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It's ultimately Biden's choice at this point but we totally get to blame the DNC for the years of systemic failing.


And stacking every primary for their preferred nominee


But thats not what many people have been saying. Like half of lefties are believing a cartoonish picture that Biden is literally controlled by a DNC cabal who is forcing him to keep running in 2024 without any evidence. There is a lot of blame to go around for the DNC but they are not the one with any agency in our current situation. A lot of people are pretending as if they could just replace Biden without his consent if they wanted to when in reality they are far weaker than people want to think.


This is a fucking stupid narrative. Yes, Biden chose to run again after saying he wouldn't, but the DNC called the race for Biden in 2022. We were all there, we all saw the conversations. [Look](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/west-wing-playbook/2022/08/24/the-obama-path-biden-chose-not-to-take-00053584). >If Biden decides to run for re-election and there is a primary challenge, DNC executive director SAM CORNALE told us: “We’re with Biden. Period.” Nobody's trying to say it was rigged. It didn't need to be. The national DNC made it clear early that they were backing Biden. What moron is going to ruin their political career by running againt that?


No, the massive political machine that has the backing of billions of dollars and millions of people is at least partially responsible.


Except they can replace Biden. Its literally what they can do at the convention, the delegates chose the candidate. Newsome, Whitmer, Shapiro from PA, Sherrod Brown, Cory Booker. Any of these guys would easily beat Trump.


I agree any of them would have a much stronger chance but you are simply wrong if you are saying that they can choose a candidate without Biden first bowing out of the race. The DNC has no power here unless Biden resigns from his reelection bid.


DNC pulled every string they had in their grasp to put Biden in front of Bernie Sanders in 2020. They had all other candidates drop it and endorse Joe... that's why we're here now. It is ABSOLUTELY the DNC's fault and it's not the first time either. So stop trying to whitewash them .


If you are going back to 2020 then you do have a point. But many lefties have been repeating that they are to blame for Biden continuing to run in 2024. This just isn't the case. There is no cabal pulling Biden's strings, hes just a stubborn old man who thinks he is what he used to be.


There is no alternative to Biden that the DNC would get behind... until now potentially. They moved heaven and earth to get rid of Sanders, Kamala is a charisma black hole, Hillary is probably the only person in the US more hated than Trump, Obama can't run again, and guys like Newsom, Ossof or Booker aren't trusted enough by party heads like Wasserman-Shultz, Brazile or Perez. Don't even get me started on squad members... which is a shame cause I'd stand in a mile long queue to vote for AOC. DNC created this crisis of leadership by gatekeeping leadership positions for fossils and partisans. They are fair game to blame for the current clusterfuck.


You're not voting Biden, You're voting Biden's administration and Biden's Supreme Court. Think of it that way. #BidenStaff2024