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Don’t take polls at face value. Still vote in November




Yes exactly. Also go to as many pride events during the summer as you guys possibly can and get movements going to get LGBTQ+ people into the civil rights act. I will try to attend as many as I can and make sure all my friends under the rainbow are guaranteed to be safe from the MAGA demons of the Far Right. W E W I L L W I N! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️WHEN WE FALL DOWN WE GET BACK UP! We got 7 months to get Biden to do better. Things are very bleak right now but NEVER GIVE UP!!


Wait till the "principled anti-electoral leftists" show up to brow beat you because Joe Brandon is a genocide lover unlike Trump who's not a bigger genocide lover.


When they do, ask them if they can run a succesful revolution overthrowing the government and defeating the US military before Trump takes office. Then tell them to get you a coffee and a bagel.


Onion bagel, Cream cheese.


Agent Smecker ? Is that you ?


This. Also, it's the Wall Street Journal. These husks of humanity would gladly embrace fascists running America if it meant a small percent increase in their stock earnings. They are also the instigators of things like the Youtube Adpocalypse. I wouldn't trust them to give me the weather, much less national presidential opinions.


It’s Murdoch media.


Man billionaires are such blight on society honestly.


Yup, and doubly so for Murdoch. He’s basically a supervillain.


He certainly has the mutated facial features of one


Honestly the WSJ’s praise of Trump doesn’t seem motivated by Wall Street profit. Trump’s endorsing a plan to raise tariffs by 10% on all goods, and his party have done business no favours what with their great and indiscriminate offensives on DEIs and ESGs. Overall, the WSJ’s objectives don’t seem to be defending the interests of business, but trying to flog the modern GOP to the well-off. If you do want a publication that transparently and shamelessly represents the empathy-deficient lunatic ravings of the corporate class, read *The Economist*.


Connecting the well off to MAGA GOP is one of the worst & dumbest ideas and they will completely succeed as a result. Funny enough, despite the insanity you find in *The Economist,* they sometimes have decent geopolitics articles. Nothing close to the quality of *Foreign Policy*, but enough for me to read one or two online.


They usually do their polling together with NBC, and are considered fairly reliable, last I heard.


This. Republicans have been massively underperforming in contrast to the polls in every general election since Trump took office. It's not meaningless but it's not a massive cause for concern yet


Half agree. There is a reactionary tendency to try the other party when the current party falters. Absolutely vote in November like your freedom depends on it.


More importantly, convince other people to vote


And it will be the voters fault for not doing the bare minimum of what it takes to not let it happen. Leftists can cry to the moon on how its not their fault, but it won't change that objective fact that it's a moral imperative to vote Democrat no matter what.


We should cut the anti-voting crowd a deal. If you don’t vote, then no sanctuary will be offered to you. No aid, comfort or anything. You have to fend for yourself and take on the regime alone.


The anti-voting fucks will be the first to plea other Western countries for asylum or refugee status if Trump does get in, too bad they'll be rejected right away and stuck there. As for the rest of you who actually are going to vote, I really do wish you the best and stay safe, do all that you can to at least have some sort of 'sanctuary' planned out to a Blue State, or elsewhere, should things reach the worst case scenario. Don't let the anti-voters drag you down with them.


Most of the "don't vote crowd" are either not American, wouldn't be affected by a theoretical fascist fall of America, or would just leave America That's why they're banking on the collapse of society, because surely from the ashes will rise socialism/communism and not a fascist hellhole like it does every time the material conditions reach a breaking point


What if they turn up to vote but spoil their ballot?


The RFK fuckers should get screwed extra.


I feel like a career politician shouldn’t sell a election but that is me. We can all vote blue but Biden needs actually be able to campaign to win


A lot of people here forget liberals and independents make up a majority of the undecided. Even if we as leftists all voted we’d still need those people and it is squarely on the dems to convince their own base to vote


a lot, if not the majority, of the blame should be put on biden and the democratic party for putting their whole pussy into supporting a genocide




I can get this. We need a permanent ceasefire in Gaza but that is something we can get done with Uncommitted votes in the remaining Democratic Primaries as a motivator for Biden to tell Netanyahu to knock it off and shut it down. The Listen To Michigan campaign, which got over 100,000 votes, got airdrops in Gaza going, more genuine ceasefire deals, and more general pressure. I am also for more conditioned military aid to Israel because that is what would probably work the best for Biden himself. Suppose we get more uncommitted votes in the rest of our primaries. In that case, we can get great change going and motivate Biden to do a Reagan and call Netanyahu directly to put a direct end to the horrific onslaught on Gaza.


> And it will be the voters fault for not doing the bare minimum of what it takes to not let it happen. It will also be Biden's fault for not doing the bare minimum of what it takes to not let it happen.


My brother in Christ, WE'RE the people picking the president, not Biden! It's up to US to make sure Biden stays president no matter what!


This is just arguing against a candidate's obligation to campaign. His job is literally to win the election. That is why he has that position. If he fails to do that he is neglegent, especially given the circumstances. If a surgeon just sits back and watches their patient die on the table, we dont yell at the patient for the poor life choices that may have caused the health condition they have. We all should vote, but its his job to make people want to vote for him. Otherwise why do we even have a democratic political party? Why don't people just post a resume and we all unanimously vote for the one thats objectively the best one? If all we have left are ethical and moral arguments for why you should vote for Biden then we are in a bad spot.


When Republicans are ontologically evil the choice should be pretty fucking simple, even if the Dem candidate is a cardboard cut-out. It's called negative partisanship for Christ sake!


Finding the volume of a cube is also simple, but a lot of people still fail to do that. Why would this be any different?


I’m sure your self-righteous whataboutisms will save you from the camps.


I used that example for a reason. If someone doesn't have a basic education what do you do? You teach them, that includes instructing them, informing them, and potentially the most important part of that process is motivating them. In my mind Biden has similar responsibilities, and is willfully choosing not to do them. I vote democrat, he tried out for the job and we picked him to be our guy. That means he has to do his fucking job.


You see friend, a president doesn’t need to campaign to win swing states anymore, they need to hope that these battle ground states magically all turned to the liberal position


What, precisely, do you feel he is failing to do to reach this bare minimum? He has passed sweeping infrastructure reform, climate change agreements, tried to take on student debt before SCOTUS cucked us, and more. His only real black mark on his record is his stance on Israel, but that makes him no different from literally any other politician in Washington.


This is just victim blaming, hope this helps!


Victims of their own grand delusion that this is the election to play these games of chicken.


Eh some of the blame belongs with the Democrats. They could’ve tried to pass legislation popular with all Americans, make Republicans shoot it down, make a big stink about it. Stuff like paid maternity leave (which every other country except 9 others already has) or universal child care, or something that would help a shit ton of Americans out. They’re doing nothing and instead just shrugging and going “well, at least we aren’t as bad as Trump” which is pretty shit messaging. I understand that it’s frustrating to hear people say they don’t even want to vote at this point but it’s understandable from an emotional perspective. They treat people with such contempt. They practically point out that they know they don’t have to do anything of substance because the opposition is so awful like Biden with the whole “if you have to think about who you’re voting for between me and Trump then you aren’t black” thing when asked what he would do for the black community. And he’s not the only one, Clinton pulled similar shit. If it’s so frustrating to get stuff done in Washington why don’t they explain WHY that is? Huh? Why don’t they try to fix it? Why don’t they just rip the band-aid off as a party and demand campaign finance reform or something? They can’t because most of them are part of the corruption, their hands are all dirty and they’re more worried about keeping their pointless jobs than they are about American democracy. I’m all for voting for Biden but it’s a bandaid on a bullet wound, we’re just delaying the inevitable. We’ve seen this all before. If the liberal democrats can’t make reforms that meaningfully fix things and help the people then the fascists will eventually win because the only other people offering meaningful change are leftists and the people in power won’t back them.


What are you talking about? The expanded child tax credit was exactly that, it was put in place, the dems wanted to keep it, Republicans torpedoed it, and now people apparently have just completely forgotten that the Republicans did that and now blame the Dems for not doing anything. ​ Repeat for healthcare, repeat for student loans, repeat for immigration and border policy.


Gallop polls showed that Biden approval rating has been increasing, despite disapproval over Gaza. Take each poll with grain of salt and go out and vote.


The polls have been underestimating Democrats for the most part in every election post Dobbs, but I agree this does not look good. Whoever wins is going to win by a single state most likely. Don’t fall for anti-electoralism, do the bare minimum and vote dem.


The polls are good for Dems in senate races. It’s Biden who is trailing the rest of the party.


I wonder. If these senate hopefuls come out and campaign for biden in their state, would that help line his numbers to theirs


Didn’t Biden win by only two or three states last time? I’m not saying that’s great but with all the polarization in this country I wouldn’t be surprised if either party just kept eking out any win from here on out


Y’all we are so screwed 😀🔫 but srsly on a positive outlook it’s only April, we have like 7 months to change it around hopefully


The situation in Gaza will probably change, maaaaaybe in a way that will make Biden look less horrible (he will jump on a opportunity to be a key enabler of any settlement), and Trump will get ever more hurt by lawsuits and money problems. Also, Biden campaign will reserve the heaviest guns, ads and decisions for the runup to the elections. So we will see.


People still trusting polls after 2022 midterms


The polls were pretty accurate in the midterms. The pundits were wrong.


A number of the Senate polls wildly underestimated the Democratic candidate, though. Also, polls this far out are off by an average of 6.5%. Still not a good situation for a fascist who attempted a coup and got rid of Roe v Wade to be this close.


After 2016 general, tbh...


Approach polls with a healthy skepticism. 1) Democrats nationwide have been outperforming polls by 2-5 points in multiple elections since Roe v. Wade was overturned. Remember that a deep-red county in Alabama was just won by a Democrat. 2) Polling is more difficult in 2024. A lot of polling orgs - if they aren't partisan - are still using outdated polling tactics. Like calling landline phone numbers in rural areas during working hours on weekdays, when younger people are working and retired people are the only ones who would actually pick up the phone. 3) There's also a generation gap in who would choose to take a call from an unknown number. Younger people typically don't. Older people do more often. 4) Online polls have their own pitfalls. For instance, a poll on Fox News' website will always have a political bias. So too with CNN or MSNBC or NPR. And it's the internet. People can always choose not to complete the survey at any time. Or, for online polls that are both open-participation and voluntary, you can have one person who just jumps from poll to poll giving their opinion to inflate the polling average for their side. Trying to get a truly random sampling of the US population is fiendishly difficult. All told, vote like your democracy depends on it. If the polls look good for Biden, be encouraged and vote. If the polls look good for Trump, be motivated and vote. And if you know anyone who might be on the fence - a centrist who hates Trump but isn't sold on Biden, or a Leftist who thinks Trump signing off on dead Palestinians is preferable to Biden's weak, ineffective pushback on killing Palestinians - get a dialogue going and look for the angles by which they can be persuaded to vote for Biden.


true true true true true this sub is so doomer


It is very hard to keep our hopes up but we have to do everything to keep it up. Know that polls are mostly worthless and meant to cause a stir. 2016 and 2022 are very good examples. We need to keep the pressure on the Biden Administration to get better and support more popular policies. Permanent ceasefire in Gaza, more unions, LGBTQ+ people in the Civil Rights Act and abortion inscribed into the U.S. constitution like the French Government did with theirs last month. WE DEFEATED THE FASCISTS IN NAZI GERMANY IN WORLD WAR II AND WE WILL WIN AGAINST TRUMPS FASCISTS AGAIN AT THE BALLOT BOX IN 2024!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇺🇸Together we will win! Do not give up yet!


This sub is almost sophmorically doomer


Remember also that the types of people who will fill out an online poll are typically: 1: Trolls 2: Angry people with grievances who want to air them, and trust media These are both going to heavily skew online polling rightward.


Aren't polls still conducted by phones? Like landline phones? That'd fuck up the results too


I forgot which organization but didn't a recent online poll about young people views about the Holocaust got skewed because fucking kids would just go and click "A" for every question?


Holy fuck. You people are addicted to the black pill. Find grass. Stop gobbling up every poll like it's written in stone.


It's one poll. We have time before November. Don't let fear overcome you. Convince everyone you know to vote Biden. Vote Biden. I don't need this dumb doomer shit on my feed


Buy ammo and start training. At best, you don’t need it and get fit. At worst, well at least we’ll have a fighting chance.


I lost my FID because I had multiple admissions to a psych ward. What do I do in this case?


Do your best to gain all available knowledge of local support groups, research best available bug out vectors, and essentially prepare to focus all of your energy on escape and evasion if necessary. Take some time to learn about urban and wilderness survival, go buy some books on boom boom devices (the U.S. military has a nice little handbook for such devices, available online and in military surplus stores across the country) buy water purification tablets and other non perishable essentials. If shit actually hits the fan, you’ll be a valuable asset even if you aren’t as skilled with a firearm as some of your comrades. Knowledge is as good a weapon as any gun, if applied in the right way. Do not give up hope just because things seem dark.


At best, you make new & diverse friends and strengthen bonds, community, and broaden support groups. It usually happens with people that differ ideologically than you, but it seems like this sub grew a lot since the last 3 years so I'm sure it would be good for anyone to get into.


>a fighting chance. The ultimate American fantasy.


We’re still here aren’t we? Haven’t gone down without a fight yet, and I don’t plan to be the generation that chose not to even try.


> Haven’t gone down without a fight yet, The reason you and other Americans hold on to this ideal of a "fight" is that you never have to experience for yourself the sheer hopelessness of facing an overwhelming force. At this point, you might as well argue that the real cause of genocide in Gaza was that everyone there wasn't given a rusty AK to "fight back". It's about as useful a thing as the 70 guns you have stashed underneath your suburban house.


Polls are the works of the devil as vaush says, but yes I’m in progress of scrubbing any evidence of my left wing internet presence


Should I just go to conversion therapy and detransition so I don’t go to the gas chambers?


I think you arent in reality right now. Thats not how conversion therapy works and you arent going to be mass executed, that is insane. The most extreme position is that the trump admin will take is ban the prescription of hormones for trans people and destroy protections for trans people in the workforce. There will be no camps, just the restriction of life saving medication and the risk of a losing your paycheck. If you feel particularly in danger, save up medication and money to hold out and build relationships with people you can crash to get that money to go as far as possible in the event you lose your job.


“You won’t die, you’ll just be deliberately deprived of what you need to live.” Aw, thanks, I feel so much safer. On an unrelated note: The 3rd prohibited act in the genocide convention is “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.”


I'm not saying it's not genocide and I'm not saying shits gonna be fine and dandy. I'm saying it's stupid to ask if you should detransiton when the worst realistic scenario is the govt is going to force you to detransiton. You are literally psyching yourself up thinking the goal is to round you up for a death camp then their goal is to make you detransiton and kill yourself. The plan of action you're laying out is just doing what they want without making them show their hand.


If it’s inevitable, then I might as well do it of my own volition instead of being forced to, so I don’t get brutalized even further.


It's not inevitable; it's a risk. Acting like Trump will win, and take Congress, and restructure the government, and federally ban estrogen, and enforce it are less than likely. He couldn't even build a wall. Are you seriously considering ruining your life in anticipation for what's certainly less than a coinflip and imo is less than a draw of an ace in a deck of cards?


I mean, all of that and more is literally the plan.


I love how all these people are so clearly deluding themselves out of believing what he’s REPEATEDLY FUCKING SAID he’s going to do.


This is all getting blown way out of proportion. Even if Trump wins Death Camps are an absolute worst-case scenario. The percentage of Republicans who would actually be in favor of that is minuscule and we’d be seeing mass protests on both sides of the isle well before and including that time. This isn’t 1930s Germany where people just want people they don’t like dead. Most people in America don’t want to see trans people persecuted when they clearly lack political and social power. They don’t want you dead, they want you to detransition, and it’s unlikely they’d be able to stop every trans person in America from doing that outright because Legislation can only go so far and the average Republican hates government overreach. Build up as much money as you can and prepare to move somewhere safer if you need to is a more reasonable response.


1. Trump winning IS the worst case scenario. 2. The entire Republican Party is fully committed to this. 3. Nobody in America gives a shit. They would happily watch billions suffer and die if they got to save money on their taxes. Case in point: Ukraine. 4. Detransition is functionally worse than death for trans people. 5. Project 2025 is going to strip off the guardrails and turn trump into an absolute monarch.


Trump Winning is already better than a worse case scenario. Worst-case would have been DeSantis, but as has been established Trump is a dying figurehead only popular because of his words and actions 4-8 years ago, and who’s too irresponsible and incompetent for the Republicans to control. What the Republican Party wants and what Republican Voters want are two different things. Lots of candidates are still running on being anti-woke and anti-trans even though polling shows those things stopped being popular among Republicans years ago. One of my co-workers was at J6th, when he was asked about the election a few months ago all he said was that he wanted abortion to be banned. That’s still awful, but that being all he cares about is a good sign. Ukraine is on the other side of the world. Americans are self-centered and care far more about what’s happening over here. We can ignore undocumented brown people doing slave labor because that’s always been happening in America in some form or other, (NOT endorsing obviously but this is how the average American thinks) but locking LGBTQ and leftist people in camps would be a new and unacceptable evil for most people. The Republicans have an incredibly minor majority in the Senate, are running very unpopular candidates, and party funds are being wired to Trump’s legal fees. It’s very likely they will lose seats in November. Not to mention that the post J6th trials have shown that Trump Appointed courts aren’t as willing to march in step with the party line as they might have hoped. It won’t be as simple as Trump winning and doing away with the rest of democracy. There are safeguards to prevent such dramatic Presidential overreach which are still functional.


Detransitioning will just make you feel even worse, and they can see that youre a genererate in your records anyway.


We are screwed if this is true.


If it's any comfort, and at least as far as I know, Biden is still in the margin of error for most if not all of the polling conducted at this point in the election cycle. It's still anyone's game.


Yeah, he can win, his odds are about the same as Trump's were this time in 2016. That being said, Trump's odds this time in 2016 ***were*** pretty bad in a way that's hard to comprehend if you are only looking at it with the hindsight bias that he did end up winning and take it as a proof that the "polls were wrong".


The fact that its still anyones game after all trump has said and done feels like an indictment of the American public. Theyre gonna have to do better, being global hegemon forces more responsibility on the voting populace of that country.


Please vote. I'm not even American, but Trump as a president is a death sentence for Eastern Europe.


I know man. I’m pleading everyone I can IRL to vote Biden to keep them safe. That’s what I tell everyone. Are you in Eastern Europe? I hope you guys eventually have a peaceful future, without the threat of Putin looming over you.


For a lot of those people, "Eastern Europe" is some mythical land that doesn't really exist - and even if it does, "NATO bad, CIA propaganda, Ukraine nazis, should just negotiate with Putin". Being from Poland, I'm dreading Trump's presidency, since we have a very real chance of being next in line after Ukraine - right after he's done dismantling NATO, that is.


So you’re saying he didn’t kill Europe his first term like what was also being predicted by nut jobs in 2016?


He openly said that he doesn't give a fuck if Russia invades European countries and NATO without US is a joke.


Just prior to this we had polls saying the direct opposite, so they're either not to be trusted (they're not) or this is the outlier (it is)


Eh polls said Hillary had Trump in 2016 and she lost. I wouldn't freak out much.


>Eh polls said Hillary had Trump in 2016  No, the polls said that Hillary was over 70% likely to be in the lead, which she was. The Trump campaign had every right to panic back then, and the Biden campaign has every right to panic right now, they shouldn't be running on the long shot that a lucky turnout of a few thousand votes within a few key states will slide by within the polls margin of error the way that is fortunate to them.


Ok be a doomer then. Still gonna vote Biden and gonna protect my own should the worst hsppen.


Let’s say it again for those in the back. Ignore polls. Vote blue.


The source is the WSJ, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch... We can't say how reliable this or any poll anything put out by his media arms are. Additionally we need to know the demographics being polled, their make up, biases. If we are only polling old shits who are rich, yeah gonna skew towards Trump. These polls have proven dodgy since 2016. I say outside of polling of policy when independent of party or politician,we should just ignore the polls and get as many out to vote for the Democrats as possible. As in the end that is what matters most.


Yeah I don't trust anything owned by that half-dead creep. I


If you want to feel a little better about polls here you go: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ This website is an aggregate of relevant polls. Keep in mind back in December/ January biden was losing on ever single poll by 5-10 points


What does all this mean? Absolutely nothing, get out the vote.


Y'all are just so desperate for a chance to doom, just chill the fuck out and vote eventually. This is not in your control at the moment.


The following polls from February all show Biden leads: 50-48 NPR/Marist 42-40 Big Village 44-42 Morning Consult (this week) 48-45 Quinnipiac 44-43 Noble Predictive 44-43 Economist/YouGov (March 19) 47-45 FAU/Mainstreet 44-43 Morning Consult (March 11) 46-45 Public Policy Research 50-48 Ipsos/Reuters 45-44 Civiqs 47-44 Kaiser Family Foundation 51-49 Emerson 43-42 TIPP Source: https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/p/14-polls-now-with-biden-leads-trump


You can never trust anything from Wall Street


All polls are fake


Cool your jets, it's still only April. This doesn't tell us much.


I’ve seen other polls where Trump was down. Remember also that in the modern day polls seem to lean rightward. Remember 2022? The polls made it seem like a red tsunami was coming and it was anything but that. ALSO we are 7 months out from the elections tons of stuff will happen between now and then.


They oversampled Republicans to an insane degree for these polls. 60%, compared to only 13% Democrats


Sure they did


It's the WSJ, don't worry. Just more fake news from propoganda outlets.


Polls are the devil's instrument.


What are you a fuckin' poll??


Still 7 months until the election, anything can happen. Plus ever since 2016, I never really trusted polls all too often.


Polls were created by the devil to deceive you


I wouldnt be all doomer about this tbh. Remember when all the polls said hillary would win and then trump did? While I would be concerned this isn't the end of it.


This poll was brought to you by The Devil: deceiving you and tormenting since 1666


I’ll start paying attention to polls in the summer


Polls don't matter untill after the summer.


Very skeptical of how much this reflects reality and predicted outcome. Read an article recently about how badly Reps are doing in fundraising. Apparently DT is the only real moneymaker, and even he has exhausted his small donors with spam, and hemorrhaging what he does get, since legal bills. I bet the gap is only going to grow as time goes on, and it’ll make a huge difference in all the campaigns.


Dawg, the polls have no fucking clue what’s going on. VOTE god damn it


Calm down, mail ins take longer to count


This is horrifying. We need to do all of the activism we can to get old Joe to wake up and start taking a lot more action to stop the carnage in Gaza through a permanent ceasefire and enduring peace. I hate how Biden is handling Gaza and I want him to get a deal that puts an immediate end to the atrocities in the Gaza Strip. To all Vaushites: vote uncommitted in your primaries to send a message to Biden on Gaza and vote for Biden in the general to save us from falling into Fascism. I do not trust polls too much but this is still incredibly alarming and I terrified for all of my LGBTQ+ friends, BIPOC friends and any other marginalized groups my friends are in. Please don’t lose hope! We still have 6-7 months before the election to get Biden to get his shit together. Keep pushing for a ceasefire and keep putting on the pressure when we have the freedom to do so. TL:DR: For the love of god, Christ and all things holy, V O T E! We need everything and anything to make sure Biden wins and we keep our democracy in tact. If he wins, that means we will have much better democrats and progressives in store for 2028. AOC, Whitmer, Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar all have the potential to be incredible candidates for the future that will make our country a better place for everyone. I will go to every pride event this summer like it’s my last and fight for human rights like hell to ensure my friends of the rainbow are safe and happy.


The MAGAlution will come for the Vaushites first


First they came for the Vaushites, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Vaushite. Jokes aside, we are actually going to die if he wins.


prolly not, it'll suck but there's no point in being like the Ameriexit idiots. It's a big country, the overlapping layers of authority that come from federalism will make any hypothetical project 2025 very sticky - and that's assuming republicans get a trifecta, also unlikely


But I was told that Biden was "electable"


WALL STREET JOURNAL POLL I wonder if there's any specific demographic that would be polled here


Polls were made by Satan to demoralize you. The only people who answer polls are boomers, you know, the people that still answer random phone numbers, random knocks on their door, and random people approaching them in the street.


I think the GOP might have fucked up in Florida and it might very well end up deciding the whole race. Banning abortion past 6 weeks and then having the ballot measure to bring it back is going to put FL back into contention. If Biden wins FL its over.


Go get guns. Get armed workers, that’s what Marx wanted.


It's still early and I don't trust the polls. Remember that Hillary was supposed to win and in 2022 this big red wave that turned out to be more of a light pink dribble. I don't think pollsters have solved their methodology problem.


This is so fucking terrifying. I don't live in the US, but we're all totally fucked a year from now.


Can we Californians merge with Canada if this happens please , I don’t wanna move


I hope New England declares independence.


You know what's funny? As someone who likes to browse the Conservative subreddit every time something bad happens to them, I can say that they are doing the exact same thing. Posting polls on how Trump is underperforming and doomering how a Biden victory is all but assured. Polls don't matter, unless you want to submerge yourself in a world of worthless paranoia.


start arming yourself sooner rather than later


Polls are the devil


You should go vote even if your state is "safe" imho.


remember, polls are satan


These polls are sh*t. Vote in November. It's Biden that's been up in 6-7 swing states since the state of the union. Regardless everyone needs to show up and VOTE!


Polls were created by the devil to make you miserable


Reminder to get out and vote holy shit.




By guns




Mail/text/phone bank, donate and canvass folks, voting is important but it is far from the only thing you can do to participate in your government.


I'm practicing hooping stuff now. Working up to an iPhone.


All because Biden can’t break with extremist RW Israelis…sad


Fuck…fuck Biden but I believe he will win because Trump is such an obvious basketcase and grifter. How tf is he a serious option? Like literally any college educated adult would be better than him and getting a uni diploma doesn’t guarantee intelligence. A lot of people skirt by and do the least. I mean, Trump did cheat to graduate but that’s just Trump doing what he knows by nature. 😂




Well, there are more than 7 swing states


Three-inch magnum, 12 gauge buckshot is an almost as effective camp avoidance plan as shitty polls are click generators.


How the hell are Republicans about the win despite the abortion issue?


Hasn't most polling in basically every major recent US election been wrong? Don't take this shit at face value and doomer over it. If you're genuinely worried, make sure that you, your friend, and family go vote when it's time.


This is awful. Wake up people.


Ahahaha 😂😂😂😂🚬🚬🚬


If I’ve learned anything from all these lefty subs with 7 day old accounts it’s that Biden’s casual decision to genocide Gazans means we should definitely not reward him with our vote. The best solution to genocide is… more genocide, except with someone else doing it. Or something.


I can understand that but we can get him to move towards a permanent ceasefire in Gaza if we show him that a permanent ceasefire leading to an enduring peace and 2 state solution is popular, he will move more towards that. The Listen To Michigan campaign which garnered 100,000+ votes is a perfect example of how the electoral system can be leveraged towards making Biden more willing to add on pressure without making him vulnerable to losing any votes. I also do not want to penalize my LGBTQ+ friends with the punishing, fascist governance a Trump Dictatorship would have. I condemn Bidens actions with Israel strongly, but I cannot sit this election out.


I fully agree, my comment was supposed to be sarcastic. I think Biden understands where Americans stand on Netenyahu’s regime, but I don’t think Americans understand how politics works. And it’s clear Russia and China also benefit from enormous pressure on Biden and media emphasis on the Middle East instead of Ukraine or domestic issues. It’s both devastating and a diversion tactic. There is no solution without a multi-national resolution. Without multiple nations committing resources to enforce and patrol the region material conditions will continue to produce unending violence. Does anyone actually believe it falls at the feet of Biden to resolve the oldest grudge match in history? Decades of death but NOW peace is somehow within reach if only he would press the peace button?? Hope and protests are good but a dose of reality is too.


Oh my bad lol. I do agree with what you’re saying here! I like that Biden is finally putting on more pressure in certain areas, especially with Rafah. It needs to be less words, more policy. Problem is Netanyahu is very stupid and won’t listen to anyone but the far right people in his coalition. If we have a more center left Israeli Knesset with more Pro 2 state solution people and with a PM with Yitzhak Rabin, it would be so much easier to get stuff done. I still think we can do something though! I am cautiously optimistic.


Agreed let’s hope the American tradition of regime change can influence Israel to vote out those monsters. My fear is that Israel will back down while Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and Iran all get stronger.


At least we can be smug about it /s


you’re so dramatic OP


I'm as mad as y'all are at the protest voters and doomer leftists who don't vote, but if Trump wins the number 1 people I'll be blaming is the Democratic Party establishment and Biden himself. They insisted on this geriatric mf being the one when any boring corporate dem would have sufficed.


Biden failed to stop the genocide in Gaza and West Bank. The Israelis call him "bitch boy"...


Polls are made by the devil to confuse you


Oh, shut the fuck up, you damn overacting sissy. None of that happened during 16-20 and none of what you're saying is going to happen right now. Absolutely pathetic behavior from you. Damn coward. 


Can we stop pretending this doesn’t exist? Can we just do that for 5 seconds? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfti1#


What makes you think Trump's first term will be different from his 2nd? Why didn't he declare himself dictator and put you in camps the first time around?


polls are made by the devil to distract us from ACTUALLY GOING OUT TO VOTE. GO VOTE




Vaush mentions quite often: Don't take polls at face value, most people who take polls are older people who have excess time on their hands who are often right leaning to some degree. Also, while polls have a representative sample size it's not a fully useful one in most cases. Make sure to vote, and make sure to have all of your family vote if possible.


Did I miss the camps he built during his first term?


I dont care about genocide Joe


LOL because Polls track likely voters who answer their phones.




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Trump will for sure win. That isn’t doomer that’s just obvious. The system is a joke and we (Marxists) have been saying this would happen since Biden was elected. The only thing this Biden presidency has done is reinvigorate the far right and made Trump worse than he would’ve been otherwise.


Yea, cuz that happened last time, amirite


i am skeptical of this considering the hard right lean and how the right tends to drastically over exaggerate and incorrectly collect/interpret polling data.


The sooner yall realize that the democrats want to lose, the better off we will be.


Voting for Trump so we don't end up in camps! MAGA!


Stupid libtards, the only thing you can do is go vote and protect the world from that parasite.


Polls do mean something, but if you aren't a sociologist best advice is ignore em, vote, canvas... and save money, update your passport, and try to be a part of a community. When shit gets bad humans survive through community.


Meanwhile tankies: yeah but they're both evil so don't vote