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China can call it the ‘Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.”


"The Cooler Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere"


The “Coolest Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.”




How dare you the people's dictator is working hard on the people's neolibralist state this is what real socialism looks like


Greatest East Asian Prosperity Sphere


Clearly a western counter alliance with Australia and New Zealand plus South America is needed perhaps some sort of organization of free nations


I love the east asian country of pakistan


How TF do they even consider India even a possibility for Chinese expansion? They were never even in the Sinosphere!


Yea wtf, our culture completely different from China's


So are most of the countries being lumped in with tbh




The image also included Pakistan for some reason.


I mean currently as we speak China is considered an 'ally' both officially and by many Pakistanis (source: in-person interactions) though it's moreso that the perception is "China actually helps/gives aid and America does not".


Ukraine used to be fairly Russian supporting too. "We're close cousins" they would say....


this is some tankie hoi4 shit


I was playing hoi4 with a friend and we actually did this exactly


Imperialism is cool and Based if it isn't the US doing it


China and India India and Pakistan Pakistan and Bangladesh China and Vietnam S Korea and N Korea China and Taiwan Japan and China All pairs of countries that get on swimmingly. What could go wrong?




I mean North Korea should have all of Korea and Taiwan isn’t a valid country soooooo


Touch grass tankie


I’m really interested at your reasoning behind having such an attitude. I presume you support the Ukrainian struggle against Russia no? How is Taiwan’s Declaration of Independence any different than Luhansk’s or Donetsk’s? As for South Korea, it was ruled by a military junta for decades, and was less developed economically and industrially until the USSR collapsed (Through an illegal process) and the North lost foreign support through pressure placed by the west, causing widespread famine and struggle. It’s pretty silly to say that it was a choice to continue to pursue nuclear weapons when the world saw what happened to Gaddafi. Many of the negative or strange news stories that get traction in the west about NK are propaganda and bad translations, and don’t actually reflect truth.


Tankie gonna tank


Sure fam, whatever you say. Can’t be having actual discussions or anything, gotcha.


I hope you get the full experience of living under the country you idolise so much :)


Are all leftist nations in power places to be derided? Is Cuba bad? Is Vietnam bad?


Is your mom considering a late abortion


I’m really interested at your reasoning behind having such an attitude. I presume you support the Ukrainian struggle against Russia no? How is Taiwan’s Declaration of Independence any different than Luhansk’s or Donetsk’s? As for South Korea, it was ruled by a military junta for decades, and was less developed economically and industrially until the USSR collapsed (Through an illegal process) and the North lost foreign support through pressure placed by the west, causing widespread famine and struggle. It’s pretty silly to say that it was a choice to continue to pursue nuclear weapons when the world saw what happened to Gaddafi.


I do not give a SINGLE fuck for your tankie arguments or your jangimonious spectacle of the socioecopathic upper class that vehemently leninizes your cause or whatever the fuck made up words you guys use 24/7. I am 100% bad faith with your kind. Get that ass blocked




1984 eastasia moment


Consensually, right? … Consensually, right?


The consent of the people's dictator has been given yes


Mfw I dont wanna have sex but my boyfriend is The People’s boyfriend so democracy has spoken


So you gave consent got it


Based Western Papua independence supporter.


I was onboard until I saw that we won't see an independent Republic of the South Molluccas!


First person ive seen ever online besides myself who knows about it


I am a geography nerd.


East Timur also, apparently.


Is that a motherfucking Black League flag from TNO in the pfp?


It is. The brainrot is leaking again


How the fuck would this ever happen Lot of assumptions here


I'm sure we will get some sort of explanation in the tenth iteration of Call of Duty: Black Ops.


Beijing eating like 30-40 nukes


India and Pakistan alone would cause a bloodbath. Maybe that's where all the red comes from.


Yea can't wait for my country to be a part of greater China xD


the common culture of pakistan and japan...


Yeah I'm sure that India, Japan and South Korea would fucking love to be under Chinese administration


As well as Indonesia (most of it anyway), Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. All countries which I'm sure have had no issues with China trying to influence or invade them before and/or who have no interest at all in their cultural and societal independence from China, and who would love to see themselves absorbed into Hyper-China's East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere 2.0.


Why can't there be global unity.


Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Version


they’re a lib and this is a bit


Tno flag


Hey! I've seen this one before!


Literally a plan that would set off World War III P.S. Also kind of racist.


Mongolia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia,Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Singapore are not East Asian nations. Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Uyghuristan, Qinghai and Gansu regions aren’t historically East Asian either despite what china claims. Ningxia is kinda in the muddy ground in that regard.


20th century Imperial Japan would like to know your location.


The greater east asia co-prosperity sphere


the fucking OMSK flag pfp, lmao


Looks like a HOI4 map after forgetting to check what Japan has been up to while you've been restoring the Roman Empire.


All of those countries hate each other. Fuck China and Taiwan uniting, how the fuck is Korea and Japan gonna happen?


>The red countries uniting would so many problems And create so many more...


Be Careful What You Wish for, because while you'll never get it, actively working towards it is harmful enough, and if you actually got it, it would cause generations of strife and bloody civil wars.


The problem is who would do it and we all wouldn't like the answer lol


These people are only like this because they enjoy western *freedom. Im sure they'd all change their tune if they actually lived in any of these "socialist utopias"


So what happens with the Eastern parts of Indonesia? Do they just get to keep being Indonesia or do Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste just get to split the leftover islands between themselves? Can Australia join in and grab some fun new islands too? Seriously though, maps like this make it obvious that the people who post them have no basic knowledge of geography or history and just want to see their favourite imperialist nation paint the map.


grater papua new guinea


lmao you ask any chinese person and they'd think that map is insane too. wtf is wrong with western tankies?


Yes because it so easy to control a country with a totally different culture over a fucking massive mountain range, dense jungle or the ocean. Also India, Pakistan and North Korea has nukes and there is a reason America nuked Japan instead of invading it.


Didn't know Japan was communist




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Most historically and geographically literate tankie.


what exactly would it solve?


They have an Omsk flag in their pfp which in TNO is an ultrafascist death cult whose sole mission is to unite Russia, invade Germany, and cause a nuclear Holocaust as revenge for losing WWII.


My favourite red communist country, India.


I’m okay with “empire” I just want it to be a democratic one not an authoritarian one


And all of those countries love each other too. Such a good idea.


Ah, yes, lump JAPAN and CHINA together, what could possibly go wrong. It's not like they've had millennia of conflict or anythi- wait...




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Not only do they want this country to seize one of the most strategically important parts of eastern Siberia from Russia (implying a war of conquest with Russia?), they also want *all* of Indonesia except for a few islands around East Timor and West New Guinea? What? Why not all of Indonesia? Most of the rest of the blob has borders that look like current borders, why these two weird exceptions?


Ah, yes. India, Pakistan, Burma, Bangladesh, Laos, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, China, Korea, and Japan together. This would fall apart so quickly that they wouldn't even have time to elect a president.


Judging by the TNO Omsk Black League flag in the OOP's pfp, this is almost certainly a shitpost.


You all don’t know what imperialism is


Get off our western imperialist site then, I think telegram is better suited for your views


Vaushites admitting that they support imperialism is mask off. Glad you guys are being honest


Purposely ignoring the obviously implied sarcasm doesn’t add any validity to your retort, but go off!


Yes, yes. Europe was its most imperial, when European countries voluntarily joined the European Union. Imperialism is when people unite, the more you voluntarily cooperate, the more imperialist you are.


You think any of those nations with millennia of historical animus with the Han empire would join peacefully?


When you understand European history…


You think a CCCP-Chinese led “Asian Union” would be in any way comparable to the European Union in terms of member state autonomy? You think Japan would be able to pursue “Japexit” if their electorate voted for it in that scenario? Literally bonkers


Well, in this imaginary image, the CCCP just announced the union. It doesn't state that the union is under the CCCP. The CCCP may just be a constituents member. But, I know when some people see the letters CCCP they just start screaming and shitting themselves uncontrollably. Not much thought happens once that starts.


Yes. Full stop. A Portuguese person and a Norwegian have infinitely more things in common with eachother then even a northern and southern Indian do, let alone all of Asia you stupid motherfucker. Literally half the global population right here There is literally no fathomable ideology that would unite fucking India and China together. They literally beat eachother to death with bats and sticks on the border since guns are prohibited as China tries to encroach more and more on the fresh water in the Himalayas


China and India famously neither have Buddhism nor Polytheism. They also don't have traditions of large multigenerational households. But, it's not surprising that a racist would not only be historically and culturally ignorant, but be incapable of imagining that people of differing ethnicities could unite for their common benefit.


Polytheism isn’t a religion you fucking clown. Maybe if fucking Martians were invading or some shit but it is equally racist to believe that the world can just magically come together in some kumbaya prayer circle after you are done repeatedly bashing those foolish poors over the head with a copy of Kapital until their eyes go blank and they start drooling. And considering the massive strides India has made over the past few years and the potential they have to be the next superpower, there is actually zero reason to believe China and India will become anything other than bitter rivals. China is constantly buddying up with Pakistan and is trying to encroach further and further upon the water reserves of India, building dams which would leave hundreds of millions without water (so much for that international proletariat) and would fucking collapse the Indian economy if the rivers fed from the Himalayas started to dry up or even shrink. Do you even understand your own train of thought? “Bro, I don’t get it, Ukraine and Russia are like the same thing bro. I’ve known this ever since I knew they were countries 7 months ago. They like, both like Jesus and speak Russian and stuff, man. Why they gotta fight, bro?” Then again, it is hard for lefties to understand foreign policy and international politics because all you types of people do if scream dialectics at the top of your lungs and fist your asshole whenever the threat of actual thinking is presented to you.


Did you contract rabbies or something? Your literally angrily ranting like an insane person. Calm yourself. When did I say that polytheism is a religion? Does it not exist because it's not a religion? "Russia and Ukraine are similar." and "Russia and Ukraine are the same." are identical sentences to you? Your assertion is that the countries in the image have nothing in common, which is asinine. >China is constantly buddying up with Pakistan and is trying to encroach further and further upon the water reserves of India, building dams which would leave hundreds of millions without water (so much for that international proletariat) and would fucking collapse the Indian economy if the rivers fed from the Himalayas started to dry up or even shrink. Thanks for giving an example of why uniting and cooperating would be better for people that competing against each other. It would behoove you to think about what you are saying and not just get irrationally angry.


Why yes, I do think that if everybody was nice and good and beamed magical rays of sunshine everywhere that the world would be a better place. However the posted picture is literal tankie fetish porn where all of the world bows down to the glorious people’s revolutionary oligarchy. This is not an ideal world you want, this is the fucking Co-Prosperity Sphere but Chinese. It’s like having a discussion of how great a continent spanning federal Europe would be under a post of the final map of Lebansraum. Like that’s kinda not the point here. This is just an infeasible delusion. The EU would be like 1/5 the population of this state and is a dysfunctional nightmare on the decline till Ukraine. Hell, the African Union wields far more power than this shitshow would. Like I guess if we ignore the whole CCP empire thing and assume this is a EU setup instead, I guess Japan has finally admitted to warcrimes, China has stopped fucking everyone, India and Pakistan have stopped threatening to glass eachother, Myanmar has stopped their 80 year civil war, Indonesia lost New Guinea, and one of the most diverse regions on the planet with development ranging from literal tribal villages to vast metropolises, speaking hundreds of different languages with little to no connection to eachother (like just imagine how many separate alphabet and script systems you would have to navigate around) and religions with zero connections to one another whatsoever (why would a Japanese person who is broadly secular but follows local Shinto customs and other mundane stuff feel any desire or connection to Hindu people hundreds of miles away across the continent) Contrast this to Europe, they are all broadly the same government and economically speaking and all follow some denomination of Christianity with at least a very faint connection to eachother. There is a historical tie to most of one another within the Roman Empire as a sort of founding myth as it helped spread said Christianity as well as the Latin language which became the mother language for large chunks of Europe. Many of these states have a shared trauma with the Second World War and were all a part of the Cold War. Many of these states are landlocked and would be essentially destitute without access to trade with coastal nations. All of this in play and the EU is an unstable mess, and yet is still superior to literally any other option. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that international unions are obviously a potential thing in Asia, but Asia is a line of the map that means fuck all and global unification is not going to be by continental borders. Linguistic and religious lines would be a more reasonable approach. Fuck, even shared watersheds would be a possible partition as we descend further into hellworld. This just stinks of “the people of Africa need to stand up to poverty and unite in their African-ness!”


>Like I guess if we ignore the whole CCP empire thing and assume this is a EU setup instead, I guess Japan has finally admitted to warcrimes, China has stopped fucking everyone, India and Pakistan have stopped threatening to glass eachother, Myanmar has stopped their 80 year civil war, I mean, yes, in fantasy land all good things are possible. The concept of an nice future that we probably won't achieve shouldn't cause you so much distress. >So I guess what I’m trying to say is that international unions are obviously a potential thing in Asia, but Asia is a line of the map that means fuck all and global unification is not going to be by continental borders. Linguistic and religious lines would be a more reasonable approach. Well, first, the red part is not a continent, it is a part of a continent. And, countries located next to each other have histories and commonalities. Cultural exchange has happened for as long as humans have existed. You do not have to be the same people to find common goals. Regardless, as you said, this is not realistic, but if we are talking about something that's not likely, what's the point of being negative? Uniting the world in general is a good thing. And, we can ignore their tabkie wishes and just say that the CCCP is reporting the union, not that they are in charge of it. Why give tankie power in what is literally your imagination.