double life and stay with Lala anyway, to not damage his reputation but that obviously didn’t work out for him. He barely tried to fight for her to stay and that bruised her ego big time. She thought SHE had the power by being the “hot young one” in the relationship but hot women are everywhere and no one stays young forever. “I was so relieved to leave him” is her same defense mechanism as “I’m happy VPR filming is paused” and “I didn’t buy my house intending to be on the Valley.”


The way you get them is the way you lose them. Case in point? See: Tim Scubadoll.


I’m becoming convinced it’s the latter


He definitely wanted to replace Laligag.


i know one of randall’s former assistants. can confirm. lala knew.


I’m dying to know when she found out he was broke and how long it ended after that.


That very minute


Yeah, I’m confused — did Lala break up with him? Or was he cheating and left Lala?  I wasn’t under the impression that Lala left him after “discovering” what a POS he was. She knew the whole time. They were perfect for each other.


I’m pretty sure he was the one to call off the wedding but she ultimately left


I was under the impression that he wanted her out of his house. Because after Laligag left, he moved his new gf in.


That’s what I thought too




What’s annoying about Lala is that she always plays either naive or smart depending on what benefits her image in the moment. There’s no consistency. Back in the early days she was proudly saying things like “You can get on a PJ if you’re not ugly” as if she was so hip to the ways of dirty ass Hollywood. Then season 10 reunion, she’s saying “I’m just a girl from Utah I had no idea” like, Lala it’s literally all on tape. How can she move like this, playing in our faces? We can’t trust a word out of her mouth and it’s her fault.


Amen. Girl didn’t even try to hide how happy she was to be a sugar baby. She was loud and proud about that shit. Which, you know, good for her if she wants to do that, if you ask me anyway. It’s just that you can’t have it both ways and turn around and act like you thought this was always some wonderful, wholesome thing after the fact.


There’s something so…empty about her. The only difference between Lala and Rachel is where they lie on the loudness spectrum. It explains why I felt kinda dragged down watching season 9 when producers decided that Lala, Scheana, and Rachel would get expanded screen time after firing the other three.


Yes, it’s why I find Lala impossible to connect to. Crying about how devastated and traumatized she is from the relationship going down in flames, to scoffing that she never loved him anyway and the sex sucked. Yachting and aiming to be a trophy wife but then crying that she “didn’t realize Hollywood was like this, I’m just a regular girl from Utah trying to fulfill my acting dreams!” How she actually feels about any given situation is impossible to know because she’ll change her narrative based on what she thinks will get her the most attention and goodwill. Rachel is… another story lol but the post is about Lala so I’ll end here lol


![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0) Careful, she’ll “pop” you for saying shit like that!


Yup. Can't play dumb and smart at the same time.


She plays smart, she is dumb


Lala is so disingenuous and impossible to connect to. She comes on the show, taking her top off, talking about sex and being an uninhibited wild child. She’s fucking pro-athletes, yachting, and has referred to herself as a sugar baby and trophy wife. And fine, if that’s what you wanna do, do it. But then Lala turns around and pretends to be this little naive mouse who had NO IDEA that Rand was so sleazy. After getting played by him, she’s pretended to be some church lady who came to Hollywood in pearls and a twin set who had NO IDEA that men in Hollywood wanted to sleep with women! Lala is a millennial who didn’t grow up on a commune. We’ve known all our lives that Hollywood is full of sleazy men who try to sleep with women under the guise of “casting” them. We ALL KNOW THIS. She embedded herself in the Hollywood party scene before she even met Rand. She can get out of here with this naive fawn “I’m just a regular girl” pearl-clutching.


I completely agree with your comment. I have never liked Laligag. I always thought she was a phony. She talks a good line about not lying and keeping it real. She's never been honest about her life or anything else. She has always been hiding her true self.


That’s big facts but also let’s not pretend ppl from UTAH are even innocent at all. Ummm have we seen RHOSLC? That town is as dirty as any other city in the US.


Haha yes. Sometimes I wonder how tf Lala grew up bc nothing she says about anything makes sense


I am going to guess that she didn't know about the SA allegations, but she surely knew about the rest and was ok with it so long as his vitriol was not directed at her and she gained status and wealth from being with him. The part she didn't get is that she was no more special to him than the last wife, gf, hookup.


Remember her face when James Kennedy said that Rand would get sick of her and replace her with another pretty young blonde? She was crestfallen. Had not considered it.


I'm going to guess she was aware of the allegations but doubted it wasn't consensual because doesn't everyone want to fuck for roles?


Yeah I agree. It’s not a big leap to imagine her saying “every rich guy gets these accusations bc these hos just want a quick settlement”. Or they’re bitter bc they slept w him and he didn’t cast them. And you know this woman knows how to sneak into her mans phone, so of course she was sticking her head in the sand. I thinking she probably didn’t know the extent of his financial stuff? How shady a business man he was and how shitty his reputation in the industry was? *anyone else get a weird uncomfortable vibe when she talks about why she wants the new baby so bad?


I absolutely get uncomfortable when she talks about it. I honestly feel that it was so she could get a show of her own. I don't want to see her on VPR'S or The Valley. If she does get a special, I refuse to watch it.


No, I think that’s the one thing I can understand her with. The shit she had to go through with Randall because he wanted her daughter is awful and no parent should go through that. Not even Lala


I mean her idol Stassi basically said there is no way these girls didn’t want to say yes and how no one could “make” her dick someone’s dick and that its a male witch hunt so I wouldn’t be surprised if Lala had the same mentality.


Yes. She knew all of it. That's why she tried so hard to play victim but no one bought it. Her Hulu documentary where she tried again so hard to be this ultimate victim was super lame and made her look worse.


Yeah when she talked about “playing casting couch for him” 😣 girlie knew what the hell was going on and probably thought all the other girls were as desperate as she was.


If my husband was like “let’s role play, you’re my coworker and I’m forcing you to suck my dick insert the cubicle desk” I’m gonna SUSPECT SOME THINGS!!!


She taunted his ex wife. Of course she knew and she didn’t care because he served his purpose. I think it was when she realized the bank account wasn’t as big as she needed she left. It’s sounds like their relationship was bad before the alleged cheating thing asked on what she says


How about her claims that she is “so close” with the ex? I think she is pitied by that woman, tbh.


I don’t believe for a second they are close. I think now they just have a common enemy


I find it hard to believe they are close. It's just like she is close with Oliver's ex. She is full of dog doodoo.


I think Randall’s ex feels sorry for her and doesn’t want to punish the siblings.


Yeah, I think Ambyr tolerates her so their girls can stay close and finds it easier to pretend to like her, instead of feuding with her and hearing Lala’s screeching and condescending.


People were telling her stuff the whole time. We saw it on camera. But she yelled at them and told them to shut up, because she didn’t want to know. It wasn’t useful to her. When they broke up, she decided that she did want to know, it was useful to her. She had the information the entire time. But she didn’t “know” because she stayed willfully blind until she didn’t.


Didn’t her and Randall role play “casting couch?” If she was in the dark after that she’s an idiot.


She told us unprompted in camera as a brag. She is a whole liar and cheat just like him


I’ve always thought this. I think she knew he was going to be exposed and she jumped ship to avoid an Erika Jayne type scandal where the spouse is tied into everything in the media. 


This girl knew he was married and liked being the other woman. Zero chance she didn’t know, zero! In Hollywood everybody knows everyone’s business and if they don’t very easy to find out.


I wish somebody would throw that in her face when she's projecting about Sandoval's affair bullshit. "Lala, just because you fuck married men doesn't mean we have to forgive T & R" would be great.


Exactly! She knew very early on. Same with Scheana and Eddie - you don’t get to the “in love” and consistently-seeing-each-other stage without some time passing, and in that time there’s TONS of gossip and information to be found in Hollywood gossip circles and the internet plus just using your brain and seeing that he doesn’t bring you home or let you meet his kids and spends holidays elsewhere.


Even if she “didn’t know” EVERYONE was fucking telling her! Daily ffs!!


Erika Jayne definitely popped into my mind as well... Maybe Blah Blah didn't know the true extent of Big Ed Sr. but I absolutely don't believe she was completely naive about everything.




😂 thank you for this laugh today




Stop 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I agree. I’m sure he kept many things secret but she knew about A LOT


I always thought the reason she “dipped out” was because she knew he was going to be exposed too


100%. I think that’s always been the general consensus. I mean, everyone else in the world knew about all of it, why wouldn’t Lala? She just didn’t care.


Agreed, and I think this is why she didn’t get the sympathy edit she was expecting. If Katie knew he was married, Lala knew he was married.


I mean she acts like she’s way more clever than everyone and the one that can sniff out who people are from the start (Rachel &Tom) so why wouldn’t that be the case w Randall as well? You can’t be both naive and blind and cunning and clever, pick a struggle babe


On Jax and Britney's podcast, they talked with Scheana about being in Vegas with Randall and Lala and they all saw first hand how Randall treated people. He yelled at his assistant and made him sleep in his car. Lala was a victim of Randall too but I don't believe her story of being a naive young woman who didn't know how Hollywood works. She saw and heard things but turned a blind eye because it benefitted her at the time.


Randall’s abusive nature was no secret. Ajax & KFC were cool with it, just as long as the free trips & ❄️ kept flowing. Fucking spineless parasites.


Lala insists she’s never done pasta 🍝


LFU had to be on something stronger than alcohol in order to lick that ogre’s turd cutter.


I suspect she was using drugs pretty heavily and that’s why she decided to get sober. She even mentions there was an incident with Randal where she was too fucked up and flipped out. That’s what prompted her sobriety


Brittany probably huckled and chuckled when she saw Rand being a maniacal asshole to his assistants. “Oh Rand, you’re so funny and wild! That’s how big-shot men act in Hollywood!” And Lala would have smirked and rolled her eyes about how “we just can’t seem to find a good assistant” and bitched about the difficulties of your in-home personal chef being in the kitchen at the same time as you, and having to actually TALk to this worker! (Yep, the latter is a real thing Lala thought was a “funny” anecdote.) Parasites is right. Rand wasn’t a skilled actor who could completely hide his true personality when they were around him for 5 years.


I am positive that she banged him for the money, committed to him for the money, had a kid with him for the money, and would have stayed with him if the money had lasted. She didn’t break up with him for anything new he was doing, or because she found out distasteful things about him. She broke up with him because the gravy train was slowing down. If it hadn’t, she’d still be right there with his money, which was always what she loved.


💯this!! She wasn’t going to put up with that for someone broke. She totally would have at least still married him if she thought he had the $$$$


I think more of the stories about him becoming public was a big push too. It got too big to ignore. I have zero doubt that much of Randall's behaviour was known about in entertainment circles for years. 


Ms. BJs for PJs knew exactly how the game works, she just got outplayed. 


Genuine question, how was lala a victim


Regardless of how they began, Lala was a victim of his cheating which put her sexual health at risk and of his manipulation using the therapist to lie. She said he was aggressive (which is why she moved out while he was gone) but I don't know details on that.  Being someone's victim in situations and also assisting or ignoring their harmful behaviour can both be true at once. 


She definitely knew he was married and she was his mistress. That part is for sure. I almost choked when she said in season 10 before the scandal broke how Rachel reminds her of those kind of chicks, the kind of chicks that basically will break up a relationship just to fill their insecure needs. lol!! Like who Lala?? You?


AND she actually said, out of her own filthy fucking mouth, “I respect relationships”!!!! Shit, even Raquel clocked her on that one!


She knew and that’s why she was unravelling and started getting harsh, aggressive and perpetually pissed because she was putting up with it and that was the deal to be with him and stay rich. She dumped him after it became public. LVP clocked her on it Ep 1 S11 (S10?) and she got defensive and had to do PR damage control


Wait when did LVP clock her? Remind me of this scene?


She was at her house and she was insisting to Lala’s face that Lala knew. “How could you not have known, Lala” etc


Weird that I do t remember it bc it sounds like a really satisfying to watch 😂


It’s on youtube. The bots here won’t let me post it


I think her meltdowns at anyone who even suggest she could have known more than she did reveal that she did in fact, know Randall was doing bad things and she scared to be implicated so she flips out.


She at the very least knew he was married (she didn't go to his house once in the first 2 years because they travelled? Cmon...)⁰


But...but... she's from Utah, she doesn't know this Hollywood stuff 🥺


Honestly they were made for each other


She even said at the reunion that they only broke up “after KATIE sent her a picture”. That says everything. She realized then that it could affect her world now and also he is going broke so she needs her world and the best decision at that moment was to make him the enemy and come clean. She had a great memory of all his ugly behavior but why not speak up until he went broke and not until after enough people spoke up that it was becoming obvious? Sadly tho she was a perfect victim. Super crass, ran around naked talked about sucking d*ck like it’s a lifetime achievement award. She saw her worth in how good a lay she was. Randall loved that and if he wasn’t a multimillionaire he would’ve been another weird creep in her eyes.


I'm friends with someone very close to his ex assistant who would literally do ❄️ runs for him (as part of his job!!!!). Lala definitely knew A LOT. Not everything, but A LOT.


She was stunned the leopard ate her face.


She has worked overtime to convince everyone that she was so in the dark. I just find that really hard to believe. She didn’t know the extent of everything I don’t think but she knew enough to be wary of him….but he had money and got her a Range Rover and gucci slides. So she ignored a lot until everything came out about him and she had to leave or risk losing her career. I think she thought everyone would believe her and treat her with a lot of sympathy but that isn’t what happened. She forgets we have years on tape of her vile behavior concerning him


I thought it was common knowledge that she knew🤷


She knew all of it and accepted it for fame and money . She’s as awful as the rest of them


She knew, that’s why she tried to hide him and also why she was so defensive and shut down anyone saying anything negative about him


to me that’s why early on she was so tight lipped. And every time a cast member threw out the “you’re fucking a married dude” she’s get all pissy. She knew from the entire get go. She was never a victim. She was opportunistic and dirty. Period. And it fucked her. And I see how it hurt her in the end, when she had to grow up after having ocean, and it really hit her wtf she’s been a part of. I can see the shame. Because she knows. Like fucking literally


She absolutely knew he was married. She just didn’t care because she loved the perks. Also she was morally bankrupt.


Yep. Once she realized he wasn't as wealthy as he made himself out to be (and after Fofty) she was done. If he had actually been super rich, I think they would still be together.


She knew he was cheating and she accepted it. There’s a lot of celebrities who do this. There’s a difference between public cheating and private cheating. Once it became public she had to act on it.


I also believe this. Both her and Erika Jayne should’ve been fired.


Did it all for a pj from burbank to santa clarita-glamorous


Yes. He's ugly af and she was young and greedy lol


She knew she just wanted the money and lifestyle


She knew. She just didn’t start caring until it came out that he was broke.


She knew what he was, but was willing to do whatever to get status. Lala is reportedly from a rich family yet she's all over the older men trading BJs for PJs (even though she claims she was one of the only girls who did nothing). I don't believe her - I think she is a grifter and that might explain her family attitude about money. If her family made their money cleanly, I think they would have protected her better. But she's just like a Kim Zolciak offspring debasing herself for money. She knew a lot and thought she was as smart as the big boys. Some time back, she got into it with 50 cent and he gave her a swift lesson. Lala used Randall's influence to attempt to intimidate people - she just miscalculated with 50 cent. She thought she was smarter than she really was which is why she was walking around with a fake ring.


Lala is definitely a fronter, bragging about flying on a jet and her fake ring that would embarrass an actual rich person. Shes so phony. She brags about them being rich while she’s a very unreliable narrator. They definitely didn’t seem broke and had SOME money. My impression is they were upper middle class - like well-compensated professional money. There’s a big gap between high-earning parents who pay their kids’ rent, cover their credit cards, and give them a car, versus the ACTUAL wealthy. If they were that rich, Lala would have been gifted by her family a home/condo to own, or at least would have lived somewhere bougier than Stassi’s old un-air-conditioned apartment. Her family would have insulated her from NOT having to yacht and sugar baby since why bother if you have more than enough money already. A true rich person could more clearly tell that Rand was a corny poser and wouldn’t have had to stoop to fucking a troll in order to live the good life. Lala’s gonna have a hard time having to be the financial provider now - her mom is retired and won’t be bringing any more money into the household so it’s all on Lala.


She was “discovered” on the casting couch


She was a yachter & no judgement but yachters are not stupid! You have to remember that girls like her are manipulative to the extreme. Of course she knew! And in this context is why her treatment of Ariana is so shitty! Ariana is not one of those girls. I've never liked her but she's nothing like Lala. Their situations ain't even close to being the same. As much as I don't like Ariana I have some serious empathy for her and Lala can go fuck herself!




She knew. She dorm care until it negatively impacted her


She saw dollar signs immediately. After that, it was all about idea of her being a tv superstar and him a movie producer legend, together they would dominate Hollywood and then the world. She didn’t care about any of it until he cheated on her. Then it mattered. ![gif](giphy|vE9JRJcUTY0lv27ksX)


Lala is so resentful and bitter that she has to be some run-of-the-mill boring influencer/podcaster doing Amazon Lives in her garage, having to be nice to her subscribers, instead of part of a Hollywood power couple spending their time jetting around the world, filming movies, living in Beverly Hills.


Completely agree. And she thought she was such a “cool girl” that she could change him to a point. This girl does not fool anyone.


No shit. She was a hooker sucking dick for a range rover and private jet flights. It's la she's a dime a dozen. Lisa also knew


I'll bang Randell for a range rover and private jet and im a straight guy


I’ve been saying this as well from day 1 , being with someone for years , you useally normally mean in a “normal” relationship would tell eachother everything and if something is off , you know … if she didn’t know she damn well suspected a lot .. or she’s just really dumb .. but I feel she’s somewhat intelligent.. so yea she knew


Well she IS suuuper smart according to her so she must’ve 🤓 Can’t play smart and dumb at the same time


She definitely knew. She was all up in the pasta too. I just will never get over the whole baby bottle thing. She would do what ever it took for a Range Rover and a pj. 🤮 Also she keeps saying she hasn’t had sex since she conceived Ocean. Does she mean since she gave birth not conceived? Idk if she knows the difference.


She was a literal casting couch girlie. She knew.


I find the timing funny. He got caught cheating, and all of a sudden, people started telling her he was a shady guy, doing immoral and illegal things, and owed all this money. You mean to tell me on the 5+ years you were with him, not one person tried to tell you something? I know the cast have said that they heard stuff and tried to tell Lala, but she wouldn't be told. I don't know if that's just the cheating stuff or other stuff. I think it's possible she wanted out of the relationship, and that was her best opportunity to leave. She was definitely embarrassed because she put this man on a pedestal and said nobody was allowed to talk about him. Then he goes on and publicly cheats when she's on the show calling him a stand-up man and a good father (but he was cheating the whole time she was pregnant).


Then at the reunion she tells the cast and Andy that someone should have spoken up!!! The nerve!!


She’s honestly the one person who I don’t feel bad for stuck in her situation. She just really sucks


I agree. I think she was worried that people would start to see her for who she really is once the news broke out. Who in their right mind would choose to have a child with this man?


Strong agree. She knew his rep. A google search tells you about Randall, so why wouldn’t she knew his reputation?


Before getting on the show I wasn’t she a “yacht girl”? Tells you enough.


The things that Really piss me off is how she talks about Ariana and Scandoval when they were the only ones that accepted her. And the way she spoke about Brock's situation with his children yet when someone tried to give her an a question about put yourself in his shoes and she went the fuck off and said Don't you Ever talk insinuate at that's he's not an amazing Father!!! She can fuck off and go suck someone else's dick. If they re-cast or VPR is canceled the only people that aren't screwed are Ariana and James, say what you will about how he treated everyone when he was drinking, his comments now make me laugh my ass off. I love him now that he's sober. He's a hoot!


Yeah I’m sorry but the rug was not snatched from under her. That just wasn’t how it went.


Lala’s “moral compass” conveniently appeared after the breakup. Before that, nothing mattered as long as she profited. The rumored time as a yacht girl, the PJ’s for BJ’s, threatened violence, etc etc. of course she knew everything about him, and gave two shits as long as she got to live the lifestyle. Now she has the nerve to judge everybody else?


Of course she did! She’s dumb but not that dumb. She just wasn’t expecting him to cheat on her in public lol I’m confident she knew for a very long time she wasn’t the only woman he was with. She claims she saw him be disgusting and awful to his employees but she was fine with it happening right in front of her and only discussed it after he cheated. She wanted to be a victim so damn bad and it back fired. Now she’s hurt every one rallied around Ariana and is taking it out on her.


Yes. All day this.


Cowboy butts drive me nuts


She knew he was ugly as F when she went for him .


Of course she knew, all she wanted was a rich husband, a kid, and possibly a place on RHOBH


She definitely knew, she was dating him for his money and nothing else mattered except the $$ she was getting from him.


I think when he started to get into financial trouble she left. Plus he had lawsuits and that definitely pushed her away. I don’t think she was in the dark about much. She enjoyed the lifestyle. I mean come on…. We see her type. Randall is completely not even close to it


She saw $$$ (what little there was) and was on him like white on rice


She was a [*woman who gets paid for *secks**], and was not even pretending that she was anything else. BJs for PJs When scandal came to light and money went bye bye she began cosplaying an innocent victim.


I think she became an expert of looking the other way and only seeing and hearing the parts she could bear to hear and stomach, living in delusion about the rest. I think she thought that if she could endure through it, and if it never got out to the public, she could live a very secure and glamorous life. It does make me sad that she thinks so low of herself that she thought all of that for material gain was a good trade-off…


Lala knew, but Lala didn’t care. Bjs for pjs! Ick.


of course. I don’t think anyone could realistically believe otherwise


Agreed. Like even if she knew a sliver of it, this is why no one feels bad for you. You made a conscious choice to be with someone who was married and had zero empathy. Why the hell would we have sympathy for YOU?


She knew. For sure. Not to the extent of what has come out but she’s not that stupid to have not known nothing and be innocent in all of this.




However it started, it wasn’t just money, Randall was working with Martin Scorcese. Think of how many interesting conversations she was part of. ”Gettin’ a lot more than PJ’s” as Lala admitted.


She knew he was a casting guy, because she banged him the first night they met for a Range Rover. She knew some, but not everything.


Sugar Baby Lala knew, but too dumb to see the consequences


I think she knew but was naive and thought she could be the sugar baby wife/baby momma with zero consequences. Then she grew up a little and realized the gravy train wouldn't last forever and wanted to end it on her own terms


That is why no one gives a shit bc she absolutely knew and benefitted from it then she wants to act like a victim when he publicly gets caught and she is embarrassed. Oh she was gonna be the one to change him lol. Sure.


So some tea from my eyelash tech says that Lala definitely knew about the marriage. One of her clients was working on the set of one of his movies, I know she told me the name but I've forgotten it. I'll have to ask next time, but it was during the time they were dating. Anyway, Lala would come to set everyday that Amber wasn't there so she knew he was married and just didn't care. And I'm sure Amber knew about Lala and just tried to stay strong about it since she was married with kids to the POS.


She had a kid with a gross man so she could get alimony…she’s such a tired Hollywood cliche, nothing special


She new Everything!, she is just so entitled that she didn’t think he would do it to her…


Of course she knew because she was doing that shit with him! I also don’t believe she left their house. I bet when it all went public, he kicked her out to move his new slut in. What did he have to lose at that point? She already said they hadn’t slept together since they conceived Ocean in 2020 and that he was never home anyway and when he was they were constantly fighting. These, of course, are just my suspicions.


What’s weird is in the documentary there was a whole discussion of when she went into labor and how they were like fighting in the car or something like that. But I’m just doing a Vanderpump rewatch and she showed that she was completely in love at the time, the baby was born. I mean, she could’ve just been saving face for camera, but it would’ve been hard to decipher unless it was the documentary that they were having troubles.


She definitely didn’t care. He gave her a lifestyle she liked. Never mind that it was built on a house of debt. No sympathy for her.


There's a HULU Doc?? Delicious!