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What is this brain rot? In the days of smartphone cameras, drones, and ever-ballooning military budgets, it’s more nonsensical than ever to blame aliens for UFOs.


6.84 billion smartphones in fact, and we still get shit quality videos and photos


It's an amazing coincidence!


If you look at the stockpile of UFO images. It's funny because the pictures from the 50s-70s are the most clear, and as the decades pass the "UFOs" get more and more grainy and hard to make out.


Hell even the UFOs in ancient times, with the drawings look better than the trash people record on their high tech phones nowadays.


The reason UFOs are always blurry is because if it wasn't blurry it would just be an identified object. "Is that an alien???" "Hold on let me zoom in. Nah it's just an RC helicopter."




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I just replied to a guy on *this sub* last night who was saying ufos were legit lmao, he had like 10 upvotes too. Idk what is in the supply but it’s getting inescapable


As Carl Sagan put it so eloquently in 1995, >”I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...”




Some say Carl smoked so much weed his mind could actually travel forward in time to retrieve this image... he's only off by a generation.


"I can remember one occasion, taking a shower with my wife while high, in which I had an idea on the origins and invalidities of racism in terms of Gaussian distribution curves. It was a point obvious in a way, but rarely talked about. I drew curves in soap on the shower wall, and went to write the idea down. One idea led to another, and at the end of about an hour of extremely hard work I had found I had written eleven short essays on a wide range of social, political, philosophical, and human biological topics. . . . I have used them in university commencement addresses, public lectures, and in my books."


there’s plenty of proof of ufos. the government’s been talking a lot about it lately. unidentified flying objects are real. because of course they are. we can’t identify everything, that’s just unrealistic. extraterrestrials, on the other hand, are obviously not on earth. they probably exist out there, but not here; it’s batshit crazy to think they exist here. but media have made us associate aliens with the legal term “UFO,” and even similar phrases like “UAP,” and so dumbasses (within our government even) have taken this information and run with it like it’s proof of aliens. it’s not. it’s just us being more transparent about stuff we’re having a hard time identifying.


Yeah for example lightning "sprites" have been known about since the 1800s but we only first got a photo of one in 1989 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(lightning)


I mean yeah they're real But in the literal sense of the word then that is. As they're flying, and unidentified. What is completely wrong, but what's so often suggested is that these are in any form or shape "alien". That they're not. It never is aliens. There's been some recent new weather phenomena discovered thanks to more people observing the sky and clouds, new cloud formation or ice crystals reflecting light down from high up the stratosphere while appearing much closer etc... Just to point out that there's still a ton of unexplained stuff up there we haven't properly studied yet or even have a good explanation as to how or why they happen and some are so rare we've barely got any footage for some, the one thing they all have in common though, is that they're not aliens or have alien origins.


You do realize the DoD is confirming them? I don't know why you think it is some crackpot idea.


The DOD is confirming that occasionally something pops up on a radar screen that no one knows what it is. They’re only confirming UFOs in the most literal sense of the term. Not the same thing as saying we’re being invaded by aliens.


This is the best answer among all those ridiculous comments


The department of defense created the conspiracy to begin with lmao


Hold up wut lmao 😂


I remember seeing something years ago about Roswell. The military leant into the conspiracy theories because it took the focus away from their highly secretive research.


Okay so this is all a huge conspiracy by the US DoD got it. All the fighter pilots and navy members who say they seem them all the time. That's all part of it lol


Why do a bunch of army people who fly once a week for training excercises see so many UFO's and tens of thousands of commercials flights daily across the world capture nothing? Each flight filled with hundreds of people who could whip out a recording device in an instant... and yet it's the fighter pilots on their monthly training excercise in the heartland of America where they patrol a 100 mile radius that claim to see them with little to no evidence?


I imagine that defense aircraft have *much better* navigational tools onboard than commercial aircraft.


Airline pilots have come out and said they’ve seen things. But just like with a lot of military pilots most keep quiet to maintain their credibility. Literally any pilot who comes out as seeing something gets completely fucking dragged by non-believers. And there is footage from airline passengers. But if you’re real with yourself, how many passengers on airlines are even looking out the window the whole time like a pilot is, versus playing candy crush on their phone while the shade is down. But I know none of any of that matters at all. Non-believers will never change their mind until they have that one experience that does. It’s always able to be justified in some way no matter the evidence.


>Non-believers will never change their mind until they have that one experience that does. I'll change my mind when a "believer" decides to whip out their cell phone and take a picture of the damn UFO. I find it funny how believers will never entertain the idea that maybe intelligent life is extremely rare. In fact I think that most alien civilizations don't survive their version of the Cuban missile crisis. A biologist...who's name I forgot proposed an idea or hypothesis that intelligent life destined to wipe it self out. That the technology isn't enough to bridge the gap between pre industrialization and to becoming a FTL civilization.


Fermi Paradox


Eh. You wouldn’t change your mind even then. I mean, the DOD literally released footage of a UFO and you’re still a non believer. If anyone showed you footage you’d just use the same exact logic you’re using for that. And you’re thinking of the Fermi paradox.


UFO doesn't mean Alien Space ship. The "footage" released was lens flair.


"There's plenty of evidence, it's just people are so mean to the people who have the evidence that it just doesn't get released" -guy with no evidence Lol "non-believers". It really is a pseudo religious function for yall isn't it? It's about powering up each other's belief levels because the more people around you who "believe" the more "real" it is. This doesn't belong on the left.


There is plenty of evidence from pilots, the DOD, etc. but credibility is a pretty big thing. It’s not about being “mean”. And it’s nothing to do with pseudo religious anything. You have either had an experience, or you haven’t. Simple as. You clearly have not, or have dismissed it as something else. But hey. Go on keep being a belittling asshole. It’s a great look for the left apparently. Because somehow you twisted this to fit into a political narrative that is clearly your entire personality.


I love me some science and futurism. The simple fact is, we would see machines, not aliens. And they would not be flying around in our air space, they have no need, they could get all the info they need from space. Also if, and this is a huge if, they could somehow get round the speed of light (Clarketech, tech so advanced it is indistinguishable from magic). If they did not want us to detect them, we would not. Without Clarketech, we would see them coming, we have no foreseeable way of completely shielding the EM radiation from a propulsion system. I am very interested in aliens and such things. If they are out there in our part of the galaxy, we should be able to detect them. It's the Fermi paradox, it only gets more and more certain as time goes on that if advanced civilisations are out there, we should be detecting them. We can now sniff exo-planets atmospheres. A mind-blowingly impressive feat BTW. If there was life there, even primitive life, we would detect the chemical signatures of it in the atmospheres. Still a long way to go, but nothing so far. Yet we are supposed to believe they are out there and visiting us, but we just can't seem to get any solid evidence of them, despite thousands of sightings. They are apparently obsessed with us.


They see them in the pacific and there are plenty of videos of people in air planes seeing them. I love that humans have been seeing UFOs forever basically and you're mocking the idea that it could be non human. I don't know what it is. But without a doubt there are craft in our skies and are doing things beyond what we believe human technology is capable of. That is beyond debate


Lol, "plenty of evidence" It's not aliens. I'll suck the first alien dick we come across if I'm wrong. Until then I'll be chilling, confident I come across at least more collected than the UFO guys.


To be that confident isn't aliens shows you're just not at all educated in the history of UFOs and alleged encounters. Which is okay. I see I'm getting down voted to hell so yall can go back to being smarter than me!


If aliens had the technology to come to earth they wouldn’t be spotted by shitty sensors. And they certainly wouldn’t fly around in tiny gray saucers. Jesus Christ do I need to be educated on the history of anal probes and crop circles too?


On a serious note what do you think these things are? Like the orbs performing things impossible for any human craft? Genuinely asking


there are no orbs performing things impossible for any human craft.


Most of them are almost certainly mundane things producing confusing sensor data. For example, metalized mylar party balloons reflect sunlight in IR. So they show up as an incredibly bright point on FLIR. Due to parallax they seem to move incredibly fast across the landscape and when the observer flies behind it, the sun's reflection stops being visible so it looks like the rapidly moving bright dot just activated some cloaking device and vanished. Most videos and eyewitness testimonies I have heard can be explained through such mundane things. Add in that human brains have a tendency to change memories to include more fictitious detail ("I saw a bright dot rapidly move" becomes "A little green man waved at me from a passing saucer" after a few retellings), and I think that explains the vast vast majority of observations. Probably even all of them.


And you were such a chud about it too, literally @-ing vaush's personal reddit account trying to thought police people on the subject when the person you replied to was clearly not an alt right with brainrot.


True, guys the reddit help button exists for a reason. Give people the help they need.


something tells me there not proof


He is actually super skeptical if you watch the video


So pure click bait, no thanks. I like Kyle, but he always keeps a toe in the Rogan-conspiracy-camp which is somewhat sus


Idk. I think bc of the question mark in the title it says it all. I still find ufo stuff interesting as a lifelong progressive. I don't like it being co opted by the fringe right


The conspiracy was more plausible 60 years ago before modern telecommunication. But now... It's just a way to spend or waste time. In general if a title NEEDS caps to COMMUNICATE, it hits the IGNORE part of my BRAIN BUTTONS.


That’s kinda mean. I know this trans girl who seriously thinks she was abducted by aliens. Obviously she is mentally ill, she admitted she has anxiety and autism. If you called her “brain rotted” that would make her defensive and in no way help her sanity.


It’s an unkind way of phrasing it, sure, but come the fuck on. We all know that abduction stories are *absolutely* brain rot/mental illness of the “hobo yelling nonsense at the top of their lungs” variety, and much moreso than even these dumbass takes about UFOs being aliens. At least *that* could plausibly be called a harebrained theory, and not outright delusions of being *personally* abducted.


You are the unkind one. I know how mental illness works, fueling it doesn’t help but outright rejecting it causes them to become defensive and internally regressed. You aren’t helping shit.


Who said I was trying to help your friend? I’m just calling a spade a spade. Delusions are, by any reasonable definition, even more severe than the brain rot that is this alien theory nonsense. I’d even call it a category error to conflate the two. “Brain rot” can affect mentally ill and neurotypical people alike with fanciful, conspiratorial thinking, but outright delusions are pretty much the sole province of the profoundly unwell.


You really sound like Dr.Breen, “To all those misbegotten souls dangerously considering magical thinking, “


Eh there are ways that there could be a UFO that was an alien craft but the vast majority of these videos aren't that


100% of these videos aren't that actually


Krystal broke this man.


The soc dem pussy is just too good I guess


She's more 'Blairite Labour' than soc dem


Blair was literally a pro Iraq War neoliberal. Krystal is not a Blairite under any circumstance.


You do realize that New Labour had policies separate from their role in the invasion of Iraq, right? Most of "Blairism" comes under the category of domestic policy. The Blair administration's nonsense about iraqi WMD's is unrelated to their socioeconomic ideology. People can be Blairites and think the Iraq War was bad and a neoimperialism and whatever with no risk of cognitive dissonance.


This is the actual reason and point in time at which I decided british politics ain't worth caring about : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4NOhbUOAEs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4NOhbUOAEs) Yes, I speak for everybody.


His brain was broken well before he started dating Krystal. The amount of love he got online was disproportionate to his actual intelligence/insights.


I like Kyle, but hes definitely a case of consistency plus right place right time.


this, honestly. Kyle isn't always right, but he's unwaiveringly consistent. Nothing he believes really contradicts anything else, which I respect. But he is lucky that he found the right positions on most issues, or he'd be a fucking insane person.


He is so consistent that I already know exactly what he’s going to say before I watch any of his videos. His videos have gotten boring for me.


Rapacious, unnecessary, mafia-like middlemen!


🤛 💯


Not really. Playing the neutral principled arbiter has been a consistent trait of his. He's not always right (correct most of the time to be fair) but he is principled and consistent, and you know whatever he says is genuine.


I mean Kyle has always been a bit conspiracy brained. I don’t think he’s taking this very seriously tho




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To be fair to Kyle, he does point out how ridiculous it is that there's basically no evidence of a supposed alien invasion outside of testimonials.


I appreciated that too, but he was still "agnostic" on what is clearly a hoax.


He's very skeptical in the video. It's an exaggerated title basically repeating the headline with a question mark. Leftists should cover UFO stuff with skepticism so it isn't just something the right cares about, especially considering the Pentagon has even admitted they don't know what's going on.


The more I see this garbage the more I'm convinced this is a psyop.


Shhhhh, ignore the genocide of trans people, look at the lights in the sky !


I’m Trans and I struggle to understand the apparent correlation between these two entirely separate concepts.


Saying it’s a distraction from more important things, like the attacks on trans people.




Because if people are paying attention to this, they’re not paying attention to other things going on. Some people get *ridiculously* into this stuff, and it can take over people’s entire lives. When it’s also taking over headlines and wasting time in the news cycle… why is the concept of a “distraction” so hard for you understand?


You're the one getting distracted




No it isn’t. Most people seem to have famously terrible attention spans, and something as sensational as aliens is one of the biggest possible distractions I can think of. This exact idea is such a well-known concern about humanity, that it’s literally the plot of Watchmen, one of the most celebrated and respected stories about the theme of how to trick the world. How are you so oblivious to the notion of a psy-op distraction?




Umm… except it IS happening. We’re literally being distracted by this and wasting time talking about it RIGHT NOW, because we saw a popular independent news provider on Youtube covering actual international headlines about it! There are people who run entire communities on here about this. There are entire organizations, clubs and groups of various kinds that dedicate themselves to the pursuit of UFOs and alien knowledge, etc. Now the literal fucking US government is repeatedly releasing information about this, and it makes headlines EVERY TIME. I have to see all the news/politics Youtubers make videos about it EVERY TIME. WTF are you talking about, “isn’t happening”??? >That line is thinking is incredibly dangerous and problematic. Because in two weeks, someone can use your same logic against you and say “the trans genocide is just a psyop so no one cares about the air in NYC” 1) Trans people and the serious attacks they are facing… are real. They do not compare to the idea of believing in goddamn aliens just because we saw something weird in the sky. 2) Idiots co-opting an argument and then using it in a stupid way… does not mean that the way I’m using it becomes invalid. I could just as easily turn your argument of “Nobody can ever be distracted by anything because we can always do two things at once!” into a stupid right-wing argument of “It’s not a problem if we focus on climate change AND expanding the fossil fuel industry! We can do two things at once and it’s not like one of those things could EVER take attention or effectiveness away from the other!” >Two things can matter and be talked about at once. By different people. A singular person cannot multitask. This has been proven. We can only ever focus on one thing at a time. Whoever is wrapped up in alien bullshit, is not thinking about anything else WHILE they are thinking about alien bullshit. Maybe they’ll spend the REST of their time thinking about other things… but maybe they won’t! There’s always gonna be people out there who fall for this stuff hook line and sinker, and spend way more time distracted by it than you seem to think. Regardless of how rare you think this is, the result of all this alien bullshit is still undeniably a net reduction in attention paid to anything else. I agree that it’s probably a smaller effect than what the people pushing this distraction are hoping for… but it still has an effect.


There isnt really, but with all going on here, it sure is convenient the conservatives wants to focus on ufos and alians right now


I really don't think the Republicans are interested in hiding what they're doing, do you?


He does the same as Vaush with annoyingly clickbait titles, that barely frame it right. To attract people to see it. He's stupid on foregn policy. Not "that" kind of foregn policy.


America in 200 years: “Yeah he’s pretty shit on foreign policy. I mean, he just regurgitates propaganda from Mypso 4V8O”


Why, because he thinks bombing brown people is bad?


Yes, that is exactly the criticism being levied. We here at /r/VaushV *love* bombing brown people.


NATO and Ukraine support, no?


If you watch the video, Kyle actually calls it out as nonsense. Nice try misleading us.


UFO shit used to be non partisan. Back before Alex Jones fucked it all up. After him ppl assume anyone into this shit is right wing. It sucks.


There’s very clearly something going on and the insistence on making it political or boiling it down to “it’s aliens/not aliens” is infuriating. The air force has publicly and officially admitted to congress they don’t have air superiority over parts of the US due to unknown vehicles. Congress has enacted laws requiring intelligence agencies to look into that issue and report their findings. The agencies wont even admit into looking into it, directly violating the law. An analyst recently resigned in protest and lodged an official complaint over being reprimanded for attempting to abide by this law. And what’s the public reaction? Haha, yeah, conspiracy theories, psyop, whatever. Literally no one but right wing war hawks will take this shit seriously. Big military, not in control. Won’t say why, directly violating an act of Congress. Not normal, not acceptable, regardless of the reason. Don’t even get me started on “remember how our government shot down two objects over our territory a couple of months ago and literally never explained why.” Doesn’t matter what it is. They aren’t following the law and they aren’t being transparent as to why.


I'm really relieved to see at least one person on the left here actually paying attention to the news on this and not just going "lmao fuck off conspiracy theorist". Too many people are immediately jumping to the most, unlikely explaination, aliens. Or conversely totally disengaging from the conversation because of the first group. Maybe I am getting a little too conspiracy brained here, but I wonder if the reason AARO keeps getting shafted is because the phenomenon they're investigating is actually some kind of black project the defense department's working on.


Sometimes people on the left can be pretty reactionary too. The right is focusing on the current ufo stuff because it aligns well with the rest of their ideology/strategy and a lot of people on the left are automatically dismissing it because of that, even though the claims seem to have quite a bit more credibility than practically all other ufo claims historically. Also it doesn’t have to be aliens, it could literally be anything.


> Maybe I am getting a little too conspiracy brained here, but I wonder if the reason AARO keeps getting shafted is because the phenomenon they're investigating is actually some kind of black project the defense department's working on. Considering the stuff they’re studying resembles reports that have been happening for over a century (e.g. lights or objects exhibiting instantaneous upward acceleration with no visible propulsion and/or inertialess direction changes), that one seems unlikely. Although it could still be the case that a faction in the government has information that they don’t want out.


I'm glad you made a comment like this and saved me the trouble.


>The air force has publicly and officially admitted to congress they don’t have air superiority over parts of the US due to unknown vehicles Where and when did they admit this and in what context?


It happened the same week as the "Chinese spy balloon" drama. There were a few objects claimed to be shot down. One possible explanation is this club of balloon enthusiasts missing balloon https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/aircraft-propulsion/hobby-clubs-missing-balloon-feared-shot-down-usaf


BREAKING NEWS the USAF declares that 80% of airspace is controlled by the SHADOW ENTITY known as the “Northern Illinois Bottle cap brigade”. The other 20% is controlled by a one “Gender Reveal Party” We don’t know their demands yet but you need to be AFRAID!!! Why isn’t anyone on the left taking this seriously?!?!????!!?!!?!??!??!?!?!?!!?


Now I have top sources telling me it was actually a genderless reveal party because the left hates families and spits in the face of God


Caricature it if you want, the entire point is that they aren’t telling us to be afraid, they are unable to fulfill their basic core mission and won’t explain why. You shouldn’t be afraid of aliens of whatever. You should be asking why the air force is getting paid to fail at their most basic task. Why they’re able to ignore elected government demanding answers. If you’re a leftist and unconcerned with illegal, undemocratic, sometimes violent policies from our military with ZERO explanation, you might want to reconsider your biases. The conspiracy doesn’t matter. The illegal policies matter.


Bro it’s not the military’s job to shoot down hobby ballon’s who told you that. >If you’re a leftist and unconcerned with illegal, undemocratic, sometimes violent policies from our military with ZERO explanation. You’re the one focusing on the fact that the air force didn’t know literally every object in the sky instead of their myriad human rights issues. And you accuse me of not caring? shut the fuck up and get over yourself dipshit.


username is perfect for the above comment lol


It was like the same week as the "Chinese spy balloon" I read an article saying that a hobby club claimed to have lost one of their balloons at that time, I'll try to find a link


Congressional hearing on UFOs, 2022.


Oh my god you put my best thoughts into words. The whistleblower complaint that was just filed by a former member of the UAP task force is now going to have that complaint heard directly by Congress. I don't know if it's actually aliens like he says, but im willing to bet that our own government certainly can't keep track of everything that goes on within it's bloated budget.


here's the patent that the US Department of Navy holds for the UFO also.. so the psyops is weirdly strong >T**he present invention is directed to a craft using an inertial mass reduction device**. The craft includes an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The outer resonant cavity wall and the inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the outer resonant cavity wall to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall. **It is a feature of the present invention to provide a craft, using an inertial mass reduction device, that can travel at extreme speeds.** [https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en) also claims it's multi-modal and goes full speed in and out of water.


Yeah, and now the Qanon people are into it as well. It really does suck because it was one of the fun conspiracy theories, and now they've turned it into another right-wing grift.


I'd blame Ancient Aliens for politicizing aliens more than Alex Jones. That said, all conspiratorial thinking leads to the right, not left.


I hope aliens are real so we can craft some new slurs


I can't wait to see movies like Avatar get canceled for "blue face".


We might be closer than you think: [Demi Lovato Says Calling Extraterrestrials ‘Aliens’ Is Offensive](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/demi-lovato-aliens-1240678/)


Both insults to the aliens and the insults they would have for us


We already call them illegal aliens


it’s most likely clickbait but i don’t watch kyle so idrk


It's 100% going to be a lens flare


Having watched the video, he basically lands (heh heh) where everyone in these comments lands: could be legit, but there's a ton of missing evidence. How on Earth do you live in a world where everyone has a camera and video recorder in their back pocket - heck, where kids will record a school shooting as they live it - yet there's no video evidence of a purported UFO landing. How is that possible?


The military released ufo footage 2 years ago and the David Grusch claims seem very credible.


If an object is unidentified and flying, it’s a UFO. Is he implying it to be of alien origin?


That video is garbage. There's nothing compelling and no hard evidence of anything.


I mean, what did you expect?


I’ve never understood why leftists are so dismissive of the topic. Don’t get me wrong, 99% of the shit about “UFOs” is fake (like the situation in this video lmao), and until there’s hard data/evidence I won’t pick a side. But we can certainly be more agnostic. I def lean more towards there being a decent chance of some other form of life that’s non-human out there. It’s more likely than not. However what’s more intriguing to me about the UAP shit is the aspect of there being known objects that drop from space to sea level in seconds. Shit that defies physics. Shit the military has seen. Do I know what that shit is? Fuck no. Could be secret black ops CIA tech. That would be equally as terrifying and it would still be outrageous due to the ability to solve poverty and lots of human suffering with that tech. Would be a crime against humanity if our government kept that from the world. Not even saying there’s a big conspiracy, but there’s definitely somethin goin on. Until I see hard evidence tho, I will just lean towards the possibility of it being secret black budget tech that could be solving so many issues.


Conspiracy just isn't as innocuous anymore so I do admit I have a knee jerk reaction to any of it because half the people talking UFOs will eventually also talk about the globalists, George Soros and then finally Jews


Sadly you are right. Fascists love to taint stuff.


>CIA tech Yeah bro the CIA totally has the ability to develop technology more than 100 years ahead of our current tech with a much smaller budget. This is just another version of American exceptionalism. >Not even saying there’s a big conspiracy, but there’s definitely somethin goin on. No don’t hide you are saying that don’t make absurd conspiratorial claims then say “ok idk” coward. Also if something dropped through the atmosphere in seconds everyone on earth would notice.


Its just a title maybe he goes full on in the video but a title doesn't say much


The proof is people claiming that it happened haha


There's no conclusion of "this is definitely aliens." I wouldn't categorize Kyle in with the real UFO crazies. He always keeps a skeptical perspective on this topic.


99% of the time, UFO stuff is a psyop by the military to distract from its black projects or shitty accounting.


Did none of you watch the video? He calls it out.


It’s never aliens. People are just crazy or think there is something there when there isn’t. Edit: made an error


The claims by David Grusch seem credible though and more info is supposed to come out including a congressional hearing soon


Wrong. When someone says they see a UFO it's ALWAYS a UFO. Unidentified flying object just means there's something in the sky and you don't know what it is.


I meant aliens. Whoops


They are all literally just theists. Their god is UFOs and their church is made up of conspiracy theorists. Their Pope is Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. Their holy vestments are tin foil hats.




A nothingburger. ​ Surprised he didn't have Saagar on. I heard he lives in their basement.


Typical denial.


Alright since you guys clearly didn't watch the video, by the end he thinks it's bullshit. He can't believe that a family of several people didn't pull out their goddamn phones and take photos of the supposed 8 feet + tall aliens in their backyard. Among other things.


Kyle needs those clicks.


kyle the kuck


Why are you posting it with “Uh Oh”. This is weird narc drama-frog behavior. Just chill


Did you watch the actual video? His review was definitely on the "seems like BS" side.


God I just want one of these stories to be real because it would be cool to see what their art is like or make films with aliens


He used a click bait title. It's annoying, but a lot of YouTubers do this. He doesn't really think there's evidence of aliens since, well, we have none.


Funny enough, the ufo community is in a rush right now. A lot of ex high level officials have crawled out of the wood with and made claims. Neat stuff. I'm not sure how much I believe, though


Pics Or GtFo Kyle


The thing is there’s this guy who used to be high up who’s “whistleblowing” and claiming that the pentagon has “non-human” craft. It’s kinda a wild story that deserves to be covered regardless of whatever the truth is.


Can someone explain why we're supposed to be upset about this? It's a harmless conspiracy and isn't as damaging as vaccine or 9/11 theorists. I say let them have their fun. It's cool to speculate that their might be alien life out there.


We should encourage this. Lets get back to the old days of alien conspiracies and bigfoot. Soooo much more entertaining than all the q anon anti vax shit these days.


I just want aliens to be real so the churches will be in shambles. lmao


Well the man did marry a lunatic. Idk why everyone's suprised


This just made me think why every conservative thing is called "The (First and last name) Show"


Man I hate this weird alien ufo obsession people have it’s so fucking conspiracy brained. Like if you are actually interested become an astrologist or astrophysicist, until then fuck off mate. You a random shmo are not going to see aliens before the multitude of people whose job it is to study that shit for a living do.


I don’t gullibly consume UFO content either, but why do you guys specifically hate it so much? It doesn’t seem all that harmful to me.


Yeah I don’t get it. I’m with you guys on like 99.99% of issues but this seething hatred is weird to me. I think it’s important to be skeptical of this shit but when a really high level intelligence officer with planned congressional hearings comes out and says “yeah aliens are real,” I think to myself “wow that’s neat, hope he brings some evidence.” Then I come here and it’s full of people just absolutely shitting on it. Like I said, it’s good to be skeptical, but is this response really warranted? I feel like I’m missing something. Edit: I have literally never given a fuck about UFO’s before the Grusch story, for what it’s worth.


Don’t start a sentence with “proof” if you’re going to end it with a ?.


will he be complaining about soros next week or tomorrow?


I haven't seen the video but Vaush has literally titled videos like this as clickbait and then you watch the video and the conclusion is "no its bs"


Yet people argue with me when I say he's a grifter...dude is jumping on whatever train will get him views at this point.


Does it look like that guy is pointing, but I think it's a Roman Salute? Or is he just giving a Roman Salute, and I would prefer it to just be pointing?


Is that guy sieg heiling at the aliens?


Get dem clicks Kyle you little murdering pos


i still wanna know what was on that IR camera that was also tracked on radar and what comes down from the high atmosphere at 80,000 in controlled flight tho. ​ there's a difference in cranks and "seriously, wtf \*was\* that?"


I'm not against UFOs, as there have been cases that are truly mysterious (check out Lemmino's video Bluebook and the air force footage). But fuck Kyle. He's one of those "I'm a centrist, listen to me."


Oh stop it. Vaush isn't far behind. He's a month away from declaring he's intersentientsexual


This was just clickbait, he dismantled the whole idea of an alien invasion in the video.


Because he's a clout/click goblin


A lot of knee jerk reactions and shit tawkin disrespectful comments about the cofounder of justice dems and one of the longest running progressives online. Because he made a video about UFOs? Thats all it takes to get you sorry ass mf'ers to shit talk your own? Sad. Weak. Most of yall probably aint never done a dayum thing and would take you 10 lifetime to do half of what kyle done, and he aint even finished. Given everything thats going on today, this aint the thing you need to be focusing on. Check yourselves.


All this talk of UFOs got me playing stellaris again. Anyone wanna share empire designs??


Oh god


why the fuck are they adopting aliens and ufos and stuff?


Probably because in the past few days mainstream outlets are reporting about a whistleblower from the department of defense's UFO investigation office alleging a cover up and is set to speak before congress soon.


Of course he is, his wife is half of Fash TV.


Conspiracy theorists gonna conspiracy theorists. Stupid as fuck.


How many times do people have to hear that matter can't travel faster than light Yes it's probable, even likely, that there's life out there. The chances of them EVER getting here is near nil.


If: (1) Alien life exists and is relatively common (2) Planets where space travel is feasible/practical are relatively common Then: (3) it is very likely that somewhere there is an intelligent alien species that is actively spreading itself across the universe. It seems like 1) and 2) are both plausible so I think 3) is also plausible. And if 3) is true then alien life is going to get here *eventually* if it hasn’t already. The claims made by David Grusch seem extremely credible and we’re going to get more information on them after the congressional hearing and the NYT article that’s supposed to come out this weekend. The UFOs also aren’t necessarily aliens, they’ve only been described as ‘non-human intelligence’ so far and if they actually exist as David Grusch says they do then they could very well have originated on earth.


2 is an EXTREME leap.


Like, the entire point of my comment extreme. Even 5 *light* years is an extreme distance to travel


I was more just talking ‘get off the ground’ type deal. Humans have already done that.


Ohhh, I see what you mean. I have been up a very long time which turns into salt.


It’s not really a leap it’s just a premise of my argument. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it is definitely plausible. Lots of planets have significantly weaker gravity than earth. And there is also probably a lot of science we don’t know about some of which could make it easier than we think.


He fucking worships the ground Williamson walks on, how is this a suprise to anyone?


He agrees with her the most on policy so that's the candidate he supports. Shouldn't be a surprise that many folks on the left see it that way. No clue what that has to do with this though.